• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,935 Views, 5,037 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 48: The Sunset Casts Both Light and Shadow

Episode 48: The Sunset Casts Two Lights

When Amore strode through the doors leading to Captain Commander Scorpan’s office, she was surprised to find someone else there entirely.

“Captain Platinum, Captain Blueblood, what are you two doing here?” she asked, noting that Blueblood himself looked roughed up and miserable. His usually perfectly brushed head of blond hair was disheveled and he bore a distinct cut across his cheek.

Has he battled a Ryoka, the same as Cheese Sandwich has? Did he capture one of them? Amore wondered. The young human girl that Cheese Sandwich had captured was being watched over by him at the Fourth Division hospital. Amore hoped perhaps having one of the Ryoka prisoner might help draw out the others from hiding, but Cheese Sandwich and Sweet Cider both had seemed less than enthusiastic about the idea. They had at least convinced Amore that they needed to wait until the girl regained consciousness before they could do anything else, and Amore couldn’t really disagree with that Not that she liked the idea of using a child as a hostage, but the chaos taking over Soul Society was by far the more distressing factor that needed to be dealt with. Peace and order had to be restored. It wasn’t as if they had to do more than threaten the hostage to bring the others out. It’d be a bluff, nothing more. Amore wouldn’t have condoned actually harming a prisoner.

But it hurt to see her beloved Soul Society in such turmoil and danger. She was fearful for the safety of Captain Zecora and the other missing Fourth Division members. Her heart went out to the injured among all the Divisions. Worst of all, she had a rising paranoid worry that even if this crisis was soon dealt with it was still dealing a blow to the Soul Reapers that may draw their enemies out of the war’s present stalemate and encourage an all out attack on the Spirit Realm.

Putting aside the unpleasant thoughts she watched as Platinum, who was examining a partially crumbled scroll, turned cool eyes towards Amore and Blueblood self-consciously adjusted the fall of his hair so it hid the wound on his cheek.

“Ah, Captain Amore, it's good that you’re here.” said Platinum with brisk certainty, gesturing at the otherwise empty office, “I was about to call for a meeting with the other Captains. It seems Captain Commander Scorpan and Lieutenant Smart Cookie both have left headquarters. I can only assume it has something to do with these orders from Central 46.”

Platinum offered the scroll, and Amore took it gingerly, examining the words on the parchment with growing alarm, her voice breathy. “Tomorrow? They’re to be executed tomorrow morning?”

“At first light of dawn.” said Platinum, voice brittle and cold as she turned towards the balcony overlook inside Scorpan’s office, from the right side of which one could just barely see the long, jutting portion of the plateau that was Sokyoku Hill.

“Of course the Captain Commander must have gone to Central 46 to contest these orders.” said Amore, “He likely brought Lieutenant Smart Cookie with him. That provides two days of delay before these orders must be acted upon.”

“I will point out that we have no proof of where either the Captain Commander or his Lieutenant have gone.” said Platinum, “While we can search for him, without actual confirmation that he’s inside Central 46, by the law we are still bound to obey the decrees handed down to us by them.”

“That’s absurd!” said Amore, approaching real alarm at hearing the firm and uncompromising tone in Platinum’s voice, “Clearly Scorpan must be arguing against these orders as we speak. There’s no other explanation for where he could be!”

“If that were the case, would he not have left Smart Cookie to inform the rest of us Captains of his decision?” said Platinum, “Why take her into Central 46 with him?”

“Where else could she be? Are you suggesting that they’ve simply vanished. That would be of even greater concern than if he was in Central 46, which he surely is!” Amore said, putting a hand to her forehead, rubbing at the beginnings of a serious headache.

“By all means proceed to Central 46 and gain confirmation of the Captain Commander’s presence there.” replied Platinum, giving Blueblood a sidelong look, “In the meantime we have to make preparations for the execution. With the orders slated for the morning we must ensure the Sokyoku itself is prepared. Blueblood, do you think you can handle that?”

“I, uh... well, yes, of course.” said Blueblood, sounding less than enthusiastic, “But what about the Ryoka? We still need to track them down, do we not? Shouldn’t I continue to help with that instead of being tied down overseeing preparations on some oversized flaming stick?”

Platinum’s voice dropped a few unpleasant octaves, “If, perhaps, you proved capable of dealing with the Ryoka, yes, but you’ve already failed once to deal with just one of those girls. Perhaps the Sokyoku, a nice stationary object, will prove less of a challenge for you to handle.”

Blueblood’s face colored crimson, and his jaw set tightly. “You were not there, Captain Platinum. I admit I underestimated the Ryoka’s abilities, but this particular woman was... more capable than your reports ever indicated. You said absolutely nothing of the extent of her powers, let alone her intelligence, grace, not to mention sheer beauty.”

Platinum’s eyes rolled like a pair of snowglobes, “So you were distracted by the appearance of your opponent, then? Blueblood, that girl shouldn’t have even lain a finger upon you, let alone left you in that sorry state I found you in. Just be glad I bothered to free you. I could have simply left you there to contemplate your shortcomings.”

Amore cleared her throat loudly, “Ahem, Captain Blueblood, pardon me, but you fought one of the Ryoka... and lost?”

He all but pouted, “She just caught me off guard! It won’t happen again.”

“Could you fill me in on the details, please?” Amore asked, and Blueblood did so, albeit in a fairly haphazard manner, glossing over his role in his own defeat, although Amore noted that the young Captain didn’t sound particularly bitter when describing his foe. If anything she quickly saw Captain Blueblood’s veiled compliments and exaggerated descriptions of the young lady’s prowess for the newborn infatuation that it was. Interesting, but hardly the most interesting thing to her about Blueblood’s account.

“You said she had two others with her that she remained behind to fight you in order to allow them to pass?” Amore clarified, “And which direction did these other two go?”

“Oh, I don’t know, I wasn’t really paying attention. West, I believe. Towards...” Blueblood paused, frowning, “Towards the Twelfth Division headquarters, in fact.”

“So instead of preparing for an execution that may be at this very moment is likely being argued against by our commanding officer should we not focus upon detaining the active criminals we know are in need of stopping?” suggested Amore, a bit of heat turning her normally calm and kind tone into something with a hint of edge, “Fourth Division has already suffered an attack, for all we know Twelfth Division is in equal danger.”

The news of Fourth Division seemed to catch both Blueblood and Platinum by surprise, and Amore quickly brought them up to speed. While Blueblood looked aghast at the news, Platinum was more contemplative, but no less seemingly surprised and distressed.

“You are certain no bodies were found?” Platinum asked, then waved away her own question, “It couldn’t have been the Ryoka, regardless. Those girls are many things; foolish, impulsive, arrogant, rude, and intolerably uncooperative, but they wouldn’t have attacked a hospital. Of that much I’m certain.”

“I agree.” Amore frowned, “Then who else could be responsible?”

“Is it not obvious?” Platinum said, a harsh certainty entering her voice, “The Second and Thirteenth Division traitors, of course! Only the Second Division knows how to perform such a deadly sneak attack, and could have used their secret paths to get into the Fourth Division. Furthermore Hurricane failed to detain many of the Thirteenth Division rebels, who fled into the sewers, from which they could have easily joined the remainder of the Second Division. They must have struck at the Fourth Division knowing it’d cripple our search efforts.”

Amore couldn’t have been more shocked if Platinum had sprouted a ukulele and started dancing the hula. For several long seconds the Fifth Division Captain tried to process all of the leaps of logic Platinum must have just taken... and sadly while it still sounded mostly ludicrous there was a certain small sense to it as well. If the rebels truly were serious about freeing Celestia and Luna, they’d need a distraction, a way to keep the other Divisions occupied elsewhere... and staging an attack on the Fourth Division would have the other Divisions running in circles trying to find out who did it, or worse, going after the Ryoka all the more. But she couldn't imagine anyone among the Thirteenth and Second Divisions who'd commit such a heinous act, even in service of rescuing their Captains.

