• Published 2nd Aug 2013
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The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover - Tarbtano

A devastating battle in the Kaiju universe transports a small group of them, heroric, villainous, and otherwise to Equestria. New bodies, new world, new society. But what happens when something even Kaiju are afraid of follows them?

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Chapter 9: Part 2, Celestial

Pinkie Pie
Apple Jack
Rainbow Dash
Twilight Sparkle
Apple Bloom
Sweetie Belle
Princess Luna
Princess Celestia


Twilight, Mothra, and Luna's horns all glowed in unison amidst a barrage of different colored aura's. The light in the hall cast a rainbow sheen across all in attendance as Godzilla, Anguirus, Rodan, Rainbow Dash, and Gentle Leaf looked on. It was a mass scrying and teleportation spell, meant to find and transport specific targets. In this case, both the remaining elements and any... 'abnormal' ponies. As he felt the forces radiating off the mares reach its zenith, Godzilla braced himself, trying to make ready in case of his most distant fears coming true. When the clustered group of ponies dropped onto the hall before them, he should have prepared more.

Everyone nearly jumped up as a full size bath and shower crashed into the hall floor, sending tile shards everywhere. The white mare inside it couldn't possibly have widened her eyes more, instantly freezing in place and letting the faucet drip on her purple mane. Rainbow Dash couldn't help but let loose a burst of laughter as Rarity quickly covered herself with her shower curtain. Anguirus and Rodan looked at each other, and then back at what was before them with only a eyebrow raise.

"Oh look a white one.", Rodan said with a tilt of his head; still intrigued at how colorful the locals could be. Rarity's flabbergasted response was less coy.


Eyes guided up and past the reddening Rarity and more forms becoming visible. A dizzy Applejack slumped against the wall as a confused Fluttershy quickly looked around her new surroundings. For the kaiju-turned equines though, all eyes locked on two large forms amongst the ponies. Halfway between laying down and getting back up onto his hooves was, outside of coloration and an even more headscratchingly odd horn, a mirror image of Godzilla. A few feet away from him was an absolutely enormous pony, the CMC visible amongst bat-like wings and a fiery orange horn.

Godzilla began to shake as rage built, those around him moving away a bit as they felt the temperature in the air around the stallion rise. His voice was as much of a growl as it was comprehensible speech.


Xenilla shook his head to completely clear it, his eyes widening at the stallion glaring at him. His expression shown surprise, but only for a moment before it melted into confident bemusement. He recognized that voice and those eyes anywhere. He responded to the monster king with a callous, sly tone.

"Hello Icka'brod."

Godzilla's mane began to flicker on and off with a light that was all too familiar to Princess Luna. His temperature and temper were both spiking at being called that word.

"Don't....call me... that!"

Mothra's eyes widened both in anger and shock. She called out as she stood beside Godzilla, ignoring the heat he was radiating.


The crystalline kaiju briefly cast the guardian of mortals a fleeting glance, not raising his tone in the slightest.

"Oh hello Mothra, didn't see you there."

Xenilla kept his central vision on his doppelganger as his mane flickered with a red gleam. He saw whom was before him, and what was coming. Fortunately, judging by the groans he heard behind him, his back-up had just woken. A still groggy Scootaloo was gripped by her shoulders by a large, fanged maw. Picking her up gently and carrying her off a crimson stomach before being set down next to the slowly waking forms of Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. Massive limbs stepped down, crushing shards of tile under hoof as Destroyah hissed back into consciousness, walking up beside Xenilla and towering over him. Bandages fell to the ground as gargantuan bat wings spread themselves. Gentle Leaf hid behind Rainbow Dash's leg as the mare larger than Celestia herself snarled.

"Seems this world just keeps wanting to hand me more and more 'play time'..."

One couldn't have counted a second before Anguirus and Mothra took up full battle position to either side of Godzilla, Rodan hovering overhead as they all formed up to what surely seemed to be an oncoming threat. Glares cast between could have cut glass. Then it all happened.

Luna’s eyes became wide as dinner plates before she yanked Twilight into her hooves, teleporting them and the other ponies into the back of the hall. Without speaking a word she, Twilight, and a still shell-shocked Rarity poured their energy into a bubble of shield magic.

Rodan shot up and then dive-bombed forward as Anguirus charged. The saurian duo barreled at Destroyah amongst a short barrage of magic blasts from Mothra flying past them. The mass scaled pegasus mare reared up briefly, shrugging off blast after blast as she bulldozed forward. Xenilla and Godzilla's manes flashed with opposing light as they slowly walked towards each other.

