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while not doubting that overwhelming thoughts constantly haunted her the thought of how did I get here? and what did I do to deserve this?

When will it end?

What she did was suffer then mourn then earn her prize.
Her prize was a new life, new friends, but stuck with a fear of change.

But then again she compared her old life to her new one. so much that was different from how it was, instead of being selfish and protective of what she owned, she now had to be selfless and sharing.

Wait, what did she own? her pride, her talent, her knowledge, her willingness to keep going.
all of that and more but some not fully.

An element of the periodic table needs to have its shell complete of electrons, unlike noble gasses which need to find another element to share those electrons with to be full.

Noble gas?
Is that what she thought she was?


No, she wasn't higher, she was half empty and she needed a half-full. And so she did, she shared what she had and got what she needed now that bond is inseparable.

All things end.

The sequence of bad things ending is what creates good. stars die to make room for more good or bad in their standards. Now she made room for a solar system of other stars that weren't just her.

“I have you and that's all I ever needed.”


"ok man no need to ye-“


“What has him so pissed,” sunset said

“Idk maybe he needs to take a shit” rainbow dash replied.

“Oh that’s not oooh darling that’s not it.” rarity said hesitantly.

“Anyways I’m gonna go find twilight.”

“I thought she hated you.”

“ No one can hate me more than I already hate myself,” Sunset said kind of proudly.

“ oh darling no that’s not no.”

Sunset approached Twilight trying to seem less intimidating since she was at least 3 inches taller.

“ Oh dear, what do you want.“

“You.” sunset said snarky.

Twilight blushed in panic and crossed her arms in slight anger.

“ I’m kidding, we haven’t talked much since u fell on the track last semester and u know you lost some of your respect from others. I wanted to say sorry for making you fall.”

Twilight looked back in surprise and curiosity

“ What you didn’t make me fall. That ladybug did. You were just next to me”

“ I mean nvm yeah I kind of thought u wouldn’t be the type to blame a bug.”


"FUCK" sunset yelled

Once again stuck running on the blacktop track.

"This is your fault"


"I know it's just nice to have somewhat of a friend to make fun of." twilight said Mono toned.

"WERE FRIENDS???" Sunset said loud but not loud enough for the others to hear.

"Well, I mean Uh--- if u NEVER MIND." twilight shut down immediately.

" Nooo I want to be friends. '


" WE ARE NOT FLIRTING," both said in union

"Oh look at the little turtles," The baby-like pink-haired girl said.

"Ohh there are their parents," Twilight said.

"OH, WHERE ???" sunset said fast.

Twilight bonked the top of her head and said

“ THERE DUMBASS” Twilight screamed.

" STOP YELLING” Rarity BOOMED to get Twilight and Sunset to stop fighting.


" OH SHIT," SUNSET said loud and scared

"So scared, in fact, that she fell. She had been running so fast. Twilight was rolling down the small hill, trembling with fear."

Just barely missing the creek Sunset tried to get up but realized she was right on top of Twilight in a kind of odd position.

" I'm sorry," Sunset said.

"I know," Twilight spoke.

"Please look at me when you say that."

"You're still mad please don't be mad"

"oh shi- your bleeding"

"yeah you are too"

"no like bleed bleeding"

"oh yea"

twilight pulls Sunset's cut toward hers and checks her head for the gashing cut that bleed

"Damn take me out to dinner before u try and kiss me." sunset said flirty.

"I hate you."

'I love you too"

twilight jerked off her and turned away in gay panic.

" I'm sorry man forgive me"

"Fine, let's go to the nurse, ok you're bleeding a lot."

“Where are they,” Rainbow said.

“Nurse office” Rarity spoke.


“They fell at the creek darling”

“Are they gay?” Fluttershy said quietly.

“Most Likely, there was most definitely tension when they landed in such a position.” Rarity said.

“Y’all we should get going, everyone's leavening.” Apple Jack yelled

Soon after school twilight is walking away from the school, just about a block away, she hears screaming from around the corner. It’s the only sunset shimmer.


Twilight slowed down just the tiniest bit.

“ Finally, anyways—“Sunset said panting

“ Did you need something?”

“Your number ;)” Sunny said flirting again

“ no”

“:(“ sunsets pouting face

“U already have my number somehow”

“ I know”

“Sorry I wanted to ask if you wanted to come over you know to make up for it by uh I don’t know having dinner

“Maybe “

“ Really?!!??!?!” Sunset said surprise


“oh :(“

“I'm kidding I’m really hungry and my family won’t be there for a while,” Twilight said.

“ Yay.”

Sunset started walking and pointing in the direction of her house.

“Wait are u making it”

“Maybe, would that be bad???” Sunset said.

“Depends if you’re good at cooking.”

“OF Course I am Twily.”

“Huh is that a nickname?”

“Yes, oh didn’t you not like it? :(“

“ No no I love it now I have to give you one,” Twilight said. “Hm, how about sunny.”

“ I love it,” Sunny said, quite happy with it.

“I love you.” twilight said under her breath as they walked up the stairs to Sunset’s apartment.

“ I’m sorry did you say something?”


“Oh ok :)” Sunset said, completely oblivious.