• Member Since 25th May, 2021
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Future game developer and lovable geek. Nuff said.


Mystic Knight, a Unicorn born with a condition that grants him little magic wants to prove that even he can be a mage.

Aura Kaiser, a God of Space and leader of a team known as the Dimensional Guardians goes to the MLP Dimension to find out what it truly means to be a leader.

By fate, these two meet and form a bond that is like family and team up with the Mane 6 to protect the land of Equestria.

This is a prequel to the posts that I make on the Friendship Is Awesomes group with my OCs Mystic Knight and Aura Kaiser.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 34 )

Hey, just let me know via PM if you need an OC.

Incredible work, my friend. :pinkiehappy:

After reading about Aura and Mystic for so long, seeing their story finally come to fruition just warms my heart and makes me so happy for you.

I'm also really glad we didn't focus too long on Mystic suffering under Gallant and got right to Aura finding him. Gallant is such a piece of crap, and I'm going to enjoy my OCs helping your OCs beat the crap out of him way more than I probably should.

Keep up the great work, and I look forward to seeing more.

:twilightsmile: πŸ‘

Thank you so much!:twilightsmile:

I'm glad that you like it so far. Not going to lie, I wasn't sure if I portrayed Aura well enough, since I will have to revert him to how he was during the few months I joined the group.

I am currently working on the second chapter/Episode right now. Hopefully it will be ready by the weekend.


I'm glad that you like it so far. Not going to lie, I wasn't sure if I portrayed Aura well enough, since I will have to revert him to how he was during the few months I joined the group.

I think you're doing a good job with him. He's got all the main character traits about him going strong, and the ones that he developed can be foreshadowed without breaking character too much.

I am currently working on the second chapter/Episode right now. Hopefully it will be ready by the weekend.

Excellent. I look forward to reading it. πŸ‘

Finally a story about Aura and Mystic. I agree wit JNKing. I have been waiting for a story like this to happen.

Then they find out that the knight family moved, and they find Twilight's family instead.

OC offer is still available if you need it.

I'll let you know when I will need one. But it won't be for a while.

I have to ask, why is his cutie mak the human transmutation circle from Fullmetal Alchamist?

That is actually a circle used in Alchemy used for altering life.

It's easy to think of Fullmetal Alchemist since that is a well known circle in the show. But in real life Alchemy, it was the circle used to create the Philosipher's Stone. Hence why it got it's lore in the show.

And I did mention that Mystic got his cutie mark by 'accidentally' creating the philosopher's stone, so for theming, it just fits.

I even used this site to create different types of circles for different things that Aura uses. Right here.

And I'm not going to lie, when I created the picture for Mystic I basically searched up Alchemy Circle and used the first one I saw.:twilightblush:

:pinkiegasp: Whoa, and here I was thinking that Gallant wouldn't get his just desserts until the forum posts.

Gotta say, it was satisfying to see Aura pound his smug face into the dirt.

And now I'm definitely curious to see how this is going to play out, considering that it was a prequel to the posts.

Looking forward to more.

PS: Sorry I didn't reply sooner; I didn't realize I wasn't tracking this story. :twilightsheepish:

That's okay.

I'm actually just about to finish the next chapter.

So you don't have to wait long!:pinkiehappy:

I remember you mentioning Levi's actual name was Luco, and that he switched it so as not to get confused with my Luco.

Indeed, it did make a funny image in my head when you said 'Luco' and I automatically thought of my anarchist character before remembering Levi.

Regardless, this was a very nice development that also sounds a lot like that story Mystic told Swift about rushing into things without thinking.

Also makes me curious if the other Guardians are going to show up and how they'll relate to Gladius and Mystic.

And, of course, we still have Para-Twi and this universe's versions of the Mane Six to look forward to. I'll be very curious to see how Twilight and Mystic meet.

You're doing an awesome job with this buddy. πŸ‘:pinkiehappy: And now that I got the tracker for this on, I look forward to the next chapter.

Until then, thanks for sharing.


From what I've seen of Fullmetal Alchemist, don't Philosipher Stones need another ingredient?

They do but I'm not using that. As I said in a post long ago, this Philosopher's Stone doesn't use souls. In my head canon due to the high concentrated amount of raw magic in Equestria, it is possible to create it if used with Oricalcum and a high amount of magic, like... Alicorn amount of magic.

