• Member Since 15th May, 2019
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This story is a sequel to Empress Cozy Glow

Okay, so I conquered Equestria, imprisoned the Mane Six and princesses in Tartarus, and ascended to become the new Empress of Friendship, right? Well, that was about eight months ago... Well, six months ago, I found the gem that changed my life... It is purple and has six sides, and about five or six hoof-fulls, I'd say? It's called the Guardian Amethyst and it called to me. I'm still not sure, I understand it, but I somehow just felt like I should go into that cave... That's where I found it on the stone floor... I don't know how long I stared at it, but eventually, it began to glow and spark... I don't know what it was in my mind, but I just somehow felt better and accepted just then?

I now understand that when I left that cave, I left a changed pony... And it wasn't just the new horn on my head or the fact that I now had magick for the first time in my life, but there was something else... I'll admit, being the only pony with magick in Equestria was a lot like being in Tartarus again! I remembered how the other ponies would stare at me... I couldn't explain it then, but I just felt like I had to get magick back! I had no idea how I was going to do that, though?

Eventually, I discovered that there was another artifact that would let me get into Tartarus... It was called the Staff of Opening, although it disappeared immediately after I used it! I somehow felt like I should go in there though. I needed to understand the other ponies and why they were upset with me and I knew that there was at least one pony who'd have a pretty good idea... I'll admit, Twilight Sparkle's friends were very upset when I told them that I would only take her. After all! I'm still evil! I'm a baddie! A villain! I couldn't just, let them all go, r-right?

Well, two months ago, I gave a kidney transplant to a filly in need... And that's when I realized that I had been changing! I asked Twilight Sparkle, my new assistant about it, and she helped me begin to understand that about myself... I wasn't the same filly... After having a nightmare, I began to realize that I had begun to see Twilight as not just my assistant, but as something else entirely... Something I haven't had since long ago... I saw her as my mother... You know, that was really hard for me to admit to her?

Then, an annoying draconequus showed up and used his power to free the Mane Six and the other princesses, by my command! While I'm not sure if he's really gone or not, I'll admit that made things very convenient to wrap up! But are things ever that convenient?

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 24 )

Was not expecting to see this get a continuation yet, but it's a welcome surprise.

Though I have to say, Twilight seems kind of... off here. With how overly affectionate and forgiving she's being. And towards the end, it seems almost like she had this all planned out. Which combined with how well everything seems to be going for Cozy Glow... it's starting make me question this whole situation.

I do have some hunch as to where this might be going. Though to be fair, it's kind of a hunch I always get in a Cozy Glow fic things seem a bit too good to be true. But still...

You done it now Cozy, and it to late to run. For Twilight already got you.

This is Twilight we're talking about. Of course, she planned this out. She learned to be an alicorn chess master from Celestia remember.

Good to see Cozy getting some proper friendship lessons and bonding with The CMC. Even if it did lead to her breaking her legs. Also, it's nice to see Twilight being a bit more firm with Cozy here and not completely subservient to her like she was in the first story

One little nitpick, you called Scootaloo red early in the story. I've always seen her as more orange than red. So it kind of through me off at first and I didn't initially know who this filly was supposed to be.

But aside from that, I really liked this chapter.

I also had a similar flash about Scoots' appearance here. What I saw in my mind was Tempest Shadow, which totally confused me. Perhaps the author should have shown Scoots and named her, thus avoiding any confusion.

Honestly, I truly am no fan of Cozy. However, this story has held my interest, just to discover how long it will be before Cozy becomes fully reformed. :moustache:

Have to say, the opening kind of caught me off guard and got me thinking the story was actually going somewhere I thought it could but kind of doubted, till Cozy woke up. And I realized it was just a nightmare (or was it?).

It seems Cozy Glow and Discord or going to be doing some bonding. That be neat. Though I have to wonder if Discord's line about "every time I meet you in a different dimension" was just a cheeky joke or a potential plot point.

Also, it's nice to see Cozy's mother's influence rubbing off on her. Honestly, I think it's a better direction than the show just treating her as another of Twilight and company's enemies after revealing she's evil. Actually have Twilight try taking Cozy under her wing and trying to help her student when she sees she's gone down a bad path.

Ok, was not expecting the random Snickers commercials reference.

Sorry to hear you've apparently gone through your old home burning down. Though I'm glad you seem to have gotten past it.

Though wondering what more there is to Cozy's backstory here? What caused the fire?

Is it a simulation of what Cozy wants deep in her heart made by the purple gem she found? And I take from her mind the female who is most likely to take the role for her? The Mane Six minus Twilight are ruled out because they don't meet Cozy's standards, and he trusts almost nothing in well-known princesses

Something like that. Though more along the lines of this all being simulation created by Twilight . Maybe in reality, Cozy Glow was defeated just like in canon, but Twilight's experimenting to see if she can be reformed if she had a happy life and a mother that loved her unconditionally. Hence my comment about her seeming like she planned this all out.

Also, Cozy just happened to stumble upon a crystal after she had won, that not only turned her into an alicorn, but brought out the inner good in. (Which Twilight herself reveals.) And also this crystal just happens to be purple of all colors...

Though again that's just my theory.

My body bursts out of the blankets as I throw all four of my hooves out and force the other pegasus to back off! “Alright, fine! We can play! Uh, after coffee!” I say before suddenly wondering if I have a new addiction? *

You're not the only one Cozy, it's okay.

