• Published 9th Sep 2023
  • 4,423 Views, 171 Comments

Data Lost - CommanderApplejack

Sparks came from damaged sections on Sweetie's right foreleg as she stood up to face height, the jaws of both other fillies having fallen open at the sight of her battered form. "This unit requires help."

  • ...

>Weapon systems online



> Blueprint fully recovered.

> Missile Pod repair prioritized.

>Sufficient materials available for 8 missiles.

> Awaiting raw materials... done.

> Aborting blueprint recovery.

> Reprioritizing personality matrix reconstruction... Estimated time of completion: 57 Hours





Sweetie slowly made her way through the orchard in the direction Scootaloo had gone off to, having determined the treehouse would not remain a safe location. She'd waited for a couple of hours in the treehouse for Scootaloo to return and help her relocate but, as the filly didn't show, enough processes determined it advantageous to leave and meet up with the pegasus later. She had reconstructed some minorly corrupted navigation data, getting her general area mapped out, from the 'Everfree Forest', from which friend Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had pulled her, to the nearby town of Ponyville. After gaining this information she had set off towards town, apparently her home base was tagged within its limits.

As she stumbled through the trees her repair systems finished work on her missile pods, using up all the reserves she still had to get them into shape. Her stockpile hadn't been enough to repair her legs fully so her subsystems decided that if she couldn't properly disengage any threats she would have to be able to disintegrate them.

The sun was already below the horizon as she made it to the edge of the orchard and into view of the town, her damaged legs making the journey significantly longer than it would have taken her at maximum operating efficiency.

>Switching to nightvision.

The world turned to a sheen of green, details becoming visible again as Sweetie scanned the open plain noticing some movement in two locations. The first bit of movement was quickly identified as Scootaloo as she was moving from the edge of town in the direction of the apple orchard. The second spot of movement Sweetie detected came from the forest to the east, the green shimmer of eyes gazing out at the plain waiting for Scootaloo to get further out in the open.

>Additional data retrieved on subject: Everfree.
-Flag: Dangerous!

>Hostile wildlife catalogue:
-M@n !core

Sweetie reprioritized de-corrupting the wildlife files in a hurried attempt to determine if the contact was a threat to her friend. As she did so a group of five wooden creatures stepped from the brush, one of them howling loudly. Scootaloo stopped dead in her tracks, her head snapping in the direction of the sound as she was about halfway between town and the farm. The de-corrupted sections of Sweetie's personality matrix flared to life as she saw the expression on Scootaloo's face: fear. And unlike Apple Bloom, Scootaloo had no tools to defend herself from the threat.

>File decrypted: Timberwolf
-Pack hunter
-Regenerative magic

The wolves charged.


The personality matrix flared as the simple thought went through her system, the fear she'd detected on Scootaloo now running through her own systems too in a way she could recognise. Her weapon systems made a target priority list within two cycles of her central processor, sending it through to her missile pods which were already in the process of deploying.

A roar filled the air as the rocket engines of six missiles were ignited one after another.

The first missile impacted exactly point-four-five-three seconds after launch, the wolf being reduced to splinters in the blast. The other wolves didn't even get to process their pack-mates death before they too were hit with the devastating munitions. All the wolves lay in splinters as the sixth missile arrived, this one, though, was a little different as Sweetie had loaded it up with another warhead. A firestorm erupted as the sixth missile detonated in the middle of where the wolves had been, the incendiary payload burning everything within range and making sure there wouldn't be any significant wood chips from which the wolves could regenerate.

>Targets destroyed.

The entire engagement lasted three point eight-three seconds before the only remaining sign of the wolves was a burnt and burning patch of grassland. Scootaloo had been tossed off her scooter by the blast, just managing to pick herself off of the ground to look at the destruction not too far away from her. Her eyes traced back the trails of smoke the missiles had left to Sweetie herself, the bot retracting her missile pods as the two of them made eye contact. Scootaloo didn't move a muscle as she just stared at Sweetie, the orange light of the still-burning fire lit up her chassis.

Houses in Ponyville lit up, the entire town most likely having been awoken by the short bout of extreme weaponry being used right outside of the town limit. Sweetie's systems debated on what to do as Scootaloo didn't seem like she was moving any time soon.

>Proposition: Leave her for ponies in town to find.

Her systems tagged it as the most logical response but her personality matrix flared up once again, opposing the idea and proposing to check if Scootaloo was fine.

>Inquiry: why?

Because she's a friend.

Any following opposition was squashed and overridden by the personality matrix and deciding action was better than indecision, Sweetie slowly started making her way over the plain. Scootaloo just watched her approach in awe until she stopped not too far away from the little pegasus and sat down.

"Are you okay, friend Scootaloo?" Sweetie asked, trying to get a response out of her friend.

"Y-you, y-you..." Scootaloo managed to stammer, looking between the fire and the bot. "H-how?"

"Mark fourteen missile launchers," Sweetie responded as she redeployed the launchers, two out of the eight missiles remaining and not enough materials left to reload them. "A modular missile system. I determined conventional and incendiary missile systems to be enough to deal with the threat while minimizing the threat to you. You were within the minimum safe distance of fission warheads."

Scootaloo looked at her in disbelief. "You have weapons that can do this?!"

"I allocated the last of my raw materials to repair the pods," Sweetie nodded. "They needed minor repai-"


Sweetie tried to turn and face the incoming threat: a vague rainbow blur closing in at alarming speed. Her countermeasures kicked in automatically but clicked after only a few flares as the pods were barely filled.

"Stay away from her!"

Had her legs been at full operating capacity then she might have been able to face the incoming object, but as it stood, Sweetie was helpless to stop the incoming projectile of a pony.


Her computer glitched at the immense impact.

>Entering safe mode.

The world went black.

Author's Note:

I feel like death. Might have gone a bit crazy at the party here last night. Spanish and German paratroopers are absolutely insane, just downing Jagermeister left right and center.

Took me a bit to do the last edits due to it. :twilightsheepish: