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Admiral Biscuit

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Silver Glow's Journal: Dramaturge · 4:30am Jan 27th, 2017

Silver Glow’s Journal—Dramaturge
Admiral Biscuit

Peggy Theisen—Silver Glow’s roommate
Christine—college friend
Sean—college friend
Meghan Wilson—college friend
Aric—college friend
Malcolm—college friend
Lisa—college friend
Becky—college friend
Amy—college friend
Jessica—Science Lisa’s roommate
(Science) Lisa—spotlight operator, fellow thermodynamics student
Amanda—one of Christine's roommates
Cedric—Silver Glow's friend
Leon—Silver Glow's friend
Trevor—Silver Glow's friend
Rebekka—maker liaison, art student, lives down the hall.
Kat—fellow student, lives down the hall
Ruth—lives down the hall, likes pants.
Rachel—Anthropology classmate
Anna—astronomy classmate
Reese—Anna’s boyfriend[
Luke—climate class classmate
Crystal Dawn—climate class and Thermodynamics classmate
Ted—a student in her philosophy class.

Nearby Exchange Ponies/Pony Instructors/Their friends
Miss Chestnut—pony instructor for exchange students
Gusty—unicorn in Madison
Aquamarine—earth pony at Michigan State University
Cayenne—unicorn at Northwestern
Jenny—Aquamarine's roommate
Nicky—Gusty's significant other
Stardancer—Silver Glow’s combat instructor in Equestria
Cloud Climber—Silver Glow's cloud instructor in Equestria

Professor Sir Doctor Banerjee—math professor
Pastor Liz—pastor
Professor Hillberry—poetry professor
Professor Amy—anthropology professor
Professor Pampena—vector (multivariable) calculus professor
Professor Brown—thermodynamics professor
Professor Miller—astronomy professor

Other People/Ponies
(in no particular order)
Mark—Installs Silver Glow's computer
Dan—a friend
James—a friend; dating Elizabeth
Elisabeth—a friend; dating James
Mister Vogt—FAA employee
Cecilia—one of Christine's roommates
Amanda—one of Christine's roommates
John—a jogger that Silver Glow sees sometimes
Ethan—a jogger that Silver Glow sees sometimes
Jackie—a dog-walker that Silver Glow sees sometimes
Sterling Silver—pony visiting Stratford
Viola—pony visiting Stratford
Deanne—horseback riding instructor
The dog—himself
Henry, Hoshi and Peaches—Deanne’s horses
Jeff—Silver Glow's neighbor
Caleb—Silver Glow's neighbor
Lindy—Silver Glow's neighbor
Trinity—Silver Glow's neighbor
Tina—Silver Glow's downstairs neighbor
Vince—Aric's friend in Lafayette
Autumn—Aric's housemate in Lafayette
Felicity—Aric's housemate in Lafayette
Richard—Aric's housemate in Lafayette
]Chris—Aric's housemate in Lafayette
David—Aric's housemate in Kalamazoo
Angela—Aric's housemate in Kalamazoo[
Jay—nudist from Michigan
Mandy—nudist from Michigan
Suzi—in charge of the Farmer's Market
Angry Trump supporter
Supermarket Pervert
South Pole—pony actor
Dori—airplane director
]The grumpy man—airplane director
Mark—pilot instructor
Mel—fellow stormwatcher
Zucche—the tavern cook's daughter in Chonamare
Leah—a #freethenipple protester
Hush—one of Mister Salvatore's FBI friends
Conner—a maker
Karen—a maker
Captain Buroughs
Captain Green—hot air balloon captain
Stellan—SCA heavy weapons fighter
Karla—SCA heavy weapons instructor
Dr. Thomas Thompson—in charge of the Grand Rapids National Weather Service
]Ryan—a NWS employee
Cyndi—weather forecaster at WWMT
Joe—college friend
Brianna—college friend
Kennith—college friend
Seth—college friend
Keith—college friend
Tira-Mi-Su—a pony she knows from Chonamare
Mochanut—Tira-Mi-Su's sister
Malanie—a nudist from New Hampshire
Alan—a nudist from New Hampshire

