• Published 14th Jan 2023
  • 752 Views, 81 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Ultimate Showdown - Masterob

The final battle, a multiversal showdown with Spider-Man and Twilight Sparkle caught in the center.

  • ...

Multi-Dimensional Battles

The world containing Equestria was currently among many world facing perilous dangers. Twilight, fused with the Plunderseeds had begun her reign of destruction on the town she called home.

"Oh come on! Not this again!" Peter lamented. "We haven't even fixed all of the damage last time!"

"Yeah, and now that she's mad, she's gonna make it much worse," Adagio taunted. "But me, Martin and the girls will leave you to it."

"I'm not just gonna let you get away!" Peter was about to pursue them when a vine landed in front of him, causing the hero to leap back. "Whoa!"

"Peter, this power is amazing, come join me," Twilight said, lowering down to face her husband. "After all, a married couple like us should be together through it all."

"Twi...I do want to be with you, just not like this," Peter said. "What's going on in your head anyway!?"

"Nothing dear, I've never felt better," Twilight said, gently caressing his face.

"I feel oddly intrigued, ugh, gotta snap out of it!" Peter thought to himself.

"Twilight!" Johnny called, much to her annoyance.

"You!" Twilight sent her vines to attack, Johnny creating a wall of fire to block. "I have had it with you and your irritating personality!"

"Wow, you haven't been that mean to me in years," Johnny said, then dodged some more vines. "This is getting weird."

"Our work here is done," Martin said, as he and the girls were turning to leave. "We'll be back later though, just to see how everything turns out."

"Hold it right there!" Rumble shouted, flying toward the villains. "Martin Li! I haven't forgotten what you did! Prepare to-"

"Hi Rumble!" Cozy Glow said, flying in front of him and taking the colt by surprise.

"Cozy Glow? It's been so long since I've seen you," Rumble said.

"You can thank Princess Luna for that," Cozy Glow said. "It's fine, me and my new friends are going to destroy her and completely reshape Equestria."

"That's a bad idea!" Rumble said. "Cozy Glow, come back to us! I promise that-"

Sonata was quick to blast him with her sonic voice, "You're not taking Cozy Glow away to be brainwashed! She's with us where she can be herself! And happy!"

"Think I'm gonna let that happen?" Rumble asked. "You're not going to keep her happy, you're just going to keep her confused so you can have her all to yourself you vile villains!"

"Psh, vile villains? "Adagio asked. "Kid, how old are you?"

"Old enough to understand your evil motivations," Rumble said. "Peter, you snap Twilight out of whatever's bugging her, I'll handle these nefarious villains!"

"Rumble, I appreciate that you want to help, but this isn't a game," Peter said. "You could get really hurt if you try fighting those guys."

"The only thing that will hurt, are my hooves, from how much I'm going to punch those villainous faces!" Rumble said, slamming his hooves together.

"...Rumble, why are you talking like that?" Peter asked.

"I'm doing cool hero talk, like you do," Rumble said. "You say lines like these and it works."

"It does sound like something you would say, Spider-Man," Martin said.

"You stay out of this!" Peter shouted. "Also, I do not make lame remarks like that."

"Lame? Wow, that kind of hurt, Peter," Rumble said.

"Yo! Are you two just gonna stand there all day!?" Rainbow Dash called as she tried to distract Twilight.

"Aw crap, gotta handle Twi," Peter said. "But...how do I handle this situation? I can't fight my wife!"

"Sounds like you're in a tough situation, Spider-Man," Adagio said. "Guess there are things even you can't do."

"Hey, he may not be able to bring himself to hurt his wife," Rumble stepped forward. "But I don't think you're quite safe from him! Or me!"

"Please kid, we're way out of your league," Adagio taunted.

"Wanna bet!?" Rumble extended his wings.

"Rumble, wait!" Peter called. Unfortunately Rumble wasted no time in attacking Adagio, but Martin was quick to stand in front and whack the boy in the face with the hilt of his naginata.

"That was quite foolish," Martin taunted.

"Rumble!" Peter went to go help but some vines blocked his path.

"Where do you think you're going, dear!?" a sinister Twilight taunted, freaking out the spider.

"Twi! Snap out of it! This isn't like you!" Peter urged, keeping his defense up. "I gotta subdue Twilight without hurting her."

"Twi!" Rainbow Dash grabbed her friend, trying to physically stop her. "Snap out of it!"

"Unhand me, peasant!" Twilight whacked Rainbow Dash away and blasted her through some houses.

"Hey! That's my wife!" Johnny called, then took a blast himself.

"Ha, this is actually fun to watch," Adagio said, then turned to her friends. "Wanna stick around a bit? The others can wait."

"I do not think that would be wise," Martin said. "We did what we needed to do."

"But we can feed off of the negativity," Adagio said. "It will power us and yourself, do you really want to pass that up?"

"It would be nice seeing our most hated enemies beat each other up," Cozy Glow said.

"Hm...I suppose you're right," Martin said. "Perhaps we can stay a little."

"No, stay longer!" Rumble said, getting ready for more. "Because I am about to kick the crap out of all of you!"

"Not you again," Aria said.

"You're about to get Rumble'd!" the boy boastfully declared, earning a deadpanned glare from his opponents.

"You really need to get the shit kicked out of you," Adagio said.

Meanwhile Twilight was sending out more vines and magic across the homes in Ponyville, undoing a lot of repairs and causing even more damage.

"Anyone else wish to test their power against me?" Twilight asked, then noticed a line-up on the ground of her friends and their husbands. "Plenty I see."

"Twilight, listen, we really don't want to fight you," Logan said.

"Oh what's this? The viscous Wolverine is backing down from a fight? How sad," Twilight said. "Fluttershy really stripped you of your warrior spirit, hasn't she?"

"That's a terrible thing to say, Twilight," Fluttershy said. "Logan doesn't want to fight you because he loves you. We all do. You're our friend after all."

"I'm your friend huh? Funny how you only seem to acknowledge our friendship at your own benefit," Twilight said. "None of you were too eager to help me fight for my school after all. And that's far from the only time you've doubted me, between telling me how to raise my daughter, how to treat my students, even going so far as to thinking you knew my foalsitter better than I did!"

"Uh...is she holding a grudge for something that was a super long time ago?" Pinkie asked.

"She seems to be holding more grudges than that," Applejack said.

"It's not really her, it's this...weird vine thing," Logan said. "We gotta free her."

"Shouldn't be too hard," Wade said, facing the direction of Martin, Cozy and the Dazzlings. "Just take out the source of the problem."

A vine slammed down nearby, scattering the heroes yet again.

"Gonna have to do a bit of weeding first," Logan said, unsheathing his claws. "Might be a while before we get to the root of the problem."

"Ha, corny," Wade said, readying his swords. "Chimichanga!"

As the heroes dealt with Twilight and her vines, another pony was taking matters into his own hooves.

"Hiya!" Rumble flew in to attack again, but Adagio side stepped as Sonata rammed into his side, allowing Aria to hit a sonic scream that temporarily made Rumble deaf.

"Is that the best you girls can do!?" Rumble shouted. "I'm just warming-"

Martin Li whacked him from behind, knocking him to the floor. "That's quite enough out of you."

"Rumble!" Silverstream flew in with her team. "Everyone, after Mr. Negative!"

"Hold it!" Cozy Glow shouted, standing in front of the villains. "I'm not letting you by!"

"Cozy Glow?" Silverstream asked, her presence also surprising both Ocellus and Smolder.

"The one and only, bet you didn't expect to see me again, did you?" Cozy Glow asked.

"Honestly, I kind of hoped we could one day," Silverstream said. "We were friends after all, weren't we?"

"Me!? Friends with you!?" Cozy Glow asked. "I wanted to be your friend, but you never gave me a chance."

"I did though," Ocellus said, stepping forward. "You remember me, don't you?"

"Of course, I haven't been gone that long you know," Cozy Glow said. "You're Ocellus, one of the only real friends that I had in Ponyville."

"That's right, we're friends," Ocellus said.

"Yeah, we were friends...until you betrayed me!" Cozy Glow shouted.

"Betrayed?" Ocellus asked. "Betrayed how?"

"I know what you did," Cozy Glow said. "I was at the Gala, and I saw you with your date."

Ocellus began feeling awkward, recalling a very vital fact about Cozy Glow, "Right...you have feelings for Sandbar."

"Yes, the same stallion I caught you kissing!" Cozy Glow shouted. "How DARE you betray me like that!"

"That wasn't my intention," Ocellus insisted.

"Not your intention!?" Cozy Glow shouted, angrily stepping forward. "You knew I liked Sandy, and the moment I'm gone, you move in on him!? I bet you were happy when they threw me in Tartarus!"

"I didn't even know you went to Tartarus, that's such a horrible thing to happen to a girl your age," Ocellus said.

"Oh spare me! You just wanted Sandy to yourself," Cozy Glow said. "I bet you always planned to get rid of me, didn't you!? Such a sneaky thing you are, as I would expect from a Changeling!"

"Cozy Glow!" Silverstream scolded. "That was uncalled for!"

"Sure, take her side, you've never liked me much," Cozy Glow said. "I bet you're just like your aunt, so mistrusting of everyone and everything."

"Cozy Glow," Rumble said, getting her attention. "You remember me, don't you?"

"Of course, I remember you being nice to me too," Cozy Glow said. "Or, was that also you being a fraud? Were you nice to me because you wanted to be? Or because you just wanted to turn me against my friends? Because if that's so, then congrats. I now hate my friends."

"I will admit, I thought about taking you from them just to piss them off, and that's a terrible mindset to have," Rumble said. "But I really do feel empathy toward you, Cozy Glow. We're two orphans who just wanted to be noticed by those we admire. I was desperate to keep Twilight's attention when she and Peter seemingly favored Sandbar and his friends. And you just want attention period, that's why you did what you did last year. If you do want a friend, I can be that pony for you. Peter, he wants to help you, so does Sunset Shimmer. Please, let us."

Cozy Glow looked genuinely confused for a moment, quickly thinking over her options. Though as she turned to some of the fighting behind her, other thoughts clouded her mind, ones of negativity as her face twisted into a scowl, "Sorry, but I'm not giving up on my plans."

"You heard the girl," Adagio said. "Now, why don't you kids just run along now? This is no place for runts like you."

"Cozy Glow is coming back with us, one way or another," Ocellus said, focused on Adagio. "If we have to get through you for that to happen, then so be it!"

Smolder stepped forward, cracking her knuckles, "I'm all for a little showdown. I'd like some revenge on Mr. Negative for all the lousy things he's done."

"Right behind you," Sweetie Belle said, her symbiote suit growing to cover more of her body. "Alright bad guys, prepare yourselves. Because Serum is about to give you an antidote for evil!"

"...Wow," Scootaloo said.

"Amazing huh? I thought of it myself," Sweetie Bele said.

"I can tell," Scootaloo replied.

"Wait a minute..." Adagio noted. "Is that the symbiote? The one that Eddie Brock guy had?"

"Oh yeah, when you showed up after the Marvel vs Capcom Tournament, a piece of it got left behind," Sweetie Belle said. "It formed a bond with me. Now I'm going to use my suit for good, to defeat you and save my friends and family!"

"So, should we try to get that suit off of her?" Aria asked.

"No, let her have it, it can join her in the afterlife," Adagio said, pointing to her foes. "Get them!"

While Rumble's team clashed with the villains, the heroes were still trying to apprehend Twilight. The fight proved difficult as they hoped not to hurt her, but also knew she needed to be stopped before she could really hurt someone else.

Bobby used his ice to try and freeze her, but Twilight blocked with her magic using a bubble and zapped the ice user away. Applejack wrapped a lasso around Twilight, the mare breaking free with little trouble and blasting Applejack. Johnny and Rainbow Dash zipped around her, trying to trip her up but Twilight created a magical shockwave to knock them both away.