Trembling the floor with each step, Destroyah grabbed the incoming earth pony and gryphon by their collars and kept moving forward. Mothra's eyes widened, diving out of the way as three former kaiju slammed into and rammed through the wall behind her. Mothra rolled across the floor, shaking herself free of some rubble. A second rumble shook the grounds behind her, the changeling getting back to her hooves and rushing through the now gaping hole in the wall.

"Handle Xen! I'm going to help them!"

Godzilla didn't verbally respond as he and Xenilla closed in on each other. As the energy built, small crystals began to push through the floor tiles as other tiles began to melt underhoof. Red and blue sparks crackled when four meters became three meters...two meters... one meter. Mirror images reared up and kicked forward, a shockwave ripping out that split the air. Energy pinged off of the pony's shield despite the distance, as two mass scaled unicorns began slugging it out.

Canterlot Back Garden

Anguirus was hurled backwards, crashing through several rows of potted plants. Destroyah snarled as she marched forward, her horn flaring to life. Before she got in range however, a burning purple ray slashed across her back, staggering the pegasus. Rodan flew over head, violet flames still flickering out of his beak as he taunted.

"Over here yah plus sized palooka!"

Destroyah obliged, spreading her wings and kicking off the ground. She shot up with surprising speed, catching Rodan by surprise and knocking the gryphon out of the air with an aerial tackle. Spiraling out of control, Rodan soon found himself reacquainted with the ground with Destroyah pinning him down. Purple energy gathered into Destroyah's mane as she leaned down, Rodan barely having time to grab and shove her head to the side to dodge a ray of Micro-oxygen cutting through the cobblestones beside him. Destroyah smacked Rodan's arms aside and was about to test if second time was the charm when the high speed, energized body of Mothra slammed into her and tackled her into the pond.

Anguirus shook himself back to his senses, rushing over to help up Rodan.

"Where's Mothra?!"

Both quickly shifted their view to the pond as Destroyah erupted out of it like a volcano. She was bruised up on her side but her strength had not yielded. Mothra's tail clenched in her jaws, Destroyah twirled the royal changeling around overhead.


Rodan and Anguirus were quick to respond, sprinting forward and moments away from dog piling the offending mare.



Destroyah hurled Mothra into the pony and gryphon before rushing them herself.

Canterlot Main Hall

Godzilla and Xenilla were rolling around in a heap of kicks, bites, nuclear pulses; and often misfired sparks of breath weapons. Xenilla broke out of a pin, biting down on Godzilla's leg and hurling the equal sized unicorn away. The glows on both manes reached their zenith as Jr oriented himself midair and fired. A flash of light ripped through the hall as nuclear and coronal wrath slammed into each other. The force of energy was too much for such a short distance however, an orb of white energy swallowed rays of red and blue, growing in size. However, all bubbles pop. And pop it did. A few thousand more bits were added to the castle repair bills, the shield spell put up by two alicorns and a unicorn began to crack; and both Godzilla and Xenilla were hurled across the room and left imprints in the walls. Both fell down to their shaking hooves, fur singed and skin bitten and burned.

Mutual growls reached across the room as they rose. Xenilla smirked as his throat stopped bleeding and fresh skin overtook the bite wound.

"I see you're always eager for round 2 Icka'brod..."

Godzilla's face couldn't have possibly looked more enraged at that word. He snarled as he regrew a missing tooth.

"Stop...calling... me that!"

"Why, tis an accurate description, little brother..."

"You know damn well we're not family..."

"Father wasn't your parent by blood, you are adopted. Didn't stop you from calling him such."

"And you tried to kill him!"

Xenilla's calm demeanor snapped, more tiny crystals emerging from the floor around him.

"I tried to make due what was right!"

Before Godzilla could attack or retort, four familiar kaiju converts found themselves rolling back into the room from the self made exit they'd left from. Anguirus was wrestling with Destroyah, having sunk his teeth into her forehoof as Rodan and Mothra smashed and pecked at the demon's back. Destroyah spread her wings, throwing the two flighted kaiju off before wrenching the earth pony off her leg. With strength that far exceeded any pegasus should have, she hurled the brown stallion away and across the room. Anguirus slid across the floor, halting next to Godzilla. He slowly rose as Mothra landed alongside and Rodan hovered overhead. Destroyah walked up beside Xenilla as the two lines reformed on opposite sides of the central carpet.

