• Published 10th Dec 2023
  • 6,900 Views, 447 Comments

Out of Cadance - David Silver

Cadance always wanted a sister. She just didn't expect it to involve so many angry cultists with plans to get rid of her. The young princess must face her dark reflection. Could only one of them escape? There were better solutions...

  • ...

24 - Be Still, My Beating Heart

Tempo regarded the crystal heart with a look of concentration. It was an elaborate design that seemed so very simple at a glance. The heart was an awe-inspiring entanglement of enchantments and fine work that she was almost instantly lost in studying it.

Spike hopped off her back and dashed for it, which prompted Twilight to unfreeze as well. The two reached it at about the same time, grabbing it and setting off the alarm. Dark booming laughter came from outside with a warning grow. Dark crystals erupted in a circle around the crystal, trapping Twilight under them. Spike was too small to hold with the crude barrier, rushing right back out the way he came. The heart bumped against the exit, a little too wide to make it.

Twilight pointed to the heart. "Take it to Cadance, quick!"

"What about you?" Tempo stared at her in confusion. She had to be kidding. "I can't just leave you here." She seemed to notice a moment later. "Also, it's stuck." She charged forward and slammed her heavy metal frame against the crystal barrier, cracking it and jostling the heart.

Spike tugged fiercely, getting it a few more inches closer to freedom.

Tempo whirled around and lashed out her hind hooves in a powerful kick, sending crystal bits flying everywhere. Spike fell back with the prize. "Got it!" He gave a firm salute. "I'm on it, Twilight."

"I'm with you, Spike." Tempo was on his tail as the two sprinted from the room and right to the window, where a path of crystal led down to the surface. The walkways provided were narrow and slender. "Spike, you can navigate this." She pointed even as he bounced off her and started the journey. "Go, Spike, go!" She waved a hoof at his scramble.

Twilight yelled from behind them both. "Get moving, Spike!"

"I'm going, I'm going! Don't nag me. I'm going." He kept trotting up the twisting walkway as he gripped the precious crystal to his chest.

Tempo hurried back to Twilight. "Let's secure your freedom, sister." She glanced about. "Hm, we could smash it with an attack from above, if we could only reach." She paced the edge of the cage, wondering how to deal with the bars. "I lack a pickaxe."

Twilight smirked as Tempo went down curious paths of thought. "What you did before was effective, if you could keep hitting it? Your heavy metal body is quite talented as a bludgeon when all else fails."

Tempo jammed her shoulder forward and lashed out a hoof out in the other direction, pressing outwards as the crystal groaned under the growing pressure as she slowly forced it either way as she grunted with the effort. "But you are too close, I am afraid I would hurt you in the process."

Twilight smiled up at Tempo's worry for her. "Then keep distracting him while I see if I can find another way out."

"Right." Tempo abandoned attacking the crystal to rush for the window. She could see Spike working his way down. She could also see the smokey form of Sombra rushing up to attack Spike. "Unacceptable." But what ways did she have to counter it? She angled her head and fired a thin laser at Sombra, forcing him to swerve and dodge, at least slowing him down.

Spike suddenly fell with a yelp, far too far below for Tempo to reach before both hit the ground. She cringed backwards, but Cadance caught him before he could get hurt. "Sister!" Not that Tempo was sure she could be heard. "Yes!"

Sombra didn't seem to care. He barreled after Cadance, his horn glowing with darkness.

Cadance ran out of Tempo's field of view. "Sister is doing something." Tempo strained, trying to get a peek. Whether she could see it or not, she would feel it. An immense wave of magic and love exploded up from beneath her, shattering Sombra's crystals to dust, overflowing across Tempo, Twilight, and everything else she could see.

Twilight yelped as she became made of crystal.

Tempo wasn't there to see it, mind a thousand miles away.

In that dark place, she could hear hooves gently stepping towards her. An alicorn loomed over her, powerful and majestic. Tempo shook in confusion, but felt nothing to fear from the great princess. "Who are you?"

The princess smiled gently a moment, reaching to place a hoof on Tempo. "What are you?" they countered in soft tones. "Why do you exist?"

"I'm not sure. I am not a natural pony." Tempo looked down at herself. "I am made of metal. It isn't right. Ponies are beautiful creatures, they should be soft, warm, and inviting. I am hard, cold, and imposing." She sank to the ground on her belly. "Sorry."

"You protected them." The princess circled Tempo slowly. "You are loved by them, and you love them. Is that not enough?"

"No!" Tempo shook her head in a furious denial. "It isn't. I need to be a true pony, it isn't enough to pretend at being one. I don't have a heart, or know what it means for my heart to race. Their experiences are kept away from me, and I can only guess."

The princess cupped Tempo's cheeks gently. "Then I know what its touch will be for you." She leaned in, touching nose to nose. "Live."

A moment later, Tempo opened her eyes, her heart thumping powerfully in her chest. Everything felt off in ways she had a hard time pinning down.

Twilight brushed past her, just to pause. "Tempo?" She turned to face her sister-in-law. "Do you feel alright?" She reached out, brushing a hoof along Tempo's fur, pressing a bit harder than one would need to just feel the fur.

Tempo gently swatted the hoof away. "I'm alright. Why are you feeling me like that?"

"You're much softer than usual." She leaned in, almost mashing her face to Tempo's. "You're breathing."