“There’s no direct evidence of that...” Amore began, but Platinum all but jumped down her throat, her own eyes shining.

“The Second Division is the Stealth Corps, Captain Amore. They’re trained assassins and stealth specialists. If they didn’t perform such a sudden and complete attack, leaving no evidence behind, who else could?”

“I don’t know.” Amore admitted, shaking her head, that headache only getting stronger.

Platinum gained a curiously thoughtful look, her tone almost becoming self-musing, as if she wasn’t talking to anyone other than herself, “No matter what, time is short, and the only thing to do is more forward.”


Platinum shook herself, eyes blinking, “Captain Amore, if you are concerned about the Twelfth Division, then by all means go investigate it yourself. Or see if you can gain entry to Central 46. We need confirmation of Captain Commander Scorpan’s status, one way or another. However I will fulfill the orders of Central 46 as they currently stand. Do you have any objections to this that are grounded in the lawful protocol of Soul Society?”

The fact left Amore feeling a steely chill, but she didn’t, and could only shake her head. “No, I do not. However I feel it is a mistake to proceed with the execution until we know for certain where Scorpan is.”

“Then I suggest you make haste to find him.” replied Platinum with finality. It was advice that Amore couldn’t argue with, and so she turned to stride quickly form the room, all the while feeling a greater and impending sense of utter dread.


Radiant Hope stood upon the bridge leading to the tall front entrance of the Daireishokairo, and paused as she noticed the blood. It sat in a dry pool about halfway across the bridge, perhaps not more than an hour old. Unease gripped her in a clammy vice as she Flash Stepped to the pool of blood, kneeling down to examine it as she drew her Zanpaktou.

She almost touched the blood, but pulled her hand back at the last instant. Was there enough here to mean someone, possibly one of her friends, had died? She didn’t think so, but much like at the Fourth Division hospital, the lack of a body was unnerving.

“I’ve already checked inside.”

Radiant Hope spun around, Zanpaktou swinging just on startled instinct. An orange hand actually caught the blade between thumb and forefinger, and the amused looking woman attached to that hand raised a dark eyebrow at Radiant Hope, magenta eyes glinting amusement.

“Whoa, try not to be so jumpy, Lieutenant.”

Radiant Hope’s eyes widened and she quickly pulled back her blade and sheathed it, bowing deeply. “Captain Daring Do, I apologize. I didn’t even sense your approach.”

Daring Do was not a tall woman, in fact being perhaps an inch shorter than Radiant Hope was, but she carried herself with a relaxed and easy stance that seemed to negate the sense of her being short. Black and gray toned hair bunched in a shoulder length mass that Daring Do ran a hand through casually as she nodded towards the blood. “Can’t blame you for being jumpy. There was clearly a fight here. The inside is covered in signs of it.”

“That must have been my friends.” Radiant Hope said, worry etching itself across her words. “Meadowbrook and Moon Dancer were both here! I have to find them!” She cocked an eyebrow at Daring Do. “Wait, Captain, why are you here?”

“Suspicious much? I’ve been patrolling for the Ryoka, as is my entire Division at this point.” Daring Do said with a shrug, “I’m pretty much the fastest Captain next to the old man himself and Luna, so I can cover the most ground out of all of us. While everyone else was busy with the south end of Seireitei, I decided to go sweep the north. Haven’t found any sign of the Ryoka, but followed something interesting to this place.”

“Something interesting?” Radiant Hope asked, and Daring Do reached into the folds of her uniform to pull out a very peculiar looking object. It was a strange, sharp edged rod about half a foot in length, one end tapered to a knife-like point while the other end was split into four petal-like protrusions. Probing it with her spiritual senses, Radiant got the faintest trace of latent spirit energy from it. The reiryoku felt odd, not at all like that of a Soul Reaper’s.

“What is this? I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Daring Do spun the object around in her hand, smiling in an oddly pleased fashion. “Haven’t a clue, but I found this lodged under the edge of a roof near the north gate. Been looking for more, and found two or three, all leading in this direction. I got a feeling if I keep looking I might just find them all over the Seireitei. Whatever they are, they ain’t made by a Soul Reaper.”

“Could the Ryoka have... but no, that’s not possible. They only arrived from the south, and you found this to the north. They couldn’t have placed them.” Radiant Hope said, her eyes locked on the strange object. “What could it be used for?”

“I don’t think its a bomb or anything. Not enough power for it to be that.” said Daring Do, “But it could be some kind of sensor, but until I take this to Starswirl to tinker with, there’s no way to be sure. Of course before I could head off to the Twelfth Division, I ended up here and found the library in a mess. Then you showed up. You say your friends were here?”

Radiant Hope nodded, and spent a short minute or two informing Daring Do about Moon Dancer’s search for the missing book on the Queen’s Key and Meadowbrook coming to check on her. Now both of them were missing and by the signs of battle it was clear they’d run into some serious trouble.

Daring Do’s easy manner gradually grew serious, or at least as serious as Daring Do seemed capable of being as she flipped the odd object over and over again in her hand as she put on a thoughtful look. “Okay, so I’m not an idiot. I can’t figure why the Ryoka might’ve attacked a freaking library, so going to go out on a limb here and say we’ve got other bad guys on our hands. In which case it doesn’t take a genius to realize this whole ‘treason’ BS is just one big con job.”

Radiant Hope swallowed and nodded her head, “That was something I guessed from the start. Um, no offense, Captain. Its why I gathered some of the people I trusted most to try and find the truth.”

“Well you’re not alone on that count anymore.” said Daring Do, scratching her chin, “The only question now is if we’re too late to make a difference in derailing the enemy’s plans.”

“We can’t let the execution happen, no matter what.”

“We should have days on that yet. What I want is to find one of our hidden bad guys and capture them, preferably after a righteous ass kicking.” said Daring Do, pointing at the pool of blood, “Not to mention find your pals. We bring one of the real culprits in to Central 46 and that’ll be that. They’ll have to let Luna and Celestia go.”

“That’s true, but how are we going to find Moon Dancer and Meadowbrook? I don’t see any traces besides the blood, and it doesn’t form a trail anywhere.”

“Pssssh,” Daring Do made a scoffing sound, smiling wryly as she tapped the side of her head, “Who do you think you’re talking to? You think I’m in charge of our reconnaissance specialized Division because I look good in a pith helmet? When it comes to noticing things I’m the goddamn Batman.”


“I keep forgetting most of you outside the Third Division don’t keep up with living world culture. Never mind, just give me a few minutes to scope the area out and I’m sure I’ll pick up something that’ll lead us towards your friends.” Daring Do said, then immediately started to examine the area, vanishing and reappearing in random places with Flash Step.

And being good at her word, it was only a couple of minutes before Daring Do, standing near the entrance to the Daireishokairo, waved Radiant Hope over. “Hey, found what we’re looking for right over here!”

The area in question was a small walkway of stone that encircled the front half of the building, bordered by a length of soft grass. About twenty paces from the door, embedded deep in the grassy portion beside the walkway so that it all but blended in, was another one of the strange spike-like objects. Radiant Hope stood beside Daring Do, looking down at the strange device, and took note of the fact that there was a small speckle of blood here and there on the grass beside the device.

“Whoever fell on the bridge, they were carried here.” she said, and Daring Do nodded agreement.

“Looks that way. Which makes it all the more important we figure out what these things are, and fast. I’m taking these to Starswirl. He’ll have them figured out in no time.” Daring Do said.

Radiant Hope hated having no further clues or evidence as to the fate of her friends, but she also couldn’t really argue with Daring Do’s words. Without knowing what these devices were they had no path forward. The only thing to do now was to go to the Twelfth Division and hope Captain Starswirl could discern the function of the devices in time to make a difference.