Inside the energy shield, Twilight bit her lip, hoping they could hold the barrier up after what she predicted was coming. Behind her however, three pairs of eyes slowly opened as a trio of little forms came too. All attention, however was made unto the kaiju.

The six didn't budge, only made ready.

Destroyah's central horn became alight with flames
Godzilla's mane became a fiery broth of plasmatic blue
Xenilla's hairs shimmered and flashed with waves of neon red
Rodan held his beak open as purple and pink energy collected in his throat
Anguirus dug his hooves into the floor, bracing like a sprinter to launch forward in a thunderball.
Mothra's eyes and wings became a flurry of glowing lights as the patterns on her wings shown with a rainbow.

And the split second before rays of micro-oxygen, uranium ions, plasma, and mystical energy could be launched, a voice loud enough to shatter half the glass in the palace rang out and plates of golden energy cut between the two sides before spreading out and slamming them into the walls.


A warm glow akin to the sun shone brightly in the airspace above the base of the stair well, slowly lowering down. Golden horseshoes silently touched down as white wings remained flared. A waving, rainbow mane became visible as the miniature star shrunk down and revealed the equine inside it. The voice, a royal Canterlot voice at least twice as loud as one uttered at a certain Nightmare Night incident, was as unyielding as it was commanding, even as it's volume winded down.

"This hall has seen enough conflict for today."


Celestia glanced back at Luna and her little ponies, making sure they were safe before nodding to them. Slowly, the monarch walked towards the hall as she kept the kaiju converts pinned against the walls. The radiating magic was many times stronger than Twilight had ever felt outside of the combine elements, making the beams the solar royal had used at her brother's wedding seem like a fire cracker in comparison. Luna knew the reasons why Celestia was so much stronger. It was because they grew in power when they were close in proximity. Because there was nopony to get hurt in the crossfire. Because Celestia wasn't holding back...

Stomping her hoof, Celestia dropped the walls of energy and all six kaiju fell to the ground. The solar royal dropped her booming voice as she looked over both sides.

"I don't know what conflict you all have with each other, but I will NOT permit it to endanger my subjects. You are lucky there were no staff or visitors nearby to be caught in the crossfire..."

The kaiju were slow to rise, still groggy from getting hurled around the room. Anguirus and Rodan were still shocked at what had exerted such force. Mothra was quickly trying to gather her wits to the new situation, and both Godzilla and Xenilla stopped glaring at each other and stared in-awe at the monarch. Godzilla gritted his teeth, remembering Blueberry Frost's words.

-Captain said Princess Luna had a 'Big Sister'...ooooh...s******-

Luna gasped slightly to regain her breath, already feeling her own power rising due to her sister's proximity. Her wounds began healing noticeably faster than before. In a few minutes, she might be fit as a fiddle. With a nod to the ponies, she lowered the barrier as a large form to Celestia's left rose.

Destroyah, more bull headed than the other kaiju, shrugged off any pain or lingering magic as the titanic pegasus mare rose to her full height. If there was one thing the Serizawan legacy never tolerated, it was being attacked. Energy was always crackling along her horn as purple sparks filled her mane. Celestia turned her head, casting a glare amongst golden light gathering on her horn. Xenilla's eyes widened in shock, trying to quickly rise and call off his cohort or risk taking another hit like the last one. If getting hurled across the room alongside five other kaiju was anything for the space-born dinosaur to know, it was that this white alicorn was NOT to be trifled with. He might have given Destroyah the crystal to keep her calmer, but they being struck gave Xenilla the worst realization of his life...

-That mare is easily twice as powerful than any force I've sensed in this world. It was her power I felt radiating off the sun in the sky, and being close to that darker blue one only seems to make her stronger. I can't risk a fight with her, not now with those four around! And since she struck Destroyah the inhibitor crystal was deactivated! Des is going to attack!-

Just when it looked as if the ruler of the sun and the Serizawan legacy were about to square off, three small forms rushed up out from between Princess Luna's legs. The elements of Loyalty, Honesty, and Generosity lurched forward after the fillies, but were slowed down in having to shove past Luna and Twilight. Before a word could be uttered, Destroyah froze as she felt little hooves coil themselves around her.

The living Oxygen Destroyer broke her glare at Celestia, looking down to the teary faces of Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo; whom were trying their earnest to wrap themselves around her broad legs.
"Don't fight!"
"You can't fight each other!"

