• Published 18th Aug 2021
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Manehattan's Lone Guardian - Curtis Wildcat

What's a Reploid to do in a world not her own, and with a technology base to match?

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Bald Bull Needs Not Apply

Drama Heart was right.

Gray and, surprisingly, her children turned up at the Pyre at ten the following morning. While Drama took Ebony into her office to talk to her and the others scattered around the lobby, I approached Gray to formally apologize. She told me in reply that while what I did was wrong, she was no less guilty in her own actions: the scolding she received from her children after her shift at the alley ended made that clear. Violence was not, and should never be, an option if there are other choices available. She accepted my apology, and I hers.

She asked me afterward if I wanted to be friends. I started to say that there wouldn't be much point to it given my goals, but something made me stop.

One of the things I've noticed in the time I've been here is that I'm being forced to confront myself, as it were. My understanding of reality, my interactions with civilians, how I treat those who disregard the law, my status as a Guardian... all of that in the span of a week. It's making me take another look at who I was. Who I am now.

And what I want to be in the future.

It's all well and good if I'm able to return home in a reasonable time span. But suppose in the worst case scenario that I'm not able to. What would happen then? Would I be able to find a place for myself here? I don't mean that in the sense of actually owning a house. I'm talking about being able to do something with my life. As far as I can tell, I'm not really needed on the environmental front: the ecosystem by and large looks pretty clean around here. And on the military side, while there's still crime--some things are universal, after all--it doesn't look like that it's anything the Royal Police can't handle.

What place is there here for someone who isn't able to do the things they were designed to do? And do I really want to find the answer to that question alone?

The simple answer to that last question is no, I do not. Everything major I carried out back home post-modification was with someone providing me with support, whether it was my own squadron or my fellow Guardians. Whatever may happen in the future, whether my path takes me back to Neo Arcadia or leads to a dead end here, it wouldn't hurt to find solid backup. It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

Princess Celestia's already extended her hoof in friendship to me. As things stand, there's no reason for me to reject a legitimate offer from one of those under her rule.

So I held out my hand, took Gray's hoof, and accepted her offer. I thought at first that I'd heard her purring somehow, but it turned out to be the building's air conditioners at work. Good, because that doesn't sound like the sort of noise a pony should make.


Other things have happened. I'll go through them from least important to most and bring you up to date.

First: Drama explained to me the significance of that gag gift she got me. A lot of large towns and cities throughout Equestria have some sort of symbol that they identify closely with. For her birthplace of Baltimare, that symbol is a local bird called an 'oriole' known for its black and orange coloration. That particular scheme clashes with my preferences for blue and white... so of course she thought it would be perfect for me, and she snagged the hat at a gift shop before hopping on the train back to Manehattan.

No, I haven't worn it yet. Maybe someday if I'm feeling especially whimsical, but not now.

Second: not counting those I discarded the day Drama took off, I've thrown out twenty-four pieces of mail that are either business offers or complaints about me and my presence. I asked her about them the morning after she returned, and she told me that if I didn't want to affiliate myself with any company, that was my call to make. So, I'm just not going to bother.

Third: I received my papers and ID from City Hall in the mail. For better or worse, I'm a citizen of this city now. I'm still not completely sure how I feel about that, so I'll save those thoughts for later.

Fourth: I have a checking account now at First Equestrian Bank of Manehattan. Drama was just as surprised as I was by Alexandrite's confession and enclosed check. She suggested that I take the check to the bank in question, and the teller I spoke with was able to confirm that it was legitimate and help me set up an account. Sooo, now I have four thousand-plus bits to my name in addition to what I have left over from the Midnight Castles' bounties. I don't know what I'm going to end up using them for, so I imagine it's just going to be for one of those "rainy day" deals.

Fifth: Both Gray and Ebony are working at the Pyre now. Drama was infuriated at Gray for destroying her staircase, so she's having her work at the theater full-time until her debts are paid. My patron's taking advantage of this opportunity to get some remodeling done and have my needs taken care of (read: larger stairs and a suitable railing), and according to Mortar & Son it's going to be fairly expensive (and take at least a week to finish everything once they get started). Gray's going to be here a while.

