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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran



Living with a Kirin is actually not that weird. There are language difficulties and cultural differences, but snuggling is universal.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!
Now also with a reading by Pony&Wolf Productions

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 175 )

Maybe this is what we need for election night . . .

Yes. Yes, it was.

Pones being adorable cats is best

Warm and fuzzy. Minor typo on the story summary, "snuggling in universal" should probably be is.

i hate to be a spoilsport but I would love to see the main characters reaction to Cinder Glow’s getting mad and using her nirik form

Georg #6 · Nov 4th, 2020 · · ·

10514805 Not only yes, but (censored) yes.

And she wasn't one to just take; in the mornings she was ready with brush in hoof.

Well, she has to keep her human groomed properly.

10514805 Yes indeed. Thanks very much for the snuggle-kirin.

pillow pile or reject tham


This was lovely and thank you for it.

Nice one, i like it.:twilightsmile: Have an upvote!

Would be interesting to see Cinder's perspective.

This was adorable, just what the doc ordered.

Thanks, Admiral! :pinkiehappy:

Sometimes she wanted the couch to herself, other times she’d tap the cushions impatiently, a signal I ought to be sitting there. As often as not, once I’d taken my seat she’d put her head on my lap or stretch out along my leg, demanding mane-pets and ear-scritches I was only too happy to provide.

There are sometimes speculations Kirins are related to cats.
Others claim this would apply to even all four-legged Equestrians.

She stacked up her pillows just so, leaving two this time on the reject pile. Too soft? Too hard? I didn’t know.

Kirin: "You wouldn't understand it, hooman."

Nice story!
I enjoyed reading it.

Silly, floofy dragon-deer-horses are exactly what we needed in these trying times. Thank you for this.

D'aww~ This was adorable. And I really love the name you picked for her!

The entire world would be much better if the Kirin and Ponies coexisted with us.

Interesting that you chose to make the language barrier as a source of "conflict" in the story, when in the majority of PoE stories language is not an issue. I can't help but draw parallels to the "white guy brings home Asian mail-order-bride that speaks very little English" trope. Though that probably wasn't your intention, and this is perfectly wholesome. You know, I take that back. After rereading this, Cinder Glow seems more of like an affectionate pet or friend, rather than a romantic partner. Still perfectly wholesome.

I like the vignette style of little "snapshot" moments.

Would be hilarious if her thoughts on the matter could be summed up by "How to Train Your Monkey."

I wanna pet it! :rainbowkiss:

And you picked my favorite kirin too. :twilightsmile:

Cute story. World needs more kirinfuzz.

The world could be on fire and I wouldn't care as long as I have Kirin fluff.

Such sweetness, adorableness, and superb writing, all in one story, makes for this story being such a treat to read! Ya really can't help but smile when ya read through this, and I love that! I hope ya didn't mind, but I made a 'lil reading of this super sweet fic!

Audio Linkyloo!: https://youtu.be/hF7u-zKBrMk

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment in any way!)


I once knew a cat who'd happily lick your hair if you let it.

Weird sensation, but once you got used to it, it was kinda nice. The purring was a good bonus, too.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Aw. Lovely little slice of life with Kirin. I want one...

This is so sweet! The Kirin are my favorites species in all of Mlp!

This was positively lovely, and much needed on a very stressful day. Thanks a lot, Biscuit,

This was adorable. But, there were a few things that were confusing.


Before or after she sets everything around her on fire because houses/furniture/people tend to be flammable things to one degree or another. If she's gonna throw a tantrum, at least do it in the fireplace or outside in the fire pit. :rainbowlaugh:

actually a tantrum in the fireplace sounds kinda cute (am I weird?)

Well this is a cute little story.

The wonderful thing about kirin is kirin are wonderful things that you can have a lot of fun baking together:


Thanks for the story Admiral. This was a welcome fluffy spot of warmth after all the overtime at the post-office and all the nasty threats that have been coming in

Yes, it is. That’s an actual fact.


Warm and fuzzy.

Describes kirin to a T.

Minor typo on the story summary, "snuggling in universal" should probably be is.

Correction made; thank you :heart:


i hate to be a spoilsport but I would love to see the main characters reaction to Cinder Glow’s getting mad and using her nirik form

“arson is adorable” is a sentence you’ve never heard until now.

You know I’m right. :heart:


Not only yes, but (censored) yes.

No matter what our divides, cute ponies doing cute things is always the right choice.

Well, she has to keep her human groomed properly.

Exactly! Cinder Glow is a very giving pony.



Correction made; thank you!

This was lovely and thank you for it.

You’re welcome :heart:


Would be interesting to see Cinder's perspective.

Yeah, it would . . . hmm. . . .

It would be a different story, that’s for sure. But not in a bad way.


This was adorable, just what the doc ordered.

Thanks, Admiral! :pinkiehappy:

It’s what we all need for today, I think. :heart:


There are sometimes speculations Kirins are related to cats.
Others claim this would apply to even all four-legged Equestrians.

AFAIK this is settled canon--they are.

Kirin: "You wouldn't understand it, hooman."

“I got a degree in pillow engineering.”

Nice story!
I enjoyed reading it.

Thank you! :heart:


Silly, floofy dragon-deer-horses are exactly what we needed in these trying times. Thank you for this.

They are, and there’s no denying it.

Depending on how things go, we might need another such fic to keep our spirits up; if that turns out to be the case, I’ll be at my keyboard. :heart:

Thank you! :heart:

I can’t take credit for the name; that’s semi-canon or actual canon (I’m not sure). If nothing else, that’s what she’s tagged as on Derpi.


The entire world would be much better if the Kirin and Ponies coexisted with us.

I don’t disagree. :heart:


Interesting that you chose to make the language barrier as a source of "conflict" in the story, when in the majority of PoE stories language is not an issue. I can't help but draw parallels to the "white guy brings home Asian mail-order-bride that speaks very little English" trope. Though that probably wasn't your intention, and this is perfectly wholesome. You know, I take that back. After rereading this, Cinder Glow seems more of like an affectionate pet or friend, rather than a romantic partner. Still perfectly wholesome.

I get where you’re coming with that vibe, especially since one of our customers rolls that way, and that wasn’t my intention--your second reading is more on the mark.

Nevertheless, for anyone’s benefit who reads this comment, I’ll say on the record that once I release a story into the wild--once any author does--the interpretation is up to the readers; they each put their unique spin on it, and I honestly don’t know if it’s my place to explain what was in my head when I wrote it.

I like the vignette style of little "snapshot" moments.

Thank you! I wasn’t sure if that would work with readers, but it was how it came to me, so it was what I went with.


Would be hilarious if her thoughts on the matter could be summed up by "How to Train Your Monkey."

She gets ear-scritches and mane-brushings, so . . . .

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