• Published 2nd Jan 2018
  • 31,211 Views, 23,986 Comments

The Maretian - Kris Overstreet

Mark Watney is stranded- the only human on Mars. But he's not alone- five astronauts from a magical kingdom are shipwrecked with him.

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Sol 276


Hay harvest today at the cave. More than last time, but quite a long way short of previous cuttings. We just finished weighing the harvest, and it comes up to 372 kilograms. That, with only a little more supplementing with potatoes is enough alfalfa when added to the reserves on hand to get us to Schiaparelli and to launch day.

Of course we’re not going to ignore the plants after this. Fresh food (even if we’re all damn well sick and tired of the taste of potatoes and alfalfa) is always better than old. And plant life helps charge the pony magic batteries. So we’ll keep growing, and keep harvesting, until the cave and Hab farms play out or until it’s time to leave. But from now on it’s surplus. From now on we have enough food to last until we leave this rock, plus seven days in space. After that… well, if we can’t figure out a way to meet up with Hermes in seven whole days, there’s no point.

Aside from harvest activities, which took about an hour and a half- we’ve got really good at putting hay in sample bins- it’s been an ordinary day. To give you some idea of what the routine is right now, with our strictly limited EVAs, here’s the daily schedule, more or less.

0600, or local dawn – Wake up, clean up as well as we can without soap, eat breakfast (in my case, five potatoes).

0800 – Hab internal routine. The ponies water the Hab potato plants using their suits, while I do maintenance on one machine or another. Meanwhile we keep an eye on the Pathfinder chat in case NASA has something urgent to tell us, like the location of Earth and Mars in relation to one another or the many uses of hematite.

0900 – Prepare for EVA to cave farm.

1000 – Arrive at cave farm, hug Dragonfly’s cocoon, turn on the Pastel Machine for a few minutes so Dragonfly gets her daily allowance of rainbows and lollipops, do farmy things. End with a chapter from Lord of the Rings, read aloud in turns as English practice.

1200 – Leave cave, return to Hab. Others go inside first; since I have more durable suits and spares if necessary, I stay out a bit longer to sweep off the solar farm and do the other little chores that need doing outside.

1300 – Lunch. Four potatoes for me plus some alfalfa tea. (Though Cherry recently picked some leaves off the cherry saplings and tried making cherry tea; it’s surprisingly good, especially compared to the taste of boiled hay.)

1430 – Book work time. Starlight works the others over on their English for an hour, while I work on reports to be eventually sent to NASA on things like the farm, geology experiments, etc.

1530 – TV time. Shitty sitcoms and laughable action from the 1970s.

1800 – Dinner. For me, five more potatoes, whether I want them or not. (Hint: I don’t. All seasonings and condiments are exhausted now except magically harvested salt.)

1900 – D&D time. Starlight is working on her own campaign so she can take over as DM, but in the meantime I’m allowing Slash Magnus, Pickflower, Daub Cake and Schmaug to finish their campaign. Tonight’s probably the final session of that, since yesterday they faced the lich king. All thoughts of parley, feelings, negotiation went right out the window when Lichy disenchanted the gazebo, killing it dead instantly. After that it was a no holds barred curb stomp. Ponies are scary as all fuck when they’re mad, doubly so when the dice are all going their way. The battle ended with a dwarven hammer applied directly to the phylactery along with the warcry, “THIS ONE’S FOR MISTER DARCY!”

(Don’t ask me how the gazebo got named Mister Darcy. I haven’t got a clue, and I was there when it happened.)

Between 2300 and 2438/0000 – Bed.

That’s our routine, or our rut, depending. Hopefully we get to break it soon. D-day for the second attempt to get Dragonfly out of the cocoon is officially Sol 284- eight sols from now.

Let’s hope it works. I got the Rover 1 radio shack conversion finished two sols ago, but I can’t go any farther on the Whinnybago without help from Starlight and/or the bug. And although we still have plenty of time- we’re scheduled to roll out on Sol 451, which is still half an Earth year off- we don’t have as much time as we used to.

And time has never been our friend on Mars.

Author's Note:

Recovering nicely from my busy time. Tomorrow is writing time- going to push for two chapters plus script work on Peter is the Wolf.

It's almost time to set filler aside and get back to plot.

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