• Member Since 18th Jun, 2020
  • offline last seen April 17th


Currently trying to nation-build the 'lings


Shortly after Queen Chrysalis' defeat at Canterlot, her army is demoralised and hungry, and the Queen herself is at her wits end - having locked herself in her bedroom, presumably to spare her subjects from her upcoming mental break in a short moment of compassion.

The Queen that leaves the room is far different from the one that entered it.

Queen Chrysalis, seemingly revitalised in her entirety, declares a change in course for her and her subjects. She promises to lead them to a new battlefield... and she swears victory in her name.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 111 )

Time to beat these Ponies in their own game
meanwhile, Thorax chirping and running in Happiness

Interesting start. Looking forward to more!

Changelings buzzed around and worked various menial tasks that were beyond my understanding, most of them doing... something with the walls of the Hive. Molding them? Reshaping them? Opening new holes?

Strengthening them?:rainbowhuh:

What remained was what I guessed made up the 'civlian' side of the Changeling administration: a couple cliques of Changelings that represented their respective workforces.

The proletariat, you might say.

In terms of economy... we had no economy.

Despicable Me reference!:yay:

Feeding my subjects, properly, was not a thing I regretted. Quite the opposite actually. As impulsive and possibly harmful as that decision was, it wonderfully symbolised the new direction I wanted to take the Hive in. A time of Food. An Era of plenty.

To quote from The Ten Commandments

The city is made of brick, pharaoh. The strong make many; the starving make few. The dead make none.

I would suggest releasing the rather... Spent ponies and give them food and shelter in exchange for Love. Or at least some positive emotion.

But that's just my opinion :twilightsheepish:

i quite like this! maybe the reason that changeling at the end was staring at ‘chrysalis’ expectantly was for a command from the hivemind (if youre using that concept in this fic, at least)? if so, it doesnt seem like new chrysalis has access to it.

I really like this story so far can’t wait for the next chapter! :twilightsmile:

I also think that would be for the best especially if they ever want a good relationship with the ponies and other creatures.

Interesting story, which so far this MC is taking her role serious, remains me of Overlord except more competent leader. So making assuming captive or assuming abducting homeless folks to give them a better life at the cost of paying with love for the changeling to thrive. Since assuming this takes place at season 2, there would be folks to take care of.

Example: Trouble Shoes, Starlight and her village if found, some griffins, some of the Diamond Dogs, and etc. Good luck dealing with races that can fight.

Plus, she was merciful enough not to strike him down the second he questioned her, as was tradition, and Proboscis wasn't dumb enough to push his luck.

Wise indeed.

well this is definitely a start. A good one.

yep. definitely a nice start. followed.

I was better than Chrysalis. I will be better than Celestia. And I was going to do it my way.

In which way?
Military? She already have better army already, just feed them properly.
Martial might? Chysalis already beat Celestia with that body she inherited from.

Only thing I can think of is kindness, Celestia is known as kind and caring ruler, i don't think the mc can surpass with her shitty personality.
Or is it the economy? Lol just get lost.

A thin pillar of green energy - instantly recognisable by every Changeling - was rocketing out of the side of the spire

If she's fortunate, perhaps some wandering guard patrol will see the glowing green beam of death reaching up to the sky and investigate.

She wants ponies, how convenient would it be if they present themselves, right? Ahead of schedule, even!

Good start, but the various spelling errors and accidental placements of punctuation could easily fixed simply by skimming through the chapter in less than a minute.

Always good to proofread :D

Seems like a decent enough fic. I just don't really get the sudden "Isekaid into another character" bit. Maybe I just don't like it because I believe it just serves to vindicate the "if it were me I'd do better" ego driven mentality or the fact that it removes any characterization of the host. I also know nothing of the currect occupant of Chrysalis' body which is... I mean we should definitely see it and get into it.

The ego part isn’t so bad considering it’s Chrissy but yeah knowing more about who took over would be nice at some point. And maybe knowing more about what timeframe they took over?

I pulled away from the now empty pot, the delicious taste of Love spreading a warm feeling throughout my entire body. My vision seemed more crisp, my hearing sharper, my very chitin seemed to gleam brighter than usual.