The day wore on into the evening with the Soul Reapers crawling all over Seireitei like maddened ants, unable to find any further traces of the Ryoka after the initial battles had taken place. News of those fights spread quickly, rumors and gossip like embers sparking a wild forest fire. Captain Blueblood defeated and humiliated by a single Ryoka? Another Ryoka so powerful her clash with Captain Kenpachi herself had leveled a good portion of the Academy training grounds? Yet another Ryoka who, despite being captured in the end, had fought Captain Cheese Sandwich to a standstill?

All of that left many Soul Reapers muttering in disquiet whispers among themselves as the sun started to set. If the Captains themselves were having trouble with these human invaders, what chance did low seated officers or the rank and file have?

Beyond that the rumors of the attack on the Fourth Division was also spreading, leaving many Soul Reapers nervously looking over their shoulders during their patrols. The division between those who supported the law of Central 46 and those who were becoming more and more convinced of Celestia and Luna’s innocence was growing ever worse. The absence of Captain Commander Scorpan was a noticeable pall hanging over the whole Seireitei, despite the rumor that he was locked in a closed door debate with Central 46... but with no Lieutenant Smart Cookie around to corroborate this preparations for the execution at dawn were proceeding.

From practically any place in Seireitei one could see the ghostly blue pillars of spirit energy on the Sokyoku Hill, where members of the Kido Corps being overseen by Captain Blueblood prepared the enchantments to free the wrath of the Sokyoku itself, the massive halberd shaped weapon designed to slay those who had committed terrible crimes against Soul Society.

Through it all the Captains themselves were like ships sailing through a storm. Sweet Cider had kept tabs on where most of her fellow Captains were. Platinum, Hurricane, and Thunderhooves were in headquarters, having made it their bastion alongside their Divisions. Amore was floating between Central 46 and headquarters, looking for a way to force contact with the Central 46 and the Captain Commander who was supposedly within. Daring Do had apparently found some unknown device and was in Twelfth Division with Starswirl, trying to find out what it was. Zecora remained missing, while Cheese Sandwich took temporary command of the Fourth Division while guarding their one, still unconscious prisoner.

Celestia and Luna remained in their cells, but at the first light of dawn there was little doubt Platinum would be there to remove them for their execution.

If that happened Sweet Cider saw only one thing she could do. The question was if she’d be stuck doing it alone? She hoped Applejack and her friends were safe enough. Neither Posey or Fancy Pants had reported back yet from their search. The worry ground Sweet Cider’s gears something fierce as she stalked around her office in the Tenth Division headquarters and went over the last reports from her own people concerning the investigation around the attack on the Fourth Division.

“An’ ya’ll ain’t found a trace o’ anythin’, even after checkin’ the emergency tunnels an’ sewers?” she demanded once again of Silverstar, who stood stoically under her hard gaze with his usual stout, toughness.

“The boys n’ gals have combed the place with dang microscopes fer all the good it’s done.” he said, “We ain’t even found none o’ them doohickeys that Captain Darin’ Do was goin’ on ‘bout.”

Sweet Cider all but growled, “Right, fine. Call ‘em back, then. I want all the squads ta be rested up fer tomorrow.”

“Ma’am, beggin’ yer pardon, but what are we gonna do once dawn hits?” Silverstar asked, eyes mostly hiding how tense he was.

Sweet Cider gave him a rueful look that wasn’t entirely aimed at him. If anything her irritation at Silverstar was just a phantom reflex from the anger she was feeling at Soul Society as a whole and her frustration at having her memories back but being unable to just forget all the time she’d spent as the Tenth Division Captain. Even now, remembering her life and home in the living world, she still felt attached to the office she stood in. It was a simple thing, too, the plain room with only a few shelves for books or scrolls, dominated by a central desk and a few chairs. She could remember every hour spent here doing her job, often talking with Silverstar about one bit of work or another.

Sweet Cider liked working and had always taking her responsibilities seriously. Dissonant memories didn’t just tear that sense of honest obligation out of her. So as much as she wanted to be pissed off at Silverstar and every other Soul Reaper for what had happened to her, she couldn’t bring herself to hate them either.

But the time was fast approaching that her only course was going to be to carve a path to helping her daughter and friends free Luna and Celestia, no matter who got in her way. Maybe she ought to find out where her own people stood on that count before it hit that point of no return.

She drew in a deep breath and let it out slow as she gazed at Silverstar with a frank look. “When dawn comes ‘round, if Platinum or ‘nother tries ta go through with the execution, bottom line is I’m stoppin’ it. By any means I gotta use.”

She let that hang in the air, the blatant and honest truth. What she’d just said could easily be construed as a form of treason in and of itself, as she’d essentially just admitted she’d fight her fellow Captains if it came down to it. The question now was how Silverstar would take this. She was prepared for his disapproval, or any number of reasonable arguments he might try to make to convince her to keep her cool and not do anything rash.

“So you want me ta git the whole Division ready fer a brawl, or ya gonna be thick skulled an’ try ta do this all by yer lonesome?” Silverstar asked bluntly, causing Sweet Cider to blink at him in surprise.

“Seriously? Ya ain’t gonna try ta talk me outta this?”

Silverstar met her eyes with a level headed look of his own. “Like I could even if I wanted to. Yer gonna do what ya think is right, Captain, an’ I can either help ya out, or git outta yer way. Since it don’t sit right with me ta let ya take all the risk yerself, an’ I know the rest o’ the Division is gonna feel the same, then our only course is ta be right there beside ya when the time comes ta bust our way through to the execution grounds.”

He paused, a hard light entering his eyes and a trace of guilt crossing his features. “An’ I’m just gonna take a guess an’ figure that this has got somethin’ ta do with that one Ryoka girl who’s got yer look ‘bout her.”

Sweet Cider grimaced, “Ya ain’t wrong. Lemma ask ya straight, Silverstar. Did ya know? ‘Bout my memories?”

The man’s guilty look only deepened, but to his credit he didn’t look away from her stern gaze as he said, “Knew ‘nough ta figure this’d happen sooner or later. Didn’t get told much other than yer Zanpaktou was all mixed up with yer Fullbring powers, an’ it was doin’ somethin’ to yer head that the Captain Commander wanted ta seal up. Said it was dangerous ta let them powers mix without knowin’ more.” He nodded at the blade in question, “Far as I got told, that’s why yer so dang strong. Yer Zanpaktou and Fullbring got fused together, but that also makes it real unstable, makin’ ya more... well more violent or somesuch. That’s why ya got recruited into the Gotei 13, and the old man himself put a’ seal on yer Zanpaktou. It was ta keep the Fullbring an’ the Zanapktou powers separate to a’ degree, least ‘nough so ya didn’t go total berserk. Don’t know if sealin’ away yer human memories were just a’ side effect or intentional, but that’s all I know.”

She searched is face for any signs of deception, but found nothing but open, guilty truth in his tired expression. A part of her was hot with fresh anger at having her life and afterlife constantly being meddled with. What right did the Soul Reapers have to play with people’s souls like this? The warm, deadly rage seethed under the surface of her skin like water boiling on the stove, and she realized that much of that anger was brimming up from her Zanpaktou, like Kizuna itself was humming with murderous intent.

By the slight paling in Silverstar’s face, he felt it too, and stood there stock still in front of her.

Sweet Cider, with a rough breath, took hold of her anger and shoved it down. “So yer sayin’ I might, what? End up goin’ crazy?”

“I don’t know, Captain. I really don’t know. Seemed ta me like even the Captain Commander didn’t really know fer sure what yer Zanpaktou was doin’ to ya. I think he put that seal on there as much ta protect ya as us. With it gone... well I just don’t rightly know what’s gonna happen. But I’ll tell ya this much.” He bowed to her, his eyes as serious as she’d ever seen them. “Whatever happens, I’ll follow ya. In the years I’ve served with ya you’ve been nothin’ but the best dang Captain I could’ve asked fer, an’ I know most the rest o’ the Division feels the same. We’re with ya, one way or ‘nother.”

