• Published 4th May 2024
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Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 17: Save The School

Argus returned back to the Armada Ship, walking into the Command Room, going up to the prince. "Your highness..."

"Ahh!" Falling out of his seat, the stallion prince landed on his rump. "Never scare me! I am a prince! You shouldn't startle the ol' mighty Prince Vekar! How come I hadn't heard you?" he shouted angrily, standing back up.

"I saw him walk in," Damaras spoke.

"Thanks for telling me!" the prince snapped at him, casting him a harsh glare. "And you-" he directed towards Cozy. "You're too cute!"

"You mean it?" Her grin grew big, her cheeks getting chubbier.

"No, I never meant it! I hate cute! I mentioned it like who knows how many times!" he yelled, stomping his hoof on the ground. "I also hate being in this stupid, dumb pony body. I want my old one - now! Levira, hurry up with the device!"

"I'm going somewhere else to build this," she ignored, picking up her tools and things. She dropped a couple of them. Before she can pick them up, the youngest villain got them first.

She held onto them. "I'll carry these for you, Levira," she smiled adorably. "Pegasus ponies can be quiet on their hooves, sire," she told the prince. "They're a little light on them, and since they're a little light, they can walk on clouds."

"I should've spied on the Blue and Red Ranger on a cloud, rather on a roof," Argus said, shaking his head. "I was spying on them on top of a building - next to a castle."

"You were at the School of Friendship?" Cozy asked.

"School of Friendship? What kind of school is that!?" Flaring his nostrils, Vekar went around the control panel, standing in front of it. "Grogar, what's the School of Friendship?" he demanded, wanting answers.

Grogar sneered, showing one white tooth. "The School of Friendship, your highness, is where everyone learns about friendship. Hence the reason why it's called the School of Friendship."

"Yuck! It's as lame as the Power Rangers and their new allies. Send the changelings and henchmen there." Going up to the window, he peered down at the pony world.

Argus is right. When looking down, the prince saw that Equestria does look similar to earth - the one place he wanted to take over when his brother went into hiding. He doesn't care where he is, knowing he's much better than his little brother, despite being their father's favorite.

He watched the smaller ships fly off to where the School of Friendship is at, being led by the changelings. Guess they know where it is, the prince supposed in his head when he felt someone behind him.

Turning his face away from the window, he saw his bodyguard. He gave him a nasty look. "What do you want, bird pony?"

The bodyguard frowned. "I'm going to pretend you never called me that. I wanna say...I should tag along with our henchmen and the queen's changelings."

Scoffing, Vekar faced the window again. "You already failed me - by sending us to this pathetic world full of cuteness!" he hollered, right into Argus face, spitting on him.

"Don't you bring that up again..." Argus seethed, wanting to take his sword and do his attack on the one he's protecting. "I'm warning you, sire, don't bring up the mess that 'I' caused. It's the Blue Ranger's fault - not mine. I told you this already, I had to get away from his move similar to mine, which caused the device to send us here."

The prince threw a fit - again. "I don't care! I don't care! I don't care! I don't care! You should've stopped whatever move he did! Go down back to where the School of Friendship is at, and destroy the Rangers and their friends!"

"Yes, sire," the bodyguard obeyed, not wanting the prince to get more madder than ever, though in his head, he wished his boss acted like an adult prince rather than a four year old kid at a store. "I'll destroy them once and for all," he promised in a loyal way, wanting him to feel better than just keep being ticked off for being in this new world. "I will start off with the Blue-"

"Get out of here!" Vekar screamed, moving his head back towards Argus, likely scaring him from how strained his face is, including the veins popping up from his neck. "Quit your yapping or else I'll fire you! All this talking from you is driving me nuts. You talk, talk, talk. I hope you can breathe while you're blabbering in my face."

"I was-"

"GO! Get RID of the Rangers!" the prince ordered in a bellowed voice, though it wasn't deep as Damaras'. He looked away from his bodyguard, waiting for him to leave.

Since he's been told by Cozy that pegasus ponies are quiet on their hooves for their small lightness, his left ear swiveled to hear the sound of the doors sliding open until they closed up again.

Flicking his tail, he saw him fly away from the ship, flapping his wings like a bird would do.

