• Member Since 31st Aug, 2015
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Arcanum -Phantasy

Greetings, I do fanfiction reviews on my YouTube channel. Here's the link. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNK9gN2LzWpCek5pPHcV24w Check it out if you want.


A wicked curse has fallen upon the students of Canterlot High. Born from the rage of false accusations, can Rarity lead the charge to set things right? Can the power awakened inside her help? Only one way to find out. PERSONA!

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 79 )

Well this came flying out of nowhere. I've no inkling of what "Persona" is, but pairing Sunset with the greek fury of wrath is sure to go to all kinds of interesting places. No Acceptance this time, just the implacable vengeance of the revenant.

Video Game, rpg style game. But persona are like spirits that have great power and can bond with certain people, depending on what they can do, can be great healers and bringers of Justice to nightmares you never want to have.

think of a Persona like a guardian or summon spirit with a bunch of different abilities.



I see. This is one of those anime things, isn't it? At first impression it kind of reminds me of, oh what was it called, Fate? Y'know, that one show from a while ago, summat about a war and the Holy Grail. Never watched much of it, that thing was dry even by my standards.

Persona's a bit different from Fate. Each of the games have a heavy focus on symbolism as well as dualistic themes. Persona 3's theme was life an death. Persona 4's theme was truth and lies. Persona 5's theme was freedom and slavery as well as having each of the bosses represent the Seven Deadly Sins. They are a lot of fun to play and are anything but stale. If you haven't played them then I highly recommend you give them a try.

Equestria Girls x Persona

Lets gooooo

Story title is mispelled. It's "Anon-a-Miss" not "Annon-a-Miss". About to start reading, but if that mistake carried over into the story...


Aw, crud. That ain't good for the city.


To add on Arcanum comment, each Persona game is its own story so you don’t have to play Persona 4 to understand Persona 5. If your interested, P5 is getting a re-work called P5 Royal. Basically it’s a quality of life update + added story and content to the game so if you want you could go with that when it comes out. Anyways don’t want to overload you with info so feel free to look into it yourself.

Sorry about that. People keep giving me opposing spellings. :facehoof:

Right. One of the main reasons why they aren't linked is that I remember that each of the 3 latest games in the franchise had a different method for summoning personas. In 3, S.E.E.S had to shoot themselves with a special type of gun called an Evoker to summon them. In 4, the Investigation Team had to use special tarot cards called Arcana to summon them and In 5, the Phantom Thieves had superhero-like personas with masks on their faces and they rip them off to summon them. But one similar thing the three games have is that while the other characters of the three different groups are limited to one persona, the protagonist; the main character you play as, is a wild card and can access multiple personas.

"Excellent!" the voice cheered. "Then let's form our pact. I am thou. Thou art I. A raging flame that scours the soul. A Goddess of Vengeance that cleaves all who stands against the scales of justice. Shout out my name, and let us lead the souls of the guilty to their ultimate punishment!"

Beware of the Firestorm.

It's time to play "Guess the Arcana"! I'm thinking either Fool, Justice, or Judgement.

Good tease, I'm looking forward to more.

True, but I'm still going to play in order to ascend in gameplay complexity.

I.e. 1 is simplest, then 2, 3 portable, 4 golden, 5 royal.

That's assuming 3.

DUDE! Please continue this! Its such a unique take on what happens due to Anon-a-Miss that I simply MUST know what happens next!

it is quite sad than you never updated it again.

will it be updated again ?

I might. I have had a lot of other projects take off when I started this. If I ever do come back to this, the updates would be sporadic at best.

Well it's sad.

Since you seem to not be caring much about this story, i think it should be put on hiatus or as a dead one officially.

Huh, now it's gone all "Bloodborne-ey".

As Rarity laid, back bleeding across the snow covered ground, a woman stepped around the corner into scene. Her skin was a vibrant shade of tangerine while her hair was fiery blend of red and yellow styled into a loose ponytail. She wore a jet back cocktail dress that hugged all of her lithe features like an anaconda with a slit cut into the skirt's left side came up to her hip. The woman took in the sight with some interest, her teal eyes soaking the scene in like a sponge as she took hits off of a cigarette from an ivory holder. When she noticed the key in the young girl's hand, a hint of excitement filled her eyes.

Ah, there you are Sunset, love what you've done with the place. Very gothic, the mirrored nightmare aesthetic isn't one you see very often, and the blood moon is a beautiful touch. I'm quite looking forward to this jaunt, should be quite the merry diversion.

What does the cover art have to do with the story?

The tower in the middle of the world

So uh...take it Rarity is our Trickster then? ...and I dread Fluttershy's doomed. ._.

Too bad Rarity hasn't put the pieces together yet.

"Finally awake, eh?"

"You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush same as us..."

Whereas I… have much of the antagonist symbolism figured out.

This isn’t a random god or other diddling about with whatever theme. Of course it isn’t.

This is a god of Justice, conducting a thorough inquisitorial sweep of Canterlot High at Sunset’s behest. One shudders to think what fate awaits the truly guilty in the Abyss…

Ma’at and Themis seem to be likely candidates for the High Judge, if it’s not Sunset herself.

Idk whats happening but I'm liking it

Sighs.... I'm sorry but I don't see a happy ending in this fic.
More of a bitter sweet ending.

When Rarity discovers the truth, she going to hate herself so much, maybe more then the CMC and or her sister.
Sunset after all that............. I want them to get back together I really do, but the damage.....

Plus since Sweetie Bell is one of the true guilty party members behind Anon A Miss.
How can she stand to be near Rarity knowing her little sister was one of the ones who destroyed her life.

It would be years before Sunset would even think of being friends with any of them and getting back together....HAAA!