Sweet Cider felt her anger simmer down against a tide of pride and satisfaction, knowing that Silverstar meant every word he said. While she knew there might be a few holdouts and diehard loyalists among her Division who wouldn’t support her actions, she also knew that Silverstar was right; most of her people would follow her if it came down to a fight. Which the way things were looking, it probably was. Which was a serious problem because she knew that was likely just what the real enemy wanted. But as long as they could save Celestia and Luna there was still a chance.

“Right then, here’s what we’re doin’...”


“Pssst, how’s it looking?” asked Rainbow Dash, trying to fit her head in beside Nocturn’s as the Second Division officer was peeking out from beneath the edge of a street tile that he had raised. The tunnel the group had been following now capped off in a rather roomy dead end, with a ladder that led up to the surface. Nocturn was on said ladder while Rainbow Dash, wings formed and flapping, hovered beside him.

“Not ideal.” Nocturn admitted, pointing, “See there? Those are the main stairs leading up into the fortress proper. Quite well guarded, I’d say.”

Rainbow Dash could see that. The small portion of the street they were under was one of three streets that connected to a wide courtyard at the very base of the massive, rocky plateau upon which the Gotei 13’s main headquarters was built. A wide set of stone stairs large enough that an army could charge up or down them was situated right in the middle of the stoney cliff side, and around it was a veritable army of Soul Reapers who stood ready and alert. Torch stands had been set up at regular intervals to light up the whole courtyard as dusk set in, the sun already setting beyond the horizon. Rainbow Dash could see dozens upon dozens of Soul Reapers milling around, most on watch while others played cards or chatted in tight knit groups.

She also saw that there were several wood and stone barricades on the stairs, manned by yet more Soul Reapers.

“Gonna be a real gauntlet if we have to rush through all that.” she commented dryly.

“Fortunately we won’t have to, my cerulean friend.” said Nocturn, direction her attention towards a portion of the cliff face about fifty yards from the stairs. “There’s our next secret pathway, if we can get to it unseen.”

Rainbow Dash licked her lips, glancing back down the ladder to where Fluttershy, Applejack, Clover, and Pipsqueak all waited anxiously. “Yeah, you’re the only ninja in the party, dude. Don’t think the rest of us can be super sneaky with that many Reapers keeping their eyes out for us. We need a serious distraction.”

To this Nocturn offered a mischievous smile, “As it happens I have an idea on that. You see there’s many storage warehouses all across Seireitei, as each Division maintains their own separate logistics. However headquarters keeps its own warehouses close, both hugging the plateau, and under the fortress itself. In fact I happen to know that one of those nearby warehouses stores headquarters supply of celebratory fireworks. Meant for special occasions like holidays or weddings between important members of the nobility. Now, what do you think might happen if someone were to light such a warehouse on fire?”

Rainbow Dash could only think of a line from one of her favorite movies. “Biiiiig badaboom.”

“Indeed.” replied Nocturn, smile widening. “I rather imagine it’ll keep the attention of our vigilant friends out there long enough for you to sneak to the cliff’s secret entrance.”

“Whoa dude, hold up, I ain’t hearing any of this ‘you’ stuff. I need you to lead my friends to safety. You let me handle the distraction. Just point me to where that warehouse is.”

Nocturn glanced at her sidelong, dark eyes reflecting the distant torchlight. “Miss Dash, the risk is too great to let you perform such a task. Better to allow me.”

“Pfft, says the dude with one arm. Come off it man, who do you think you’re fooling with this tough guy act?” Rainbow Dash poked him in the chest, eyes alight with flippant spunk. “I’m the fastest one here. I can get in, light that puppy up like a summer barbecue, and be out before anyone spots me.”

“Much as I can admire your rambunctious spirit, shall I point out that if you do this then you won’t have the means to enter the secret passage, as only a Second Division member like myself knows how to open them in the first place?” Nocturn said smoothly, but Rainbow Dash just brushed this off with a wave of her hand.

“Dude, just hold the door for me. Seriously, I’ll blow the warehouse, once I’m, you know, totally sure no one’s in it and junk. While everyone is gawking at the light show, I’ll zip right on back here in no time, and you can open up the passage for me. Just make sure you and the rest get on in there while everyone’s distracted.”

A pointed look crossed his face as he seemed to consider her, “You’re not going to back down, are you?”

“Not a chance.” she said with a grin.

“Hmm. Determination and confidence are a powerful mix, as long as it's tempered with enough common sense. When the day comes that you die, Miss Dash, consider joining the Second Division. I’m certain Captain Luna would welcome you to our ranks.”

She rolled her eyes, “Don’t hold your breath for that to happen. You’re a cool enough dude, and I do dig the flashy swords you Soul Reapers get, but I don’t think I’d ‘fit in’ with this place and all its rules. Kinda prefer to live free... and that’ll still apply even after I eventually buy it.”

The thought did leave an uneasy pebble of discomfort in Rainbow Dash’s mind. Death was usually the last thing on her young teenage mind. Even with all the recent craziness she hadn’t really ever considered the prospect of dying, let alone what she’d do after her mortality caught up with her. Who knew, maybe she’d just learn to fly so fast even Death couldn’t catch her. Yeah, better to just get into her usual cocky groove and not worry too much about things. She had way too much to do to add dying to the list just yet.

Nocturn, having run out of objections, showed Rainbow Dash where the warehouse was. It was to the left of the giant stone stairs, about a block and a half away, but Rainbow Dash could still see its tall, slanted, orange shingled roof, as it was a near three story building. Apparently it held more than just fireworks, but Dash just needed to concern herself with those and nothing else. Nocturn described what she’d be looking for, big barrels marked with a peculiar symbol, a Japanese kanji for fireworks that Rainbow Dash smacked her brain a few times to force herself to memorize it.

That done, she flew down to inform the others of the plan.

Applejack responded pretty much like Rainbow Dash expected.

“I don’t like it.” the farm girl said firmly, “Ya shouldn’t be doin’ nothin’ by yerself. I oughta go with ya in case somethin’ goes wrong.”

“AJ, you’re tough as nails and I’ve got no one else I’d want at my back in a fight more, but this is about speed and stealth.” Rainbow Dash said, trying to put a placating tone into her voice. “Bottom line is that you’d, uh, kind of slow things down when I’ve got to move quick, know what I’m saying?”

Applejack got that look on her face she sometimes got when some guy at school was hitting on her and not getting the message she wasn’t interested, or when she was dealing with a particularly ornery tree in her orchard that wasn’t giving up its apples. Rainbow Dash gulped, but held her ground until Applejack ground out a sigh.

“Blast it all, yer right, an’ I dang well hate it. Don’t feel right at all lettin’ you do all the risky stuff alone.”

Rainbow Dash snickered, “Hey, welcome to my world earlier today when I learned you rushed off to fight your mom alone. Not a great feeling, but at least now I get what you were thinking at the time. Some jobs just need to be done alone, for the sake of your friends.”

Applejack adjusted her stetson to shade her eyes as she looked away with embarrassment, “Ain’t that just the prickly truth? Alright, you go do yer thing, Dash. Just don’t git foolish with it. ‘Cause a ruckus, but just ‘nough ta git them Soul Reapers lookin’ the wrong way, and then git yerself back here pronto!”

“Yes, please be careful.” said Fluttershy with a strained voice. Her Fullbring was fully active, and had been since they’d entered the tunnel. Rainbow Dash knew her friend was trying to heal the remainder of her injury, but the wound Hurricane had inflicted was no small thing, and even with Pipsqueak’s help the healing process was still far from complete. Fluttershy’s face beaded with sweat, even as she gave Rainbow Dash a worried look that was all concern for her friends and little spared for herself.