In fact as someone that can drink two big cups of coffee, (even on summer.) i think you're okay (lol.)

Of course, Twilight planned this out. This is Twilight Sparkle we are talking about. How much of this, if any, is real is another story methinks.

Well, we got Cozyloo and Scoota-Glow! And just for fun, Discord also decided to include Apple Belle and Sweetie Bloom into the pack...

I always love fanfics where Twilight not only is the one who wants to reform cozy but also adopts her and loves her with all her might. Protective mama twilight in this story is far better than an evil tyrant who wants to keep cozy a statue forever. Which is how she is written in other fanfics sometimes. Twilight is either written as the one who wants to save cozy and becomes her mom at the fanfic’s conclusion or she’s the one who wants to keep her petrified. Obviously one is more heartwarming than the other.

If I'm being honest, I always thought that Twilight would likely develop feelings of guilt over what happened with Cozy Glow. I don't believe Cozy really got a fair shake! Anyway, in many of my stories, Twilight does show remorse for this. In my Peculiar Tale of Twinkle Shine story, for example, Twilight's ghost never crossed over to the afterlife, just so she could protect Cozy's statue... Tirek and Chrysalis's statues both crumbled to dust, but not Cozy's... She woke up on a concrete platform in an abandoned courtyard, 2000 years later, with no idea who she was or how she got there...

I always found that story funny because a lot of it is Izzy and cozy smoking weed together but twilight showing guilt over how she handled cozy would be nice to see not just in fanfics but the show as well. I want to believe twilight still cares about her but given what I’ve seen in the show I’m not so sure to be honest. Those two really need some sort of reconciliation.

That’s probably how cozy would come back in g5. Just being freed from the statue and having no idea where she is but she’d still have her memories. In canon it’s confirmed they are just asleep not self aware so cozy isn’t suffering like people think she would. Still doesn’t make what happened to her okay but it is still a relief to know that when she ever is freed she’s won’t go insane from watching time pass her by and unable to do anything to prevent it. The idea of her begging to be released and screaming for someone to help her and not leave her as a statue is terrifying.

Yeah, in the show they called it a "dreamless sleep", which would imply that she's at least not aware of herself during that time... In my Filly Eyes story, Twinkle tells her best friend Jessi Trotsky, "But Cozy Glow never woke up, Jessi... I did!"

That's actually a metaphor for my own life...

Cozy and Twinkle are the same pony physically but different personalities. At that fanfics end twinkle acknowledges cozy after realizing she can’t get rid of her since she is part of her mindset and twinkle hugged it out with her, it was nice. I don’t know if I’d want cozy to lose her memories in canon because when they start to resurface. She’s gonna have no one to talk to who really understands what she’s going through or know what to say to her. If she doesn’t remember who she was then she’d probably act a lot like Twinkle Shine since she would have no reason to Perdue villainy then.. Sunny and her friends were not there during cozy’s time so they could only do their best to reassure her she is not that same filly anymore but cozy might still doubt herself because even if she wants to change there is a power source with all of equestria’s magic upstairs ripe for the taking. She’d be very tempted. She could try talking to spike but I doubt that would go well. He might actually be a major problem for cozy if she’s trying to be better and reform. Spike might keep reminding her about what she did and pretty much have no hope the filly can change. Always seeing her as a monster. Also pretty deep view of yourself.

Well, it's similar to what I wrote about earlier in the last story. When Cozy was telling the other Crusaders to stay away from her because she's a bad filly, I asked myself, "what does it take to look at yourself that way? Why would you ever have such an opinion of yourself?" and that's when I realized that it's environment! Cozy came from an environment where she viewed herself as a villain, and now, she was no longer in that environment or mindset, but one must always proceed the other...

Your first story was very good. I’ve read a lot of fanfics where cozy doubts if she can even be good or not and it plays on her two desires. She wants Power but also to be love. Canon Cozy never really had a healthy environment. Tartarus was never gonna make her better mentally or make her remorseful for what she did. Just make her worse and I was right. They put her in a place with monsters so of course she’s gonna view herself as one. People always push that she’s a demon or hell spawn but this is the reality. She was a child who was put into the worst place in equestria and no one ever tried to help her or understand her even when she was still there. The finale happens and yet again twilight isn’t trying to reason with cozy let alone understand her mindset. The ponies made her worse but they blame cozy for how she is and not realize how their punishments affected her. Fanfics do a better job at explaining cozy than the actual show but it would be amazing to see her freed in canon as well.

Thank you so much! I've been writing this story as a sequel, in order to continue Cozy Glow's adventures. I talked about what happened to her mother earlier, and that was me telling my story. It's a form of catharsis... Regardless, I certainly enjoy hearing how my fans enjoy my work! There's more to come after this latest chapter, as soon as it's done fermenting in my mind...

This is why I want Discord dead. That bastard gets to torment cozy but faces no repercussions. Twilight better step in to protect her child and also threaten Discord’s life. If he is gonna torture cozy then he deserves whatever pain twilight unleashes on him. No more games or tricks Twilight better fuck him up. I really hate discord in canon and fanfics.

OK, this is getting interesting. Though at the same, Discord's really starting to ware out his welcome.

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