Letting out a retorted noise from his muzzle, he walked away from the glass up towards the muscled up centaur, who is causally leaning against the wall, his bulging arms crossed over her muscular chest, crossing his right back leg and front leg over his left ones.

Tirek felt the prince's eyes on him, becoming increasingly annoyed. "Yes?" he voiced out, like he was trying not to show how irritated he's becoming. Vekar didn't answer. "Why are you staring at me?" he asked, uncrossing his limbs, standing up better, away from the wall. "Staring isn't nice, you know."

Vekar squinted his eyes. "Why isn't the half of you - the top of you - isn't human? You're a centaur. You should be half human, half horse." He couldn't understand how this bad guy can be half horse, while being half...something else on top. "Like, you look like a..." He tried to come up with something, ending up not coming up with anything.

"Heh heh." Chuckling, he knelt down on his left front knee, going down to the prince's level. "You can say...I'm half demon," he smirked, taking his hand back to himself, rubbing one of his horns.

"Demon, huh..." Vekar let out a deep breath. "What do you do?" he asked, wanting to know what this half horse, half something's powers are.

"I suck all three pony races' magic," Tirek answered. "Watch." He strided over towards Chrysalis, who shot him a look.

"Eat my magic, you'll be dead," she warned with a hiss. "I ate some love from an ophiotaurus, though it wasn't enough."

"Orphio-what?" Damaras questioned, wondering if he heard correctly.

"Ophiotaurus," she repeated towards the golden earth pony. "It's a half snake, half bull. It's a type of-"

"We care less about a bull snake than the Rangers," Vekar cut her off, unwilling to hear what the creature does. "Besides, getting rid of the Rangers and the Elements of Harmony is more important than the creature you consumed," he told her straight ahead.

"I ate his love," she told him, creating a smirk on her lips.

"Whatever, rotten swish cheese." Going to the control panel, he got on his chair. "Grogar, bring over the orb!" Grogar went up to him, the orb in his hoof. "Set it down." He put the glowing ball in front of the prince. "Go away." Doing as he's told, the ram backed away from him, with him looking at the object.

The orb went on like a TV screen, showing Ponyville, zooming towards where the School of Friendship is at, hoping for his bodyguard and the rest to get there to beat the heroes.

Noah watched from the distance in the classroom, watching the girl he likes who's teaching them about the parasprites like she did with the previous students. In this class, there is only one pony, while the rest are different creatures. One of them is a yak, and he remembered her name was Yona from the welcome party.

He then learned that the others are Sandbar, Ocellus, Gallus, Smolder, and Silverstream, the ones Twilight and her peeps told him and his friends about - the ones who saved the school from Cozy Glow. Even the yak saved the day during that time.

He couldn't believe that these six friends - a reformed changeling, a hippogriff, a griffon, a dragon, a pony, including a yak - are heroes. It amazed him when he thought about it. Like, these are students - kids, younger than his allies who are older than them.

Smiling, he leaned up against the wall, adjusting his glasses on his face when he heard someone. "Sup, pal." Noah turned to see Jake walking in the classroom. First, Jake looked over at the yellow pegasus who was sitting on a tree stump until he faced his best friend, sending him a smug grin. "Still into her?" he mused, playfully elbowing the Blue Ranger.

Biting his lip with his upper teeth, Noah fumbled with his shirt, tugging at it. "...yes. I'm still into-"

Before he could finish, one of the students let out a scream. This got both the Rangers' attention see changelings and x-borgs flying in, including the rest of the x-borgs and bruisers arriving from behind them, landing on the balcony.

The scream came from Silverstream when a changeling came near her when Ocellus punched it away, surprising both Noah and Jake.

"Whoa, what a move." The Green Ranger was about to say more when Argus flew in.

"Hello, Blue," Argus greeted with a smirk.

Sandbar arched a brow. "Hello, Blue? Who in the hay is Blue? What are you? What are these things?" he questioned the evil being.

"You!" Stepping in front of the young students, Noah got in front of them with Jake and Fluttershy at his side. "I'll tell you and your allies once - leave," he boldly stated, planting his hooves firmly on the floor.

"We're not going anywhere..."

"Leave this school, immediately," Fluttershy commanded, her voice just as bold, though it wasn't enough.