“I will Fluttershy, count on it!” said Rainbow Dash, all confidence, at least on the surface.

“Do what you can to suppress you reiatsu,” said Clover, “Don’t use any more spirit energy than you need to. Many Soul Reapers are used to relying on spiritual senses over simple things like visual observation or even just listening for strange noises. As long as you can keep your spiritual pressure down that should help you avoid detection.”

“Yeah, yeah egghead, I got it. I won’t use more mystical omph than I need to Clover, no worries.” Although the truth was that she was pretty worried. She wasn’t all that good at the finer points of reiatsu or whatever Clover wanted to call it. She could direct her spirit energy pretty much how she wanted, but that was often when going all out and zapping things. Pushing that same energy down so it didn’t go off like a beacon was a relatively new concept for her, but Rainbow Dash wasn’t about to back down from the challenge.

Pipsqueak looked between them all with an air of confidence himself, nodding his head to Rainbow Dash. “I wish you the best of luck Lady Dash. May fortunes of wind bless your wings with speed and discretion both.”

The young lad ended his words with a short fit of coughing that earned worried looks from all around, but Pipsqueak just smiled reassuringly once he got himself under control.

“If we’re to do this, best to do it now, as night is setting in.” said Nocturn from the ladder, and Rainbow Dash couldn’t agree more. The sooner she got going, the better she’d feel.

Flying back up to the top of the ladder, she and Nocturn both observed the guards by the stairs. With things getting darker by the minute, they waited until the guards on watch started to change shifts with the guards resting. In that moment Nocturn opened up the street tile further, allowing Rainbow Dash to slip out. The street tile was over a hundred yards from the courtyard, far enough that she’d be little more than a shadowy blue blur to anyone looking her way. She didn’t give any of the guards a chance to glance her direction, swiftly taking wing and flying straight up and over a nearby wall lining the side of the street.

Bit by bit she started to make her way towards the warehouse while flitting between shadows to keep out of sight.

As she did so her sense of unease grew, as if she was running low on time, but for the life of her she couldn’t grasp why.


As the group waited quietly in the dark tunnel room for Rainbow Dash’s distraction to be ignited, none of them, neither the alert Nocturn or observant Clover, noticed that further down the tunnel a shadow stood stock still, but apart from the rest of the gloom.

The figure had watched Rainbow Dash depart with sharp, unblinking eyes hidden behind a pair of sooty dark goggles.

It was close to time to act, but not yet.

She needed to wait until they got a little further.

Then she’d strike.


Fancy Pants landed lightly upon the roof of one of the buildings overlooking the long central street leading towards the courtyard entrance to headquarters, the firelight of dozens of torches and lanterns lighting up the night in a sea of orange, flickering pinpricks. Beside him Posey appeared, silent and tense, her eyes glancing about with rapid, searching looks.

“Steady yourself Lieutenant Posey.” Fancy Pants said, “We won’t let them escape.”

“I know.” she said, chewing her lower lip, “B-but it’s still so frustrating. If I hadn’t... failed, then they wouldn’t be running around free to do whatever harm they please.” She covered part of her face with a fall of pink hair, “If anyone gets hurt by them it’ll be all my fault!”

Fancy Pants suppressed a sigh. He could sympathize with Posey's feelings, but he knew they had no real grounding. “There’s entirely no need to place unneeded blame upon your own shoulders. You’re no more responsible for the Ryoka’s escape than any one other individual present at that battle. Captain Hurricane himself-”

“Is not to blame!” Posey said, suddenly fierce, her eyes almost burning with fervent, near fanatical light. “He would never had those girls slip past him if I’d been there to support him! Because I lost to those rebel turncoats I... wasn’t where I should have been. I won’t hear any blame put towards my Captain.”

Eyes guarded, he looked Posey over. Her resemblance to her mother was striking. She barely carried a hint of Hurricane’s blood in her countenance, aside from the way her eyes could glow with such heated intensity when roused. Fancy Pants wondered if Pansy would’ve had a better influence on Posey, if she’d lived long enough to really know her daughter. Being stuck in Hurricane’s dubiously negligent shadow had never seemed to do the girl any favors, despite her talents as a Soul Reaper. The fanatical loyalty could be a danger as much as an asset.

Right now it was pushing Posey to pursue the Ryoka all the harder since her defeat, despite likely needing to rest. Fancy Pants knew well how draining Posey’s Zanpaktou was on her, both physically and mentally.

“I cast no blame upon anyone.” he said diplomatically, “I only point out you shouldn’t burden yourself with such feelings of guilt. It will slow you down and distract you during a critical moment. Focus solely upon our task. And consider that when we do find the Ryoka, you should avoid releasing your Zanpaktou.”

At her sour look he added, “I understand it's powerful, but it drains your strength quickly and leaves you in a mental state ill suited to our orders of capturing the Ryoka rather than killing them.”

“You don’t have to tell me that.” she said quietly, “I shouldn’t have released it on Clover and Nocturn. I could’ve killed them...”

“Allow me to do the lion’s share of the fighting, and just do what you can to support me.” Fancy Pants said, eyes narrowing at the courtyard, “Once we find our quarry, that is.”

They’d followed the trail of faint reiatsu to an empty well not far from the Fourth Division hospital, but had been unable to ascertain where it had gone from there. At least not specifically. However Fancy Pants was well informed about the practices of the other Divisions. He knew that the Second Division used all sorts of secret tunnels and passages to get around Seireitei quickly and undetected. No doubt the well had some entrance to such a tunnel, but without the right knowledge it’d be impossible to find or open said passage. Instead he merely used logic to guess where the Ryoka and their rebel allies might be going.

Their goal was to rescue Celestia and Luna. The only way to do that would be to infiltrate the Gotei 13’s headquarters. Logically the Second Division had a few passages leading inside, but Fancy Pants doubted it could be a straight shot from that well. More likely they’d have to get to another, closer passage. If Fancy Pants was a betting man he’d guess such a passage was built along the cliff side of the plateau, where there were plenty of nooks and crannies to easily hide the entrance to such a tunnel.

Meaning if the Ryoka were going to appear anywhere, it’d need to be around this area. Furthermore with both Hurricane and Thunderhoove’s Division’s fortifying the area and guarding it with so many Soul Reapers there was little doubt the Ryoka would need to create a diversion to provide them a window to sneak in.

He and Posey just had to keep their eyes out for such a distraction.

Minutes passed as he and Posey silently watched. Then Posey drew in a sharp breath and tugged Fancy Pant’s sleeve, pointing. Looking west, where she was pointing, Fancy Pants spotted a dark flicker of blue motion in the air. With dusk darkening to night the flying shadow was barely visible against the stretching night sky above, and no doubt none of the Soul Reapers on watch below could see the motion. Even Fancy Pants couldn’t be sure he wasn’t seeing a trick of the light, but given Posey's unblinking stare he imagined she was certain.

It was one of the Ryoka.

“Should we raise the alarm?” Posey asked, but Fancy Pants shook his head.

It was, perhaps, a foolish bit of pride on his part, but he thought he knew who that blue, flying shadow was, and a part of him was eager to finish what was started back in the human world without the interference of the masses of Soul Reapers that would come if the alarm was raised. Or maybe it was just guilt. He hadn’t agreed with all of Captain Platinum’s actions, and for once he wanted to act in accordance with his own sense of honor rather than suppress it in the name of duty.

“I think we can handle one Ryoka between us, Lieutenant. Come, I think we both have honor to regain, and our quarry flies swiftly. But not swiftly enough to escape us.”