Ebony is bound and determined to help out around the theater in any way she can, if only to gain some work experience before her school restarts and ease her mother's burden a little. She's been helping out in the ticket booth, assisting Drama's other part-timer behind the snack counter (and was he ever thankful for that), and snooping around almost every place on the ground floor looking for vermin, insects and other pests. The only places she doesn't investigate are those that would trigger her phobia, but even then Drama's pleased with her work ethic.

It probably helps that she moved the "guardian statue", as I like to call it, out of the lobby and covered it with a blanket to keep Ebony from getting spooked by it.

The rest of Ebony's "squad" have been regular visitors, too. Gray was loathe to split up the group just because she was needed here, so I've been finding myself in the role of babysitter between the family's arrival at 10a.m. and Ocean Guard getting off work at 5p.m. I've been doing things like having foot races against Pure Energy up and down the block (after remembering to get Gray's direct permission this time), acting as Zig-Zag's chauffeur, playing card games against Fiver and sometimes Energy, and telling stories of my life (with the messier details edited out) to all three. It's the first time that I've deliberately set out to spend time around children for prolonged periods.

I think I'm starting to like it.

Even Ebony's starting to adapt to my constant presence. She isn't shivering quite as much, and while she's trying her hardest not to look at me, I can tell by her ears that she's listening to what I tell her siblings. I've even managed to catch her smiling after one of my comments drew laughs from Zeke. I'll take that as a win.

Sixth: I was notified that the court date for the Midnight Castles' trial has been set, and it was requested that I be on hand as an eyewitness to their attempted raid when it rolls around. I don't like any of them, that mouthy earth pony especially, so of course I agreed. It'll be nice to have this done and taken care of.

Seventh: ...I sent out a letter that asked about what went into the creation of Heartbreakers candies, and I haven't received a reply back yet. It's not terribly surprising, given that the manufacturers are probably very busy, but I'm hoping that they don't take too much longer.

Eighth: The password surrounding my boots' Double Jump system has been broken. I have a new ability in my arsenal now, and it's there for good.

Double Jump: If in mid-air, gain extra height equal to 80% the height of a normal jump. Can also be used to jump across the surface of water without submerging.

I am going to enjoy using this oh so very much. I wish you could see my smile right now...

But the ninth thing I'd like to bring up is my highest source of happiness this morning.

Current Power Output: 99.8% out of 100%.

Energen Levels: 100%. Reserve Tank: 97%.

Solar Energy Backup: 100%.

Structural Integrity: 100%.

Auto-Repair Systems: 100%. Currently on standby.

Armor Integrity: 100%.

Motor Control: 100%.

Dash Thrusters: 100%.

Double Jump: 100%.

Coolant Levels: 100%.

Combat Capabilities: 100% overall.

Ice Manipulation: 100%.

Frost Javelin: 100%.

Armed Phenomenon: 100%.

All systems green. Ready to go.

Everything that makes me who I am is in perfect condition once more. It's as if I had never met Omega in the first place. My estimation to Bossa Nova was right on the money. After two weeks, it's finally time for me to work on my highest priority: discovering how to get home. I am feeling absolutely pumped right now.


I gently let Drama down outside the front door. Without any means of getting downstairs on her own and her not wanting to disturb a bird's nest on the fire escape, I have to carry her outside whenever she wants to go to and from her apartment. I have strength to spare, so I don't mind. "Here you go. I don't know what time I'm going to be back today. Between that contest with Bossa Nova, my appointment with the Crown's representative and wanting to spend time at the library..."

"Don't you worry about a thing, dearie," Drama assures me. "I managed this place just fine for a year before you came along. I'm sure I can keep the children in line without you for one day. If I need to go back upstairs, Gray's strong enough to carry me."

"If you say so."

I turn away from Drama and take a step towards the end of the sidewalk. I pause and close my eyes for just a moment to savor the summer breeze as it brushes against my face. There was a smattering of rain off and on yesterday into the late evening, but this morning the sky is clear. Somewhere nearby, I can hear birds singing. There's a few ponies out and about on the streets, marginally interested in my appearance but otherwise going about their business. A stray dog takes it easy in the shelter of an awning across the street. A taxi carriage rolls past down the road to who-knows-where.