"Like I said, we're not going anywhere," the bodyguard refused again, taking out his sword. "Solar Slash Energized!" In a quick motion, he did his attack on her, sending her against the wall - right up against her injured wing.

"Fluttershy!" Crying out in alarm, he rushed over to her, with his best friend telling the others to leave and hide somewhere. "Fluttershy, are you okay?" He helped her off the floor.

"Ow, ow, ow!" was all she could say, holding her bandaged up wing.

She hurt her wing, Noah realized. And it hadn't healed up yet.

Getting angry, he faced Argus. "How dare you!" he yelled, stomping over to him. "How dare you do that to her!" he bellowed, his face turning red from how ticked off he is for doing such a thing to the girl he's falling for.

"She was in my way," the pegasus snarled.

"Lame excuse," Jake spoke up once he got all the students to leave the classroom. "You shouldn't do that to her." He looked at his friend. "Let's Power Up."

"Got it." Following his lead, Noah took out his morpher and key.

"Super Mega Mode!"

In a flash, they transformed into their Ranger outfits, and they charged at the henchmen and changelings that are in this room.

Jake fought the changelings by shooting at them, while Noah dealt with Argus on the balcony, making sure this ruffian doesn't go near Fluttershy.

The two fought, slamming their swords together as they both tried to hit one another. Argus swung his sword, this time flipping the Ranger onto his back.

Noah let out a grunt when he got pinned down, glaring at the guy he's alway been battling with - the one he's been dealing with before coming to this world.

Even though he's in a different world, he has to deal with Argus, no matter where he and teammates are at.

Shoving him off, he rolled back onto his hooves like a spring. He was about to blast him with his Blaster when Argus pulled out his move.

"Solar Slash Energized!" he called out, knocking the Blue Ranger back against the railing. The unicorn fell onto his stomach, groaning. "Fight me!" he challenged the Ranger. "Get up - fight me!"

Growling from behind his helmet, Noah attacked him, with him dodging away. Argus seemed to be amused at each attempt the Blue Ranger made in order to knock him down.

Laughing, he raised his sword in front of him. "You'll never defeat me. Solar Slash Energized!" This time, Noah moved out of the way, the move destroying part of the railing on the right side - where he's at.

Lifting his Saber, he slashed at the bodyguard, only for the bodyguard to seize his weapon out of his hoof, throwing it to the side, and off the balcony.

Noah aimed his Blaster, and that, too, got taken away, getting tossed to the ground.

With nothing to use, he had no choice but to fight this guy without weapons. It wasn't fair in his game. For Argus, he liked it.

Opening up his wings, he lifted himself off the floor. "What's the matter?" he teased, like he can see the reaction through Noah's helmet. "Can't reach me?"

"Get down, we have to fight on the ground," Noah ordered, pointing his hoof downwards.

"Suit yourself, Blue." For the third time, Argus made his attack. "Solar Slash Energized!"

The glowing X went towards Noah, forcing him off the balcony, him yelling as he landed on the ground.

He was lucky he landed on grass, though he did let out a painful grunt when landing on his back for the second time. He was also lucky enough to land right where his weapons are at.

Landing casually in front of him, Argus went up to him. "Said you wanna fight on the ground. Here you go, we're on the ground."

"Gee, thank you," the Blue Ranger returned sarcastically, standing back up, retrieving his Saber and Blaster. "I'm so glad we're on the ground," he continued with his sarcasm, putting his Blaster away. "When I said ground, I meant the balcony."

"I'm sorry, you said ground." Argus placed a hoof on his chest, pretending to feel bad for his 'mistake'. "I thought you wanted to be on the ground ground."

"You thought wrong," Noah shot back, readying his sword. "You'll pay for what you did to the pony I like," he vowed.

"Who's the pony? The yellow one?" Sneering, he stepped up, the bodyguard ruffling his wings.

Refusing to answer the question, Noah went at him, the two dueling at each other until he took out another key. "Legendary Ranger Mode - Ninja Storm, Ranger Form!" He went into a new Ranger outfit. "Blue Ninja Storm Ranger!" he finished, pulling his Ninja Sword - the main weapon. "You're going down, Argus."