The training area was heated like an oven set to bake. The air was dry and oppressive, with every breath Sunset took, scorching her throat. Fires burned across the stone outcroppings in hungry streams, coating everything in a writhing orange glow. There wasn’t an inch of her that wasn’t slick with either sweat, blood, or both. Her muscles and bones screamed at her for rest, yet she was getting so numb to the pain that she felt less like she was in the fight and more like she was controlling a uncooperative puppet on leaden strings.

But she couldn’t stop fighting. Couldn’t conceive of giving up. It was by will alone that her spirit energy refused to flag, sustaining her battered body as the battle with Hokori wore on. Sunset had long lost count of the hours that had passed. For all she knew days had gone by. Time was simply starting to cease to have meaning, or it would if not for the fact that she knew just how little of it she had left.

She heard the crackle of the fire before she saw it, and on instinct alone Flash Stepped away, throwing herself up and over the boulder she’d been using for cover. A beam of concentrated heat consumed the rock in a deep orange swath, melting the stone to molten rivulets that bisected the boulder even as Sunset avoided the devastating attack.

Hokori laughed, standing a few dozen yards away, her blade burning hot and the tip still glowing from her attack. “You’re running out of steam as fast as you’re running out of places to hide, Sunset.”

“Who’s hiding!?” Sunset snapped, appearing behind Hokori and wrapping her arms around the demoness in a tight arm lock, binding her sword arm while getting her other arm around Hokori’s neck. “I was just waiting for you to use all that fire you had stored up.”

“Tch, please, I wasn’t talking about that!” Hokori spat, elbowing back with her shield arm, catching Sunset in the ribs. Sunset took the blow with a grunt, but didn’t loosen her hold on Hokori’s sword arm. The reason she’d waited until Hokori has used up her stored flames was so that she could do this without burning her own arm. Now she twisted hard and used all the leverage she could gain to try and dislocate Hokori’s elbow.

“Then what are you talking about? You keep telling me to get over my fear, but what do you think I’m so damned afraid of, other than losing my friends!?” Sunset said with heated frustration as she kept bending Hokori’s arm. In response the Zanpaktou spirit hissed out a bitter laugh and slammed her head backwards, catching Sunset under the chin and knocking her away.

Sunset recovered in time to avoid Hokori’s follow up swing, but Hokori pressed in, forcing Sunset to focus entirely on evading while Hokori spoke in blistering words. “Do you really think your friends can’t handle themselves? Do you have so little pride in them you think you’ll really leave them behind if you keep reaching greater heights!? Do you think they’ll hate you? Become jealous of you? Why do you keep holding me back!”

Hokori’s blade swung faster and faster, a whistling buzz like a deadly humming bird of steel, and Sunset took a nasty cut along her right forearm that stung terribly. Sunset, biting back a scream, stepped into the reach of Hokori’s next strike and slammed her knee into Hokori’s gut, causing the demoness to back off for a second so Sunset could catch her breath.

While the arm wound hurt, Hokori’s words hurt more, making Sunset shudder as thoughts spilled through her head. The images of her friends dying were still there, heavy and stark as ever, but there were thoughts underneath all that that rose up like rotten bubbles from a deep swamp. Fear of her own power, and what it might do to her friendships. The pride she had in her abilities and what she might do with them was a powerful flame indeed, but flames needed fuel to burn, and a part of Sunset was fearful that it was her bonds with her friends that might end up being burnt up in the process of getting stronger.

In her mind's eye she could see herself blazing forward like a phoenix, yet in doing so casting a wide shadow as she left her friends further and further behind her.

She’d grown up knowing the tales of Celestia’s reign and the way that had led to bitter feelings of jealousy in her sister Luna, leading to Luna’s fall into Nightmare Moon.

While she knew her friends would never turn like that, what if Sunset lost her connection to them by becoming so strong that the only thing she could do was protect them, rather than fight beside them?

“You’re saying I’m afraid of becoming stronger... because it might mean leaving my friends behind?” she whispered.

Hokori huffed, murderously glaring and pointing her sword at Sunset’s chest. “I’m your Pride, Sunset Shimmer, but you’re still afraid of me, even if you accept me. You’re afraid if you let me burn too bright, you won’t be able to see your friends clearly anymore. Which is freaking stupid and it pisses me off! You're afraid of all these things you have total control over if you just stop worrying about them.”

Hokori rushed forward, flames erupting once more from her sword, and Sunset had to reel back from the searing swing.

“If you don’t want someone you love to be hurt, you shield them!” Hokori shouted, and swung again, the flames of the sword burning hotter.

“If you face a foe who stands in your way, you burn them!” The blade exploded with dancing flames that went from bright orange to shining azure in the span of a single swing, Sunset still desperately trying to dodge as Hokori pressed the attack.

“And if you’re afraid of leaving your friends behind, shine brightly as the beacon they follow!”

Sunset found herself trapped up against the edge of hot springs, the water seeming to boil from all the heat in the air. She faced Hokori as the demoness advanced, and she grit her teeth as she braced herself to dodge the next attack even as she met Hokori’s eyes and said, finally acknowledging the doubts that still lingered inside her that now colored her voice, “What if we can’t, Hokori? Even if we win in the battles to come, what if we can’t wait for them to follow us? I... I thought this power was a wonderful thing. That it’d let me keep my friends safe, no matter what threatens us. But what if all this power is what cuts me off from them, and I just... end up alone again?”

She hadn’t really faced this fear, only buried it under the joys of discovering friendship once again. But it hadn’t been that long, truly, since she’d been alone. An alone, self-absorbed, power hungry girl who hadn’t remotely grasped the value of having friends. If Sunset was being honest with herself, she was still terrified of losing that friendship. It still felt very new, in a lot of ways, and fragile, having friends. They had forgiven her, and she’d forgiven herself, for her past transgressions. She’d learned to accept her place in the group and grown comfortable with the feeling of belonging that came with it.

She didn’t want to lose that. She didn’t want to be alone.

If she got stronger alongside Hokori, and moved ahead of all of her friends, would that mean leaving them all behind?

Hokori spat, anger twisting her face. “That’s the fear that’s weakening us both. You either need to get over it, or there was never any point in awakening your Pride in the first place! And quite frankly I’m done playing around with you.”

When Hokori moved it was with a blazing Flash Step that left a azure trail of fire in her wake. Sunset grasped at her flagging spirit energy, her will shaken by Hokori’s words, and Flash Stepped as well, flickering away to evade. They both appeared in the hot springs, Hokori’s blade slamming down with a blast of flames that exploded into the water and created an expanding cloud of scalding steam. Sunset cried out as the steam burned her, even as she Flash Stepped away, bursting away from the cloud and stumbling along the wall of another cliff beside the hot spring. Hokori caught up with her, slashing a bright blue path of destruction with her sword. Sunset dove forward, feeling the heat in a wave over her back as Hokori’s strike narrowly missed and impacted with the cliff face instead. Rock exploded outward in a large, melted path that tore out a portion of the cliff, and caused the top portion of it to start collapsing in a rumbling avalanche.

Rolling to her feet and dodging away from falling rocks, Sunset pulled up as much spirit energy as she could and prepared to cast another Kido. She had to get back on the offensive, otherwise she’d just run out of stamina trying to avoid Hokori. Fortunately that avalanche might slow Hokori down a bit and give Sunset time to finish her Kido...

Only Hokori didn’t let the avalanche of falling cliff chunks slow her down at all. She crashed right through them, smashing rocks apart with her sword as she charged Sunset, who was caught by complete surprise by how fast and viciously direct Hokori’s movements were. Sunset had barely begun to chant the Kido, and was too off balance to Flash Step.

She felt an oddly cold impact that wasn’t so much painful as it was just strangely numbing.

The Kido energy faded from her hand as Sunset seemed to have trouble keeping her arms raised. She tasted something metallic at the back of her throat, and soon realized it was blood. With wavering eyes she glanced down.