Wade leapt up and landed on Twilight, grabbing her by the head, "Twi, you're making it hard for us to not hurt you!"

"Funny, I find it very easy to hurt you," Twilight said, using her vines to grab Wade and slam him a few times. "I never did like you. You and your constant jokes, plus the sheer lack of respect you have when talking to me."

"Twilight!" Fluttershy flew up, Staring into her friend's eyes. "That's enough!"

"Is that supposed to scare me?" Twilight wrapped her vines around Fluttershy, attempting to squeeze the life out of her. "Funny, for as Kind and sweet as you claim to be, that is not without your own hidden selfishness."

This distraction did allow Rarity to blast Twilight in the head, briefly stunning her long enough for Logan to leap in and rescue his wife.

"Got ya," Logan landed and glared back up at Twilight. "I hate to say it, but we may need to really do some damage to her."

"I really don't want to have to hurt her," Fluttershy said.

"Neither do I, but it's fer her own good," Logan said.

"Wait, let me try getting through to her," Peter said, then proceeded to leap onto a nearby building to get his wife's attention. "Twilight!"

The mare turned her attention to her husband, a sinister glare in her eyes. "My sweet, darling Peter. Have you come to join me?"

"Twilight, you need to stop this, if you continue, you're going to cause irreversible damage to this town," Peter said. "Innocent ponies are getting hurt."

"Hardly my concern," Twilight said.

"You're a Princess Twilight! You've always prided yourself on being a model pony for them!" Peter said. "Are you really going to let Mr. Negative and those Sirens control you like this? I know you're better than that! You can fight the control!"

"You call it control, but I've never felt freer," Twilight said. "I am going to fix this town up so it will be the perfect utopia I've always wanted. And don't worry, I have ponies' best interests in mind. Once I have full control, I can finally take back what's mine."

"Take back what's yours? What are you talking about?" Peter asked.

"You should know, Peter," Twilight said. "I want my school back."

"Your school?" Peter asked. "Wait, you mean your School of Friendship? Twilight, you still have it, it's the Friendship Center. It's better than the school, isn't it?"

"No! It's not better! It's just a flimsy compromise!" Twilight said, her vines raising all around and surrounding Peter. "Things were going so well for my school until that foolish war between you heroes ruined everything!"

"Twi, the school was already having problems," Peter said, keeping an eye on the vines. "The students got the wrong idea about Friendship, they treated it with some cult like mentality rather than trying to be better ponies! Did you forget what they did to Mayday!?"

"That wouldn't have happened if you just let Mayday join the school like I suggested," Twilight said, inching closer and glaring at her husband. "Do you realize how embarrassing it is for the daughter of me, the Princess of Friendship, to outright reject the idea?"

"She didn't reject it, she learned Friendship at her own pace," Peter said.

"She could have been faster in my school," Twilight said.

"You can't learn Friendship in a school!" Peter said. "You can make friends, but I promise that school did not do much to help ponies make friends. Anyone who made friends either already had them or they did so naturally! Because they had the social skills needed to do so! The classes didn't teach, being in school just provided opportunities, the same natural opportunities you get from the Friendship Center!"

"Peter, I am the Princess of Friendship, I can't just settle on the bare minimum," Twilight said. "My school just needed a little more time, and I guarantee it would have been the best school in Equestria!"

"If you still want to open a school, do it," Peter said. "Just don't call it a school that teaches Friendship, that is just unnatural. I'm not saying you can't learn social skills but that shouldn't essentially be by a college course. You know better than to think that way!”

"Are you doubting my abilities?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight, if anyone can help ponies feel confident enough to make friends, it's you," Peter said. "Throwing them into a classroom with the added pressure of a grade is not building confidence. How many ponies were there not even out of choice, but obligation? Luster Dawn was sent there because her parents found her lack of social skills unusual!"

"They are unusual, ponies should want to make friends," Twilight said. "Without friends, who are we?"

"Hey, I'm all for making friends and socializing, but when you put this type of pressure, it just takes all the fun out of it," Peter said. "Luster Dawn realized that, and ironically, she made friends after the school shut down, because she did it the old-fashioned way. She bonded with our daughter and now the two are best friends."

"They bonded over how terrible they thought my school was," Twilight said, bringing the vines closer to Peter, looking ready to crush him. "Then the sheer disrespect from my daughter that day, daring to accuse me of not caring about her feelings."

"Have you given her reason to think otherwise?" Peter asked. "You heard her yesterday, she genuinely thought that because of how much you praised Sandbar and his friends for actually being social."

"So you're alright with her disrespecting me? Is that why you didn't say anything like you were supposed to!?" Twilight asked.

"I..." Peter groaned. "I know I should have said something then and there, and no I do not think Mayday should ever speak to you in that manner. But, it did concern me that she even felt that way and I needed to get to the root of the problem. Seriously though, are you actually going to hold a grudge over that? She's your daughter."

"It hurt, Peter. It really hurts that she thinks so little of me, meanwhile you're the absolute world to her!" Twilight shouted.

Amid her anger, Peter could see a single tear in her eye as it briefly flickered back to normal. Evidently her issues regarding Mayday were taking center stage. "Mayday loves you, Twi. You know that, don't you?"

"...I....don't know," Twilight said.

Peter's eyes widened in disbelief, "This can't be the real Twilight speaking. No way she actually believes that crap! I gotta fix this!"

Meanwhile from below, Johnny had burst through the vines, focusing on Twilight, "Alright, now's my chance. Forgive me Twi."

The hero speed in to grab Twilight but she was able to catch him with her magic and then proceeded to slam him through several buildings.

"Twilight! That's enough!" Peter pleaded. Unfortunately he too was on the receiving end of an attack when Johnny got slammed into him.

The others again went for Twilight, though each of them was lifted into the air and one by one flung away, crashing through windows, walls and doors.

Johnny slowly stood up, helping Peter back on his hooves in the process, "Having a hard time getting through to her?"

"Unfortunately," Peter said, grumbling to himself. "This is ridiculous, I should be able to talk sense into my wife!"

"Mr. Negative has some strong abilities, helps that he has those Siren girls with him," Johnny said.

"But Twilight's better than this, I just know it," Peter said. "Besides, it's not just control, these are genuinely negative feelings that Twilight has. That's why it's hard for her to break free, because she doesn't even feel trapped."

Nearby, Steve, Matt, Scott, Bon Bon and Gwen appeared on a roof, all of them focused intently on Twilight.

"Are all the civilians safe?" Scott asked.

"They're at the Friendship Center where Double Diamond, Sugar Belle, Fleetfoot and Taskmaster are watching over them," Steve said. "Right now, we need to stop Twilight."

"Might be tricky, I can't imagine Peter wants any of us hurting his wife," Gwen said.

"None of us want to hurt her, but we may not have a choice," Bon Bon said.

"Use as little force as possible," Matt said.

"Don't gotta tell me twice," Gwen said, leaping ahead and getting the Princess's attention. "Twilight!"

Twilight's ears perked as she angrily turned her attention to Gwen. "You..."

"Twilight, listen to me," Gwen said, getting into position. "We can do this the easy way-"

A vine wrapped around Gwen's hind legs, holding the girl upside as Twilight glared at the hero, "Or...we can do this my preferred way. The hard way."

"Oh crap!" Gwen was slammed through some houses, the impact shattering a few as the spider heroes grumbled in annoyance. "I should have expected this."

"After her!" Steve shouted, leading the remaining three, "Twilight!"

"Steve Rogers, the troublemaking hero," Twilight's eyes glowed green as the vines grew in power. "I will gladly take you down."

During all this, Strange had returned to the Sanctum Sanctorum, the sorcerer having a conversation with Wong.

"America's not here?" Strange asked. "Do you know where she went?"

"She told me she wanted to return to her old neighborhood for something," Wong said.

"Probably to see some friends, or a girl," Strange said. "Still, she shouldn't be out there right now. Danger is looming and I want her to be somewhere safe."

"Danger?" Wong asked.

"Capcom world is under attack, and so are many others," Strange said. "If we're not careful, this world can be next. That's why I need her back in the Sanctum."

"To be fair, America is not a girl that listens," Wong said. "Even if she were here, she'd head out the moment she sensed danger. Even Clea cannot always get her to listen."

"Where is Clea?" Strange asked.

"When she sensed trouble with the multiverse, she went to do a patrol," Wong explained. "She wants to make sure that none of our usual guests are going to be a problem."

"They are, one of those 'guests' is confirmed to be Dormammu," Strange said, the sorcerer seemingly worried. "I gotta warn her too."

"She is a strong woman, she'll be fine," Wong said.

"I know she's strong but, I'd rather be certain of her safety myself," Strange said. "I'll go and find her. In the meantime, would you mind helping Kratos here? He needs to visit Asgard in Equestria."

"Of course," Wong said.

"You do what you must," Kratos said. "We will be fine."

"Much appreciated," Strange said, opening a portal and making his leave to find Clea.

"What a busy man," Mimir said.

"Yes, quite busy, he does many things at once. Unconventional if you ask me," Wong said.

"Has he always been like this?" Mimir asked.

"For as long as I've known him," Wong said. "Even some of his old colleagues from when he was a surgeon always commented on his need to be the one in charge during a surgery. He is a gifted doctor in medical practices, and a worthy sorcerer supreme, but even the finest men need to slow down a bit."

"Something Kratos here tended to struggle with as well," Mimir said, earning a grunt from Kratos in the process. "I just hope Strange can get that America girl to listen as well as Kratos gets his son to listen."

"Is she truly troubling?" Kratos asked.

"I don't think she's too bad, but she definitely needs to learn manners," Wong said. "And a lot of humility. Something most young folk today seem to lack."

"A common thing in any world," Mimir said as Wong began opening a portal.

"To Asgard then?" Wong asked.

"Actually, I wish to return to the Capcom world to pick up my son," Kratos said. "He is in a portal room."

"I know which one, alright, let us go," Wong said, opening the portal.

"Hope the lad wasn't to bored waiting for us," Mimir said.

"He will be fine," Kratos said. "It was not that long."

"Kids have short attentions spans though," Mimir said. "Gotta be careful with the ones with such a curious mind too."

"I I may ask...what magical being are you?" Wong asked. "You resemble a talking head."

"Because I am a talking head, I am Mimir after all. The Smartest Man Alive," Mimir said.

"I think Reed Richards would have something to say about that," Wong said as he stepped through a portal.

"Tell him to bring it on, I'll outmatch his wits," Mimir said.

"Do not get cocky," Kratos said, stepping through his portal as well.

Meanwhile in the Capcom Portal Room, Loki used his illusions to give himself and Atreus some privacy while they spoke on matters.

"So...tell me about yourself," Atreus asked. "Are you a Giant too? From Jotunheim?"

"Yes, that is my home realm," Loki asked. "What of you? Were you also born in Jotunheim?"

"No, I'm from Midgard, but I've been to Jotunheim," Atreus said. "I've been to all the Nine Realms."

"Lucky you, not many can say that," Loki said.

"Yeah, I guess I am lucky," Atreus said. "You didn't answer my other question though, about being a giant. Are you Half Giant like me?"

"Both my parents were giants," Loki confirmed.

"So, you're full blooded," Atreus said. "My mother was a giant, but my dad's a human. Well he's a Greek God but still born a human."

"What God is he?" Loki asked.

"The God of War," Atreus said. "He fought someone named Ares for that title."

"So he's bested Ares?" Loki asked. "Is it true he defeated Zeus as well?"

"That's what he said," Atreus confirmed.

"Interesting..." Loki said.

"So, since we're both born from Giant Women, I take it that your mother must be Laufey?" Atreus asked.

"Laufey?" Loki asked. "That is the name of my father."

"...Huh?" Atreus asked. "But, in my world, that's my mother's name. Well everyone calls her 'Faye' but still."

"That's...peculiar," Loki said. "So in my world, my Father was a King, and in yours, it is a woman. Something is amiss."

Atreus thought for a moment, recalling what he heard before, "Well, according to that one guy who was explaining the multiverse, he did say this was possible. Still, if Laufey’s your father, who's your mother?"

"Well, biologically speaking, my mother was named Farbauti," Loki said. "She died the night I was born. Supposedly she took her own life, but I suspect my father had a hand in her demise."

"That's terrible," Atreus said. "Sorry about your mom, I lost my mom too."

"Well I never knew her, her death meant little to me," Loki said. "Growing up, the only parents I knew were Odin and Frigga."

"Frigga? Uh, any chance she was also known as Freya?" Atreus asked.

"You know her?" Loki asked.

"She's one of Odin's wives, and mother of Baldur," Atreus said.

"That adds up," Loki said. "The Frigga I knew not only raised me as her son, but Thor too."

"Wow...so different from my world," Atreus said. "Thor in my world was a drunk who was mistreated by his father. No one respected him, not even Odin's right-hand man, Heimdall."

"Well how about that, the Heimdall I knew was very loyal to Thor," Loki said. "And my brother was no drunk. He is a valiant warrior, and my father's favorite son."

"Odin played favorites?" Atreus asked. "Actually, that wouldn't surprise me. He did seem like the type of person to focus on what you can do for him as opposed to thinking what he can do for others. And Odin has done some really terrible things in my world."

"Many see him as a valiant hero, all I saw was an old man who cared more for power than family," Loki said. "The closest I felt to unconditional love was my adopted mother, and she was taken from me. So I do understand your loss of your mother, just not with my birth mother, rather the woman who genuinely treated me like a son."

"Freya, I mean...Frigga, she's dead in your world?" Atreus asked.

"Unfortunately, but that made it easier to go after Asgard," Loki said. "Many of your father's allies may see me as the bad guy, but I did what I needed to do for the sake of Asgard's future. That's why I sought Asgard when I did, it needed a change, and I was that change."

"Still, you went to war, you killed so many people," Atreus said.

"If they died fighting for Asgard, they're likely in Valhalla," Loki said. "Since Thor is the new King, he can easily pull them out if he so desired. Why he hasn't is beyond me."

"Well, can you convince him?" Atreus asked. "Better yet, can you do it yourself?"

"That may prove to be difficult, even for me," Loki said. "But, if I ran Asgard, then that could change. You can even help me. I don't want more fighting, I just want change. Thor idolized his father, and he is well on his way to becoming the terrible man he was. What do you think will happen to Asgard then? Would he be a good King? And what of his heir?"

"His heir?" Atreus asked. "Oh right, I imagine his kids may exist. The Thor in my world had three kids. You have kids too, right?"

"Yes, such as my daughter Hela. She is the ruler of Helheim," Loki said.

Atreus's eyes widened in disbelief, "I'm sorry, but what!? Your daughter rules Helheim!? As in, THE Helheim?"

"I don't know another 'Helheim'," Loki said, then thought his words over. "Well, I suppose there is another, but you know what I mean."

"But, how could...wait," Atreus had another thought. "Quick question...who did you marry?"

"A Frost Giant named Angrboda, why?" Loki asked.

Atreus's face turned red as the boy awkwardly turned away, "No reason..." He cleared his throat, "Still, do you really think your Thor would be that bad of a ruler? He seems really cool. Father says he has the presence of a true warrior. And his allies speak very highly of Thor. The leader of the Capcom World, Chun-Li, I think she even has a crush on him."

"Chun-Li? You mean the woman with the large thighs?" Loki asked.

"Uh...right, her legs are pretty big..." Atreus rubbed his head. "Wonder how she gets them that way?"

"That is not a question I can answer I'm afraid," Loki said.

"That's fine, I still have many more," Atreus said.

"As do I," Loki said. "Tell me, do you possess magic?"

"I have some, I can communicate with animals for starters," Atreus said. "Including my pet wolf, Fenrir."

"He's a pet? The Fenrir I knew was my son," Loki said.

"Funny, I think I heard that mentioned, but I wanted to ask you in person," Atreus said. "Fenrir is your son?"

"Was, he is dead now," Loki said. "I had another son, Jormungand."

"...Isn't that The Midgard Serpent!?" Atreus asked. "How is he your son?"

"Angrboda and I had some very interesting children," Loki said. "Both of whom were taken from me in Asgard, one by that Saiyan Oaf, and one by my own so-called brother. Everyone talks about their own suffering, but I've suffered too. What makes their pain matter more? They chose to fight me, they brought this upon themselves. After killing my sons, why should I care about their losses?"

"I understand how you feel, war is terrible," Atreus said. "Even my father is tired of the conflict, that's why I want to see if we can talk things out peacefully. No more fighting, just acceptance and harmony."

"That is what I truly desire too," Loki said. "Perhaps with your help, we can achieve that. Two Lokis are better than one. Just try not to be as annoying as the others."

"Others? What others?" Atreus asked. "Have you met others?"

"Unfortunately, I have, they're okay but so petty compared to myself," Loki said. "Especially the women."

"Oh...you have female counterparts?" Atreus asked.

"Yes, very needy too, won't do much without motivation," Loki said. "Pitiful, I don't need motivation, I find my own strength. You too must find your own strength if you wish to call yourself 'Loki'. It is not just a name; it is a proud honor to be who I am."

"Right, of course," Atreus said. "I won't let you down."

Loki placed his hand on Atreus's shoulder, smiling down at the boy, "I know you won't."

Suddenly Loki's magic began to fall apart, confusing Atreus, "Hey, what's going on?"

"Someone is breaking my spell," Loki said. "But who?"

"Atreus!" Kratos shouted. "Are you there!?"

"Father?" Atreus asked.

Seconds later, the spell was gone thanks to Wong, the man looking a bit winded afterwards. "That should dispel the illusion."

"Atreus!" Kratos said in relief, then noticed the man behind him. "Loki..."

"Oh, Spartan, good to see you," Loki said. "I was just talking with your son and-"

"HAA!" Kratos slammed his Leviathan Axe on Loki, the God quick to block.

"Not in a talking mood, I see," Loki nervously said.

"Father wait! We were just talking!" Atreus pleaded.

"About what!?" Kratos shouted, glaring at Loki. "Why were you speaking with my son!?"

"He just had a few questions about me, and I had some about him," Loki said. "Seems we have a fair bit in common, both of us despise our versions of Odin."

"I despise you as well," Kratos said, still trying to overpower Loki.

"That is unnecessarily cruel, would you really speak to a version of your son this way?" Loki asked.

"You are not my son! You are the type of God that I sought to destroy!" Kratos shouted, Loki eventually parrying the axe, then teleporting away from Kratos.

"How rude, here I thought you wanted to give up such a violent life," Loki said. "Have you told your son lies?"

"YOU WATCH YOUR TONGUE!" Kratos shouted, charging up the ice on his axe.

"What is going on!?" Sally came into the room, spotting the God. "Wait, are you-"

Loki was quick to grab Sally, holding her by the neck and pointing her toward Kratos. "I would be careful, don't want this little creature to get hurt!"

"Loki don't!" Atreus pleaded.

"Release her! Now!" Kratos warned.

"Hey! Put me down!" Sally struggled. "Just wait until I tell Sonic! He'll mop the floor with you!"

"Someone's cocky," Loki said. "Here, catch!"

Loki threw Sally toward the group, Atreus quickly catching her while Kratos charged. Unfortunately Loki had disappeared, much to the Spartan's frustration.

"Are you alright, Sally?" Atreus asked, setting her down.

"I'm fine, thank you," Sally said. "Was that really Loki though?"

"I'm afraid so," Wong said. "Good thing we arrived just in time."

Kratos turned his attention to Sally, the man looking displeased, "Chipmunk!"

"I told you it's..." Sally froze upon seeing Kratos's glare. "I mean..."

"I asked you to watch over my son! Where were you!?" Kratos shouted.

"I...well..." Sally was trembling in fear, Kratos was far beyond anything she's seen.

"Father, don't be mad at her, I'm the one who was speaking to Loki," Atreus said.

"You should have known better, boy!" Kratos shouted. "You knew that Loki was dangerous!"

"I'm sorry but, he didn't hurt me, he just wanted to help," Atreus said. "He doesn't seem like a bad guy, he-"

"Has killed many people!" Kratos reminded. "Keep in mind that he raided his world's Asgard with the intent of killing his father, brother and everyone there just for a chance to rule."

"Are you actually sympathizing with Odin?" Atreus asked. "His Odin is as bad as ours! He treated Loki like dirt just because he believed Thor was superior, how is that fair to him?"

"Lad, you can't trust him, Loki is a God of Mischief," Mimir said.

"I can trust him, he's me!" Atreus said.

"He is not you," Kratos replied. "You are not Loki! You are Atreus! You are my son!"

"Exactly, I had parents who cared, Loki only had a mom and she's gone!" Atreus said.

"Young man, it may be better to drop this conversation," Wong said. "We must alert Chun-Li."

"The chipmunk can, you and I will pay a visit to Asgard," Kratos said. "Atreus, you will be going home."

"But father!" Atreus pleaded.

"Enough! I will take you home where Freya will keep watch over you," Kratos said. "That is my final word."

"I'm not a kid anymore!" Atreus said. "You can't just-"

"You are my son!" Kratos shouted, then took a moment to calm himself. "I know you want your independence, but that does not mean I will stand by and let you endanger yourself. After Asgard, we will discuss this further, but until then, you are you do as I command. Am I understood?"

"...Fine," Atreus said.

"Wong, let us go," Kratos said.

"Very well," Wong opened the portal needed, allowing Kratos and Atreus through as Sally stayed behind.

The girl was still a bit shaken up by everything, between getting taken hostage and then dealing with the angry Kratos. "That guy is somehow more intimidating than Nagus." She looked around in curiosity, "Where is Crimson Viper?"

Meanwhile In the Marvel World, Ultron and Sigma were raising havoc, destroying everything in sight within New York City. Heroes had gone to stop them, but they were too much, even the recent arrival of Kate Bishop didn't do much to even slow them down.

"How are you so-" Sigma dashed in and attacked with his laser sword, getting Kate on the sides. "Agh!"

"Fool," Sigma kicked the girl against a building.

"Pesky humans, death is a mercy for them," Ultron said as he zapped some buildings, several civilians desperately trying to escape the destruction.

"The heroes certainly didn't really amount to anything either," Sigma said, gesturing to some fallen heroes such as Hulkling, Patriot and Echo.

"I do not think I am familiar with them, they must be new," Ultron said.

"Hold it you two!" Came a woman's voice flying in wearing an armored suit.

"Iron Man?" Ultron asked. "No, my scanners detected a female voice."

"Call me Iron Heart," the girl said, readying her repulsors as Ultron floated over. "Make no mistake, I am every bit the hero Iron Man is, maybe more so. And right now-"

Ultron backhanded the woman through some buildings with little effort, "Pitiful."

Clint showed up to the scene, not having gotten the attention of either robot. "This is bad..."

"Clint!" Kate called, the girl stumbling over.

"Kate!" Clint ran over to check on his sidekick, immediately noticing some blood. "You're hurt."

"I'll be fine, I'm more worried about my friends," Kate said.

"Man, you look banged up," Clint said.

"They're strong Clint, a lot stronger than I expected. They really wiped the floor with us," Kate said, holding her sides. "Guess I'm not cut out for this."

"Don't say that, you have potential, you just need to exercise caution," Clint said. "Part of being a hero is intelligence and knowing your limits. You can't badass your way through everything."