The fiery glow on Destroyah's horn extinguished itself as her mane returned to normal. She slowly looked down at the now crying CMC as the room ceased action, looking slightly annoyed but more or less immensely perplexed. The little fillies, terrified that two beings they looked up to looked like they were about to fight to the death; clung to the kaiju's body. Scootaloo looked up at her after thoroughly soaking Destroyah's left forehoof.

"P-Princesses aren't supposed to f-ight each other..."

The young pegasus cast a look over to Celestia, half choked with tears.


The only words that could have possibly halted every immortal alicorn in the room had been spoken. Celestia cast a glance to her sister, painful memories flashing through her mind before she looked down at Scootaloo.

"No... They aren't."

Scootaloo buried her head in Destroyah's broad leg, the latest event having only been the apex of what had turned out to be a very traumatic day and now night. Destroyah entertained dark thoughts for a moment, before her mind ceased and slowed. The alicorn sized pegasus glanced around, then down again at the CMC, and then back to Celestia. Her voice was gruff, cold, and... oddly placid, as she gently put the tip of her wings on the fillies' heads.

"...I don't know what she's on about with 'Princess', but I'm not in the mood for a fight, so long as those morons keep to themselves...."

All of the kaiju convert's ears betrayed their mind, completely flabbergasted at what they were hearing and who it was from.

-She was about to go berserk... those fillies calmed her down enough for the crystal to reassert itself-

Destroyah gave the paused forms of Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash a half annoyed look.

"Now can you three take them off."

Xenilla felt a bead of sweat run down the side of his face.

-or at least most of it...-

The trio of mares obliged, abet with some difficulty. Scootaloo especially was hard to pry off, almost like she was sure her favorite princess and previous rescuer were about to slug it out if she let go. Xenilla walked up beside Destroyah, looking forward at his audience but not showing any signs of resuming the fight. Across the hall, it became decision time as the four felt Celestia and Luna's glaring gaze upon them. Mothra swallowed a gulp as she shot a very hesitant message to her allies.

-"...Stand down... If we attack again we'll incur the wrath of them and the diarchy"-


-"Right now that rainbow colored one sees ALL of us as a threat to her subjects. She WILL strike the first side who fires a shot and unless you'd like to start a fight we cannot win I suggest you do it!"-

-"Goji if we get taken out here we leave the ponies alone with those two! I hate it as much as the next kaiju-"-

-"Darn straight!"-

-"-but we need to use our heads here. Want those pretty guard friends you made to get struck with Destroyah around?"-

-"I know that look on his face, Xen definitely has something planned, and we need to be around incase it's what I think it might be..."-


With some reluctance in their movements, the three saurians and the guardian ceased all signs of combat preparation. Soon, all the kaiju were standing in two lines and trying their best to remain calm, with two clear sides having formed up on the sides of the hall's central carpet. Celestia stood in between them as Luna walked up beside her. The entire room was tense as five of the elements and the fillies grouped up behind the princesses. Celestia cast her glance along all in attendance as a faint glimmer lined her horn and eyes. She saw the auras before her, and what she saw both confused and unnerved her. She tried her best to not show either.

"I can see what Luna sees. I know you are not ponies or any other species I've ever seen. Where did you all come from?"

Twilight paced over to Mothra, concern for her friend evident in looking at a large bruise the changeling had on her shoulder. Mothra read it and put a hoof around the young alicorn reassuringly, whispering to her.

"I'll be fine, had worse."

"Who are those two?"

"I'll explain later... Now I think it's time for something else."

In spite of what happened, the prospect of a presentation did lift Twilight's spirits a bit. The other two kaiju ponies might have left her unnerved, but the show of force from both her mentor and her new friends left her with the assurance they wouldn't try anything. She'd fought evil in the past, they couldn't be that different from what she'd experienced at all right?

"If Mothra and I can have your and everypony's attention Princess, we can explain."

An off question racked through Rainbow Dash's mind.

"Hey, hold up a sec. If your spell was meant to bring these bozos and the rest of the elements here, where's Pinki-"

A flashing zoom of pink crisscrossed the room as balloons, confetti, and streamers crisscrossing the room appeared before most anyone could blink. Applejack's expression flattened

"Never mind we found her.."


Anguirus soon found himself getting lifted slightly into the air from the numerous balloons tied to his legs and tail.

