• Published 22nd Mar 2024
  • 976 Views, 7 Comments

Why is there a pony in my bed? - Zlaggi

Usually when you wake up in your bed, you don't expect a pony staring at you

  • ...

Chapter 2 A lost pony in my room

"You can talk?!" After Anon's outburst an awkward silence followed.

To say that the pony reacted well to this was a complete lie. A look of fear crossed her face and she dashed to hide underneath his bed.

"Shit." Anon spoke under his breath. His right hand rose up to rub the back of his head.

"Hey, uh. You can understand me, right?" Anon winced slightly as a terrified and near silent "Yes." came from underneath his bed.

"I'm sorry for raising my voice. It's just-" He paused for a second, taking in a deep breath. "I've never met a talking pony before."

He slowly crouched down and looked underneath his bed. There with some discarded and forgotten papers, sat the terrified pony, shivering as if it was thirty degrees colder.

A sliver of those big blue eyes was seen through her mane, the way she looked at him of made his heart ache.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. Could you come out from underneath my bed and we can talk?" Anon spoke in the softest voice possible, while beckoning her to come out with his arm.

Her face emerged out from behind her mane. A small "Okay." accompanied as she slowly backed out from under the bed and stood up.

When Anon stood back at his full height he realized how tiny she actually was. She only came up to around his waist. It looks like he could easily pick her up.

'She's the perfect size for a cuddle buddy.' Anon slightly recoiled at the thought. 'What? Where the hell did that come from? Also why the fuck am I not freaking out about the literal alien in my room? Have I finally lost all sense of reason? I really hope I am not currently dying on my bed and having a hallucination just before my death. Damn, this would be the weirdest before death experience in the history of every single dead person.' And there his thoughts go, thinking about the weirdest shit while dumbly staring at the perfect cuddling sized pony. Damn dude, say something.

Blinking way his confusing morning thoughts, Anon sat back down on his bed, facing his new impromptu guest.

"Uh... So, what's your name?" Smooth as fucking sandpaper.

The pony sat down on top of his bed, hooves resting underneath her. Anon really wishes that those hooves are clean but he doesn't ask. For all he knows it could be considered rude to ask that. He sure as hell didn't know.

It takes a few seconds before she answers, in this time her face had retreated behind her hair.

A whisper comes out from behind the pink mane. "I'm Fluttershy."

This time it was loud enough that he didn't need to awkwardly ask her to repeat herself. It's always awkward to ask someone that.

"Fluttershy huh?" The pink mane bobs up and down a few times, which he takes as her nodding. "It's a fitting name." Anon gives her a reassuring smile. He isn't sure if she could even see it due to the obscuring hair and all that.

"Names Anonymous, but just Anon is fine." She answers with a single nod.

"Where am I? If you don't mind me asking." Anon could see her eyes gazing all across his room. Damn he really wishes that he had at least some interesting furniture right now. He really should have gone to that IEKA store when he had the chance.

"Well, you're currently in my bedroom, in my apartment in the humble city of New Tavvloire."

For the first time since she appeared in Anons bedroom she looked straight into his eyes. Then she slowly blinked. It's as if she'd never heard of New Tavvloire.

She quickly averted her gaze. "H-How far are we from Canterlot?"

Anon shook his head. "I've never even heard of that place."

She went quiet and stared out of the only window in his room. A few clouds lazily floated in the air.

This let the room fall into an awkward silence, neither party uttering a single word. To be honest the air around Anon's bedroom was starting to become suffocatingly awkward.

"So... Can you fly with those wings?" He didn't think this through, what if asking pegasi about their wings was similar to saying a girl had nice tits. Oh shit, of fuck. He really wished it wasn't anything like that.

His face didn't betray his thoughts as the slightest hint of a smile still lingered on his face, he was trying his best at appearing nice and welcoming.

"Uhm.. Yes, I can fly." Her tone has a bit more volume in it. It was still a whisper but he didn't have to strain his ears to hear her talk.

"Have you ever flown over the clouds?" Of course she has you dumb ass, she can fly.

"Oh yes, many times. I've even lived up there." She replies with a small smile on her lips.

A confused look crosses anons face. "What do you mean lived?"

"I lived up there when I was a filly but I moved over to ponyville a few years ago."

Pony what? "Ponyville? Really?" Seemingly not noticing the slight humor in his voice Fluttershy continued.

"Yeah, do you know about it?" A look of hope flashed in her eyes.

"No, never heard of it." And just like that the hope in her heart was shattered.

"Could I see a map of where we are? If you don't mind showing." She turned her head to face him yet again, those big blue eyes stared straight into his soul.

"Oh, uh yeah. Just let me get my phone." He reached over the bed and picked up his phone from the floor.

"What's a phone?" The ball of adorableness asked.

He held his phone up to her eye level. "You don't know what a phone is?"

"Uhm, no. Is that a bad thing?" She looked down, her hair fell in front of her face.

"Well no, its not a bad thing, just weird. Everyone has a phone these days, its nearly impossible to find someone who doesn't own one." He quickly unlocked his phone and opened his map app. From the corner of his vision he could see two pairs of blue eyes watching him as he tapped away at the aluminosilicate glass.

A slight frown appeared on Anon's face. "I can't find these Ponyville or Canterlot places anywhere." He turned his phone over towards Fluttershy.

As her eyes gazed across the unfamiliar piece of technology, she could read two white words written on a black background. "No results."

She looked at Anon, a questioning look formed on her face. "I don't want to be mean, but are you sure that this thing is a map?"

"A hundred percent sure. Its also a device that does many other things." He pocketed his phone. "Are you sure you're from Ponyville. I've never heard of it and neither has the entire rest of the world."

"What do you mean rest of the world?" Her eyes followed the phone as it disappeared into his pocket.

"How would I say this." He paused for a second, thinking of what words to use. "Humanity has explored every single landmass on Earth and they can store that information on a thing called the internet. I just used the internet to check if there is a place called Ponyville anywhere and it came out negative." Fluttershy's eyes widened in realization.

She quickly dashed to the window and looked outside. Everywhere her eyes could see was an unfamiliar world. Weird boxes moved on black roads, more unfamiliar creatures like the one she was with, walked on sidewalks, multiple lamp like things flashed colors of red, green and yellow. It was all unnatural, different and most of all scary.

Not to mention the dawning realization of the fact that she might be the only pony around.

"Where am I?" Her ears pressed down to hear head.

Author's Note:

The best time to write is when you're forgoing sleep.

Comments ( 4 )

"Author's Note:

The best time to write is when you're forgoing sleep."

Ah yes, the good ol' 4am muse, always a delight.

It is the best. Also interesting to have it be Fluttershy crossing worlds instead of Twilight or Dash.

"Where am I?" Her ears pressed down to hear head.

Welcome to Earth

Love this story topic, great chapters so far, looking forward to more!

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