"Tell that to America," Kate joked. "Speaking of which, we could really use her help."

"I don't know where she is," Clint said, then spotted a familiar face. "But he might be able to help."

"Ultron!" Came the voice of vision, getting the attention of the robot.

"Vision, my old rival," Ultron greeted. "Still trying to protect these pitiful humans?"

"I would hardly call them 'pitiful'," Vison said.

"Friend of yours?" Sigma asked.

"More than that, I created him," Ultron said. "He was meant to serve me, but unfortunately, decided to turn his back on my cause."

"It's hard finding good help these days," Sigma said.

"Indeed," Ultron focused back on Vision. "I presume you are here to do battle with me?"

"If I must, I would prefer a non-violent method but I know words do not usually reach you," Vision said, preparing for battle. "I will engage you both in combat."

"Do you really think that is wise?" Ultron asked.

"I have always been the better fighter, something you are fully aware of," Vision reminded. "At least with your ally, you have a higher success rate. But I do not expect it to be of much difference."

"I must say, being around humans seems to have boosted your ego quite significantly," Ultron said. "It must be all that time spent with Iron Man."

"Viz! You gonna do alright?" Clint asked.

"Is Viv here too!?" Kate asked.

"I suspect she will come, for now I am perfectly capable of fighting alone," Vision said.

"Do not worry, there's plenty for you other heroes!" Ultron said, opening a portal that brought in waves of Ultron Drones and Mavericks.

"Attack! Destroy this world!" Sigma ordered.

"Oh crap!" Clint grabbed his bow and arrow and began firing, Kate doing the same, the two hoping to bring down their foes.

"I should have known you would be unable to fight alone!" Vision said.

"It's simply war, 'Viz'," Ultron taunted.

With that, Vision wasted no time in engaging with Ultron, the two clashing in the air all while Sigma commanded his Mavericks.

"Pitiful humans, better off dead," Sigma commanded all the robots to destroy, leveling buildings and obliterating cars.

"That's enough!" Clint fired his bow at Sigma, this barely phasing the robot as he flew in and kicked The Avenger.

"Clint!" Kate whacked Sigma on the head with her bow, the villain simply grabbing her by the throat, holding her in the air.

"I commend you for still being able to move, but that's about all you can do, for now," Sigma said, adding pressure to his grip.

"Kate!" Came Chavez's voice as she finally arrived on the scene, punching Sigma across the jaw, causing him to drop the girl. "Ha, now you gotta face me! Hope you-"

Sigma hit an uppercut that knocked Chavez back toward a car. "Quite a punch you packed, but it's not enough."

As Clint went to check on Kate, he was joined by a few extra heroes. "Nat! Hank!"

"Hey Clint," Natasha said.

"We're here," Hank said.

"Ahem," Kamala interjected. "Don't forget about me."

"Right," Clint focused on the robots. "We've got trouble."

"Don't worry, we're just the first wave, more heroes are coming," Natasha said, gesturing to the oncoming Elektra, Quake, Darkhawk and War Machine.

"Now that's a calvary," Clint said.

Ultron kicked away Vision for a quick second, then noticed his creator. "Father..."

"Ultron," Hank activated his Yellowjacket suit. "It's time I put an end to you myself!"

"Feel free to try!" Ultron said, engaging Hank in battle.

The other heroes went for Sigma, Darkawk being the first to clash against him. Sigma was quick to knock him away just as Quake hit him with a piece of Earth.

"Taking you down!" Rhodey opened fire at Sigma with his wide array of guns, but the speed of the robot managed to help him power through for a sword strike that knocked the armored hero back.

"Is that all?" Sigma taunted, then took a blast from behind, courtesy of Vision.

Chavez got back on her feet, and just before an Ultron drone got her, Kamala came in for the save with a powerful punch.

"America, are you hurt?" Kamala asked.

"I'm fine, the bastard just got a cheap shot," Chavez said.

Kamala punched some oncoming Mavericks, "Where are these robots even coming from?"

"Hell if I know, wouldn't be surprised if this was related to that warning in Equestria," Chavez said. "The Multiversal Armageddon."

The two took down another set of robots, but there were still plenty more around.

"This looks bad, I wish Carol were here," Kamala said.

"Well she's not, it's up to us," Chavez said.

Suddenly a portal opened behind them, revealing Doctor Doom as the sinister villain made his presence known.

"No way! Doctor Doom!?" Kamala asked.

Doom had no reply, he opted to blast Kamala, sending her flying into a truck.

"Kamala!" Chavez glared at Doom. "Why you...!"

She went for a punch that Doom effortlessly blocked, the villain glaring at the girl, "Weak."

"The hell did you just call me!?" She threw another punch that Doom parried. He then proceeded to zap her to the ground.

"Anyone else?" Doom asked, then saw Patriot stumbling toward him.

"I'll stop you...Cap would so I-" Patriot was zapped away as Doom passed through the streets.

Elektra tried attacking from the side but Doom was quick to parry and kick her away. Darkhawk flew down to clash with Doom, one that he lost as he took a blast through some buildings.

Hulkling ran for Doom, throwing a punch that got the Latverian Dictator in the face. Doom however blasted Hulkling back with extreme force, knocking him toward Sigma, who impaled him through the back with his laser sword.

"I expected you to be as powerful as the Hulk, but I guess not," Sigma said, pulling his sword out as Hulkling fell to the ground.

"How dare you!" Vision flew in to attack but Sigma side stepped, allowing some Mavericks to jump and attack the Android.

Clint fired an arrow at Doom, which he easily caught and crushed, then blasted Clint back, and then Kate, injuring the duo.

"Old or new, you so-called heroes are no match for Doom," the villain said. He saw Echo slowly trying to stand.

"Doom..." She proceeded to attack but took a blast through her chest, knocking her back down.

"A waste of life," Doom said.

Hank continued trading blows with Ultron, flying around and shrinking to get hits wherever he could.

"All that work I put into making you a great hero, and for what!?" Hank delivered another blow. "To throw it all away!?"

"You sound disappointed, perhaps your wife can help soothe what aches you," Ultron taunted. "Oh that's right, you drove her away. Seems your failures extend beyond just your scientific work."

Infuriated, Hank unleashed more powerful blows against his creator. Ultron however managed to get a clean hit to Hank, knocking him against the wall off a nearby skyscraper.

Ultron flew in to tackle Hank through the glass, flying through the building and injuring several innocent people in their path before punching him again through another building.

"Prepare to die!" Ultron sent a powerful laser in Hank's direction, destroying several city blocks in the process. Satisfied, he attempted to fly away but heard some buzzing. He turned and saw that Hank was still in the fight as he delivered a hard blow to his creation's face.

"You're going to have to do more than that to kill me!" Hank shouted, unleashing several more strikes on his enemy, knocking him to the ground below and growing large enough to crush him under his foot, stomping down a few times, each one more aggressive than the last.

Once he was done, Hank returned to normal size, glaring at his fallen enemy. Ultron was very damaged, the robot barely able to move as some static was heard, signifying damage.

"You were meant to be so much more than this. I don't know where I went wrong, but I will gladly do what I must to fix my mistakes," Hank said, turning toward the rest of the fights. "Now to bring down your pals."

Hank flew off, ready for more. However a laser flew right by him, barely missing the hero.

"What in the-" He turned around and was suddenly punched through his torso by Ultron, the man now gasping for air as blood tricked down his mouth.

"Sorry, but you'll have to do more than THAT, to kill me," Ultron taunted, pulling his hand out as Hank's lifeless body fell to the ground below. "I have surpassed your meaningless expectations. I make my own destiny now."

Back at the battle, Sigma and Doom were gaining the upper hand, all the heroes injured, and some dead as their path of destruction continued.

Even with new arrivals such as Jessica Jones, Sam and Bucky, things were looking sour.

"Probably should let Steve know about this," Sam grabbed a radio, but Doom stomped on his hand.

"Do not expect to live long enough to receive mercy," Doom said.

Kamala wrapped her arm around Doom, but he powered out of it and blasted her. Chavez went to attack from behind but Doom elbowed her stomach and punched her against a truck.

He flew in and punched her again, sending her through and against a wall where he unloaded blows on her.

"If this is all you have, you do not deserve to be called a hero," Doom said.

"Hey, I got plenty more where this came from," Chavez said, landing a punch across Doom's face. The villain backhanded her and readied his electricity.

"Your end has come," Before Doom could attack, a magical lasso wrapped around his wrist, courtesy of Doctor Strange.

"That's enough!" Strange pulled Doom in to blast him through a nearby wall. As the villain stood, Clea rushed in and attacked, knocking Doom through more of the building.

Strange helped Chavez back onto her feet, "America, are you hurt?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Chavez insisted, pulling away when she could. "He just got lucky."

"I told you to stay at the Sanctum," Strange said.

"Don't order me around, you're not my mom," Chavez said.

"Well I am a man. Point is though that someone needs to keep an eye on you," Strange said. "You're too cocky and you nearly got yourself killed."

"Hey, I'm America Chavez, if I'm cocky it's because I earned it," the girl boasted. "Have you seen my powers?"

"Yeah, you have power, but you need to be responsible with it," Strange said. "It's like Spider-Man says, With Great Power-"

"I'm not going to take advice from some gringo like him," Chavez said.

Strange couldn't believe his ears, the man face palming in response, "Before being a good hero, start by being a better person."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Chavez asked. Suddenly Clea flew right by her as Doom blasted Chavez next to Clea.

"Victor!" Strange collided with Doom, the two pushing each other back as the former did his best to outpower the latter.

"This world is mine," Doom said, blasting Strange back, though the Sorcerer Supreme generated some magical circles that sent a pair of beams at Doom, strong enough to do some damage to the villain. Strange then used his magical lasso to latch onto Doom and slam him through some walls.

Before Strange could follow up, Ultron flew in and kicked the Sorcerer, blasting him with his laser.

"Even your magic is no match for me," Ultron said. "Doom! How about summoning one last surprise?"

"Gladly," Doom opened the portals once again. Stepping through this time was Queen Chrysalis, along with several of her Changelings.

"Go my children, and feast all you can from the humans of this world!" Chrysalis said, using her own magic to drain everyone nearby. "Oh how I've looked forward to feasting once again."

Doom flew up, charging some power, "A little gift..."

Ultron flew by his side to do the same, "To the people of this world..."

Sigma flew to join them, charging his power, "We hope you enjoy..."

Chrysalis flew up, using some of her stolen magic, "Your final hour."

The four rained down attacks, laying waste to the city below.

Watching from his building was Tony Stark, the man feeling great guilt for sitting around doing nothing. Retired or not, he's a hero, or he was one.

"I gotta do something," Tony ran outside his office, though just as he did, the building took a hit as it began to collapse.

Stark Industries had fallen, and soon the other buildings would too, including The Daily Bugle and The Baxter Building, many feeling the effects of the villains and their evil. More buildings were leveled, civilians perished, it was all out destruction and for these villains, only the start.

In Metro City within Capcom, the Mad Gear Gang was getting knocked back bit by bit thanks to the ability and skills of Haggar, Cody, Guy, Spencer and Strider.

"Come on, don't they have anyone better than this?" Spencer lamented, whacking some away.

"Well they are just a mere street gang, I'm more concerned with their three new ring leaders," Strider said, gesturing to the trio of Spidey Villains.

"Come on, that the best you got!?" Electro turned to a man with a red beret and a staff. "What about you bud?"

The man known as Rolento only offered a smug grin, "I think I can come up with something." He stepped forward to the heroes, slamming his staff on the ground. "Attention!"

"Huh?" Spencer asked as he knocked someone else out.

"You soldiers think you can handle the might of the Mad Gear Gang!?" Rolento shouted, channeling his army sergeant personality. "I do not think so! You lackies don't have the skill to stand against us!"

