• Published 31st Mar 2024
  • 408 Views, 54 Comments

The Glue of Harmony - Twidashlover123

Spike is alone on Hearths Warming. Strange things happen. What will he do about it

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Dream Jumping

As Spike drifted into the realm of dreams, the howling winds outside seemed to seep into his subconscious. In his dream, he found himself wandering through a vast, snow-covered landscape, the air thick with the same biting chill he had felt earlier. But as he trudged through the snow, he heard faint crying towards a cave not far from where he was standing, which was beckoning him forward.

Driven by a sense of curiosity, Spike pressed on towards the crying sound, his footsteps leaving deep imprints in the pristine snow. He got to where the crying was, but when he looked around, he didn't find anyone there. Feeling a shiver run down his spine, Spike scanned the desolate landscape, his breath forming frosty clouds in the frigid air. The crying persisted, seeming to echo from all directions at once, disorienting him. It was then that a deep voice interrupted the crying, startling Spike.

"Hello brave warrior. I see you've been betrayed."

Spike didn't know if the voice was talking to him or the source of the crying, but his thoughts were put to rest when another, much higher voice talked up.

"Why would they do this to me. I never did anything to them. I didn't kill anyone." The voice said in between sobs.

The deeper voice hummed for a few seconds. "I see. What happened back where you came from?"

"Every creature accused me of treason and murdering someone. I don't even know who was murdered or why they were accusing me. But no one believed any of my pleas, and they tortured me in ways I don't even want to mention. In the end, every creature I had left abandoned my and turned their backs on me. Oh no. Please no. I DON'T WANT TO GO THROUGH THOSE MEMORIES AGAIN!!" The voice sobbed louder like he was going through something traumatizing.

Spike's heart sank as he listened to the anguished voice recount its ordeal. He felt a pang of empathy for whoever was suffering so deeply, as he knows what it's like to be abandoned by creatures he thought were his friends. Tentatively, Spike called out into the darkness, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

"Who's there? Can you hear me?"

But his voice went onto deaf ears as the deeper voice continued to speaking to the crying voice as Spike now calls it because that's all he knows about the crying creature.

"Hmm, that does seem bad. However, I do have a proposition for you. How would you like to rule Equestria and the lands beyond with me?"

"*sob* W-What?!"

"You heard me. You can help me rule all lands. I have an incredible power in my arsenal and I will share it with you and teach you the ways my power works. Once you master it, you will have no trouble getting revenge on those who betrayed and abandoned you and you and I will have no trouble conquering Equestria and all other lands beyond it's borders. Now tell me little one. What is your answer?"

Spike was mortified about the intentions of the deeper voice. He wants to take over Equestria and do who knows what to all that live there. His thoughts were once again interrupted when the crying voice spoke once again.

"What? Of course not. Even though I was abandoned by every creature, that doesn't mean every creature has to suffer for it. I would rather give my life than make anyone who didn't deserve it suffer."

Spike smiled at the crying voice for not giving in to peer pressure and make all suffer, but his smile disappeared after what came next.

As Spike listened intently, the deeper voice let out a chilling laugh that echoed through the darkness.

"Ah, such noble words from such a naive soul. But you see, dear one, it's not about what you want. It's about what I want. And what I want, I get. Quite a shame you didn't join me actually. You would've been quite useful." After this was said, a strong wind blew threw the cave that Spike and the voices were in.

"NO, FAUST. OH NO FAUST PLEASE NO. NO. NO. NOOOOOOOOOO" the crying voice screamed

Spike's heart raced with fear as he realized the true nature of the deeper voice. It wasn't seeking an allyβ€”it was seeking a puppet, some creature to bend to its will and use as a tool for its own sinister plans. He desperately wanted to help, but he couldn't for 2 reasons. The first one is that he couldn't see who he wanted to fight against and the second reason is that he couldn't move because he was petrified with terror

What followed made Spike want to throw up. He heard the crying voice start choking and gagging. This went on for a few minutes until it suddenly stopped. It was then that the deeper voice spoke again.

"No one can know I was here." and with that, Spike heard a low continuous thundering sound until it was silent. Spike realized that they both of the voices were gone. Spike just stood there petrified until a bright light suddenly engulfed him and brought him to another dream.

In the dream that Spike found himself at, he saw he was in a vast, open field bathed in golden sunlight. The air was fresh, and a gentle breeze rustled through the grass. As he looked around, he noticed a figure standing in the distance, but it didn't look inviting. It looked like a giant dark phoenix surrounded by what looked like terrifying monsters. They then charged at him and blocked out the sun with and orange sky and dark brown clouds.

Spike turned to run, but when he turned around, he saw Princess Celestia and what looked like over a few thousand guards and another couple thousand creatures like dragons, changelings, ponies and griffons standing firm, glaring at the giant phoenix.

"KING NAEUS, YOUR TORMENT OF MY SUBJECTS HAS GONE ON FOR LONG ENOUGH." Celestia said in her royal Canterlot voice. "YOU LEAVE ALL OF US NO CHOICE. CHAAAAARRGE!!!" After she said this, every creature that was there charged against the king and his monsters.