I'm really loving this story
Recently got into persona so its making me gitty
But sadly I doubt sunset will forgive her friends. Like at the very least they would be fellow students and forget about rarity and sunset patching things up.
Assuming sunset can be saved to begin with.

Yup definitely got some Bloodborne vibes going on here. Fortunately for the sake of her sanity, Rarity didn't cotton on to where Fluttershy was getting meat for the stewpot from...

Same. I really do want them tog et back together, but the problem is Sweetie Bell is one of the ones who help ruin things.

I for sure can see Sunset resenting the apple Clan not only what bloom did, but how Apple Jack stated they were family and up and stabs her in the back so easily.

I sot of like it but felt it was too rushed. Bim Bam Boom Fluttershy is saved, and everything hunky Dory.
There was no build up, sounds almost...Mary Sue like. SHUDDERS!!!

The next chapter should fix that. Also, Viper did say that Jurors were pretty weak.

I know talking about how Fluttershy was returned to normal.
I figured Rarity was going to have to fight Fluttershy.

Also.... I'll say it I want Rarity and Sunset back together.
It will not be easy!
Rarity has a lot to make up for and take lot of time and effort, and work.
But i root for Rarity to somehow do it.

Is Fluttershy fixed? Or is it only a temporary fix? :trixieshiftright: I guess you'll have to wait until the next chapter to find out. :pinkiecrazy:

I'd understand if Sunset "forgave" Rarity even if just for her own sake. However, for Sunset to get back together with her after what Rarity said would be...
ill-advised to say the least.

What...exactly happened to Fluttershy? Like...

Humming in the dim lighting of the room, chopping away at something on the counter with her back to her, was a young teen girl with long ratty pink hair. She wore a pink pair of pajamas covered with little white bunnies, her top covered with long claw-like gashes all across the back, the openings revealing red marks across butter-yellow skin.

The sight brought a relieved smile to Rarity's face as she eased the door a little further open. A smile that dropped a second later when a creak fro the door alerted her friend to her presence. Fluttershy quickly turned around, her teal eyes wide and void of emotion as she reeled her arm back, ready to throw a thick meat cleaver at her.

...a cleaver she named Angel - oh God, what happened to the bunny? - and a cleaver she was wielding with surprising amounts of efficiency and brutality. And then...

As she raged against the thinning wave of Shadows, Fluttershy watched her friend with empty eyes.

Slowly, that started to change.

Little by little, as if rising from the flames in her friend's heart, life started to trickle into Fluttershy's eyes. At the same time, something inside her started to shift. A spark, faint yet true, reached out from the darkness grasping her heart. Angel's blood-soaked handle slid from her hand, the cold from the ice filling the room sending a chill down her bare back. Screams of rage started to reach her, the voice tied to it filling her with a hope she thought died the day she woke up in The Abyss.

"Yes my mistress. Please come back," a soft female voice whispered, a faint hiss echoing at its end. "Your heart is far to strong to die. Please come back. Don't let the shadows take you."

A silence that was mildly disturbed by a faint series of sniffles.

That was the only warning she got before a pair of yellow arms tightly wrapped around her from the front. Her eyes flew open, shock shining in them as a mass of pink hair blocked her view. Seconds later, she felt tears soaking into her shoulder, choking sobs cutting into her heart as she wrapped her arms around the trembling girl.

"Make it stop." Fluttershy stammered. "Please make it stop. I want to go home. I want to go home!"

"I know, darling," Rarity cooed, ignoring the black blood soaking into her blouse as she softly stroked her friend's hair. "I do too."

The two stayed like that, tears shed from both of them dampening the snow below them.

"I...I don't want to disappear again," Fluttershy gasped.

"I won't let you, dear," Rarity frowned, holding her friend tighter. "As soon as the moon rises, I'll take you to the hotel and you'll never have to disappear again."

"P-Promise?" she whimpered.

"I promise," she nodded, pulling back just enough to meet her friend's eyes.

Her friend's vibrant teal eyes, glowing with life and pain.

"Now, let's get some sleep," she smiled, wiping away her friend's tears. "We'll need all the rest we can get if we plan to get back to the hotel tomorrow."

Fluttershy nodded, then sheepishly asked, "Can I...sleep with you?"

A small blush colored Rarity's cheeks at that, before she cleared her throat and with a light chuckle said, "Of course, darling."

"Thank you," she sniffled. "I...don't think I would be able to fall asleep otherwise."

"Think nothing of it dear," Rarity smiled. "I'm just glad to have you back."

"Me too, Rarity," she nodded, a small smile gracing her lips. "Me too."

Just...what did this amalgamation of Canterlot and Yharnam do to the poor child?

Rarity - Awakened.
Fluttershy - Awakened.
Rainbow Dash - Trapped in Darkness.
Applejack - Trapped in Darkness.
Pinkie Pie - Trapped in Darkness.
Sunset - Trapped in Rage.

All in all, good chapter.

I am somehow not surprised at her Persona considering her own stare...nor that she's the healer.

I like this! The Awakenings are always the best part!
Please update soon!

Great to see more of this!

I figured eating those things couldn't possibly be good for them. I mean I get why they did but still...
Can't wait to see the next rescue/rescuee.

She knew that there was a reason that someone like Fluttershy was here. She knew that justice needed to be met. She knew just what kind of form justice tended to take in The Abyss.

Did you need to drag her into this too, Sunset? Are you really that far gone?

Sounds to me like Viper Lily already knows the answer to her own question.

O, the song of the fallen sun...

And so, the waltz of diamonds...

If you can't tell, I'm going to be esoteric here. For fun. Plus, Persona story.

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