"What the hell are you talking about, 'soldier'?" Spencer replied, using air quotes. "We've been doing nothing but kicking your guys' asses."

"Don't you talk back to me!" Rolento pointed at Spencer. "Drop and give me twenty!"

"Yeah, pal, if you knew anything about me, I'm not the type of soldier who takes orders," Spencer said. "At least not from scumbags like you."

"Seems like it's going to take a while to get through to him," Came the voice of Poison, the pink haired woman stepping forward. "Perhaps they'll listen to a pretty lady."

"Eh..." Spencer scratched his head. "I'm not sure, I've heard stories about you."

"What stories?" Strider asked.

"Don't ask," Cozy said.

"You've heard about me?" Poison asked.

"Yeah, you're a manager for some wrestler guy," Spencer said.

"Yes, him and his new buddy," Poison said, gesturing to a pair of brutes. "Say 'hello' to Hugo and Abigail."

"Sup?" Abigail greeted.

"I crush you," Hugo warned.

"Teaming up huh? It makes no difference to me," Haggar said, ready for a fight. "Bring it on!"

"They're big but dumb," Spencer said. "The two of us can-"

"Not to worry!" Came All Might's voice, the hero landing in front of the Capcom group. "Because I am here!"

"All Might?" Spencer asked. "Where did you come from?"

"I had a feeling you might need some help," All Might said. "When it comes to street gangs, they can be very sneaky."

"Who is this guy again?" Cody asked.

"All Might, superhero from another dimension," Spencer said.

"I'm here too!" Mark said, flying over.

"And he is?" Guy asked.

"He is called 'Invincible'," Strider explained.

"The two of us are here to put a stop to your evil ways!" All Might said, pointing at the villains. "Surrender, and we just might go easy on you!"

"...What the hell is this?" Shocker asked.

"That guy looks like a super buff Captain America," Electro said.

"Excuse me, but this performance does not need more actors, you two, off the stage!" Mysterio said.

"Huh, that's a peculiar design," All Might said.

"Careful, those are three of Spider-Man's foes," Strider said.

"Are they dangerous?" Mark asked.

"Well...not exactly," Spencer said.

"What the hell did you just say!?" Electro shouted, generating some electricity. "Come tell me I'm weak to my face!"

"Is that supposed to be a threat? Because I am more than willing to do so," Spencer said. “Hell, why don't you come here and do something about it, punk!"

"My boys are up first," Poison said. "Hugo, Abigail, show these new heroes we mean business."

"Gladly," Abigail said, cracking his knuckles.

Both men went to grapple the two heroes, but they leapt back, out of harm's way and readied an attack.

"DETROIT SMASH!" All Might shouted as he punched Hugo while Mark landed a blow on Abigail, sending both men flying back and through some buildings.

Poison could not believe her eyes, the woman slowly glaring at All Might and Mark. "Did...did you just?"

"That was bad ass," Spencer said. "My turn."

Poison grumbled in annoyance, "Kick their asses!"

"I got the metal arm guy!" Electro flew in to attack, but Spencer landed a blow that sent him flying. All Might followed up with an uppercut that knocked him into the air while Mark flew up and kicked him back down.

"Shit!" Shocker sent out some blasts. "Something tells me this isn't going to work out so well!"

"That is fine, if we can't damage, we at least distract," Mysterio said. "Those are some of Capcom's best fighters, along with two other powerful warriors. That keeps them spread thin and works to our advantage."

"Guess you got a point," Shocker said, blasting some more.

Poison tried attacking Mark with a whip, but the boy dodged and grabbed her wrist, "This is not proper behavior for a lady."

"Get your hands off me you pig!" Poison shouted as she slapped Mark. "I am not that type of woman!"

"Could have fooled us, sir," Spencer said, punching Poison away.

"Uh...did you call her, 'Sir'?" Mark asked. "Isn't that a woman?"

"So she says," Spencer said as Poison angrily stepped forward. "Gotta say, this 'woman' can really take a punch."

"That is no way to treat a lady!" Poison went in for the attack again.

Strider and Guy teamed up to use their ninjutsu to take down all oncoming enemies with ease.

"You've gotten better, Guy," Strider said. "Your skills are top notch."

"And you're as impressive as always," Guy said, taking more down. "How is Ibuki doing?"

"A marvelous talent," Strider hit a karate chop. "Who still yearns to prove herself."

"She will get there," Guy said.

Mysterio created some illusions to trip up some of the heroes. Unfortunately this caused some confusion for the Mad Gear Gang as well, many of them not sure who to attack.

"That's not helping!" Rolento shouted.

"Tell your men to stay out of my way then!" Mysterio said, unaware of Haggar coming up behind him.

"Uh...you might want to turn around," Rolento said.

"What for?" Mysterio turned and found himself hoisted into the air by Haggar. "Unhand me!"

"How about a little spin around the block first!" Haggar said, spinning Mysterio overhead and tossing him yards away, on top of a car.

"Crap..." Shocker was about to blast Haggar but the man grabbed his wrists and lifted him up to knee him in the stomach. He then threw him though a nearby window.

"That all you got?" Haggar asked, then took a blast from behind, courtesy of Electro.

"I am not getting made a fool out of!" Electro shouted, sending out more attacks.

Poison continued her assault, but she took another blow from Spencer, then one from Mark as she got knocked near Mysterio.

"This isn't working out," Poison said.

"It might be time for a strategic retreat," Mysterio said, generating some more illusions of himself and his allies. "Shocker! Electro! Let the curtains fall!"

"I'm not done here!" Electro sent out more electric attacks, blasting everyone range.

"There will be time for that later! Come on!" Mysterio said, activating a portal machine he got from Doom. "This way!"

"...Fine," Electro went to make his exit.

"Oh no you don't!" Mark flew after them, but Mysterio created an illusion that caused Mark to fly around in circles, confusing the boy. "Where did?"

"Hurry!" Mysterio said, using more illusions to confuse the others as Shocker, Electro, Rolento and Poison leapt through the portal.

"Wait, what about my boys?" Poison asked.

"We'll get them later, now move!" Mysterio ordered as he pulled her through, closing the portal behind him.

Once the illusions disappeared, so did the villains, much to the annoyance of the heroes.

"Shit, they got away," Spencer said. "But it's fine, we'll get them next time."

"At least we drove them off," Cody said.

"Of course, that should keep the innocent people safe," All Might said. "Plus, now you can arrest all these miscreants."

"I'll call the cops," Haggar said, walking to a nearby payphone.

Strider looked concerned however, "This is troubling."

"Look, let's just meet back in the Portal Room, hopefully everyone else had similar luck," Spencer said. "Cody, Guy, wanna join?"

"Later, we need to stay behind and help Mike out," Cody said, gesturing to Haggar. "But we'll be around later."

"Keep us posted," Spencer said. "Alright, let's roll."

In the Dragon World, Trunks had explained everything to Goku, the Saiyan looking very concerned about the news he was given.

"So, someone who looks exactly like me was wreaking havoc across your timeline?" Goku asked.

"Yes, he did disappear one day, but that's what happened," Trunks said. "I got help from Cable and the others in holding him back, despite Black gaining a new ally in some creature called Annihilus."

"I don't know him too well, but The Fantastic Four would know better," Cable said.

"They might also have an idea of how to figure this mess out," Bishop added.

"So Black just disappeared?" Bulma asked. "Where too?"

"I'm not sure, I think I saw some weird creature with different limbs," Trunks said.

"That's Discord, he convinced myself and Kakarot we would get good fights against heroes from other worlds," Vegeta said. "My opponent was a man named Ryu from the Capcom world."

"Those guys are definitely strong," Forge said. "The X-Men found great rivals, Ryu is quite the Street Fighter."

"I fought a guy named Spider-Man, though his home world is Marvel, he was actually in Equestria," Goku said.

"Marvel? Cable, didn't you call your world that?" Trunks asked.

"Yeah, and we know Spider-Man," Cable said. "Good kid, has a mouth on him but still respectable."

"Deadpool certainly admires him," Domino said.

"Wolverine too, even if he won't admit it," Psylocke added.

"What's Equestria though?" Trunks asked.

"Some world of...Magical Ponies," Vegeta commented.

"Oooh! Pretty!" Came the voice of a nearby Mai, specifically the younger version. "Uh I mean...cool."

"To be young and somewhat innocent again," Future Mai thought to herself.

"Still, Magical Ponies?" Trunks asked.

"I've been there once, for Deadpool's wedding," Cable said. "Not too different from Earth, but you do turn into a horse."

"Wait, really?" Trunks asked.

"Yeah, Vegeta and I turned into cute little ponies," Goku said.

"Do NOT ever say that again, Kakarot!" Vegeta warned, an angry blush on his face.

"I was just fooling, chill out," Goku said, then focused back on Trunks. "But seriously, about Goku Black. From what we've heard, he aligned himself with even more villains and are planning to wipe out the multiverse."

"He's what!?" Trunks asked. "More villains?"

"That's right, more worlds could be affected, like your own," Goku said.

"Did you get any names?" Forge asked.

"I heard a few, like Albert Wesker, Sephiroth, Ultron, Doctor Doom..." Goku listed.

"Doom!?" Cable shouted in disbelief. "Shit...that's not good."

"Is he dangerous?" Trunks asked.

"Yeah, not someone you want to mess with," Cable said.

"Same with Ultron," Forge said.

"Who is he?" Trunks asked.

"Evil Android," Forge said. "Something you mentioned being familiar with, Trunks."

"Right...guess Androids plague your world too," Trunks said.

"He was created to be a hero, but his idea of saving people is to destroy them since he deems them so self-destructive," Forge explained.

"Sounds just like Black," Trunks said.

"Spider-Man is already trying to make plans with a girl named Chun-Li, we could really use your help, Trunks," Goku said.

"Of course, I don't want anyone else to suffer like I did," Trunks said.

"I've seen my own bad futures, we can't let that come to pass anywhere," Bishop said.

"Alright, we'll return to the Portal Room," Goku said. "Come on."

"Right behind you," Trunks said, thinking about his foe. "Black, who could you be terrorizing this time? You sadistic bastard..."

In the world of Sega, Sonic continued his battle against Goku Black, the hedgehog proving to be a capable match against the Goku look-a-like.

"You're quite fast for a little blue rat!" Black said, going for some strikes.

"I'm a hedgehog, genius!" Sonic said, hitting Black with an uppercut, then striking him with several homing attacks that knocked him off balance and one final spin dash attack that knocked him through a boulder.

Sonic sped in for another punch, but Black was quick to block it and delivered a punch of his own that sent Sonic flying back.

"Sonic!" Tails flew to help but Zamasu blocked his path.

"That would not be wise," Zamasu warned.

"Move it!" Tails engaged Zamasu in combat, the kai knocking the fox away, then blocking a strike from Knuckles, though not without staggering him a bit.

"Not bad," Zamasu said, then took a whack from Amy's hammer.

"How about that?" Amy taunted.

"Impudent!" Zamasu kicked her away and then focused on attacking Knuckles, the two exchanging blows.

"This is perfect! While you do that, I'll help myself to this Emerald," Eggman said, focused on the Master Emerald.

"Oh no you don't!" Tails brought out a laser gun and blasted near Eggman.

"How impudent!" Eggman leapt into his Egg Mobile, activating its lasers. "See how you like this!"

Eggman returned fire against Tails, the boy dodging and blasting back while Sonic and Black continued their heated battle.

"I sense strange power coming from you," Black said, blocking a blow from Sonic. "You're no ordinary creature. You have a potential similar to that of a Saiyan."

"Saiyan? You mean like Goku?" Sonic leapt back, glaring at his opponent. "Why do you look like him anyway? Are you brothers?"

"So, you're familiar with Goku," Black said. "How surprising. Well if you must know, I am Goku in a way, just not in the way you would expect."