"Wrong, you and your friends are going down." Dueling at each other, they both block each other's attack, their swords clashing together with each move they make. "Such a lousy Ranger," Argus began, wanting his words to sink into this unicorn's coat. "You're a weak, pathetic, and no good hero, Blue. But let's see you fight fifty x-borgs - the ones that can fly."

Before Noah could say anything, something shot down near his hooves. He looked up to see pegasi x-borgs flying out their ships, aiming their clubs at him.

Another shot was blown, causing him to jump back, rolling on the ground. He got back up, only for more hits to come at him, having him dodge at each one, avoiding to get hit by them.

Honestly, he wanted to get back to Fluttershy, except he couldn't do it with these winged gray goons shooting at him - more likely distracting him from what's going to happen next.

"Solar Slash Engerized!"

With all these blasts coming from the henchmen, Noah failed to see an incoming, glowing X heading straight for him when something - or someone - shoved him out of the way, him landing a few hooves away.

"Huh?" Twisting his head, he saw it was Jake, along with everyone else. Twilight got in front of the Green Ranger, flared up her horn, creating a shield, stopping the glowing X before it could attack him.

"Orion, Emma, Rainbow Dash, get the x-borgs from up there, the rest of us will take care of him," Twilight told them, her eyes landing on Argus.

"Where's the yellow one?"

"You're going down!" Pinkie Pie snarled, brushing her hoof on the ground. "I knew you guys were coming. I knew it."

"Second time I heard that." Argus's eyes went to Noah, who stood up slowly. "But it's always Blue and I - no one else. Solar Slash Energized!" Calling out his attack, he sent it towards Noah.

"Sonic Fin!" Bringing out a different weapon, Noah aimed it at him, sending out loud sound waves from it.

"Ugh...! Make it stop!" Argus cringed in pain. A snarl escaped deep within his throat. "Solar- Ahh! I...can't..." he tried to speak due to the loud talking from Noah's weapon. "...can't... Grrr! Why you-?"

"Legendary Ranger Mode - Ninja Storm, Ranger Form!" Troy and the other Rangers, the ones on the ground, called out a morph call, inserting their keys into their morphers.

"Red Ninja Storm Ranger"

"Yellow Ninja Storm Ranger!"

"Crimson Thunder Ranger!"

They, too, turned into Ninja Storm Rangers, pulling out their own weapons - a Lion Hammer, Hawk Blaster, and the Crimson Blaster.

"After him!" Troy declared, shooting at Argus, and he, Jake, Gia, along with Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Spike, and Starlight by his side. Noah also joined in, continuing sending his attack from his Sonic Fin.

Emma swung her Saber at oncoming x-borgs, while Orion shot them with Dash using her speed, flying in circles around each x-borg, trailing a rainbow blur, confusing them.

She was so quick, they didn't have time to react when she bucked them towards the Pink and Silver Rangers, only for her to do it again to the other gray ponies. "Ha!" she exclaimed. "You x-borgs are too slow." She punched another confused x-borg, who seemed to be dizzy from trying to hit her with its staff.

Emma took out her Blaster, shooting at him when she noticed the Rangers down below in a different Ranger outfit.

Knowing what they're in, she pulled out her morpher and key. "Legendary Ranger Mode - Ninja Storm, Ranger Form! Navy Thunder Ranger!" Emma shouted, her Super Megaforce outfit being replaced with the Navy Thunder Ninja Storm Ranger outfit.

Rainbow's bottom jaw dropped, though nothing came out of her mouth for how stunned she was, maybe a little confused, too. When she looked down, she saw that Jake wasn't in a Green or Black Ranger outfit. Instead it was a darker shade of red - crimson to be more precise.

Baffled by this, she scratched the top of her head, right near her left ear. She couldn't understand why Jake and Emma aren't in Green or Black Ranger Modes, or Pink or White Ranger Modes.

She was about to ask when Orion pulled out his key, placing it inside his morpher, closing the clear, see through lid down. "Legendary Ranger Mode - Ninja Storm, Ranger Form!" He morphed into his own Ninja Storm outfit. "Green Samurai Power! Samurai Ranger, Full Power!" he declared in flight.