I've got a full day ahead of me, my readouts are green, and I'm brimming with energy. There's no reason why I can't go out and have some fun.

My hand goes to my coat lapel, and I whip the article off with a flourish. My clothing and armor underneath are as pristine and shiny as they were the day I first donned them. There isn't so much as a dent in my frame, and not a single tear or smudge to be found elsewhere. My helmet's jewel glimmers in the light as I map out the best path to take towards the Big and Taur shop. My smile, which had been missing more than I'd like my first two weeks here, is beginning to feel natural again.

With my destination set, I trigger my dash thrusters. In the split second before I leave the sidewalk and venture into the road, I jump as high as I can. My speed and momentum carry me most of the way across before I start to descend. One of my boots makes a subtle tap against the air; my Double Jump activates, granting me enough extra height for me to grab a ledge and vault onto the rooftops. A giggle escapes me as I continue running, giving way to a joyous laugh before I get two streets away from the Pyre.

If this is how I'm feeling now, I'm going to be delirious once I'm able to go for a swim.

Back in action!


Drama snorted quietly as she gathered Leviathan's coat in her magic, hearing the awed comments of those who'd witnessed the Reploid's departure. "And she says she'd never make a good actor," she said to herself as she walked into the theater lobby. "She has some decent flair for the dramatic."

Several pegasi spot me on my trek across the city. I recognize one of them as the one who took the lead in hassling me that thunderous afternoon two weeks ago. "Looking much better!" he calls, waving.

I salute him with a smile, and we race together for a bit. After a short time, the both of them part ways with me and soar away into the sky, leaving me behind. I don't care; I'm just running for the sake of running. Winning a race was never the point of this.

The point is that I've been relying heavily on others this past fortnight, forced to stay on the down low unless circumstances dictated otherwise. For just a little while, I want to enjoy this freedom I have until the urgencies of life take me back down to earth. I feel I've been allowed this much, and since nopony has tried to interfere with my enjoyment as I put my new system to work, I am thankful for their reciprocation.

I'm not stupid enough to think this will last forever, but I think I've earned at least five minutes. That shouldn't be a problem, right?

The air is rushing against me as I continue to dash and jump across the city. I can see a collection of office towers in the distance, including a handful that would fit in just fine in Neo Arcadia's cityscape, and for a moment I contemplate scaling one of them to get a better view of my home away from home. The moment passes; it's best if I make it to Bossa's place on time for the competition. Panoramic perspectives can wait until later.

"Look up there!" somepony down below calls out. "It's the alien!"

"Here? Seriously? You're pulling my---never mind, there it is!"

That's all the conversation I can pick up on as I leap across another street. What seems to be a condominium with a swimming pool built into the roof is coming up fast. There's a gorgeous-by-their-standards pony sunning herself on a chair next to said pool, and a red-maned sunglasses-wearing stallion at the door. Some fast calculations tell me that I'm just barely going to clear the guardrail. Hearing you loud and clear, opportunity, I think to myself with a mischievous smirk as I re-position myself in mid-air. Hold your horses, I'll get the door.

Ooh, the sunshine is just so warm. Just take it all in, girl. You deserve it all.

Limefrost Spiral, yet another snobbish and stuck-up pony in a city full of them, soaked up the rays of Celestia's sun. She didn't care about the news that an alien robot was in town, as she knew she was never going to meet the robot face-to-face anyway. What she did care about was wanting to look her best when her date showed up.

And even if she did meet the robot, she was convinced that she could win it over. Ah, the arrogance of ponies who overestimate their own charisma.

'Marrying for money isn't going to make me happy', they say. Tch. I'll show them all. Bits are where it's at. Once I'm in his good books, I'm home free. I'll never need to worry about lacking anything again. I'll never need to worry about working again. Then I'll be able to trade in this worthless condo for something much grander. I wonder if Charity Kindheart's manor is still on the market? It's not like she ever used it to its fullest.

