• Published 16th Aug 2023
  • 1,612 Views, 54 Comments

Kyōka Suigetsu, crumble! - The Archiver

Yet another displaced story. Featuring a guy turned to Aizen who will make everyone crumble into the illusion of despair, for the sake of natural selection... For the sake of those he has yet to care about.

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Chapter eleven: A request (demand) from a princess part 2


"Friendly samaritan huh? Still, it's nice that not everypony's lost their sense of joy round here, even if it is a new face."

Extending my hoof out I greet the pleasant fellow. "Tempered Glass huh? Well it sure is a pleasure to meet ya too. As ya already heard from my cousin's friend Spike, mah name is Braeburn." Tempered glass goes to give me a surprisingly strong hoofshake, something I wasn't expecting from a lean built unicorn. "You've got quite the grip there partner. Say, how'd ya get to know Spike anyhow? And uh... Not to be rude or nothin but he's grown some too and those things on his face, what're they?"

Tempered Glass stares at me for a moment, unblinkingly before finally answering, kinda gave me the creeps though. "Oh Spike? He's only growing, I haven't known him for long but we're nearly an inseparable duo. As for those things on his face? I'm really not sure, he's only gotten those about a few days after I came to move into Ponyville. And I know you didn't ask but the outfit and sword was something I actually suggested for him since he wanted to apply himself to more things in life."

The way this guy talks it's like he's got an answer prepared for everythin. ah've met intellectuals before but Tempered takes the cake. "Interestin, puttin that all aside it sounds like you two get along pretty good."

"Yeah, you could say that." Spike answers smoothly.

Spike must've had his personality changed too if he's answering that quickly. I should just cut to the chase if that's how it's gonna be. "So you two were sayin somethin about my cousin Applejack right? What was that all about?"

I notice Spike quickly changing his position so that he's leaning against the wall of the inn. The little guy must be pretty exhausted then. "Nothing, I was just wishing Applejack was here, that's all. Mostly because of how things have been running today."

Tempered Glass raises his hoof before I can ask why and cuts in. "We're on a mission for the investigation of the crimes being committed here in Appleloosa. Spike's just here with me for some on the job training of sorts. Speaking of which, we should get inside already so Spike and I can rent out our rooms. So we'll talk later." Scooting past me, Tempered Glass waves his hoof again to get Spike up and follows him through the double doors.

"That stallion's demeanor changed faster than an Ursa minor can get into trouble. An the thing is, ah didn't even feel threatened. He sounded real nice bout it. What ah do know is that there's something special going on between those two. But whatever it is, it's definitely good for the both of 'em." Softly sighing I move on past the inn and head home. My mind is filled to the bring with thoughts about what if scenarios.

Walking into my home I instantly fall into my bed, laying upright. "Ah just hope they'll be okay."

Pov: Tempered Glass (Sōsuke Aizen)

I've been up, all night, studying one singular variable and creating a counter measure against it. While also listening to Kyōka Suigetsu berate me for doing so. However I must not throw precautions out of the window, I'm rusty when it comes to analyzing specific data and creating technology so what I've built is only a prototype but it should work for now.

Hearing a large yawn behind me I quickly put away my device inside my outfit and smile at my student. "Ah right on time Spike. You've awaken at nine fifty in the afternoon, you truly must've been tired if that was the case. There's a bag of bits on the little nightstand right next to you"

He nearly falls out of the bed after hearing my voice so early. "A-Aizen? Why the fuck are you looking at me like that while I'm sleeping?" Spike groggily questions.

Rising up and spinning on my hind hooves I wave him off. "You misunderstand. I was not doing anything like watching you as you slept, that'd be outrageous. The only thing that was being done was research my scaled friend. Speaking of, I need you out for the rest of the day while I run some tests."

Yawning, the sleepy drake doesn't verbally answer me, instead, he does a tiny "hmmm" before putting his face back into his blanket.

"Spike, I'll only give you half a hour to wake up. Breakfast ends at ten thirty. So I recommend getting prepared yourself before I have to kick you out."

Murmuring some words that even I couldn't hear, Spike falls back asleep. Hopefully I wont have to intervene.

Pov: Spike (thirty minutes later)

Slumping across from my room's outside door I still can't believe that Aizen had to kick me out like that. Doesn't really matter all that much to me but still. "Would breakfast still be too late to catch right now? There's still ten minutes." I ask myself, swiftly shaking my head right afterwards. "Nah, I can just get some breakfast at a diner someplace or brunch since it's a weekend." I tell myself.

Jingling the bag of bits in my claws I walk down stairs and greet the receptionist before leaving out to explore some of Appleloosa on my own time. Not a lotta ponies are hanging out. For good reason but still, it's peaceful for me. But I can't shake the feeling of being watched though.

