• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Friday


Just someone that likes ponies.


An Equestria at War mod (Hoi IV) story.

Following its creation during the Great War, the continent of Griffonia has viewed the Solar Empire with suspicion, as the lands of what was once Equestria closed themselves to the rest of the world. These cold relations grew after the direct annexation of the Changeling Lands and the start of the Northern War against Nova Griffonia.

The Griffonian Empire, the sole power that could rival the Solar Empire in terms of strength, has been aiding its former colony in its war against Daybreaker, but with each day that passes the Northern Alliance between Nova Griffonia and Vedina looks more likely to capitulate. The Griffons are fearful of the Solar Empire gaining territory in the Griffonian continent, while the Solarists increase their paranoia of the Griffonian Empire directly intervening in the conflict. As tensions grow, the fate of the world hangs on a thread.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 18 )

Thank you for the add. Hope you'll like it in the morning!

Good read! I'll keep my eye on this.

Looking very good so far. I'm interested in seeing where this will go.

Hopefully Eryr can at least remain a courier if and when the war comes.

I am curious about the rest of the world. Did the Empire conquer the River Federation? New Mareland? Are the Dread League still biding their time?

He flied the rest of the way home, feeling the wind all around him.


Thanks for finding the mistake, and yeah, I share your sentiments about Eryr.

In general terms, the following happened: The Empire puppeted the Riverlands after Leeward declared war on them; New Mareland went Patriation and the Arcturians won over the Dread League.

May all the gods (Old, New, Slightly Used, etc.) watch over you in the days to come, Eryr. You're gonna need all the help you can get.

"An Equestria at War mod (Hoi IV) story"

HOI IV?????? what does that stand for?

Hearts of Iron Four, a game by Paradox Interactive

Its pretty fun, if you ask me!

so this is a crossover...do we need to know the game to read the story?

Well the mod has a ton of lore so sort of yeah.

But there is a wiki that gives you a run down of everything more or less.

Here: https://equestria-at-war.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline_of_World_History

If you want an idea of what it is. Chrysalis decides to try and conquer Equestria again. But instead of subterfuge goes for a flat out military invasion. Tanks, aircraft and so on. Equestria itself starts off with crippling maluses despite having a larger industry to begin with. But as the war drags on they can shake them off and start out producing the Changelings. But if certain options are picked Celestia gets more and more stressed till she snaps and Changes into Daybreaker. Turning Equestria into a Theocratic Facist Regime.

This timeline is effectively the worst timeline for the world at large, despite the Griffionian Empire being strong, it’s going to be fighting a losing war against a fanatical well equipped Solar Empire. Ruled by a God-Empress that can burn cities to the ground. And she has done that in the past.


The basic (general) premise of the mod is exactly what voidlord says, though of course there are other regions in the mod which are not connected to the Great War - which is what the Equestria v. Changelings conflict is called.

By the way, thanks for the favorite!

so yet again...the girffons lose...why does everyone want them to lose all the time...*sad birb are is sad*

Things are heating up now

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