• Member Since 16th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I'm a dragon of many talents. We'll see what those talents are cause I have no idea.


Long ago, Kitsune came down from the heavens to save the creatures of this land from a demonic invasion. He is the angel to bring hope and justice to a land of darkness. He is the savior that all creatures in the land strive to be.

What does this have to do with me? Why do I look like him? I'm just a nobody from nowhere.
Any criticism and corrections are appreciated, I hope to hear from you.
Hey, I got featured for a little bit on 10/17/22! Cool

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 54 )


Are the rest of his family also named after youkai?

I should have probably made it clearer, but his name is not Kitsune it is Kevin Fahren. They are making a mistake when they call him Kitsune, while he is a kitsune (creature) he is not Kitsune (person)

Now the question is if he's going to be able to keep his name, or if the ponies will insist on saddling him with another one.

New town, that's cool. Most people don't do that, it should be interesting.

As for 'Luna-Speak', I think This guide is pretty good.

Thanks for the help, and I don't know yet, but I think I'll make newer ponies and creatures use it and older ones use his name but honestly it is a tossup as I haven't gotten that far yet.

he should keep the messages he wrote where he tried to tell them he is not the one they thought he was so that he has evidence that he was not taking advantage of a misunderstanding

Interesting start, though a once over for word choice and grammar would help immensely. Looking forward to more.

Well, I'm hooked on this Fimfiction, can't wait to read the next chapter.

OK, Im in!

Show me more please.

“Come into my parlor, Ted. I have cookies!” -Reykan

This is one of the most interesting Fimfictions I've read so far, keep up the good work.

cool story dude, interested to see where it goes!!

Welcome aboard and I plan on it


Can't wait to read the next chapter.

i think kitsune is being a little dramatic on the whole "they are taking me to my doom" thing.

Oh boy, it seems we're in a fiddle-pickle! I hope the Princesses will understand him.

Well, now we wait.

“P.S. Yeah, I kind of got tired of him not knowing what they are saying.”

lol, fair enough. Are you planning on making a side effect with the spell so he still has to go through tutoring later?

Yes there will be side effects, switch dialects and migraines included, plus one more that will be in the next chapter that is not directly caused by the spell.

Yes unfortunately for Kevin he still has to go through tutoring

Questioning why he woild show up there and not in afox focused region.

Oh great transaltion issues incoming

I love the castle, idk why I just love the setting. Plus, I didn't think of a fox focused region as there are no fox races that grew intelligent, that still exist.

Do you have an outline for the novel you wrote?

Yes and no, main story ideas yes, history sorta but mostly yes. Sorta on interactions and places. Faust’s dream was not really planned but I knew that I wanted something like it there above the throne.

To be honest I’m very bad at keeping things set in stone and change things last minute that I believe are better.

It doesn't take long to write casually.You can write as soon as your inspiration comes.When there is no inspiration, like most novels, it stops for five or six years.

Thx, I want to post a blog that outlines all the changes I've done, some major some minor, to show how I can't make up my mind on things and on new story concepts I like. It could also show just some ideas that could be made into "alternative universes." mind you most would not be cannon to what I'm trying to make anymore and if they do, I would be very vague or not even show it.

It will just me be rambling about different concepts that run in my brain. Idk if I would want to show it though. The reason why I do is because I hate being left in the dark after a story just ends with no ending. I kind of want to pick at some writer's minds to see where the story would have gone.

Can't wait to read the next chapter.

Well thanks for the water works with the priest. Loving the stories so far.

Woo! New chapter! Great as always!

Hehe... Kevin...

*Insert bright eyed minion with nuclear apocalypse background here*

My answer.

"Im Monk, I'm a prostitute, I fuck for money."

After this point there would be no future problems.


Been awhile since a new story has taken my interest. Looking forward to the next.

sorry about the update, I hit the publish button trying to edit

Comment posted by Solar_Wolf deleted Sep 25th, 2023

Poor Kevin. It's too bad, if he wasn't distracted with 'target fixation' in his approach there's another one they practically handed him that may have turned out better for him.

Thanks for the chapter I eagerly awaited for more I am really enjoying this story , i wonder if Twilight would have the power and skill to undo what Celestia did to stop Kevin from speaking and I wonder how the Elements of Harmony or the Tree of Harmony would react to Kevin

Not a fan of this chapter at all. Celestia way to heavy handed. If i was kevin i be done with her unless she undid the spell

Sweet! i did not even realize that this story updated, strange bug with fimfiction i guess

well in her defence, she seems like she does not believe him. i think she thinks he has some sort of amnesia or somthing, its seems more like she silenced him for his own safety and to keep order, its true if one of the kitsune fragments started spouting heresy, the only good its going to do is rally a revolt against him and his other fragments. i do kind of think he might be one of the fragments, but just grew up on earth. if there is nine fragments silencing 1 of the fragments to protect the other 8 would make sense. it was heavy handed but even the thought of a fragment possibly spouting about the subject probably shook her to the very core

If a religion cannot stand to teuth ot does not jave a right to exist. Hell i.could spin it for her. This being has been blessed with the form and powers of the god. There must be a purposemfor this.

Because of what happened in the chapter I almost want to stop reading this story

I am absolutely loving the story, I hope to see it continue in developed more.

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