Peggy’s Family/Friends
John—Peggy's father
Chrissie—Peggy's mother
Grandpa Phillip and Grandma Jane—Peggy’s maternal grandparents
Grandpa Francis and Grandma Margaret—Peggy’s paternal grandparents
Brad—Peggy’s maternal uncle
Amy—Brad’s wife
Riley—Amy and Brad’s daughter
Vivian—Amy and Brad’s other daughter
Gina—one of Peggy's friends from Colorado Springs
Clive—one of Peggy's friends from Colorado Springs
Heather—one of Peggy's friends from Colorado Springs
Lindsay—one of Peggy's friends from Colorado Springs
Victoria—one of Peggy's friends from Colorado Springs
Maggie and Peter—Sunrise Song's helpers

Silver Glow: Mister Salvatore and Miss Cherilyn
Aquamarine: Mister Barrow and Miss Parker
Cayenne: Miss Blaise and Mister Garvin
Gusty: Mister Wayne and Miss Russi
Lofty: Jimmy Dove

Tornado Team Ponies
Electric Blue
Merry May
Flanking Line
Prism Glider
Rocky Storm
Velvet Light

Tornado Team Humans
Doctor Tetsuya—head of team
Bill Harding
Jo Harding
Dusty Davis

Comments ( 33 )

A little bit late, I know. I was just thinking about it today with Peggy's family all visiting for Thanksgiving. . . .

There are still a bunch of missing names, too. If I'd been smart, I'd've kept better notes.

Oh, also:

This is the link to the gDoc; if you are better at remembering people's names than I am, feel free to click on it and add them in. Hopefully, I'll put them in the blog post before too long.

Or you can just leave them in the comments, and I'll put them in.

Sheesh, I'm embarrassed. 'Drifting' only has five primary characters, and I can't even find the main POV's color scheme any more. Nice work.

Has anyone at all mentioned the odd little Sonny and Cher thing you threw in?


Sheesh, I'm embarrassed. 'Drifting' only has five primary characters, and I can't even find the main POV's color scheme any more. Nice work.

Well, with 800,000+ words, you'd expect there to be a bunch of characters. And they're not all primary characters, anyway.


Has anyone at all mentioned the odd little Sonny and Cher thing you threw in?

A few people have noticed, but most haven't. It's not the only reference in character names, either.

Wow, what a cast of characters. I'm impressed. I know I'd have a hard time keeping it all straight.

Sonny and Cher? I was about 6 or 7 when the show was on the air so my memories of it are vague.

Well, you sure are trying to push the limits of Dunbar's Number, hm? :rainbowlaugh:

I should really start reading this. I've had it saved to my usb drive for ages.

Well, better late than never. (Speaking of which, I have about a week to catch up on. My usual Silver time's getting eaten up now that my job has me doing actual work.)

That is an adorable picture.

Cyndi—weather forecaster at WWMT
Joe—college friend
Brianna—college friend
Kennith—college friend
Seth—college friend
Keith—college friend
?—climate science professor
?—philosophy professor
?—Equestrian language professor
I skimmed through some of the chapters and I'm not sure if you ever gave them names.

Bill and Jo Harding? Is that a Twister reference?

Meghan—college friend
Aric—college friend

Strange way to spell mare/coltfriend, or is this the spoilerfree edition?


Wow, what a cast of characters. I'm impressed. I know I'd have a hard time keeping it all straight.

That's part of the reason I needed a dramaturge :derpytongue2:
I was having trouble, too. Especially since I generally try to avoid having two people with the same name.

Sonny and Cher? I was about 6 or 7 when the show was on the air so my memories of it are vague.

I never saw it, so I have no idea what it was all about.


Well, you sure are trying to push the limits of Dunbar's Number, hm? :rainbowlaugh:

Ponies probably have a higher Dunbar's Number. Well, maybe.