"Wha-?" Seeing this, the blue pony got more confused than ever. "How come-? Gosei said- I thought-" Her words kept changing as she's doing her best to process at what she's seeing.

"There is no Pink or White Rangers from Ninja Storm," Emma explained, using her Navy Antler at the enemies.

"And I'm a sixth Ranger; I can transform into any color," Orion reminded Dash, using his Samurai Saber that looks like a baseball bat, whacking each ball with it in a quick motion. "Plus, not all of the Power Rangers have sixth Rangers. For example, Dino Thunder. I have the White Dino Thunder Ranger key, and that-" He whacked another ball at another x-borg. "-will be considered a 'sixth' Ranger."

Rainbow punched an x-borg in the face. "I never knew that. Are there other colors you can transform? And are there any extra Ranger keys besides the other keys you guys have now?"

"We do use other colors. I have a key that makes me into Legendary Ranger that is black. As for extra Ranger keys... Maybe, but we don't know yet." The Pink Ranger kept attacking the x-borgs, before attaching her weapon to another one - a Thunder Staff, and went back to fighting, destroying each henchmen in the sky, with the help of Orion and R.D.

When all those x-borgs got destroyed, they joined the rest of their team members, helping them with Argus.

Every time he made his move, Twilight and Starlight would use their magic, shooting out beams from their horns, destroying each X he made.

Pinkie pulled out her party cannon, pressing the red button with Jake following her lead, using his Crimson Blaster.

Snarling, Argus lifted his sword, charging at the ponies, only for him to be stopped by Spike. Spike took in a deep breath, blowing out green flames at the bad guy, inches away from him.

Another snarl came from Argus and, with a quick flick of his wrist, he sent the dragon away with one powerful strike.

"Spikey Wikey!" Rarity hollered in alarm, rushing over to him.

"Hey!" Getting this guy's attention, Applejack did a fast spin, bucking Argus in the air.

Argus caught himself by opening up his wings, who tsk tsk at the ponies. "You Rangers and Elements of Harmony will never stop us. We will destroy you, and when you're destroyed, the Armada will return back to earth and conquer it!" he proclaimed in triumph.

"We will stop you!" Troy vowed, curling his hoof into a fist after he and the rest of Rangers unmorphed completely out of Ranger mode.

"Yeah," Jake stepped in. "When we destroy the Armada and their new teammates, we will return to earth. Right, Noah?" No answer. "Noah?" Jake turned his head to see Noah heading back to the school.

"Looks like your friend is running off," the bodyguard smirked, seemingly making fun of him.

Of course, Troy doesn't like that. He wished he had wings this very moment. He wanted to fly up there, wanting to give Argus a piece of his mind. No one makes fun of his friends, and he won't tolerate it.

Argus laughed, putting his sword away. "I'll see you next time, Rangers." Waving at them like he was their friend or something, he took off, flying away.

Gia galloped after him. "Come back here!" She then got picked up, getting sent back to where everyone else is at.

Carefully, the princess set the tough gal back down, her horn turning off like a lightbulb. "I wouldn't chase after him. He will see us next time," she advised, her eyes on the sky. "Let's go," she then spoke. "Let's see if Noah needs us. He seems worried," she expressed as she and the others followed her, including Rarity and Spike.

It hadn't taken them long to locate where Noah and Fluttershy are at. He was with Fluttershy, the two of them walking down the hallway.

Twilight noticed a painful induced expression on her shy friend. "What happened, Fluttershy?"

"Well, this-this tough white pegasus hit me with his sword." From the way she was speaking, it sounded like she was crying while the rest had been dealing with the baddies from outside. "I-I landed up against the wall, right on my injured wing. I should've seen that attack coming."

"Argus struck you!?" Troy repeated , his eyes widening, his irises and pupils shrinking to a size of golf balls.

"Who?" she questioned, unaware of the name.

"Never mind him." Walking towards her, Twilight's horn lit up. "Here, let me fix your wing," she offered to the timid pony.

Orion opened his mouth. "Twilight - What are you-?"

Closing her eyes, she brought her horn towards her friend's more injured up wing, tapping it as lightly as she could. The light of her horn grew a bit stronger, getting brighter.