"Wow, that's not vague or cryptic at all," Sonic said.

"It hardly matters," Black said, powering up into a Super Saiyan form. "I'm here to fight."

"Didn't know you could transform like that," Sonic said. "Maybe you'll actually be able to keep up."

"Cocky, I do like it," Black flew in to clash again. "Makes it more satisfying when I win!"

Sonic smirked in response and kicked Black away. He then charged his body up in electricity and charged to attack.

While Tails was blasting Eggman, he got a call from his radio. "Tails honey? Are you there?"

"Rouge? Tails asked. "Yeah I'm here."

"I can see some commotion coming from Angel Island, what's going on?" Rouge asked.

"Eggman brought some buddies from the multiverse to steal the Master Emerald," Tails said.

"Oh, is that already a problem? I'll be right over," Rouge said.

"Rouge, wait!" Tails said, then took a blast from Eggman.

"You're done!" Eggman was about to attack again, but took a hammer strike from Amy.

"Don't you hurt Tails you bully!" Amy rushed to attack again, keeping Eggman at bay.

Black and Sonic continued their battle nearby, Black kicking Sonic toward the Altar as he charged an attack. "KA-ME-HA-ME..." Once charged, he sent his Black Kamehameha. "HA!"

Sonic was quick to block, though it wasn't easy keeping the attack at bay, "Quite a bit of power this guy has."

"It's useless!" Black added more energy, but Sonic was able to parry and sped in with a punch to his jaw, taking him by surprise. "How!?"

"Give up already," Sonic said.

"Do not order me around!" Black teleported behind Sonic and went for a kick that sent him flying. He then sensed more energy and saw Rouge flying in, joined by Cream and some martial artists in Akira, Jacky, Sarah and Pai Chan. Seconds later, the Umbra Witch, Bayonetta came through a portal.

"Is this where the commotion was coming from?" Bayonetta asked.

"I think so," Rouge said, looking around.

"Rouge!" Tails called. "Cream!"

"Huh?" Knuckles saw the others. "Wait, how did she get Akira and his friends? And Bayonetta?"

"Probably through a portal ring, we did agree to have them in handy in case villains invaded," Tails said.

"There's Tails," Cream said, then noticed some danger. "Oh no, that must be one of Eggman's friends."

"Come on!" Jacky said, leading the charge.

"More fools!? Very well, try your luck against me!" Black said, taking on Akira and Jacky at once while Sarah and Pai Chan went after Zamasu.

Eggman saw the new arrivals, growing infuriated, "So that's how you want to play!? Fine!" He grabbed a radio, "Annihilus, you're up!"

Coming through a portal was the Negative Zone Ruler, stepping through to face his opponents.

"Oh what now?" Knuckles asked.

"That's not all," Eggman hit the radio again. "Kl'rt, they're distracted, you know what to do."

"Wait, who is he calling?" Knuckles asked.

Suddenly Annihilus kicked the Echidna away, glaring at the others. "Who else wishes to face The Living Death that Walks?"

"Well, that's a mouthful," Bayonetta said, grabbing her guns. "Try your luck against me."

"With pleasure!" Annihilus said, clashing with Bayonetta, Rouge and Cream.

Black had knocked away Jacky and Akira, ready to destroy them both with his power. "Prepare to die!"

"Back off!" Sonic rammed into Black, resuming his showdown.

Sonic kept fighting hard, hoping to get the upper hand before Black kicked him near the Master Emerald's Altar.

"Is that all?" Black asked.

Sonic again smirked, placing his hands on the Emerald and turning Super. Within seconds, he activated the Chaos Power within him and charged at his opponent, knocking the wind out of him.

Sonic punched Black a few times, even flying around the world to land even more blows and getting the villain dazed and confused.

"What is...happening!?" Black asked, taking more hits and knocking him to the ground.

"Hold on!" Zamasu called, knocking the girls away and going to assist.

Akira however rushed in with a knee strike to his side. "You're not going anywhere!"

"Foolish!" Zamasu knocked Akira away and rushed to Black's side. "Do you need to be healed?"

"Not here," Black said, grabbing Zamasu and teleporting away.

"Huh? Where did they go!?" Sonic asked, then saw Rouge get knocked near him. He took note of Annihilus. "I'll worry about them later."

Eggman chuckled to himself, "Foolish hedgehog, your end is near."

Meanwhile on Sega's Earth, Super Skrull's ships began to cover the skies, alerting many down below of the impending doom, especially across Japan.

"What is going on?" Ryo Hazuki asked.

"This looks troubling," Came the voice of Kazuma Kiryu.

Even in Shibuya, Tokyo; a boy in glasses looked up at the ships, alongside his friends.

"Ren, what's happening?" asked a boy named Ryuji.

"Why are there so many ships?" Ann Tamaki asked.

"...Not sure," Ren replied. "Be ready for anything."

Even across other towns, such as Basel, the sight was beheld.

"Zephyr!" Leanne said.

"I can see," Zephry replied. "War is coming."

This was even noticed by a Sky General named Vyse, who looked ready for anything, "These are my skies. Go find your own."

Meanwhile ,once Black was healed by Zamasu, he was ready for more, but had something on his mind first.

"Before I finish off the Hedgehog, I'll destroy what he loves first," Black said, heading to the skies above Green Hill. "Time to fix this world."

Near South Town, Vergil had landed several strong blows on Morrigan, knocking her down and leaving her injured.

"Some fighter, you're a terrible opponent," Vergil said.

"Don't count me out just yet," Morrigan said, standing back up. "I'm not ready to call it quits."

"I am," Vergil kicked her away and focused on Juri, who seemed to be toying with Rashid.

"Come on, I should be better than this," Rashid lamented.

"Yeah, you should, but you're not," Juri kicked him to the ground.

"Isn't there anyone worthy of being a challenger?" Vergil asked. Felicia went to attack but Vergil knocked her back with the helm of his sword. "How insulting."

"Hey, bratty boy," Came a voice. Vergil turned around and to his surprise, found Miguel O'Hara. "Looking for a fight?"

"You're one of the Spider-Men," Vergil said, pulling out his sword. "I hope you're more of a worthy fight than that boy I met a year ago."

Vergil went to attack, but Miguel was quick to dodge and claw his face, taking him by surprise.

"That what you wanted?" Miguel asked.

"I will savor your destruction!" Vergil clashed with Vergil.

Juri furrowed her brow at that, "So instead of a rematch with me, he goes for Vergil. I'm a bit insulted."

"BUSTAH WOLF!" Terry came out of nowhere and hit Juri hard with his top attack. "Want some more!?"

Juri stood up, ready to keep fighting when the portal nearby opened, revealing The Wizard.

"I'll take it from here," Wizard said, gesturing to the side. "I even brought an ally."

Stepping through as well was Urien, the man looking ready as well, "This could be entertaining."

"Ugh," Juri focused back on Vergil and Miguel, the two fighting hard against one another.

"You have some shocking nerve doing what you are!" Miguel said, clashing with Vergil.

"We do as we please," Vergil said, cutting Miguel across the chest. "All across the multiverse, your allies will fall, and we will reign supreme!"

"Not a chance in hell!" Miguel shouted, clashing again.

Juri grinned in satisfaction, then leapt in to kick Miguel, but the man saw her coming and side-stepped, kicking her out the way.

"Who needs a sixth sense with your slow moves?" Miguel taunted, then took a blow from Vergil.

"I'm not through with you!" Vergil continued his assault.

Across the multiverse, trouble loomed. Mega Man, Joe and Batsu struggled with Wily and Alastor, though the fighting robot still had some power left in him.

"I'm not done with you!" Mega Man shouted, blasting Wily. "You're done!"

"We'll see about that!" Wily said as he kept fighting.

Meanwhile Nero, V, Ken, Trish and Lady struggled with Dormammu.

"He's a powerful demon," V said, holding his book. "I do enjoy the challenge though."

"Same here, this is kind of fun," Nero said, holding out his gun.

"That's the spirit guys," Ken said, ready for more along with Lady and Trish. "We're just getting warmed up."

"Then I shall increase my heat for you mortals," Dormammu said, charging up a bit. "Power of the Destructor, Power of the Creator."

"Get ready!" Ken and the Demon Hunters rushed to attack, unaware of how much more powerful Dormmamu would get.

Kazuya brought the fight to Jin while Venom fended off Paul, Law and Xiaoyu, the former utilizing his devil abilities to the max while the latter made great work of the symbiote abilities.

"Is that all you have Jin?" Kazuya taunted as his son laid hurt. "What would your mother think of you now?"

That enraged Jin to landing a powerful blow across his father's face, channeling his own Devil Powers "Do not speak of my mother!"

"There's the fight I knew you had," Kazuya said, kicking Jin back. "Let's keep this up."

"Jin!" Xiaoyu went to help but Venom grabbed her by the head.

"Sorry, can't let you interfere," Venom threw her against a wall.

"Why are you doing this?" Law asked. "What matter of evil are you?"

"We're evil? You're the one protecting that lunatic," Venom said, glaring at Jin. "Geez, we can sense the issues that guy has from here."

"Jin may have troubles, but Kazuya's the evil one," Paul said. "Just like his crummy father."

"And you have a large ego, thinking you're 'Best in the Multiverse'," Venom said. "Arrogant as Spider-Man. We make a living knocking guys like you down a peg."

"He's not going to listen to reason, keep attacking!" Law said, he and his friend continuing their assault.

In other parts of Namco, Bison had invaded and was facing off against Lloyd Irving.

"Do you believe you can best me?" Bison taunted, gesturing to a few of his Shadoloo Dolls by his side. "I do not fall so easily."

"I'll fight as hard as I need to!" Lloyd said, gesturing to some others. "Me, and my friends!"

"This world is not for you to take over!" Genis said.

"Especially looking like that, yikes," Zelos taunted.

Bison chuckled at the familiarity in Zelos's words, "If you believe you can win, then give it a fair try. Don't expect results."

"Attack!" Lloyd said, going for Bison and his Dolls, unaware that Tirek was nearby, ready for his own moment.

"The magic here is strong, and soon it will be mine," Tirek said, taking in some of the mana. "How glorious."

Sephiroth in his world clashed hard against Cloud, the two seemingly matched while Tempest used her destructive magic to keep the others at bay, commanding several of the Storm King Guards to do her bidding.

"My master will reign supreme above you all," Tempest taunted. Seconds later she was joined by Doctor Octopus. "Here to fight as well?"

"If I must," Doc Ock said, turning to face the others. "Alright, who has what it takes?"

Cloud got knocked back, the boy glaring at Sephiroth. "What do you plan to do this time anyway!?"

"What I've always planned, to right the wrongs of humans," Sephiroth said.

"That is not up to you!" Cloud said, clashing with his enemy. "I will stop you, no matter how many times I need to kill you!"

"Funny, you feel like you have to kill me many times to be victorious," Sephiroth said, kneeing Cloud hard in the stomach. "Where as I only need to kill you once to win. Sad, isn't it?"

Cloud angrily clashed again, secretly worried about the seemingly hopeless situation. Sephiroth knocked him back to the ground.

The villain was about to strike when another person came to help. To Cloud's surprise, Dante had shown up, and shot Sephiroth's sword away.

"Dante?" Cloud asked. "Where did you-"

"I dropped him off," Sunset said, getting Cloud's attention. "Chris and Ryu would be here, but they heard of trouble somewhere else. Fortunately we ran into Peni Parker, she's got them by her side."

"Sunset Shimmer," Tempest greeted. "What a surprise."

"Still causing trouble? I'm disappointed in you," Sunset said.

"Like you get to judge me," Tempest retorted.

"I will, because all of this is unnecessary," Sunset said. "What do you hope to accomplish here?"