Tempo gasped, as if just to make that point clear. "What? I do not breathe, unless I am smelling something." She lifted a hoof to her mouth and could feel it, the soft in and out breaths. Her lungs, which she had, were working to move air as her heart thumped. She was alive, and crystal. "Cadance?" She pushed past Twilight in her sudden urgency. "Cadance, I am—"

Twilight put a hoof on her side. "Let's get down there." She led the way for Tempo to get down without hurting herself in her frantic hurry.

Blueblood found them first, pouncing on his beloved Tempo, just to become quite perplexed, which showed on his face. "Dear?" He slid free of her. "You are looking splendorous with the crystal treatment." He was also a sparkling crystal pony, like everypony else in the city. "But there's more at play." He went in, touching nose to her cheek. "You're hot. Tempo, are you well?"

Twilight stepped up. "I think she's alive now, Blueblood." She rested a hoof on him. "Congrats, big brother." She squeezed him gently. "Now, we have to go, and I believe you should return to Cadance's side."

Blueblood took a moment to process that. "Alive? Truly? Um, but yes. We should return to Cadance. She will need to be informed of this post-haste!" He moved to Tempo's side. "Come along, my dear. Let's not delay. Twilight, do you know what happened to her?"

Twilight shook her head as she started to trot along with the others. "No, I don't know. We were in there, and—"

"Sombra," muttered Blueblood. "Oh, there she is." Hidden behind a crowd of bowing crystal ponies, Cadance became visible as she stepped forward with a smile. That smile only brightened as she spotted Blueblood and Tempo. "There you two are! I was looking for you." She halted before them, noting Tempo's new appearance. "Is that?"

Twilight moved in from the side. "She appears to be alive."

Cadance reached out for her sister, drawing her into a gentle hug. "You must be terribly confused! Poor thing. I'm here for you, promise."

Tempo nodded, sinking into her sister's embrace. "I am not sure what happened."

Blueblood slid himself into the hug, pressing in between the two alicorns. "But you are indeed a living creature. I loved you before, and still do. This is amazing. Does anypony know if this will last, or if it's a flight of fancy? It wouldn't do to have you revert into a golem. You would be too upset, and I'd be sad, but we can't have it. Perhaps some tests are in order. I may need to pull a few strings."

Cadance snorted with a faint laughter. "Blueblood, there are no strings you could pull that would change that. I feel certain, for most of us, we will stop being so... shiny... in a few days. I don't know how long you will remain like this, but guessing it'd be about the same time feels safe."

Twilight sighed faintly. "And it's going to be a shame. I like the way I look."

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Oh, not you too."

Cadance took a breath. "As delightful as the shine is, to be alive when was not before, it must be so very confusing." She looked to Blueblood. "Help your wife."

"As if you need to ask." He wrapped his arms around Tempo. "How do you feel? Is anything different than you remember?" He rested a hoof to her side. "I can feel your heartbeat." He moved to the other side, pressing his ear to listen. That soft thumping sound was something he hadn't been hearing from his wife before, and it held him in awe. "Your heart is so strong. My dear Tempo."

Tempo wiggled, shaking her head. "We must leave." She gently pulled free of his grasp. "I can't..."

"Can't what, my dear?" Blueblood nuzzled against her shaking snout. "Speak, if you wish. I'm listening, whatever it is." He leaned in, ears upright and open to whatever she had to say.

"I can't protect Cadance like this." Tempo slumped. "I am weak and soft. I feel so vulnerable. I am no guardian."

Blueblood pulled Tempo into a firmer hug. "Even the sun must rest, but it remains just as brilliant when it returns. Do not fret, loveliest Tempo. I will defend my beloved sister until you are able." He planted a kiss on her cheek, making her shiver from the attention. "I love you, as you are. Crystal or otherwise."

Cadance saw what was happening, and gently stepped around. "You two should retire for the day."

Blueblood nodded slowly. "I have to agree."

Cadance gave him a playful smirk. "But I must ask. Would you have fallen for her without the crystalization?"

"You know the answer to that, sister." Blueblood led his wife away. "I married her when she was metal, and to metal she will return. If I wasn't ready to embrace that, I choose quite poorly, hm? Now, let us away." She led Tempo into the palace, away from the crowds and everypony else.

Tempo followed, trotting behind as her mind whirled with the implications of her transformation. "Why did I transform? How? What does it mean? I can't be alive, can I?"

"The Crystal Heart affected all of us." Blueblood waved over his shiny form. "For most of us, we became more brilliant. For you, your first breath of air. You're beautiful, regardless."

Tempo shook her head. "But why? I was created to defend Princess Cadance, and I cannot, now." Her ears flattened. "I am weak and worthless like this."

Blueblood's horn glowed as he closed the door behind Tempo, the two of them safely within their room. "There is no pony that doesn't deserve a break once in a while. Tonight, you are to think only of yourself, and enjoy your being. Tomorrow, or whenever you return to being metal, you can take up the role of steadfast guardian." He caressed her tenderly. "But for tonight, be mine."

Tempo shivered at his touches, her senses heightened in her current state. "Blueblood." She reached to brush a hoof along his cheek, just to feel the soft fur, the warm skin beneath. "Oh." It occurred to her in that instant. While one thing had been taken from her, another gift had been given to her. "I'm, I mean." She colored as she squirmed. "I see."

She would see far more clearly as they nestled together and both grew more familiar with the changes she'd experienced.

Author's Note:

No promises the crystal heart would affect a golem the same way as a typical pony. Think of the typos this might make.

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