"Hey what the f-"

Anguirus was cut off as a party hat touting mare puffed a party blower into the air as she offered a batch of fresh cupcakes for a greatly confused Destroyah. The ankylosaur frowned, lifting up his spike covered gauntlet to the balloons before the shower of rapid popping sounds erupted.



The dark titan brushed himself off after banishing Red, reabsorbing his aspects to heal from his injuries. The blackness would overtake the rest of Zenith soon, and with Red gone there was nothing that could stop it. Perfection was being reached. He chuckled to himself in isolation.

"Now that the problem has been settled..."

Clicking his talons against the smooth darkness, the invader slowly walked along his new domain and inside his new temple. Energies akin to Red's crackled amongst his fingers, lining a massive claw as he readied it. Letting his now glowing claw light his way as flickers of unnatural flames flickered out from lanterns and statues, the demon stepped into the interior hall. Steps slowly appeared under his feet as an elevated platform emerged from the floor. He had chosen his throne room, and stood atop it.

Not taking a moment to behold the sight of his chamber, he swung out his energized claw. The tear in dimension, a portal, near identical to Red's formed in the space before him, before hovering backwards towards the entrance of the room. The tear morphed and grew, splitting into others, and surrounding the entire room like panes of painted glass. The floor began to reach up. As an orb of darkness formed around the titan, the portals locked onto their target dimension. The portals flickered to life, showing images of roughly one dozen locations on Equestria, and quite a few...'foreign' individuals.


Getting the five kaiju to sit down calmly near each other was almost as hard as getting Pinkie Pie to sit still. Xenilla was more or less keeping calm despite the glares he kept getting from a very disgruntled Godzilla, whom was putting himself between his doppelganger and a majority of the ponies, with an on looking Luna and Celestia between them. The CMC insisted on sitting next to a slightly annoyed Destroyah, despite some objections from the latter. They made sure to put themselves between the crimson mare and Celestia. The mere fact the Oxygen-Destroyer incarnate wasn't killing left and right kept Rodan and Anguirus from protesting, as well as fear of stirring up conflict's flames in front of the alicorns. Godzilla and Xenilla both knew the circumstances at hoof and didn't dare lift a hoof to resume their fight. While the two kept physically civil, Celestia and Luna could almost physically feel the hatred being thrown between the two kaiju. And amongst all this, the remaining mane six were caught in a void of confusion, alien fear, and bits of intrigue at the prospect of what was going on. Needless to say, all eyes were on Twilight and Mothra as they set up a simple illustration on the chalk board Pinkie had...somehow brought. Twilight cleared her throat, and began.

"As we all know, six of us in attendance aren't quite from around here, but come from an entirely different world. In their original state they were not Equestrian species, but had been transformed into them. For all intents and purposes, aliens."

Four of the mane six’s eyes widened slightly at the words being spoken. Though Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash had some inkling as to what was going on and Pinkie was, well, Pinkie; the revelation did cause some odd glances at the large forms sitting next to them. Godzilla almost rolled his eyes at the last comparison, bad memories of the Xilian invasion coming to mind. Still, he minded his manners. Mothra began to draw a simple illustration.

"First we begin with the worlds we came from. Judging from the star maps our worlds occupy roughly the same place in the solar system, so the planets, Equestria and Terra are counterparts of each other rather than two planets in the same universe; existing parallel to one another in different dimensions or 'realms'."

Mothra added a distinct line to the picture.

"Normally, we hypothesize that there is a barrier that keeps jumping from one dimension to another all but impossible, this 'shield' especially seems to safeguard Equestria from outside realms' intrusion."

"However some event occurred on Terra that grabbed the kaiju from their world, and flung them at Equestria. However the barrier got in their way."

"But because of the huge masses being slammed into it, as well as a mass energy discharge from Godzilla and Xenilla, the barrier was partially ruptured."

"Which caused the six kaiju sent to proceed into Equestria. However, the barrier was still strong enough to cause an adverse reaction to the kaiju's Non-Equestrian make up. Like a cell membrane only letting certain particles in and out of the cell, it only would let native forms pass through. So at the expense of its structural integrity, the barrier let the kaiju in but forcefully changed them into native species."

Xenilla interrupted the lecture.

"What happens if more objects pass through this damaged barrier of your's after the first six kaiju went through it?"

Twilight nodded her head to the side as she pondered the thought.

"Well we've had no sign that has occurred, but in theory each passing transport would weaken the barrier more and more. Each time something passed through it would retain more traits of its home dimension. Knowing kaiju it'd be keeping their old bodies,-"

"-no diminishing of their powers;"

"-and lastly no shrinkage in size. Fortunately we think the barrier can heal, if given time; so let's hope that never happens."