"Earning respect," Tempest said. "Master, let's finish these two off."

"Gladly," Sephiroth clashed with Dante while Tempest did so with Sunset, the two generating power and knocking the two away before charging up more magical abilities.

"Watch out!" Cloud called.

Sephiroth charged up his flare attack while Tempest generated unstable magic and sent the attacks at the trio of Dante, Cloud and Sunset.

"Let us destroy them all!" Tempest said, generating more power.

"Destruction leads to new beginnings, and we shall author that new life," Sephiroth said, continuing his assault.

Even in Capcom, while Chun-Li, Jill and the Turtles were able to fend off the hunters, the next opponent would prove difficult.

Wesker had dashed in, punching Chun-Li through a wall. Raphael attacked from behind, but Wesker dodged and kicked the turtle away, then blocked a strike from Donatello, before kicking him away.

"Cowabunga!" Michaelangelo leapt in for a kick, one that Wesker caught as he slammed the turtle into Jill and then Leonardo before aggressively tossing him into a nearby kiosk. "Ow..."

Leonardo got back on his feet and went to attack with his katanas but Wesker was quick to dodge most of the strikes, though Leo managed to get a small scratch on his face.

"Got you!" Leonardo boasted, then took a punch to the stomach.

"A little blood," Wesker said, wiping it away. "That's all you get I'm afraid."

Chun-Li rushed back and engaged with Wesker again, being a little quicker than the others, but still a bit outmatched as Wesker swept her feet and kicked her away.

Tron kicked back and watched the fight in her Gustaff, "Wow, with Wesker around, we don't need to do much. Ooh! Let's go find some stores to rob."

"Later, we still gotta stand guard here," Prowler said.

From behind, another portal had opened, Tron immediately perking up. "Are we getting more assistance?"

"HADOUKEN!" Ryu's attack knocked Tron off of her Gustaff.

Joining Ryu were Chris and Peni, the latter looking incredibly furious. "Prowler!"

"It's you, one of the Spider people," Prowler said.

"You have some nerve doing what you're doing, especially considering who you're hurting!" Peni shouted.

"Not you too, this is pissing me off," Prowler said.

"You brought this on yourself!" Peni went to attack but Prowler side-stepped and slashed the legs of the SP//dr.

Chris rushed in with a punch to The Prowler, trying to knock him off balance, but the villain was able to block and hit an uppercut.

Wesker noticed the trouble nearby, the man looking slightly irritated, "Of course."

"Eyes on me!" Chun-Li kicked Wesker in the face, stunning him long enough for the four turtle brothers to ram their shells into him.


"Wow, great teamwork," Chun-Li said.

"Thanks," Michaelangelo said, the turtle facing the downed Wesker. "Maybe if you didn't wear sunglasses during the day, you would have seen us coming and-"

Wesker hit a tiger uppercut that knocked Mikey through a nearby window, "Be quiet!"

"You're gonna regret that one!" Raphael said, whacking Wesker in the face, then impaling his sais through him.

"Foolish creature!" Wesker kicked Raph away, knocking him into his brothers as he pulled the sais out and aggressively tossed them.

Jill was quick to shoot the sais and then fired at Wesker, the man dodging and grabbing her by the neck.

"Jill, you're one of the few that I absolutely despise," Wesker said, then quickly dodged some gunfire while dropping Chris. "And there's the other."

"Back off Wesker! This ends now!" Chris warned.

"I doubt it," Wesker dashed in and knocked Chris through a cart.

Peni webbed him but Wesker pulled her in instead and punched her. He noticed Ryu fighting The Prowler, then dashed in to kick the man away.

"You want to challenge me? Fine," Ryu threw a punch that knocked Wesker off balance, then delivered a few more strikes, alternating between punches and knees and ending with his uppercut. "SHORYUKEN!"

Wesker got sent back, but was still not quite done. "Very well done Ryu."

"I've still got more," Ryu said, charging up his attack. "SHINKUU...HAD-"

Suddenly a pumpkin bomb landed near Ryu, the martial artist quickly leaping out of the way.

Coming through a portal now was Green Goblin, the villain laughing maniacally as he held his bombs, "Who's next!?"

"Uh, what the hell is that supposed to be!?" Raphael asked.

"The Green Goblin!" Chun-Li shouted in worry. "Careful, he's very dangerous."

"Come on, I'm not dangerous, I'm a pretty fun guy. I'm just here to make friends and have a BLAST!" Goblin shouted, throwing more pumpkin bombs down, still laughing maniacally.

"That guy's a weirdo," Tron lamented.

"Let him have fun," Wesker said, generating a new portal. "Come on, we must check in with our allies."

The three made their leave as Goblin sent more bombs down, "Who else wants a piece of The Green Goblin!?"

"Don't take too long!" Wesker called before the portal closed.

"Such a stickler for the plan, he needs to have a bit more fun," Goblin said, throwing more bombs as the heroes took cover.

"This might be a problem," Jill said.

"I'm not ready to give up," Chun-Li said.

"Same, let's do this!" Leonardo said, everyone still ready to attack.

Back in Equestria, Twilight was still fighting away the heroes, using her magic to slam several of them through homes.

"Twilight!" Johnny said, flying over and taking a shot that knocked him through the Town Square building.

"Annoying fool, why I kept you around is beyond me," Twilight said. "I never should have let you heroes stay!"

"Twilight! That's enough!" Steve called, getting him a strong whack through Sugar Cube Corner.

"You just had to start a rebellion, didn't you Cap?" Twilight shouted. "Then I lose my school because you can't control your damn friend! Maybe you and Tony should have enrolled and settled your issues normally instead of fighting like a pair of idiots!"

"Twilight, that's enough!" Wade called.

Twilight picked up the house belonging to Lyra and Bon Bon, slamming it on top of Wade. "I don't even know where to start with you."

"Twilight!" Trixie called. "Twilight it's me!"

"Trixie...the show-off who caused way too much trouble for me!" Twilight shouted, readying her magic. "I'm done with you."

"I got you Trix!" Lightning Dust flew in to pull the girl to safety.

"I don't know where you came from, but thanks," Trixie said.

"No trouble," Lightning Dust boasted.

"Oh great, it's Lightning Dust," Twilight said, sending blasts at her. "Don't think I forgot the trouble you caused with those creep villains!"

"Wow, how petty," Came Gwen's voice. "Are you seriously mad about all this stupid crap?"

"You're the last person I want to see," Twilight said. "You weren't even back for a week and yet my husband is already all over you. His true love, Gwen Stacy. If that weren't bad enough, now you're trying to take my daughter from me!"

"That's ridiculous! I'm not trying to take away Mayday! I'm just being friendly to her!" Gwen said.

"She's my daughter!" Twilight shouted, sending some magic blasts that Gwen dodged. "You have no right trying to take my place! You should have just stayed dead!"

"Holy shit, that was just messed up," Gwen said, zipping in and kicking Twilight in the face. "How did Peter marry a girl like you?"

Twilight glared hard, teleporting up and blasting Gwen through some houses, all the way to the Ponyville spa.

"You're not the only one either," Twilight focused on the direction of the Friendship Center. "Mary Jane Watson!"

From inside, MJ peeked her head out, "Is she calling me?"

"You crazy!? Don't leave!" Apple Bloom called.

"Mary Jane!" Twilight flew over, ready to attack. "I bring you over to make peace with my husband, and you repay me by trying to take my son!? I don't care if you have issues with your own husband, you stay away from my family!"

"Twiley, stop!" Shining Armor called, the stallion standing beside Reed, Sue and Ben. "Please, this isn't you!"

"Oh be quiet, you've kept plenty of secrets from me," Twilight said.

"This is what happens when you bottle in so much anger, even the little stuff from the past resurfaces," Susan commented.

"Twilight, you're hurting the ponies of this town! Is this really what you want!?" Shining Armor asked.

"I do as I please, I am a Princess after all," Twilight said. "I have the power."

"But you're not being responsible with it!" Peter said, getting her attention. "Twilight, this is not you! The Twilight I know wouldn't hurt others. That's not the mare I fell in love with, the mare I married and had kids with!"

"Oh gee, sorry to disappoint you, Peter," Twilight said, glaring at her husband.

"I'm not going to stop until you're free from this curse!" Peter said. "I don't want to fight you, I don't want to hurt you, but I will do what I have to do to save you!"

"Hurt me? Peter, you already hurt me when you cheated on me!" Twilight shouted, loud enough for almost everyone to hear.

"Cheated?" Shining Armor asked.

Bobby stumbled over, "What does that mean?"

A concerned Logan worriedly glanced around, "Shit..."

"You remember that future? Where you slept with Sweetie Belle," Twilight said. "I certainly do, I haven't forgotten that feeling of betrayal!"

Peter glanced down in shame, despite the circumstance, he knew he messed up that day. "I wish I could take it back, I really do."

"Well all the wishing in the world won't do anything, now will it," Twilight said. "You still did it, then you had the nerve to come crawling back to me. Despite that, you still think you're this smart and wise husband, deciding for yourself what is best for OUR daughter, and deciding that a school that I worked so hard to build wasn't worth saving!"

Peter grumbled in annoyance, "I am so done with this damn school. Twilight, you're a smart girl, do you want your legacy to be some useless school that only caused more problems than it started!? You can't learn Friendship in a School!"

"He's right, Twilight," Celestia said, flying over. "Remember why I sent you to Ponyville, so you can learn true Friendship the proper way. The school was a nice idea, but it does conflict with what I was trying to tell you. I hoped you could learn for yourself what a mistake it was, but perhaps I put too much pressure on you to think clearly. It would not be the first time I've done that. I'm sorry I failed as your teacher."

Twilight felt strange inside, a source of confliction emanating within her. However the rage she felt still persevered, "Even so...that School was my legacy. All of you took that from me!"

"Twilight, please," Peter said.

"You be quiet! For all I know, you're not even my Peter!" Twilight said.

"Uh...is this dark magic messing with your head?" Peter asked.

"She's becoming deluded, we need to cure her," Celestia said.

"I don't need curing, this is the best that I've felt in years, and nopony is taking this from me!" Twilight shouted, generating a lot of magic that pushed everyone away.

As Gwen pulled herself out of some wreckage, she spotted a returning Miles nearby.

"Geez, I leave for five minutes and you're getting your ass kicked?" Miles taunted.

"Oh shut up, kid," Gwen said, spotting Twilight. "She's pissed, we gotta do something."

Janet and Spike flew at Twilight, both of them trying to reason with her.

"Twilight, please snap out of it!" Spike said.

Janet zapped her a bit, trying not to hurt her but at least get her attention, "We just want to talk!"

"Save it!" Twilight blasted them both away.

Applejack tried lassoing her leg, but Twilight flung her away, the mare caught just in time by Remy.

"Thanks hon," Applejack said, being placed down.

"No trouble, cherrie," Remy said, the two ready to keep fighting.

Not too far away, Cadance arrived with Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Night Thrasher, Kitty, Kurt and Jubilee.

"That doesn't look good," Kitty said.

"She's been corrupted by Negative Energy, we need all the help we can get here," Cadance said.

"We're on it, let's go!" Iron Fist said, everyone quick to do what they needed to do.

Twilight spotted everyone coming, a glare forming in her eyes. "Cadance...turning against me once again!"

As all the heroes went to stop Twilight, she effortlessly blasted them back, injuring each of them with no trouble.

"This power is incredible," Cadance said, then saw Twilight getting closer.

"It's over for you," Twilight warned, charging her magic.

"Twilight! Don't!" Starlight called, using her magic to restrain her friend. "Please, don't make me hurt you!"

"As if you could!" Twilight blasted Starlight through the Carousel Boutique. "I don't even remember why I took you in! You've been nothing but useless!"

"That's enough Twilight!" Peter webbed the girl, but she grabbed him and electrocuted him with her magic before slamming him down.