I am a huge Fullmetal Alchemist fanboy. But I want to use an Equestria spin on it. Different dimensions, different rules.

Makes sense. BTW, OC offer is still available if you need it.

Well done, Mystic. :pinkiehappy: πŸ‘

I was kinda hopeful that the Philosopher's Stone Mystic created was the same stone Aura used for his prosthetic arm, but I'm not sure if that lines up with the timeline of when Aura got the arm. Neat idea though.

Also, poor Gladius having no luck with the mares. Too bad Jazz wasn't around then; as her interactions with Saki showed, she's got no problem being flirted with :raritywink:. Though I imagine Gladius is already happy with Phoenix. Just another thing that makes reading this prequel fun.

You're doing an awesome job, buddy. Can't wait for more.

Until then,


"Her name is Twilight Sparkle."

:pinkiehappy: :eeyup: EEEEEEEEYUUUUUUUP!!

Looks like we're about to get into how Twilight and Mystic met and eventually became the adorable couple they are in the forums. Definitely looking forward to seeing how that develops.

Also very interesting to see more of Mystic and Gladius' family outside of Gallant. Sagitta was a very welcome addition and a nicer counterpart to Gladius.

Also, Celestia and Aura's interactions were spot-on. I think I can see the beginnings of that incident Aura mentioned to Star about how his alicorn form got Celestia and Luna hot for him. Definitely looking forward to seeing how that plays out. :rainbowlaugh:

Great work as always buddy. I look forward to reading more of this.

Until then.
:twilightsmile: πŸ‘


Finally this was the chapter that I was expecting, which reveals his identity, I also expected it from other stories:trixieshiftright:

And thus we see the start of a beautiful friendship. :twilightsmile:

Wonderful work, Aura. Mystic and Twilight have a really great start to their relationship here, and Aura's talk with Celestia was a great way to hint at Aura's inner conflict.

Though I love Aura and Star's relationship in the forum, I really also like how Aura and Celestia are able to relate to each other in terms of them both being leaders who have to be strong for their subjects. It's that commonality, along with Celestia willing to show vulnurability, that makes me enjoy seeing the two interact.

And, of course, it'll be fun seeing Mystic and Twilight's relationship grow as well. You've set a perfect foundation, and I look forward to seeing how it builds to the loving romance that we see in the forums.

Until next time, thanks for sharing. :twilightsmile: πŸ‘

I'm excited to see where this goes.

You were right; seeing Gallant get the crap kicked out of him was super satisfying.

And to think I was worried at first when he showed up looking for payback.

Also funny how Twilight knew Aura was a god and was just waiting for him to reveal the truth. I wonder if something similar wil occur with Mystic.

Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Thanks for sharing. :twilightsmile: πŸ‘

So, after reading a few chapters, the protagonist here is like a weak anime character that gets stronger as the series progresses. Now that's what I like about this stories.:ajsmug:

I have no excuse for this being so late.

Don't worry about that. Good things come with time, and you did have a lot going on.

This was definitely worth the wait.

Though the ending was definitely shocking. So, this is why Aura has that prosthetic arm in the forum, right?

Either way, you nailed that feeling of terror and insignificance with Mystic. As he said, Aura is the most powerful being he knows, so for something to be able to do that much damage to him...

I'll definitely be curious to see how this develops. But again, don't feel like you 'have' to get the next chapters done ASAP. Take your time with them; I'm confident you'll be able to make it worth any wait.

Thanks for sharing, buddy. :twilightsmile: πŸ‘


I'll definitely be curious to see how this develops. But again, don't feel like you 'have' to get the next chapters done ASAP. Take your time with them; I'm confident you'll be able to make it worth any wait.


But I can assure everyone that the next chapter will be here much faster then this one. The only reason why it took a while was because I had a hard time trying to figure out what to put in or if it was good enough.


The only reason why it took a while was because I had a hard time trying to figure out what to put in or if it was good enough.

I know how you feel; it can be difficult figuring out what story elements to use and whether or not your audience will like it.

Personally, I liked it, and hopefully others will as well. :scootangel:

I have no excuse for this being so late.

A writer is never late nor are they early
They post precisely when they mean to

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