• Published 6th May 2024
  • 3,479 Views, 64 Comments

There's a Second Pink Eldritch Horror in Town - Zlaggi

A man becomes Pinkie Pie's near exact copy! Brace yourselves for the horror!

  • ...

The Pink Has Been Doubled

Author's Note:

Just a bunch of word vomit I wanted to spew to keep my creativity up.

Also don't worry, I'll stop using Adam and start calling her Diane in the next chapter.


The sound of an alarm clock cut through any pleasant dreams Adam might have had. His hand clumsily slammed on to the alarm clock, and it fell on to the wooden floor below with a loud thud. At last the damn thing was quiet.

He groaned into his pillow but abruptly went silent.

'My voice sounds different. Why? Am I sick again?' He sighed. 'Just my luck. I get sick on a Saturday of all days. Let me guess, I get all better just in time for work on Monday.' His brows furrowed as he thought.

He turned his head so he'd be comfortable again and to not suffocate himself in his pillow.

He groaned again as he could feel the sunlight peeking through past the blinds, hitting him right in the eyes. He grumbled something underneath his breath and rolled over in bed, so his back faced the accursed burning star.

He tried to just fall back asleep but he suddenly felt something. It was a sensation that no one should experience when they live alone and are trying to sleep.

He could feel someone breathing right next to him. In fact this certain someone was right in front of him, in his bed.

He opened his eyes the moment he felt the third exhale. The fear in his eyes was replaced by confusion when he spotted a very vibrant pink pony staring at him, their muzzles nearly touching from the proximity.

"Hia! Who are you?" The pink pony spoke, a bright smile appearing on her muzzle.

"Holy shit!" Adam practically jumped out of bed, his hooves flying in every which direction before he landed on the wooden floor.

Wait, hooves? Hooves? What the hell happened to his arms? Scratch that what happened to him?

"I don't think there's anything holy about that." Adam looked up from inspecting his new body, the sight of a pink pony sitting in his- scratch that, a bed, greeted his eyes. The room he found himself in was definitely not his bedroom, but it was oddly familiar. It's as if he'd seen this place somewhere before.

The figurative puzzle pieces connected in his mind when he looked up at the smiling pink pony in front of him.

"No way." A voice not his own spoke, in fact it sounded just like the party planner in front of him.

"P-Pinkie Pie?" A small tone of fear was mixed in with shock as he tried to come to grips with what was happening in front of him.

"Yepperooni! And who are you? You look just like me, just with a less poofy mane!" She jumped out of her bed and came uncomfortably close to Adams face again.

"Diane." He reflexively responded, as soon as he did his brow furrowed. "I meant Diane."

'What the hell? Why can't I say Adam?' He practically screamed in his mind.

"Oooh that's my name too! Well, it's actually Pinkiamina Diane Pie and not just Diane but still, this is so awesome!" The pink pony hopped around Adam with a wide smile.

"You can just call me Pinkie Pie though." Her movement suddenly stopped mid air and a record scratch sound came from somewhere.

"How did you know my name?" Pinkies face formed into an uncharacteristic look of suspicion.

"Ehhh... Lucky guess?" He wasn't going to state that he knew her from a television show, It'd just make him look more insane.

Pinkies eyes narrowed as she slowly closed the distance between them. Her head came ever so closer to his face. He leaned backwards until he fell on his back but that didn't stop Pinkie, as she simply stood atop him and brought her face closer to his, eyes still narrowed. A giant droplet of sweat slowly rolled across Adam's forehead.

Pinkie still continued to slowly advance until her nose met his. Then she blinked.

"You're good." She then stepped off him and continued hopping around him.

"Was that a staring contest?" Adam picked himself up from the ground.

"Yep, you're really really good. I think you might even beat gummy!"

Adam simply sighed. "I wish I had some booze right about now."

Suddenly he felt a intense shiver run down his spine and he had the urge to dig something out of his mane.

Without hesitation he stuck his hoof into his straight-ish hair and he pulled out a brown bottle with a skull and crossbones pictured on the label. "You're kidding me." He was at a loss for words, how had this comically cartoonish bottle ended up in his hair?

He shrugged and decided to not question it. Then he opened the bottle and took a swig. "Yep that's alcohol." He simply stated.

"Oooh what kind?" Pinkie's head appeared over his shoulder, her eyes locked onto the brown bottle.