Luna cast a off glance at Godzilla as he sat to her right.


Anguirus at least had the courtesy to raise a hoof.

"So why did Rodan come in fully formed and how the Daiei did I find myself in my old body again?"

Mothra erased the old drawling and began to make a new one.

"Rodan was further away than the rest of us from the central place radius of whatever happened, so he came through the barrier last. This ties in with a theory Twilight came up with about energy levels. Obviously kaiju are stronger than the average pony, but keeping up such a huge size requires a lot of energy. In our world we'd have our own sources to sustain us, but here in Equestria we are still subject to the barrier's lingering influence. This influence means we slowly are drained of energy until we normalize at the points we are now. We think it was the barrier itself that stripped away our energy until we reached a point of comparable power to the strongest native lifeforms, such as the alicorn princesses."

Mothra stopped and pointed at Rodan.

"Rodan was able to keep his form for awhile because less of his energy was stripped away, so he still had enough to maintain his form for a while before it was siphoned away."

Twilight was busy adding some details to the final image.

"We also hypothesize that any extra energy the kaiju get is slowly depleted as they act. Anguirus was hit by some sort of activation of Rainbow Dash's element and allowed him to function in his old body for about twenty minutes. We think that the maximum time that can be allowed to is roughly two or three hour. Past that might be dangerous."

"We said earlier that large amounts of magic cause the shift, but to cause proper charge it must be benign magic. This is why Celestia slamming us into the walls or Luna's fight with Godzilla didn't cause a reversion."

Luna felt her skin paling slightly at the thought of one of her attacks suddenly causing a much greater calamity in the palace. A reassuring wing she felt around her along with the warmth of white feathers put her at ease.

"Considering what had happened earlier and what sort of benign magic sources seem strong enough for the tasks, I'd say an element of Harmony, large amounts of Unicorn or Alicorn magic, considering Cadence's forte Love magic might work; and certain magical artifacts like the Crystal Heart could function."

Mothra picked back up the chalk, drawing out a clear message and underlining it for good measure.

"Despite all Equestrian races having some magic in them and we now being in their ranks, this is relevant. A quick experiment with myself and Twilight seemed to confirm that under all circumstances the magic MUST come from an outside source. This is because the only forces in Equestria that come from the outside seem strong enough to charge one of us up either don't belong to us, such as an Element of Harmony; or are emotions and feelings given from one to another, such as love or friendship. Not even myself, Godzilla, or Xenilla could self-charge with a cast spell, no matter how strong we still are in these forms."

Rarity raised a hoof, Twilight nodding to her friend to cue her questioning.

"Now excuse me if I am not quuuiiite as versed in mathematics are you Twilight, but I do know my basic sciences. If these, kaiju, were so gigantic in their original bodies; why are they not so dense that they weigh more than an Ursa Major in their new bodies? Wouldn't all that mass just be compacted down?"

Twilight rubbed her chin for a moment, giving a small shrug.

"We're still figuring out the exact mechanics of what's going on, but the best we can figure is that the energy disruption of going through the barrier instantly stripped away their excess mass and converted it into the energy that ruptured the barrier. Alternately it may have been crashing into the magically rich barrier while hailing from a magically deficient environment that played around with their anatomy and stripped away excess mass while shaping their new forms. Only reasons I can guess as to why Mothra here isn't so dense she falls through the floor by breaking it."

The young alicorn rubbed the back of her head as she gave a shared chuckle with Mothra. For a moment there was quiet in the hall. After some time, Destroyah let out a half annoyed shrug as she broke the silence.

"So in a nutshell, we got thrown into ponyland, magic barrier made us ponylanders, we can go back to our real bodies but only temporarily and we need a pony to change us."

Twilight rolled her eyes.

"In essence yes."

Destroyah thought back to the original picture.

"So how are we supposed to get home?"

Mothra nor Twilight gave a verbal response, only awkward glances to each other.

Now it was the audience's turn to give each other awkward glances, both hoping for a response and dreading what was the correct answer.

"Don't tell me, we can't."

"For the moment, we have no method of returning."


The portals in Zenith showed their targets. Scythe-like arms, skeletal armor, rotating drills, golden scales, green fur, bioluminescence, a sky filled with wings, toxic sludge; and an ivory exoskeleton.

"Time to draft the army..."


"For better or for worse."

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