's somewhere between Nectar (Haze) and Mint-Alls (Fallout)

Queen Chrysalis The Previous had successfully used her magic to both transform into ponies and overpower Princess Celestia in a standoff.


To quote from

EWhy No One Messes With Celestia
A Reaper dreadnaught confronts Celestia, intent upon indoctrinating the leadership of the ponies. Said Reaper quickly learns exactly why Celestia has earned the title Unconquered.
scion · 4.2k words  ·  1,884  59 · 25k views

Indeed, some even argued that she was not as powerful as she seemed, pointing to her defeat at the hooves of the changeling Queen Chrysalis as proof that she was capable of being beaten. After all, either changeling Queens were powerful enough to best the strongest of alicorns at the height of their power, a scary thought, or Celestia was perhaps not as powerful as she seemed, and the ability to perform the magic of hundreds of unicorns was more a relic of her special talent and not her magical power.

In truth, Chrysalis had not matched Celestia for power; there were only two creatures in the universe that could even think of matching her for power. No, Chrysalis had merely escalated their duel to the point where Celestia was forced to make a choice. Lose, and hope that the situation could be recovered by other means, either through her faithful student, Cadence, or her dear sister Luna…

Or turn Canterlot Castle and every creature in it into a puddle of molten slag as she unleashed her true, full power.

Needless to say, she had opted for the first option that day. Her pride and reputation did not matter nearly so much as the lives of her little ponies. So she had lost, and to her relief Cadence and Shining Armor themselves had stopped the invasion.

They'll live here. They'll see the plenty their new Queen can offer. And they will Love me.


Looks like the new plan is working for now and much better than the invade idea. That was a dumb idea considering all it does is make anyone not captured hate plus there is the laws of supply and demand. They need pony love but captured ponies will eventually run out of energy and since they aren't keeping the population going the demand goes up while the supply goes down. I wonder how much Celestia and the others are going freak out when they see the change.

I don't mind the "Ego" and this isn't about Chryssie. I just think that the reason for writing this fic makes the fic more like a "How it should have ended" episode.

Took a bit, but you have my attention now. Taking ponies down on their luck and offering them a life away from Equestria is an interesting way to go about it.

So the changlings are doing a systematic removal of the lower levels of the kingdom taking the best that was missed and discriminated agenst this will be so fun.


They need pony love but captured ponies will eventually run out of energy

Do cows run out of milk? Do chickens run out of eggs?

I wonder how much Celestia and the others are going freak out when they see the change.

it's possible they might not. From their point of view, certainly this is a vast positive improvement over invading Canterlot.

If captured ponies didn't run out of energy why would they keep needing more. Nothing last forever although some things can act like they are going to be around forever. After the invasion there will be some distrust naturally because of it and it will take some time for most folks to get over. The ones who didn't experience the invasion will probably be the first to come around. But I think twilight will have the hardest time considering how everyone ending hurting because she sensed something was wrong with cadence and she was right because the cadence they were all seeing was a fake. Celestia of all people should have been able to tell the difference between the 2. and for all those who say bring proof what would you have her bring exactly?

One day some government pony knocked on the door of her master's mansion, and suddenly the Lord she served decided to cut on costs.

Is Equestria a real developed nation or actually shithole nation wearing a gucci belt?

Equestria's Labors pool got smaller. They have more power and demanded for better paid and healthcare?

Because they treated pony as single used battery. Kept them podded and sucking out until they ran out of juice.

I think the end result will look something like this.


Do cows run out of milk? Do chickens run out of eggs?

Yes to both. A milk cow dries up between a year and eighteen months after giving birth, and chickens who are old or ill-fed don't lay.

There's no such thing in the magicless human world as a food source that doesn't require maintenance. (People used to think the sea was one such source, but that was before we fished out 90+% of the world's tuna, for just one example.)

It only makes sense that food sources for changelings would have similar limitations.

Seems you ate a "be" between could and easily...

...kidding, kidding. But you're right. So far it's enjoyable, but needs little polish. As you said, always good to proofread ;)

But... right then? At that very moment? It sounded like perfection. Like exactly what she needed.