Ahh... it's not easy being this level of dynamite, mare, but you've got it. When he gets here at ten-thirty, pour on the charm. Those rich ponies are suckers for pretty faces. He'll never know what hit him.


Limefrost frowned and cracked open an eye at the unexpected yell, ready to lambast whoever it was that interrupted her sunbathing. Her brain had just enough time to register the very robot she'd read about dropping diagonally towards her pool like a meteor, arms folded over her chest and both feet pointed at the water. What she did not have the time to do was scream.

Leviathan plunged into the water at high velocity, sending waves flying in all directions. The most notable of these was the one that crashed into Limefrost, smothering her for a moment. Both pony and chair wound up all but plastered against the rooftop entrance. The culprit jetted through the pool and leapt out the other end, bounding off the guardrail and continuing on her way. "Kyahahahaha!"

Limefrost recovered quickly as the wave receded. She sat up, pushed her chair out of the way and shook violently, trying to get some water out of her eyes. "You idiot!" she yelled at the departing Leviathan. "If I want to get wet, I'll ask for it! How dare you tamper with my gorgeousness!"


Limefrost twitched at the sound of somepony tapping the wall. She turned... and did a double-take at the sight of the good-looking stallion standing at the door. If she'd been paying attention, she would have noticed that he'd more or less shrugged off getting drenched. "Smooth Beat! You're here early..."

The unimpressed stallion gestured at the watch he wore... which clearly read ten o'clock on the dot. He adjusted his shades and shook his head, letting her know with his eyes that he wasn't pleased with either her forgetfulness or vanity (or both), then turned and left. The door slamming made her feel like her opportunity had been wasted.

"Wait! Please!" Limefrost desperately called after him, belatedly remembering that this was the time they'd agreed on, not ten-thirty. She briefly wondered how long he'd been waiting as she scrambled to the door. "Come back! I'll freshen up! I'll pay attention to you! Please, just give me a minute to get ready!"

Smooth Beat didn't return; only the sounds of receding hoofsteps answered her. Teeth bared, Limefrost glared out over the guardrail and spied Leviathan just before she dropped into what she knew to be the fashion district. "I lost my future because of you!" she yelled, the idea of the Reploid being out of earshot not crossing her mind. "If you ever drop in like that again, I swear to Celestia---!"

Huh. Could have sworn I heard somepony with more greed and beauty than brains try to threaten me. ...Oh, well. Must've been my imagination. My microphones aren't that powerful.

The Big and Taur shop was easy to locate once I touched down in the district: it was the one with the wall of muscle standing out front. Bossa Nova is waiting next to a table and a pair of stools. "The challenger has arrived," she greets me. She gestures at the hundred or so ponies (plus that one griffon from that grocery store) that have gathered on both sides of the street. I imagine there's probably more watching from the windows. "Bossa has spread the word and told them that she intends to beat you. Don't disappoint her."

"Overconfident, are we?" I respond with a smile, still on an emotional high from my full recovery. "I'm back and ready to dance with the best. Don't do yourself a disservice by underestimating me."

"Your suit is fixed. You don't look like you got mauled by an Ursa Minor anymore. You certainly look like you're at the top of your game." Bossa gestures at one of the stools, her smirk challenging me to a fight before her words do. "Now let's see you stay there, Little Miss Meatless."

I walk to the indicated stool and sit down, going through the motions of rotating my right arm and chuckling at Bossa's half-hearted insult. Wow, I am in a good mood today. "Any rules other than the most obvious?"

"Only that this is a contest of pure might, not guile." She sits down in the other stool. "No cheating allowed. Use only your natural arm strength to attain victory."

"Simple and to the point." My smile shifts enough towards 'dangerous' that those at the front of the audience flinch. "I like it!"

Elbows on the table, hands at an angle. As it did previously, the impact of mine against Bossa's rattles the nearest windows. I take a moment to appreciate the fact that her arm alone is about as wide around as my torso. That's some serious muscle, and it reaffirms my belief that she can use wrecking balls as flails.

Also I have to wonder who's playing music in the background, as I didn't see any record players parked around here. Maybe it's playing indoors somewhere? Whoever it is, they have good taste... at least better than those present who are taking last-minute bets on the outcome. Seriously, ponies?