"Hey Spike, didn't expect y'all to be out wandering by ya self!"

Whipping my body around I breathe a sigh of relief, seeing that it's just Braeburn who snuck up on me. "Please don't sneak up on me like that. You nearly made me think that you were something."

He nervously rubs the back of his head. "Mah apologies Spike. Except ah couldn't help but notice that you were holdin that small bit pouch. Were ya gonna get a souvenir with it?"

"No, I was looking for a place to have some brunch and chill out." Huh, actually thinking about it now. I never really did see much of Appleloosa when I went with Applejack and everyone else. "Hey do you wanna join me? I don't really know a ton about this town despite the short tour you gave so I'd appreciate it if you could show me the rest. Starting with brunch of course."

When I say that this guy's face lit up? I absolutely meant it. Didn't even think it was possible for anything to ever match one of Pinkie's big smiles but this guy has definitely got it. "Well ah sure can! We can get goin now actually. Ah was lookin to go get some lunch and ah know a really great that sells breakfast twenty four hours a day."

A tired, but sincere, smile spreads across my face. "Lead the way then."

Pov: Tempered Glass

“So based off what you’re sayin, cousin Applejack is doin fine with all her new friends, right?” Braeburns asks me.

Putting my elbows on our table I nod my head. “Yeah she’s been doing fine, could be better. But I’m not complaining. And really Braeburn, you weren’t kidding when you said this place was nice.”

“Aw shucks pal. Thanks for the compliment.” I notice a small red tinge on both sides of Braeburn’s face. Didn’t think he could get embarrassed over a little compliment.

Feeling pretty good at the atmosphere as we wait for our food I kick back some more. “Enough about my life though, how’s yours been?”

Twirling his hoof around in the air as if Braeburn’s trying to formulate the right set of words for this he says. “Nothing really, ah’m tryin to enjoy what we got here in Appleloosa which is why ah’m really hoping that you and Tempered stop whoever’s doin this. But in general I’ve taken up whittling, it’s a fun little hobby to do and real rewarding.

“Whittling huh? That sounds about right.” I take my elbows off the diner’s table and sit up straight. “I’m ready to order now. Let's call a waiter over here so we can finally eat.”

Putting his hooves up to his chin, Braeburn smiles. “Oh trust me Spike, this place’s service is amazing. They’ll have our food out in no time.” Raising his left hoof up and waving it in the air, the energetic pony calls a waiter over for us to order from.

Pov: Tempered Glass

Just finished up the remaining touches on this prototype. Then again I might not even be able to use it more than once, but for the purposes that I’ve figured out, it will be sufficient. One Soldat, and if I’m corrected then based off of the flowing Reishi residue left behind. Then there’s also a Sternritter.

Based on all of that I can only assume one of four things. They’re rejections of the current Quincy society and have gone rogue, or it could be these are merely coincidental killings that were done for some type of status quo, but what’s most likely happening is that this was an attempt to draw me from Ponyville away from the elements of harmony to possibly kill me, and then there’s the small possibility that the low ranking Quincy is being trained to kill by someone as high as a Sternritter which is unlikely.

“I’m glad I sent Spike out then. I don’t need any unnecessary factors coming into play besides Braeburn. Now all that needs to happen is for me to draw them out and use this.”

I pull out a large wristband, one that’s large enough to fit around my hoof. “This will be a nice test drive for my technological skills.” I tell myself aloud.

The best way to do this is probably via walking around at night which is the best time for them to strike. So I hop out of my window and softly land on my hooves, aimlessly walking in a direction.

“Wait… Actually I better enjoy this while it lasts, first I’m hitting up a gift shop.” I start walking in the other direction with a satisfied smile on my face.

Pov: ???

Finally, he’s begun to move out of his housing. It’s been a grievous sin for the ponies to even allow him to stay there but they did not know for he was shrouded in light, therefore all is forgiven from them. Now then, to ask how Trinket is doing with his target, only two hours have passed but we must strike soon else we lose this opportunity while they’re both apart.

Retrieving a device from my suit in the shape of Wandenreich’s symbol, I click a small black button with my hooves that’s placed directly in the middle of it. “Trinket Luck, do you have eyes on your target?” I ask him.

“The drake? Yes but he’s with what seems to be a friend for him. Why do you ask?” Trinket questions.

I pause for a moment before pressing down on the button again. “There’s been a change in plans, we must strike now if we want for this mission to succeed. We must not let down our king.”

“T-Trotter- I mean sir, why would we do that though?” The surprise coming from his voice is validated but he mustn't question like this again. I shall reprimand him once we’re done with taking out the trash.