Exactly what I thinking plus they had a couple ponies in the story that were podded and yet they were low on food. That says ponies are not an unlimited source of love but they give off more than other species.
I never liked applejack apology in the wedding episode because it sounded more like an excuse than anything else considering the whole point of imposter is pretend to be someone they aren't so knowing that they were an imposter would defeat the whole point of said imposter. How about saying sorry we didn't really listen when you tried to talk with us. How about sorry for not staying by your side. Those would have been better apologies.

Which was my point. The ponies would run out of fuel for changelings and then they would need another pony.

Let's use comparison then

Pony is like a rechargable powerbank with solar cell built-in. A pony can give lasted a very long time if properly maintained.
But you have to built expensive infrastructure, technology, and train bunch of specialized techicians to do that.
Lithium battery cell can lasted decades in ideal condition. As you can observe in electronic devices owned ny collecters. Being kept in humidity and temperature controlled room, constantly monitored and charged to storage voltage.

What chysalis did is just stored them underground at whatever charge and condition they came with, and discharge them till lasted drop.
You know what happend to overdischarged battery, right?

Well I'm sure if they could recharge the ponies they would have but stupidity probably got in the way of that. This was certainly will make that possible and much less work.

"Chrysalis" really needs to impress upon "her" subjects that these recruitment offers are meant to be the way the first one was: non-lethally and friendly if at all possible. That way leads more to true diplomacy. Unfortunately she has to unbrainwash a few thousand drones first.

I forgot to proofread *facepalm*


A milk cow dries up between a year and eighteen months after giving birth

That's not "running out." A cow doesn't have a fixed quantity of milk that when you take it, they don't have any more. Their bodies produce milk, and when they give birth again they go right back to producing milk again.

There's no such thing in the magicless human world as a food source that doesn't require maintenance.

I'm not suggesting that ponies are overunity generators. I'm suggesting that emotions can be "ranched" just like any other biological byproduct, of which there are plenty of real world examples. You don't empty out a cow's udders and then throw the empty cow away. You feed it, and it keeps producing milk. So why would you think ponies would "run out" of emotions rather than producing more?

Do you "run out" of emotion? What, are you born with certain amount, and then you fall in love, and then you're depleted and you become emotionless for the rest of your life?

No, that's not how this works.

It's 10 year old fanon that the pods changelings keep ponies in keep them nourished, while keeping them in a matrix-like happy hallucination so they radiate emotions for changelings to feed on. You've used this trope yourself. In an early chapter of Changeling Space Program, Cherry Berry was podded for weeks, having dreams that made her almost want to go back in. And clearly she wasn't an empty, unfeeling husk forever devoid of emotions when she was pulled out. Don't act like this is some brand new thing I'm suggesting.

As i said, it required huge amount of first time investment and continous cost of upkeep.
Imagine being mediaval king and having to teach bricklayers to build temp control room and teach your blacksmiths and seamtresses to make a functional usb cable.
You can ran out of emotion. Just keep reading comments of far right/left politic posts and angrily type replies. Keep doing that at least 8 hours per day and by next month you will be too drained to feel anything.

Opinions like this are entirely subjective and the fact that you quote another fic proves it.

There is a good reason this only has 1 dislike. I fucking love this!

Whatever the case, I would have to think up some sort of reward for Proboscis once all the work is done. The drone has earned it.

I thought of that Ed Truck handshake meme when I read this

Ah, Thorax is happy!

I feel if there was some QnA that might have helped, but could also have backfired. But if the human that took over Chrysalis is witty enough they could have fielded questions from the hive and waylaid their fears some. Sure, they are still loyal and will do anything for their Queen, but right now they are definitely feeling a lot of uncertainty. But blind loyalty can only carry you so far. Even if she only gives more information to some trusted officers, I think that would do worlds of good in keeping everyling on task. But it looks like we are just going to dive into the deep end face first when ponies start arriving.

Well time for the reformation to happen sooner. I agree with this Chryssy remaining in charge.

Comment posted by Pharaoh deleted May 14th, 2023
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