Bossa points at one of those in the crowd with her free hand. The pony nods, taking the hint. "On the count of three," he calls. "Ready? One..."

Our grips tighten.


Our respective muscles, or what passes as them for me, tense.


The match begins evenly at first as both arms struggle to make headway. Bossa gets my measure before I can get hers--fitting, considering her occupation--and my arm begins its slow descent towards the table surface. My smile becomes strained as I struggle to counteract the push. Figured as much! This much strength is no joke!

"Go, Bossa, go!" a chant begins as some decide to support the minotaur. "Go, Bossa, go!"

"You can do it, Levi!" a voice I recognize as the griffon's calls out. "Kick her tail!"

Others start to cheer on their chosen champions. 'Levi', huh? That's a cute nickname. I like it. Well, then... far be it from me not to respond to that the way it deserves!

My arm stops two inches from the table as my systems re-route as much power into the limb as it can safely handle. Plus side, we're on our way back to where we began. My cheering section hollers accordingly. "Giving it... all it has!" I force out through my teeth.

Minus side... my other arm feels like it's about to fall asleep. Nothing I can do about that right now.

Once we're back at the starting point, I'm able to tilt the match in my favor as it becomes my turn to push her arm down. Maybe I overestimated Bossa's power---

Wait, never mind! Are her muscles rippling? I thought that was a figure of speech! No understating this, they actually look like they're rippling! My opponent roars a wordless challenge, our elbows sink into the table a little, and my arm stops in its tracks. Slowly at first but with increasing speed, I'm being pushed back. I can't devote any more power to this without damaging my arm, can't make any more progress---!

With a mighty boom, Bossa slams my arm against the table. With the match over, she stands up, throws both hands into the air and bellows victoriously. Those that cheered for her mimic the gesture and respond in kind.

I re-route my power back to where it's supposed to go, and feeling returns to my left arm. I massage my right arm through its guard, examining the imprint that was left in the table's metallic surface. That was... that competition was really something.

Hypothetically speaking, with that much power, Bossa would get along great with Fefnir. He'd always been the strongest of us Four where physical strength was concerned. With my Overdrive inaccessible and having no means of upgrading my strength, there's just no way I can match that.


So what does it say about me that I feel well and truly giddy right now?

"Stand up, Leviathan. Face me." Not giving me time to do so myself, Bossa pulls me to my feet. "You're right not to act woeful. Were the yearly competitions open to outsiders, I see no reason why you couldn't escape the preliminaries."

"Kyahahaha! That sounds like a compliment. I'll take it!"

"Good, because it was meant to be one. Do you have any means of getting stronger, Siren General?"

I shake my head. "Not at present. All of my limits are built-in. That's literally as strong as I can get without endangering everypony around me."

Bossa dismissed it. "Don't let it trouble you. You let me put my strength to work for the first time in a good while. I'm satisfied with this." When she smiles, it's out of gratefulness. "Thank you, Leviathan. I hope you come back again to challenge me another time."

I glance at the crowd... or more specifically, the griffon ('Gilbert', that's his name). He had a good idea, so why shouldn't I make it public? This will help make it easier for those who have trouble pronouncing my name. "Call me Levi."

The minotaur's bass laughter measures a 4.0 on the Richter scale. She turns to the crowd and raises my arm into the air. "Everypony, a cheer for Levi! A terrific sport and a fierce competitor!"

I've got to say, being cheered for something I deserved to accomplish feels really nice. Take that, Copy X.

At the same time Leviathan Dr. Doomed Limefrost's swimming pool...






Drama had just settled into her seat in her office when she heard the familiar set of knocks at the door. On time, but there's one missing. Usually there's a light scratching at the door on top of that. She trotted back into the lobby and magicked open the door, greeting the Ghost-Guard siblings with a smile. "Welcome, welcome! Come on in, dears." She looked around. "Where's your mother? She's supposed to be here, too."

Ebony led the group into the lobby, shutting the door behind her. "Hi, Miss Heart. That's... going to be a problem. Mom claims that she received a letter from Princess Celestia, and she's required to be present for something." Unsure, her eyes drifted to the side. "She didn't tell any of us what it was about. I mean, I knew they were pen pals, but..."