Hokori’s sword was rammed halfway through her stomach, the steel no longer burning, but just sitting like a dull black spike through her flesh with blood already dripping out in slow crimson rivers. In front of her Hokori stood without any look of satisfaction on her face, just angry, tired resignation.

“So, that’s that then. Doesn’t look like either of us can go any further.”

Hokori’s voice sounded more bitter and sad than angry or triumphant as she pulled the sword free. Sunset found herself sinking to her knees a her blood stained the ground beneath her. Above her, Hokori raised her Zanpaktou, the broadsword stained red with Sunset’s blood and reflecting the surrounding flames in dark red shadows.

“I guess the last thing I can do for you is make the final stroke quick.”

Nearby, atop the partially destroyed cliff, Ditzy Doo watched, eyes unreadable, and making no move to interfere with the course of events. Her eyes were locked on Sunset however, unblinking.

For Sunset it was as if time had halted, her eyes staring into the streams of blood falling from her and painting the ground around her knees like a latticework. Whether it was her tired mind, going delirious with exhaustion and blood loss, or something deeper inside her psyche, Sunset thought she could see things in the blood. Images passing like misty phantoms.

She saw herself as a pony in Equestria, studying under Princess Celestia. So full of promise and pride, but always alone. She didn’t push other ponies away so much as she just... raced ahead of them. She didn’t have time for friends, because she’d been galloping forward so fast that she just didn’t have time to slow down for anypony else. She’d galloped so fast she’d raced straight into another world in pursuit of finding her full potential.

Then she’d run face first into a wall called Twilight Sparkle and her friends at Canterlot High, and the magic of friendship that’d taken her headlong gallop and stopped it dead in its tracks. Yet she hadn’t felt like her potential had been stunted, only that a whole new door of possibilities had been opened for her. With her friends she thought she could learn so many new things, learn to be a better pony... a better person.

She saw herself with her Canterlot High friends, learning to forgive herself, to stand up to the sirens, to lead them in the Friendship Games and befriend a whole new Twilight and save her from making the same mistakes Sunset had. She treasured those friends now more than anything else in her life. She couldn’t even bring herself to return to Equestria, because in truth her life and the people she loved most were here in the human world.

And the thought of losing them was overwhelming.

She saw painted in images of her own blood sights being unable to protect her friends, seeing them broken by threats like Grogar or Platinum, Hurricane or the mysterious Starlight Glimmer. Were her friends strong enough to survive such dangers without her?

But she also saw other images that scared her just as much. Images of her flush with unimaginable power, crushing all enemies that came before her... and her friends becoming nothing more than small shadows in her wake, so distant that Sunset might as well have been fighting alone.

That power she took such Pride in... she didn’t want it if it meant leaving the people she loved behind. Being separated from them as thoroughly as if she couldn’t protect them.

You’re being such an idiot.

Sunset didn’t know where the voice came from. It sounded like her own, but somehow, just a shade different. Just like Hokori’s voice was so similar to her own voice, but with a powerful and confident streak, this voice sounded like hers, but with a gentle and wise note that reminded Sunset of Princess Celestia.

You know your friends won’t resent your power, Sunset. They respect who you are, and just as much as you are inspired by their loyalty, kindness, honesty, generosity, and laughter... they are inspired by your pride in yourself and the way you shine so brightly for them. They won’t be left behind by you, they’ll grow even stronger by following your example. But only if you stop fearing yourself, and realize you’ll never be alone as long as you have pride in your friends as much as you do in yourself.

That was it. She’d forgotten. She had Pride in herself, but that Pride could also extend to her friends, and she’d lost sight of that feeling because she’d been so afraid of being alone that she’d forgotten her friends had Pride too. Pride she could show them how to follow, so they’d burn bright right alongside her!

Hokori’s blade slashed down with cold, bitter finality... only to be intercepted by Sunset’s hand clamping around Hokori’s wrist.

Blood poured from Sunset’s wound, and dripped from her mouth, but she stood up in front of Hokori, and met the Zanpaktou spirit’s shocked eyes.

“I’m not afraid anymore, Hokori. Thank you, for showing me just how stupid I was being.”

And suddenly fire, pure white, erupted from Sunset’s body, forcing Hokori to leap backwards to avoid the brilliant heat.

When the flames cleared, Sunset was standing, the wound in her stomach sizzling shut with tongues of white fire seeming to burn away the injury. Sunset raised her hand towards Hokori, “You’ve been holding out on me. You never told me you had a sister.”

The shield in Hokori’s hand suddenly burst into white flames, which then streamed and flowed to Sunset’s waiting hand, taking shape into a shield once more.

Hokori rolled her eyes, sighing, “You don’t really know anything about Zanpaktou, so I was kind of hoping you’d never figure it out. Dual Zanpaktou have twin spirits. You always focused so much on using me for attacking, I thought you might never realized my sister shield had a spirit of her own.”

Looking at the shield in her hand, Sunset commented, “And until I got over my fears I couldn’t hear her. But why push me so hard, instead of just telling me about her in the first place?”

Hokori’s eyes glanced away, saddened, “You know you’re not the only one afraid of being alone. I liked having you rely on me. Even if you accept your Pride, I’m still a reminder of some of your worst mistakes. If you had... her to rely on too, thought maybe you wouldn’t need me anymore.

And that’s why you’re both idiots. But I am too, because I was too scared to reach out to either of you, spoke that same kind voice in Sunset’s head, only it now sounded out from the blade in her hand. Suddenly a stream of white flame rose from the blade and took a shape Sunset knew just as well as Hokori’s demoness form.

The angelic looking version of Sunset Shimmer wore an elegant dress of white and pink, with burning gold and orange gauntlets and boots with flame and wing motifs. A band of red color crossed over the flesh around her eyes, and her hair fluttered about like living flame. Wings of gold and white light formed from her back, and a tall, straight horn of white fire rose from her head.

Somehow, just like with Hokori, Sunset knew this spirit’s name without needing to be told.

“Hikari...” (Light)

She looked between both spirits, blinking in realization. “My Zanpaktou’s full name is Hokori Hikari?”

“Technically it's Hokori no Hikari.” Hokori said with a reluctant grumble, “Pride’s Light.”

“Just wait until you learn your Bankai’s name on top of that, that’s even more of a mouthful.” said Hikari said with a breathy chuckle. To this Hokori let out a harsh growl.

“Hey! Don’t get ahead of yourself, Hikari! She still hasn’t earned Bankai yet! We’re not done here!”

Hikari slapped a palm to her forehead, “Really, Hokori!? She hasn’t proven herself to you yet!? What does she have to do, crawl around in molten lava? Dance on broken glass? Don’t you think you’ve tested her enough? You nearly killed her just now for crying out loud!”

“Well if she couldn’t stand the heat then she wasn’t going to be able to handle our Bankai, would she?” Hokori said, voice turning mocking, “You’d just hold her hand and guide her along like a little child! I’m the one who’s best suited to training her! She responds best to pressure and being slapped around some.”

“Getting stabbed in the gut isn’t being ‘slapped around some’.” stated Hikari firmly, “That’s like teaching someone to swim by tossing them into a shark tank.”

“Hey, I’d say those sharks would serve as excellent motivation to learn how to swim fast.”

Sunset cleared her throat loudly, causing both her Zanpaktou spirits to look at her. “So what happens now? I still need to finish my training, and while I’m glad to finally meet the other half of my Zanpaktou... there’s still a lot of work to do.”

Hikari nodded solemnly, “And much as I dislike the fact, Hokori won’t allow you to reach Bankai until she’s satisfied.” She glanced at her demonic counterpart. “However I take it Hokori won’t object if I play my own part in this and lend Sunset my shield?”

Hokori licked her lips and hefted her blade, “Do as you like, sister. I won’t submit until Sunset crushes me into the dirt. That’s my way, as much as your milk toast coddling is your way.”