“Trinket, currently both targets are separated and vulnerable. We must take them down before they come back together. The weaker one will be a nuisance which is why I tasked you with eliminating it. Understood?” I firmly question.

My subordinate swiftly responds after hearing how serious I am. “O-of course sir, when do we strike?”

“Right now Trinket. I expect you to carry this without fail. Good luck.” Becoming impatient I put away my communication device and use my pegasus wings to hop down and gracefully glide in front of the monstrosity

Pov: Tempered Glass

I can’t believe I’m saying this but things have been quite enjoyable. I met some strangers that opened up quickly about what was troubling them and hearing their normal problems about family and social life was more refreshing than anything else I’ve done this week. A little quirk of my past I suppose. A kind mare had shown me the way to a very fair and humble gift shop. One that had wonderful hats, similar to the ones the Appleloosians wear.

And then that all had to be ruined. The sound of flapping filled my ears and my hairs stood on end as if I was being sized up. Until a mysterious pony in front of me, wearing an outfit I only saw a thousand years ago, yep there was no mistaking it, he was a quincy, the same one I sensed as soon as I stepped out of the Inn. But I can’t even see his hooves because of the gloves he’s wearing. The only thing I can see is that stupid wooden mask that seems as if it were made in a beginner’s woodworking facility. “And you are?” I move beside the pony and continue walking with the unnamed pony still on my tail.

I could practically feel the confusion of the quincy before he cleared his throat. “My name is Paved Trotter, most have the luxury of calling me Trotter but you will call me Paved. I am a Sternritter of the “N” Epithet, Nomad, I guide abominations such as yourself to a proper death but not an afterlife.”

This doesn’t get me to stop walking however and I continue towards my destination, further confusing him to the point where he walks with me. “Where exactly do you think you’re going? Actually it matters not, this town shall be your gravesite either way.”

I stop in my tracks, one of my ears flickers and I notice a large amount of Reiatsu emanating from him. However I don’t bother to look behind me, and I sigh. “Okay, this is a good enough distance then. I’d like to know how long you could entertain me.”

Finally turning around to face the quincy that stopped walking along with me some time ago I notice he’s materialized a very peculiar weapon so I waste no time in drawing out mine.

“Is that… A gun? Where did you even get the model- ah, I forgot, I did briefly create spiritual guns during my edgy faze. I can only imagine that Yhwach gave you.” Recalling my brief years in trying to be “badass” makes a shiver go down my spine, so much so I dispel the effects of Bakudō #28: Oraka Hensu and turn back into a regular human.

Twirling the gun in his hoof’s grasp he inspects it. “That’s what this is called? I always called it a hand mortar. Nevertheless, please make this easier for both of us and lie down-”

I’m not in the mood to hear this guy’s bullshit. I unsheathe my Zanpakutō and pull out my tome, then flash step towards him, reeling my blade back to cut his throat.

“Impatient I see.” Is all I can hear before I watch him disappear from my vision and reappear a few hooves above me, aiming the pistol directly at my head and firing five green rounds made of Reishi in quick succession.

Glancing upwards I can see the near subsonic speed bullets coming down towards me and erect a small barrier above myself, blocking them all.

“interesting, he didn’t use Hirenkyaku (Quincy equivalent to Sonido and Flash Step) and his entire presence disappeared, does it have anything to do with his Epithet? Further testing needs to be done.”

Blowing the smoke off of his gun, the Sternritter actually takes a moment to look around. “Ah, so that’s why you were walking so much, to minimize property damage. I’d actually thank you if you weren’t such a blight to this world’s existence.”

Seeing an opportunity in his careless speech I mumble something “[flux]” and produce a small tendril of dark magic beneath the heel of his and digs it underground for later use.

“You talk too much, quiet yourself. Bakudō #62. Hyapporankan.” I generate a blue steel pole in my hand before tossing it up, past Paved Trotter, purposely missing him.

“Has your aim gone away along with your age?” He genuinely askes.

“Just give it a second.” And all it did take was a second before he realized the sudden multiplied amount of energy up above him in the form of a hundred poles raining down towards the both of us.

“Damn you Aizen.” He mumbles before disappearing from my sight once more and instead reappearing twenty hooves to my left where less of the poles are concentrated at.

“I won’t let you keep getting away, tandem Kidō, Hadō #31: Shakkahō, Hadō#12: Fushibi, Bakudō #9: Hōrin” I start to swirl my hands together, creating a dark red spider web that stretches in an arch away from me, towards Paved Trotter with several red balls of energy ingrained into the deadly trap.

“You’re going to corner me like this? What a joke.” The stallion still appears to be calm but his expression sours into anger. “Why can’t I use my ability? What did you do?!” Panicking, he tries to move his right hind-leg only to find that it’s futile.