Spike's heart raced as he watched the epic confrontation unfold before him. He felt a surge of both fear and determination coursing through his veins. Despite the overwhelming odds, he knew he had to stand with Princess Celestia and her army against the menacing King Naeus and his monstrous minions.

With a deep breath, Spike joined the charge, his feet pounding against the earth as he ran towards the fray. As he fought alongside ponies, dragons, changelings, and griffons, he felt a sense of unity and purpose unlike anything he had ever experienced before, as if all creatures were in perfect harmony.

The battle raged on, with spells flying, claws slashing, and hooves pounding. Spike fought with all his might, channeling his inner courage and strength. He dodged fiery blasts from the dark phoenix and clashed with the terrifying monsters that threatened their land. As he was fighting though, he also saw something incredible. A dragon in orange and red armor with a sword was fighting alongside a griffon who also had a sword, a dark purple changeling male along with a blue-green changeling female, a unicorn mare that had warriors armor, and a pegasus stallion with warriors armor as well. They were fighting along side one another as a bright light engulfed them. Afterwards, a giant rainbow shot out from the light and flew into the air. Spike must have guessed that they were the elements of harmony which also confused him, because he thought Twilight and her friends were the elements of harmony.

The rainbow came back down and landed on King Naeus. When the rainbow subsided, they saw that nothing changed, and Naeus only got angrier. It was then that the monsters started gaining ground against the warriors of Equestria and Spike grew more and more worried.

"What happened?" Spike heard the unicorn mare ask. "I thought the elements were supposed to work against evil."


Spike was worried and confused that the elements didn't work, but he was even more scared when the monsters were getting closer and closer. He saw many creatures of Equestria get murdered in cold blood while one of the monsters swat the dragon wearing the orange and red armor away before going to attack the other remaining supposed elements of harmony. Just when it was about to attack the 5 creatures, a blinding light filled the sky along with a thunderous roar of sorts. It was coming at them very quickly before engulfing the 5 elements, many monsters and himself in it.

The dream realm went black for another minute before the images of a small village filled the void in Spike's mind. He looked around and saw that the village rested between some rolling hills. He also saw many creatures living there happily. It had cobblestone streets winding between stone cottages adorned with colorful flowers. The air was crisp and filled with the scent of pine, and a soft breeze whispered through the trees.

Spike got up so he could look around, but when he tried to walk, he instantly fell over onto his face on the cobblestone. He wasn't crying though, after all he was a strong baby dragon. Although at the same time, he was crying in his dream. He didn't know why seeing as it didn't hurt him so much, but he just kept crying.

Apparently, some creature had heard his crying and that creature looked like a dragon that was green and had blue eyes. The dragon picked Spike up and held her close. Spike for some reason found this feeling a little bit familiar. Spike blinked, trying to shake off the confusion. As he gazed up at the dragon holding him, he felt a strange sense of comfort wash over him. Despite the initial shock of being lifted off the ground, he soon relaxed into the dragon's embrace, feeling safe and protected.

"Oh you poor dear, trying to walk but you hurt yourself. Here, let me help you feel better." The dragon said, the voice telling her it was a female. The green dragon crooned softly, her blue eyes full of warmth and understanding. She nuzzled Spike gently, as if trying to soothe his tears without words. Spike couldn't help but feel a connection with her, a sense of familiarity that he couldn't quite place. It was then that she sang a little lullaby while rocking the dragon back and forth.

Don't cry little one
Nothing will happen to you
I will protect you
I'll make sure you're safe all while you dream
You're a strong one, you will do great things
My child, you're safe
From all bad
Drift to sleep now
I'll love you always

Spike stopped his dream crying and listened to the song. He thought that it was the most beautiful song he had ever heard. The soothing presence of the green dragon, coupled with her gentle lullaby, seems to have eased his distress and brought him a sense of security. It was then that he heard another voice.

"My dear wife? Where might you be?" Asked the voice of a male dragon. He got into Spike's eyesight and he looked purple with red spikes on his head. In his arm, he was holding an egg that was purple and had darker purple dots on it. The male dragon's voice held a tone of concern and affection as he called out for his wife, which made Spike realize that this dragon was likely the mate of the one comforting him.

"Oh I'm right over here my dear, I was just helping a baby stop crying." The female dragon said. The male dragon walked over to the 2 before stopping right in front of them. He smiled at the both of them.

"You really seem to have a thing for younglings dear. I can see why you wanted a kid for a while." The 2 smiled at each other before the female dragon looked at the purple egg happily.

"And how is our little Pogum doing here" She asked while putting Spike down and picking up the egg. "I hope you had a great time with your daddy." She said in a silly voice before giggling.

"You're gonna be a great mother one day. You know that, right?" The male dragon asked before giving her a kiss.

"Yes I do and you're gonna be a great father one day." The 2 adult dragons hugged each other before going on their way. Spike smiled at the 2 dragons before he saw another welcoming light engulfed him once again.

Spike then awoke in his bed. He didn't have the blankets covering him as he didn't bother putting them over him last night. He heard the wind howling outside, indicating it was still snowing, but he also knew that he was awake and that the dream jumping, was over.

Author's Note:

Those were quite some dreams Spike had, but now it's the big day. Hearths Warming Eve.

Also to those who read my story. I would greatly appreciate it if you commented on my chapters as they help me out a lot. Have a good day everyone.