“Very well then...” Hikari’s form blazed with luminous white fire, and in seconds the angelic woman was flowing into the shape of Sunset’s shield, strapped to her left arm.

Once more the two squared off, and Sunset found herself chuckling a little, to which Hokori glared.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing, heh... it's just, this is a lot like the times I’ve had arguments with myself. You and Hikari really are a part of me, right down to the way I tend to fight with myself over anything that I think matters. But we don’t have time for that now, Hokori, so I’m going to make this quick. You got what you wanted, I’m not afraid and won’t be holding you back anymore.”

“Still need you to come and prove those words.” Hokori said, flames ignited across her blade once more, “Beat me, completely and utterly, and you’ll have your Bankai. Maybe with Hikari giving you a hand you might actually-”

Sunset Flash Stepped, a white streak of motion, and slammed Hikari's shield straight into Hokori’s face, propelling the demoness into the fallen pile of rock rubble from the previous avalanche like she was a pinball.

“I think we’ll manage.” Sunset said with a wry grin.

The rock pile exploded outward, Hokori, bleeding from the nose, grinning madly as she threw rocks aside, “Okay. It. Is. On.”

And so the two clashed again, the night continuing on outside the hidden, underground training area... time passing with the slowness of grains of sand falling one at a time from an hourglass, not just for Soul Society, but all other realms as well.


The chamber was among the largest in the Silbern. Its ceiling rose to a vaulted set of shadows a hundred feet above, and its cold stone floor was covered in dark violet carpeting. Along the walls banners of white silk fell with symbols of the five-pointed Quincy cross stitched in brilliant silver. The table that took up the center of the room was patterned with that same five pointed cross shape, each arm of the cross having five chairs, two to each side and one at the end of the arm; twenty five in all. The center of the table was dominated by a podium upon which a twenty sixth chair sat, a tall backed and elegant affair of black cut mahogany.

Men and women in the shining white uniforms of the Quincy sat at the various chairs, among them Night Light, his wife Twilight Velvet, and across from them their son Shining Armor and his lover Cadence. Of the others present there were those who looked bored, such as Fluer De Lis, while others such as Spitfire and Lightning Dust looked as eager as bloodhounds about to be unleashed for the hunt.

The room was dead silent. Not a single Quincy, every single one of them an elite Sternritter, greatest of His Majesty’s forces, dared to speak a word until their King arrived.

He didn’t keep them waiting long. Shadows curled up from the back hair, tendrils forming into Sombra’s shape as he took form sitting there, gazing upon his most potent servants.

He let a brief moment of silence reign before he spoke in deep, grim words.

“You all know why we are gathered. You all understand the affront for which the Hollows must answer; our trainees, the young lifeblood of our Quincy lines slain. Blood calls for blood, and so we gather, my precious Sternritter, to plan our retribution upon Las Noches and the Arrancar that infest it like rats.”

Sombra’s eyes glanced to the side, as if he was seeing something off in the distance, and he smiled. The smile was a wide one, and of the kind many of the Sternritter had seen before. It left many of them uncomfortable, for His Majesty often saw things they did not.

“Now,” he said, “For the first matter to decide, the assault will require two leaders. One who will command the forces to draw out the Arrancar, and one to lead the team I shall task with the specific goal of slaughtering the Espada responsible for the Garganta that breached our wards.”

“If I may speak, your Majesty?” asked Spitfire, and Sombra gave a brief nod of his head, after which she continued, “The task of slaying the Espada who created the Garganta should belong to myself and my fellow Academy instructors. It's only right it be us that destroy that bastard!”

Fleur De Lis snorted, “You’ve already failed once? Why should you be given another chance? Why not allow someone with a bit more power hunt down the Espada?”

Not far away, at an adjoining arm of the table, a man with light brown skin and darker brown hair that was slicked back in a fine, expensive looking hair cut chuckled dryly, “Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t you fail to pacify a single Soul Reaper who’d only just learned her Shikai? Not an impressive mark on your record of performance, is it?”

Fleur turned hot eyes towards the man, “Shut it, Filthy Rich. When was the last time you took to the battlefield instead of the boardroom? Or are you too busy getting ‘attention’ under the table from that two dollar whore you call a wife to think straight?”

Filthy Rich’s eyes narrowed dangerously, “Insult my wife again and you’ll find what’s left of your skull painting the floor.”

Sombra’s voice fell like the blows of a hammer on an anvil. “Strange, I don’t recall granting permission for my Sternritter to squabble like children.”

Fleur and Filthy Rich snapped their mouths shout and went deathly silent, both bowing their heads in deference to their King.

“Ah, silence. Good. Now, personal squabbles and desires aside, the one I feel best suited to tracking down and destroying the Espada in question shall be Cadence, who shall be free to pick two other Sternritter to assist her in her task. As for overall command, Night Light shall take that role as field general below myself.”

None were surprised by Night Light as a choice for command, given his Sternritter Schrift was C; the Command. However more than a few eyes were sent curiously towards Cadence. Why was she being picked to hunt down the Espada that was marked for death? There were far more directly powerful Sternritter than her. But none dared question His Majesty’s choice, and all remained silent as Night Light and Cadence both nodded their acknowledgment of their King’s commands.

“Now, before we all become too eager, allow me to point out what should be obvious to most of you. The attack upon us was clearly meant to provoke us to this very action.” Sombra said, leaning an elbow on the arm of his chair and resting his chin on his hand, “Tirek will no doubt have a ‘clever’ trap laid out for us. Allow me to deal with that trap personally. Our objective in this is solely to destroy the Espada capable of creating Garganta that bypass our wards. Any additional retribution we can inflict upon the Hollows is immaterial to that single tactical goal. We must draw them out, spring their trap, and engage the bulk of their forces while Cadence and her team locates and eliminates the target. Once that is accomplished, we withdraw. Is this understood?”

The nods around the table were unanimous.

“Then we will begin our attack in one week’s time. Sufficient for our wounded trainees to recover.”

That got Twilight Velvet to speak, almost against her own will, “The trainees, your Majesty? Why would we need to wait for them to recover?”

Sombra’s strange smile widened.

“Because they shall be accompanying the assault, of course.”

Author's Note:

Whew, a lot to fit into one chapter. Set ups for Dash and Fluttershy's fights, getting all the Captains moving in the right directions for the finale of the arc, and of course the real highlight of the chapter... Sunset facing the core of her fear and learning her Zanpaktou has two spirits.

For those curious, this is very much a part of Bleach lore. The few examples we have of dual Zanpaktou in the manga all have dual spirits that go along with them.

Shinsui's Katen Kyokotsu takes the form of two lovely ladies as well:

And Ukitake's Sogyo no Kotowari takes the form of these two adorable twin kids:

So with that in mind when I was figuring things out about Sunset Shimmer's Zanpaktou, one of the first things I decided was what both her Zanpaktou spirits would be. Of course Hokori took center stage early on because she's, well, Sunset's Pride and had plenty of reason to suppress her sister spirit, very much out of fear that Sunset might rely more on Hikari over herself. If you guys remember how Sunset's Zanpaktou inner world is set up, there's the throne room (Hokori's half of it) and then there was the school, which was Hikari's half. Only when Sunset went through there before, the school was empty, because Hokori was suppressing Hikari, in part with unwitting help from Sunset's own fears.

But with that fear faced and overcome, Sunset now knows her Zanpaktou full name, and has a clear path to Bankai. Of course Hokori still insists on finishing their fight, but hey, that's just her way.

Oh, and the Quincy are moving forward with their plans, and Sombra's apparently planning something for the Quincy trainees. I bet Twilight Velvet is just thrilled about that.

Anyways, thanks again all you fine folks for reading and hope you're all still enjoying things. As always leave any comments, critiques, or questions you like. I appreciate all the feedback immensely. 'Till next time!

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