"Pen pals?!" Drama shrieked, eyes wide. "With the Princess? Since when?!"

"...At least since while we were out of town, if I understood it right," Fiver replied.

Zeke's eyes were the same shape as Drama's. "The actual Princess? Not a pseu...sudo... what's it..."


"That thing, yeah."

"Why?" Drama wondered. "Did she say it was a pseudonym?"

"I... I don't know," Ebony said, unsure. "When I first found out, Mom told me that she thought the writer just picked that name to show that they were from Canterlot. I didn't think whoever it was is the real deal."

"It would be so cool if it turned out to be the real Princess Mom wrote to," Pure Energy commented, his hyperactivity at a minimum for now. "Just think about it! Our Mom is friends with royalty!"

Drama settled down a little, her mouth in a not-quite-a-smile. "I guess if Fairy were here right now, she'd have a one-liner or other to offer on the Princess befriending a cat."

"Wait," Ebony cut in, holding up a hoof to stop Drama from continuing. "F-Fairy's not here?"

"No, she's not. I was made aware of a few appointments that she had to keep today, so it's a tossup as to whether she'll be back before your father comes to collect you or not."

"...What kind of appointments?" Fiver asked. "Did she say?"

"She said she was going to spend the afternoon at the library," Drama informed her. "She also said she was going to arm wrestle a minotaur..." She ignored Energy's murmur of "so cool" and continued, or at least tried to. "...and that she was supposed to meet up with a representative of..." Her breath hissed through her teeth as she realized something important. "...the Crown!"

Ocean and Gray didn't raise stupid children. All four of them rapidly did the math. "A letter from 'Princess Celestia' asks Mom to be available for something..." Ebony began.

"...and somepony affiliated with her coincidentally wants Leviathan to meet with them..." Fiver continued.

"...which means that whatever's happening is going to be big!" Energy exclaimed, his enthusiasm spiking.

"Mom Vs. Fairy?" Zeke wondered. He shrugged at the looks the other three were giving him. "Mom's an ex-officer. Fairy's a soldier. Maybe they'll fight?"

"Fight how?" Ebony protested. "She's made of metal! What's bucking her going to do?"

Fiver shoved a stray lock of hair off her muzzle. "...There's more ways of fighting than with brute force, you know..."


As the four of them debated as to how their mother would be expected to fight and win against a killer robot with ice powers, the Pyre's owner was thinking of something else entirely. "Tartarus," Drama whispered, turning to stare in the direction Leviathan had gone. "Gray, just what kind of past did you have that the Princess would ask for you to get involved with this directly?"


Confusion. Assorted silhouettes against a bright light. The light disappearing.


Author's Note:

The music links for this chapter include: Chris Mason-Battley Group's "Falling Rain", Super Metroid's prologue, The Mythos version of Zero 2's "Departure", Crystal Method's "The Winner" (faretheewell, Wicked Twister), and Simon Haseley's "Hogan's Thing". I was on a roll this chapter, and I wanted my choices this go around to be indicative of that.

Seriously: I had a lot of fun writing this one. I can't say that enough. :pinkiehappy:

The bit character Limefrost Spiral was named for a planetary system in the video game Descent II. It sounds a lot to me like the name of a fancy ice cream flavor, to be honest. Here, have an image of what she's supposed to look like. If you're wondering what her Cutie Mark is, that's supposed to be a bowl of ice cream garnished with a lime slice (just in case it wasn't clear enough that I'm not an artist).

Also: no, I couldn't resist. >^_^< Leviathan herself doesn't know what reference she made; she just thinks her actions were personally funny.

If anyone's wondering about the stallion "Smooth Beat" who appeared in the same scene, do a bit of research. Far as I'm concerned, his existence is canon to the story. :raritywink:

Levi was never going to win the arm wrestling match: Bossa is her superior in pure power, plain and simple. She did earn the minotaur's respect and made some of the locals less anxious around her, though, so it isn't like nothing was accomplished.

Chapter Update Deadline: March 11, 2022

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