"Peter!" Miles leapt up as well but got whacked away.

"Annoying fake," Twilight focused back on her destruction.

Miles got knocked close to where Rumble and his friends were fighting. "Huh?"

Despite their numbers, Rumble's team was getting overwhelmed by their opponents. The Dazzlings were strong and fast while Martin easily knocked them all around.

"Take this!" Laura went to attack but Martin began manipulating her with his powers as Adagio spoke.

"These kids are annoying, destroy them for us," Adagio said, Laura immediately focusing on her teammates.

"Laura wait! Ignore her!" Gabby said, evading Laura's attacks.

"Hey! Put her back to normal!" Rumble flew to attack but Martin cut his wing with his naginata.

"AAAAGGGGHHHH!" Rumble fell to the ground, blood coming out of his wing as he tried to flap. "Come on."

"You alright!?" Miles went to help but Martin knocked him back, allowing Sonata to use her sonic scream to blast Miles away.

As Rumble tried to stand, Adagio knocked him toward Aria, the girl nodding to her friend and mimicking a crushing notion. "Do it."

Aria looked down at Rumble, placing her hoof on his other wing.

"What...what are you-GAAAAAAAAH!!" Rumble's wing was crushed by Aria, the boy squirming in pain. "Agh! My wings! Auuuugh!!!!"

"You won't be flying for a while, if at all," Adagio taunted.

"Monsters!" Silverstream angrily went after Adagio, the siren stopping her in her path. "What did you just do to my friend!?"

Adagio headbutted Silverstream, stunning her long enough for Martin to whack her aside.

"Good work, now let's go after Sandbar," Cozy Glow said. "I'll make him and Ocellus regret-"

"Take this!" Gallus flew in and used his talons to pin down Cozy Glow. "Little brat! It's over for you!"

"Hey! Get off!" Cozy Glow shouted.

"Cozy!" Sonata went to help but Yona rammed her away.

Garble stepped in and breathed fire at the rest of the Dazzlings, "Yeah, take that! Wussy ponies!"

"We're sirens, dumbass!" Aria shouted.

"Doesn't matter, you're still weak," Garble said.

"Garble! What are you doing?" Smolder asked.

"Taking care of business," Garble said, cracking his knuckles, "So, who else wants some of me?"

"There's that one guy who tried getting me and my friends killed in Manehatten!" Gallus said, gesturing to Martin before focusing back on Cozy Glow. "The one who manipulated this little nuisance."

"Get your grimy talons, OFF ME!" Cozy Glow managed to pry herself away and lunged at Gallus, the Griffon clawing across her face, resulting in the girl crying out in pain.

"Cozy Glow!" Sonata shouted in worry.

Gallus looked to his talons and saw some blood, and from what he could see, Cozy was desperately covering her left eye, tears streaming down the other.

Martin's eyes widened in worry, before anger took over. "Your life is forfeit, you little nuisance!"

Gallus looked ready to fight, but deep down wasn't sure if he could handle Mr. Negative.

"I got you covered, Gallus!" Smolder tried breathing fire, but Martin used his Naginata to slice across her chest, knocking the girl over. She checked her body to find something peculiar. "Blood? But how? Dragon Scales are too strong!"

"Sis!" Garble stomped angrily toward Martin, trying to pull his weapon away. "You stay away from her you-"

Martin pulled the weapon back long enough to jam it through Garble's chest, blood spurting out of his mouth as the one from his wound stained his chest.

"GARBLE!" A teary-eyed Smolder shouted in agony.

Garble fell over as Martin glared at Smolder, "You're next."

Fortunately Miles was quick to leap in, using his electric webs to zap Martin and kick him away.

He also managed to fight back Sonata and Aria, but took an attack from Adagio from behind. The moment Miles turned around, Laura lunged at him, trying to claw his eyes out.

"Hey! Snap out of it!" Miles called.

Adagio grinned in satisfaction, then noticed some oncoming trouble, "Here comes Twilight!"

Indeed Twilight was flying over, anger in her eyes, "You five have caused more than enough trouble."

"Wait, is she turning against us!?" Aria asked. "Adagio, Martin, control her!"

"Why bother? We can just leave," Martin said, gesturing to Cozy Glow. "Get her first."

Sonata went to check on Cozy, "Hey, we gotta go."

"It hurts!" Cozy cried, holding her eye. "It really hurts!"

"I know, we'll fix it!" Sonata said as Martin opened a portal.

"Stop them!" Smolder called, though Laura went for her next. "Oh come on!"

"Hey! Don't leave!" Sweetie Belle attacked with her symbiote, but Martin was quick to block.

"You're strong girl, but not strong enough!" Martin sliced across her chest. Fortunately the symbiote took more of the blow, but she still got knocked back from the momentum.

As Sonata went to leave, Gallus attempted to sneak up and attack. However she saw him coming and delivered a buck kick to his face, hard enough to damage his beak.

"I have to go, but I promise you this," Sonata glared a hole through Gallus. "Next time I come here, I will personally kill you myself!"

Gallus rubbed his beak as Sonata stepped through the portal, along with the rest of her team.

Sweetie Belle regained her composure and spotted the injured Rumble on the floor, "Oh no! Rumble!" She ran over to help him up. "Rumble, are you hurt that badly?"

"I can't...feel my wings," Rumble lamented. "What's...going to happen?"

Laura took the chance to attack, but Sweetie Belle grabbed her with her symbiote and slammed her a few times, before using her magic to blast her and knock her out.

"Sorry Laura, but it was for your own good," Sweetie Belle said, then checked on Rumble's wings. "Still, you're really hurt. We'll get you fixed up."

"Sorry to be a burden," Rumble said.

"You're no burden, I'd do anything for my friends," Sweetie Belle then turned to Smolder. "Speaking of friends..."

The Dragon Girl was on her knees, crying for her fallen brother, "Garble..."

Twilight got close, glaring down at everyone, "Bunch of troublesome kids. Especially you, Sweetie Belle."

"Me?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Running around with that symbiote, don't you care about the danger?" Twilight asked. "And Rumble, you're such a brat. I never should have taken you in."

"Please, Twilight wouldn't say that, she's too kind," Rumble said.

"He's right!" Spike said, flying by her side. "Twilight, stop this rampage!"

"Yeah seriously!" Janet said, flying over. "Think about all the ponies you're hurting!"

"Why should I?" Twilight asked.

"Because you love them, that's who you are," Spike said. "No amount of negative energy can change that fact."

"Twilight, I don't want to fight you," Janet said. "Don't make me."

"...Did I ever tell you that I hate that you married my little brother?" Twilight said. "Why does he need someone's leftovers?"

"Whoa, easy Twi," Spike warned. "I love you but Janet's my wife, don't talk to her like that."

"Besides, you know you like me, we're pals," Janet said.

"I put up with you, I put up with all of you!" Twilight shouted. "There isn't a pony here who hasn't ticked me off in some way."

"That's life, Twilight!" Peter said, swinging over and landing nearby. "We've all upset each other at least once. But we coexist because despite that, we love and care about each other. There's nothing you can do that could ever make me hate you. I know I've hurt you, and I'm sorry. That's why I consider myself lucky! Because I found a woman who was willing to look past my flaws and accept me for how I am! I strive to be better because I met you, Twilight. You're my inspiration to Be Better!"

"Mine too!" Johnny said, flying over. "You're like family to me Twilight, one of the only girls besides Susan that I would call my sister. You gave me a chance to be happy, and you can bet I would do anything to repay the kindness you left for me!"

"Twilight!" Fluttershy said, flying over. "If it wasn't for you, I would probably still be too afraid to talk to anypony. You helped me overcome my shyness, and it's thanks to you I managed to not only make some good friends, but I found myself a husband to love and care for me."

Bit by bit, many of the ponies came to confront Twilight, the mare looking on in confusion.

"Twilight, you say you regret taking me in, but I don't believe that," Rumble said. "Because I still remember how happy we were living together, seeing your smile everyday made me smile. Even now, despite not living with you, you're still there for me. You're the closest thing I have to a mother since I lost mine. Peter isn't my only inspiration, you are too."

"Twilight, your school may not have gone how you wanted it to," Silverstream said, getting her attention. "But it's thanks to it, and you that I made so many friends here in Ponyville. Sandbar, Ocellus, Rumble, you helped me find them, and I am so grateful for that."

"You were always there to help me, Twi," Rainbow Dash said. "No matter how much I tested your patience, you never gave up on me. You're the main reason I was able to become a Wonderbolt. Not because you tutored me for the entrance exam, but because you believed in me enough to inspire me."

"You mean a lot to us Apples, Twilight," Applejack said, getting her attention. "Remember what ah called you when Flim and Flam first came to town? You ain't just a friend, yer family. You'll always be an Honorary Apple."

"Hey, Twilight," Lightning Dust said, flying over. "For what it's worth, I am really happy that you liked my Washouts group, getting your endorsement really inspired me. So as someone you're a fan of, let me be a role model and say, do the right thing, pal."

There wasn't a single eye that didn't roll.

"You did a lot for us too," Sweetie Belle said. "Me and The Crusaders, you mentored us, even when you didn't have to. You're so great for that, thank you Twilight. You're a big reason why I feel as confident as I do today."

"Twilight," Gwen interjected. "I know you don't like me, but please know I never wanted to take Peter or Mayday from you. And I know Mary Jane doesn't want Benjy. We're just so fascinated with how great of a wife and mother you are. Mayday's cute and while she's the type of daughter I would like, I know she and Benjy love you too much to see anyone else as their mother."

"Anger can be terrible, huh Twilight?" Autumn Blaze said. "Bottling it all in, that's going to lead to hurtful things being said. Even if we don't mean those things, they can be hurtful. I know you don't really want to hurt anyone, physically or vocally. If you're mad, then talk to us, don't bottle this up again. We want to help, we're all friends after all."

"Twilight, you gave me a chance to overcome a lot of my issues," Starlight said. "It's thanks to you that I finally found good friends and a family to call my own. You've kind of become a sister to me, and I am so grateful to be a member of your family."

"I feel the same way of course," Trixie said. "From rival to sister, that's quite an impressive leap. Peter isn't the only one who's made me feel welcome in the family after all. I have not forgotten what you've done for me."

"Twilight," Celestia began. "I am so happy to have had you as a student. You mean so much to me, you're the daughter I wish I had."

"You're a lucky girl, Twilight," Miles said. "Don't throw away something good for the few bad things in life. It doesn't work out."

"Twiley," Shining Armor said. "You have so many ponies who love you, even if our worst time. Please, come back to us."

"Come back Twilight," Aunt May said. "We love you."

Twilight still felt confused, anger still in her heart, but slowly melting away. She just needed a bit more motivation. Fortunately it came in the voice of a young girl.

"Mommy?" Mayday said, trotting over with Benjy on her back, MJ, Flurry, Luster Dawn and Franklin not too far behind.

"Mayday..." Twilight said.

"You don't hate me too, do you mommy?" Mayday asked.

Hearing those words finally broke through to Twilight, tears coming down her eyes. "No dear...I don't." Bit by bit, the vines disappeared as the negative energy left her body. As Twilight fell, Peter caught her in his arms.

"Twi..." Peter said, checking on his wife.

She was exhausted, but still doing alright. That's all that mattered.

"Let's bring her inside," Spike said.

"Of course," Peter said, leading everyone toward the house. Despite what seemed like a victory, Peter could tell this was just a small one compared to all the other drama that was to come. Even in this win, he knew there were consequences.

In time, he would deal with them, for now he just wanted to help his wife.

Of course Peter wasn't the only one who had matters to attend to, as Kratos finally arrived in the Asgardian Throne room.

"Thor, we must speak," Kratos said.

The villains had a big start, and there was much more to come.