• Member Since 10th Dec, 2013
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Once I was on FanFiction writing stories. Now I'm on FIMfiction writing stories. So much has changed... (Ko-fi)


For those looking for an update, I'll be starting Act II some time this year. Sorry, but college is kicking me pretty hard and I have to focus. Until then, cheers everyone.

Scattered around Ponyville, multiple ponies begin to wake up as humans. Mixed in with them are four actual humans that have no idea where they are. As everyone finds out, they have no memory of what has happened, why they are human, or even what is going on around them.

Ponyville, save for the survivors-turned-human, is entirely abandoned and, what's more concerning, it is sealed within a massive magical barrier. With no memory to go on, everyone trapped inside must band together to find out what has happened.

The amazing cover art is done by Mix-Up! Here's their YouTube (speedpainting!) & DeviantArt too!

Edited is done by a friend of mine who wants to be known simply as 'The Editor.'

This story is a standalone sequel of A Brony Life; a story I originally wrote years ago. However, this is a standalone story and it's not required to read/know the original story. Any references, characters, or plot lines that come up from that story will be newly introduced in this story.

Thank you to everyone who messaged me during the time between this and the original story. A lot of your personal messages meant so much to me.

Chapters (24)

(Death, Violence, & Gore Tags are for some D&D Scenes. i.e. fighting monsters and the like)

After the events of Friendship Games, though before Legend of Everfree, news about Canterlot High becoming "superior" to Crystal Prep has reached other schools and new students have transferred. So, when a new student comes to Canterlot, the girls discover that he's started a Dungeons & Dragons Club. In order to help him feel welcome, they join in. However, magic seeps into the game and soon begins reflecting the events across town. How do you try dealing with magic when everything is left to dice and chance?

Every time dice would be rolled in the game; I simulate those rolls in real life. That way, even I don't know what exactly is going to happen next.

(Chapters 1-4 edited by Circuit Breaker)
(4/30/2019) First time being featured! So cool and thank you to everyone who helped get it back there the many times since!

Since I'm rolling and more or less 'playing' a game of D&D along with this story, I need notes and character sheets to play it. And since I have all of these things I figured "why not share them with anyone who wants to check them out?"

The link above is a Google Docs folder with character sheets of all the Mane Seven's characters, plus a few other character sheets for later in the story. It also has some bonus documents I've thrown in as well.

As time goes on I'll be adding to it. Maybe cut chapters I have stashed away or other things. I'm trying to add some music playlists too for each of the Mane Seven's characters. It's something my friends do for their characters in our games and I've always wanted to test that.

Check out the Welcome Document before wandering through it. It tells you how to avoid looking at documents before they become relevant to the story. That is if you want to avoid spoilers. Hope you enjoy it!

Chapters (45)

One day in the world of Pokémon, a mysterious aura pulse spreads across the skies of the Sinnoh Region. The professors have hypothesized that the aura pulse is a result of the legendries Dialga and Palkia, but what they haven't been able to figure out is just what has the aura pulse done.

That is, until someone finds themselves waking up to purple smoke dancing in his face.

With the help of the Professor and a certain young trainer from Hoenn, Spike decides to go into the world of Pokémon. To which he will go on an adventure in hopes to find some sign of the others. With a few new friends and a team of his own, will he pull it off?

(If you don't watch the show or even play the games that Pokémon is known for, don't worry. The story follows Spike's story a majority of the time. So even if you're new to how the show or game works then you'll be able to learn as Spike does.)

(Also, I'm not going to be revising this story all too much. I'll check for fixing grammar, punctuation and the such before posting them, but I'm not going to be too strict on much else. I just wanted to be the first to point it out.)

Chapters (11)

With Tirek defeated, peace returned, and an ugly castle now overlooking what was once a small town, everything seems to have calmed down as Equestria starts to recover from the damage. This including Twilight, who has finally come to terms as the 'Princess of Friendship.'

Seeing as she's now no longer a student, she decides to stretch out her studies to learn new fields of magic. And with Discord just a magic phone call away, Twilight decides to start with Chaos Magic first. It raises some eyebrows with her friends, the princesses, and even Discord himself as well, but Twilight is sure of herself.

Only, when Twilight starts her lessons there's instantly a problem. One that may just be something as chaotic as Discord's own powers. But hey, that's Twilight for you! Always a star-student no matter who the teacher is!

There's only a week to fix everything and it seems that there's a whole class of ponies to round up now. It seems this is one of those "pass-fail" kind of tests.

The awesome cover art done by 2135D

Chapters (1)

A VR device has been released that allows you to go into a game as if it were reality. And oddly enough, Hasbro is a front-runner for the system as they have an MMO revolving their well-known show; My Little Pony.

As it releases, thousands of players log into the game to experience either the tech or the world of Equestria itself. Bonus, Discord is in the main villain! Too bad the creators made him self aware.

Whether that was a good idea or not, it wasn't, Discord takes control of the game and traps everyone inside. But not everyone is destined to win an MMO. Most players simply survive.

That's where we find two brothers: Alex and Joey.

The artwork was made by Mix-Up. Check out his DeviantArt!
The original artwork was made by Raybony. You can still see it here.

This is a side-story to Shadowflame's Equestria Legends Online. If you're looking for the main story, that's the link you're looking for.

Chapters (20)

As Twilight and Spike move into the castle, he, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle decide to look around the only part of the castle no pony's checked out yet. The basement. Only, when they find a door that doesn't match the rest of the castle, they find a way inside and find the room to be look even more out of the ordinary.

As they try to figure out what the room behind the door's about, it begins to alter their own lives. Now, everypony (and dragon) has a job to do. Will it pay off?

The story takes place after the Season 4 finale. Depending on how season 5 starts, the story may or may not follow along with it.

Also, thank you to my editor/proofreader Malefactory for all the help he's done from chapter 2 onward.

Chapters (2)

"You think your video game crashing on the final boss is bad? Well, try waking up as Button Mash. Then come back to me."
Zeke woke up after a long night of working at his family's Wedding Photography business to find that he was turned into Button Mash. He may have been a decent gamer before, but now he's gonna have to get used to a whole new skill tree of problems. Will he make it to New York in time? Or will the enemies, quests, and possible glitches stop him?

Set it the "PonyEarth" verse. (group here: PonyEarthVerse) *Not Canon Yet*

Chapters (9)