It was then Fluttershy's eyes widened. "My wing..." Twilight used a different spell to remove the bandages, having them poof out of this air. "You healed up my wing. Thank you!" Embracing, Fluttershy wrapped her arms around the Element of Magic's neck. "I now won't have to wait for a whole week. Thanks a lot. I mean it, thank you."

Twilight chuckled. "You're welcome." She faced towards everypony else. "In case you hadn't noticed, that spell I did is known as a, well, healing spell."

Jake lit up. "Cool."

Twilight looked at the clock. "I better get going. I need to find a costume for Nightmare Night."

"Oh yeah..." Fluttershy went backwards, standing next to the Blue Ranger. "Nightmare Night." She shifted uncomfortably.

"We can stay at your cottage." It seemed like Noah could feel her hesitation about the holiday. "But like I told you, I will be with you, alright? We will both be out on Nightmare Night together. Besides, you'll look adorable in a ladybug costume."

Fluttershy blushed and was about to reply when Pinkie knocked Noah away, a huge smile on her face. "You're going to dress up in a ladybug costume?! Amazing! I know what I'm going to be for this year."

"Uh, huh." Slowly, she backed up some more, wanting space. "I'll be a ladybug. It'll be easy to spot me," she punned, putting on a smile.

Pinkie was the one who got it, falling down into a fit of hysterical laughter. "Easy to spot. Good one, Shy. Hahahaha!" Her laughter didn't die down as she rolled all over the floor, holding her stomach.

Fluttershy looked over at Rarity. "Do you by any chance have a ladybug costume?" she timidly asked, digging her hoof into the ground.

The Element of Generosity gave her a nod. "Of course, darling. You can pick it up for Nightmare Night at my shop." Of course, this got Fluttershy nervous. "U-Unless you want Noah to pick it up for you," she said, tossing her purple mane to one side.

"I'll have him pick it up for me," Fluttershy decided, watching him getting off the floor, with him walking up to her. "Right, Noah?"

"Sure, I can pick it up for you," he nodded in an offering way. "I can also get my costume while I'm at it."

Rainbow laid on her back in mid air, snickering. "Nightmare Night is my favorite holiday. I bet Zecora will be there. She can tell you about Nightmare Moon."

"Nightmare Moon?" Gia questioned the name.

"Nightmare Moon was once Luna," Applejack said. "But she got turned back into Luna, and long story short, she loves Nightmare Night. Maybe she'll come this year."

"Maybe." The Princess of Friendship began walking towards the front of the school. "But don't get upset in case she doesn't come this year. Last year she was busy doing her nightly duties, explaining why hadn't been able to make it."

They reached the doors, opening them up, walking up to the castle. Facing the school, the alicorn is relieved that the school isn't-

"Part of the railing broke off," Noah told her. "Argus made his move, I dodged it, and it messed up the balcony."

"Thank you for telling me that," she appreciated, glad that she was told about this. "I would be mad if you hadn't told me about it in the first place," she honestly shared when everyone reached the castle.

"How mad will you get?" Troy asked.

Freezing, she turned her head to him. "Very mad. When I get very mad - watch out."

The Rangers have no idea on what to say to that until Emma broke the ice. "We should get going."

Agreeing with her, everyone headed in different directions.

Walking along with the Blue Ranger, Fluttershy couldn't believe that her wing was all better - all from the spell that her alicorn friend did on her. She doesn't have to wait for a whole week for it to heal.

She isn't happy for what evil pegasus did to her, but she knows that the stallion, the one walking next to her, doesn't seem to like what had happened to her, keeping him away from her.

This got her cheeks to bloom when she imagined him keeping her safe from harm, knowing it's a normal thing guys do around girls. She'd wish she could do the same for him, but thanks to her shyness, she bet she couldn't.

Getting rid of the negative thought, she focused on something else. Nightmare Night. She is truly glad for her crush to be with her this year for the spooky holiday. If it wasn't for him, she'll end up locking herself up in the cottage, yelling at visitors to go away because she doesn't have any sweets.

A tiny smile formed on her lips, betting that it'll be a much better Nightmare Night. And she'll get to hear the legend of Nightmare Moon, even though it was once Luna's evil version of herself.

As weird as it sounds, she couldn't wait for Nightmare Night.

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