"Beer." He simply answered.

Pinkies face scrunched up a bit. "Blegh I don't touch beer even with a five meter pole. It tastes yucky."

He shrugged again and took another swig. As he lowered his bottle his attention was fixated on his new body.

The fur that now covered his body wasn't as vibrant as Pinkie's, and the new mane he now had wasn't as poofy as hers.

Adam slowly looked down at his rump to check his cutie mark. His eyes slightly widened as he saw the familiar three balloons resting there.

"Oh we have the same cutie marks too!" Pinkie exclaimed, while she poked at the three balloons with a hoof.

"Hey, don't touch my ass." Adam's surprisingly flexible tail slapped Pinkies hoof away.

"I was just testing that it wasn't a sticker." She shrugged.

Then Pinkie let out a sudden ghasp, as if she just realised something. "I need to introduce you to all my friends! Oh they'll love you!"

"I don't think-" Adam couldn't even finish what he was about to say before he was scooped up by pinkie and she practically carried him out of Sugarcube Corner.

'Well shit. I hope this is either before the wedding or after the changeling reformation. I really don't want to be hunted down for being a body stealer.' Adam thought as he was still being carried by one hoof as if he was a plate of food. It was surprising how much strength Pinkie had, it took quite a lot of strength to carry a pony her own size on one hoof.

'It's pretty weird that I'm not freaking out or anything. I mean usually if someone would experience something like this then they'd probably be a hyperventilating mess right now.' Adam shrugged at his own thoughts. 'I guess I just don't care. Didn't really have anything worth losing back at Earth. Gonna miss my dick though. And I'm way too pink.' He then took another swig of beer.

Many ponies simply stared in confusion when Pinkie Pie ran past them, holding what looked like a slightly sad looking Pinkie Pie who in turn was holding onto a bottle of alcohol.

The trip didn't take long as Pinkie stopped right in front of a giant tree castle made out of crystal.

He was then carefully deposited onto the dirt path in front of the door, as Pinkie walked up to the castle and knocked on the door.

Adam took a single look at the castle and then took a long and gulp of beer. Sighing as he lowered the bottle.

"This better be after the reformation, otherwise I'm royally fucked. Pun intended." He spoke to himself in the middle of taking long gulps of alcohol.

The castle door was opened by a purple alicorn, a small vial of something was floating right behind her.

"Hi Twi!" Pinkie waved at her friend. "Look what I found." She turned to face adam who had his head tipped back in yet another long drink.

"Pinkie what-" Twilight's eyes widened slightly at the sight of another Pinkie drinking what looked like to be alcohol on her doorstep.

Her gaze quickly shot between Adam and Pinkie. "Is she a changeling?"

Pinkie answered with a shrug. "I thought you might be able to do your thingamajig on her. Though I've never seen a changeling drink that much alcohol. Actually I've never seen a changeling drink alcohol." Pinkie tapped her chin in thought.

Shaking her head Twilight lit up her horn and a soft pink aura surrounded Adam. Just as quickly as it appeared it was gone.

"What? But how could that be?" Twilight's horn glowed once more, but this time Pinkie was the one who was surrounded by the pink aura.

"Hey, that tickles!" She giggled. The pink aura vanshied just as fast as it did the first time.

"That doesn't make any sense! You're her!" She pointed at Pinkie and then to Adam. "And she is you!" She did it again but this time in reverse.

"Wait, what if..." Her horn glowed once more and the pink aura surrounded Adam yet again.

Twilight's eye twitched. "You're not a mirror clone either."

"You're both exactly the same. There's not a single thing different about you! How is that even possible?" A strand of hair suddenly shot out of her evenly combed hair with an audible ping sound.

Adam felt a intense feeling of relief, at least he didn't have to try an convince everyone that he wasn't a changeling.

Then he chuckled as a thought came to his mind. "Hey Pinkie, you know what that means right?"

A massive grin slowly grew on her face at the realisation.

"I HAVE A NEW TWIN SISTER!" She jumped in the air before somehow turning her momentum in a different way, while still in the air and practically flying at Adam.

Pinkie then landed on him and gave him the biggest hug he had ever gotten. It was probably the only hug he'd had in years. A single tear formed itself at the corner of his eye until he wiped it away with the back of his hoof.

"This calls for a party!" Oh Pinkie Pie. Never change.