I should really start reading this. I've had it saved to my usb drive for ages.

You might want to check and see if any new chapters have been added to your saved file. There could be some. . . .


Well, better late than never. (Speaking of which, I have about a week to catch up on. My usual Silver time's getting eaten up now that my job has me doing actual work.)

At least I got it up before the end of the story, so that's something. And actual work sucks, at least from a free time standpoint.


That is an adorable picture.

Thanks! It's a commission piece, and I really like it. Been debating if I should change the cover art to that, actually.

I don't like changing cover art, because it might weird out a viewer who's used to seeing the regular picture in the feature box, y'know?

Thanks! Names added.
I am still missing the other people at the TV station, probably an SCA friend or two, and the people she met in Kansas and South Carolina. And for the life of me, I can't remember who Gusty's helpers are.

Also, the three professors you mentioned never did have names.


Bill and Jo Harding? Is that a Twister reference?

As a matter of fact, it is.


Strange way to spell mare/coltfriend, or is this the spoilerfree edition?

It's supposed to be the spoilerfree edition, for people who want to look at it as the story goes on or something like that.

Oh, I totally see it now! I wonder how I missed it. And do I take it this was unintentional? What a coincidence! I'll PM it to you if someone hasn't already. Hate to ruin the surprise for any other readers.

Oh, the names weren't unintentional. That was very much on purpose. I've just never seen the show, although I was quite aware of them as a musical duo.

Ah, duh. Of course. And now I just feel foalish. I blame my current lack of mental acuity on lack of sleep. I have no excuse of the rest of the time. :derpytongue2:

Cayenne: Miss Blaise and Mister Garvin
Missed 'r' in Garvin.

And for the life of me, I can't remember who Gusty's helpers are.

I searched through the whole story in Word for references to Gusty or her helpers and I don't think you ever wrote them down.


I searched through the whole story in Word for references to Gusty or her helpers and I don't think you ever wrote them down.

I did, once. I think. I may have only given a description. But I do remember looking for them.

It was probably Peter and Maggie . . . I think that was who I picked.

I think they met them at the train station on the way back from Spring Break, or else possibly out in California.

Oops, my bad--right couple, but they were Sunrise Song's helpers. Maybe I never did introduce Gusty's.
(It's in the Los Angeles chapter)

4399275 Yeah, that's true. Although, I have just started taking art classes. Of you want, I could probably draw you something?

Everytime I see an update, no matter where I am, I cry inside and my face saddens.
A story I didn't intend to ever read became a part of my life and I know that she's going to have to stop writing in her journal, as we all do, but I wish I could follow her life and the lives of other exchange students as time goes on.

I'm not ready to say goodbye to her...


You might want to check and see if any new chapters have been added to your saved file. There could be some. . . .

As if that'll matter for the first... week of reading :trixieshiftright:

How did I miss this post? Best Silver art yet! :D :pinkiehappy:


Although, I have just started taking art classes. Of you want, I could probably draw you something?

If you're inspired, sure! Art is always appreciated!


A story I didn't intend to ever read became a part of my life and I know that she's going to have to stop writing in her journal, as we all do, but I wish I could follow her life and the lives of other exchange students as time goes on.

It's getting close, too. I don't know what I'm going to do.


As if that'll matter for the first... week of reading

Yeah . . . funny story, I was hanging out at the bar with some writers and one of them had looked at the story back when it first started, and he said he'd read a few chapters and wanted to know how many there were now, so he clicked on the story and was shocked to see that he was now 200 chapters behind and counting.


How did I miss this post? Best Silver art yet! :D

I dunno, and it's not the first time that I've showed that art. I think I blogged about it right after it got drawn. Lord Legion comissioned it for me, 'cause he's awesome like that.

4435952 Well, that is good to know. Do you want me too?

If you'd like to, that would be cool. I'm not going to change the cover art, but I'd definitely put up a blog post if you did an art piece.

4437698 Cool, and I wasn't going to expect you to change the coverart.

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