• Member Since 7th Sep, 2021
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Orderly Disassembly

i love reading, and i have many stories i wish to tell... i just get in over my head or impatient at times. that and my worst enemy is capitalization.


Cozy Glow, Tirek, Chrysalis, all are names feared by many. However, after their defeat, memories of them have started to fade.

Not Twilight's though, no she's thought of the incident every day since she ascended to the throne, and today she had a very disquieting thought.

"Didn't Discord say he could see while like that? What about them?"

So she asked and so he answered

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

That dream will shatter. I mean, it takes one flaw to shatter the dream and the dreamers will realized that its all fake despite how happy they are.

Luna spent a thousand years in the moon. It didn’t help her.
Discord spent a thousand years as stone. It didn’t help him.
Sombra spent a thousand years as a spirit. It didn’t help him.
Tirek spent a thousand years in Tartarus. It didn’t help him.
The Dazzlings spent a thousand years in the human world. It didn’t help them.
Stygian spent a thousand years in Limbo. It didn’t help him.

We’re 0 for 6 in canonical variations of “putting the bad guy somewhere and ignoring them for a thousand years”, Twilight. Take the hint. It doesn’t work, it just kicks the can down the road.


The Dazzlings spent a thousand years in the human world. It didn’t help them.

I doubt this statement. Sunset who left Celestia before Twilight discovered her talent, but in the human world Sunset is already about the same age as Twilight. From this we can assume that time between worlds passes at different speeds. Probably the sirens also spent not a thousand years in the human world, but much less. (I'll assume they spent there at most 10 years.)

If that were the case, then even assuming that while the portal is open time is synced up, then I’d still expect a lot more time to have passed for Twilight between EqG’s first and second movies.

The simple fact is that EqG’s timeline and the show’s are just irreconcilable and any attempt to do so will just lead to madness and tears. Still, even if we ignore it, being 0 for 5 is not exactly better for Twilight here, which is the main point.

Ciphers #5 · March 18th · · 1 ·

true, the dreams they experience are long, like 1000 years, but their brains are limited. It only takes some time until the brain can't think of another new thing, they will stuck in a loop with no escape

you should add Cozy tag

Until some creature arrogant or stupid enough to mock, insult and laugh at them for being petrified. Like Discord for the CMCs, they'll be free

Oh, that was good. They are almost a happy family, they almost care about each other. But any affection is always undercut by tension and a lot of it. This dream is like a pot that’s always just about to boil over.

Wait they finished that game before the one thousand timer of plot for the petrification ran out?

Reminds me of a story idea I had once inspired by Link's Awakening. In that game, the island world you play in is actually just the elaborate dream of the giant Wind Fish that sleeps for very long stretches, the dream taking on a life of its own over time and birthing a world that ends when the Wind Fish wakes up.

Basically a G5 story where the Trio's statue allowed their subconsciouses to meld and create a dream world born from aspects of all three's minds and experiences. Combined with thousands of years elapsing for the dream to evolve in complexity, and the dream is practically an entire world onto itself.

With magic back, it's not long before some pony discovers dream walking, and finds this giant sphere in the dreamrealm. Unknowingly, they try to tap into it to see what it's all about, but in so doing pop the bubble and make it spill out and consume the rest of the dreamrealm. Every pony who falls asleep gets sucked into it and are stuck. There bodies are asleep and will die from thirst if they aren't woken up, and it's up to the main cast to find out how.

They were at a sleep over party where they ended up staying up all night and found out in the morning that no one is awake. One of their members do go to sleep, but happen to be a sleep talker and are able to mumble about what's going on in the dream. The sleeper tries to learn information in this new world and pass it on to their friends, who are in the waking world chugging coffee while trying to track down the source of the dream.

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy are the Gods of the Dream world.

A capital-LGP Legitimately Great Piece. Extra points for jumping right into the dream watching and explaining it at the end. The short description and chapter name are more than enough context to avoid any confusion in the text.

Experiencing it the exact way Twilight does is masterful.

This is such a bittersweet story. Here we have all 3 finding atleast some semblance of happiness and yet one day the dreamers will wake. When they do i hope they keep the peace they found.

This could work
Honestly if it has to be that way then this works

While not what I'm going with, I did say peaple who thought their punishment was too harsh can headcanon that they are sharing a dream in their eternal stone sleep (after all, Luna is one of the ones who turned them to stone, and so is Discord who could adjust it as he sees fit, and he's the one who commented that they'd most dislike being together forever). And that they're either comically annoyed by spending eternity together (like much of Frenemies) or learning to get along. It's great to finally see someone write a story like this.

One time I did a calculation on how many years went by in Equestria vs. the EG world, I can't remember exactly how it goes now but I came to the conclusion that the Dazzlings would have spent about 300 years there, with their pendants giving them eternal youth.

I would eat this story. Consume it. It’d taste like French fries

This story is terribly bittersweet, we know that they are building something, but we also know that it is all false. The stories about them turning to stone always strike me, it's one of the worst punishments they could suffer.

I hope they can become closer with time, they have the potential to be a family. It reminds me of Jade Ring's series "Frenemies" where the three end up forming a family.

And even if it did, why a thousand years specifically? If they aren't willing to reform after 100 years, surely 900 more won't make them change their mind? And Discord putting them in their dream-like state would surely only make things worse when they actually get freed.

I assume that this is to give them all chance to bond properly, a thousand years would be more than long enough for them to properly bond without risk of 'being corrupted by friendship' like they originally believed
It'll be a much more gentle way for them to become a family of misfits

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