Silently cackling I watch as the explosive controllable spider web gets closer and closer to the target. “What did I do? Nothing really, I merely acquired a spell from a friend that held you in place. Also you should probably look up, it’s not good to divert your attention away from problems.”

Slowly moving his head upwards his eyes widen in fear. The steel poles I summon are only inches away from him before three of the poles tear through his withers and pin him to the ground, profusely bleeding, giving me a ghastly sound of pain in return.

“C-curse you Sōsuke Aizen, curse you and the wretched corruption you bring to this world!” He screams out in defiance.

“Sorry, but I can’t hear the ignorant, so bye-bye.” Waving to him, I sadistically smile before having the combined Kidō technique wrap him in its webbing and detonating directly on top of him. Waves of energy crackle before bursting open like hot valves and scorching the ground Paved Trotter occupied.

“Guess that settles that, suppose I should see whether or not Spike is okay.” I begin walking back but I suddenly feel a large increase of Reiatsu pouring from the dust cloud I had made.

“Grimaniel!” I hear him yell through the rubble, and the next thing I know, a large amount of green energy pours from where he was. But as quickly as it came, it disappeared in an instant. I could only get a glimpse of his Vollstandig, he grew additional wings made of pure Reishi, green wings in the shape of regular pistols with a small five-starred halo on his head.

Rolling my arms and eyes (in that order) I can already tell what’s going on. “You’re still alive? I really should’ve expected this of a Sternritter but it wont change the outcome of your death. I already know how your ability works. You travel to a place instantaneously without leaving a trace, but it won’t work if you’re held down by something.”

They really mustn't have taken me seriously if they sent a weakling like this up against me. “I’ll just finish this quickly then.”

“I would’ve thought that you’d shown yourself by now, guess that proves my theory that you’re traveling through a dimension of sorts instead of using teleportation. However, I theorize that you can still see me. Still, there’s only one way to test this rationalization.”

Clearing my throat, I utter three sacred words. “Kyōka Suigetsu, crumble!” I release my Zanpakutō in its shikai state and activate Kanzen Saimin. “You’re in for a real treat now.” I mumble before collapsing.

Pov: Paved Trotter (Inside his pocket dimension)

“Dammit, he really left me in such a sorry state like this? Only a few of my more minor wounds regenerated but those metal poles he summoned really did a number on my movement capabilities. The only thing I can do is watch and wait for an opening…” The gears inside my head stop turning for a moment as I watch Sōsuke Aizen collapse on the floor. His Reiatsu isn’t flowing out anymore and I can’t sense it anywhere else.

Wait, even the metal poles disappeared on the ground. I feel my withers and I cannot feel the metal poles there either. Did he overuse his Reiatsu and fall from exhaustion?

I slowly walk closer to his body, still inside my pocket dimension and lean down to listen to his heart… Nothing, he’s… Dead?

Stepping outside of my pocket dimension, I throw away all feelings of precaution and start to madly laugh. “Oh how the ‘mighty’ have fallen. Truthfully I thought something like you would give me a challenge but alas, you really were nothing to fret over-” Huh… That was weird, it’s like I had a phantom pain through my left foreleg.

I start flexing the appendage to see and feel that it’s still there. “It was probably due to the excitement I’m feeling, yes that must be it. After all, I accomplished what my ancestors could not. I will surely be praised by the king after this.”

“Well no use in celebrating right now, I shall see to how Trinket is faring against the other lesser being.” I happily trot away from the body but that’s when I feel it. The sensation of dizziness and overwhelming pressure of Reiatsu. I try to take another step forward but then, that’s when I realize something. My left hoof was gone.

My eyes widen, staring at the unbelievable circumstance before I scream out in fear in response, whipping my head back and forth. Searching for any plausible explanation. All I can see however, is that man. Sōsuke Aizen.

“WHAT DID YOU DO?!” I clutch my bleeding stump with gritted teeth and a pained expression. Desperately attempting to limit the blood loss that’s coming from me.

Sōsuke Aizen twirls his now bloodied, disgusting, abominable, sword and sticks it into the ground. “Me? Nothing really, all I did was put you under an illusion and cut something off that I didn’t like. Mainly your left leg. Oh and uh, to be frank with you. I’m also an illusion, also you should maybe move some.” And he too fades away.

“Move some? What could he possibly mean by that?” I don’t question it any further though, despite all the tricks that Sōsuke Aizen could play, I still need to move regardless. So I activate my Vollstandig only to find that I can’t.

“Horseapples! I’m still in this damn illusion, and my body isn’t registering that I want to activate “Nomad” what should I do?”

My fight or flight instincts kick in. Instead of doing anything sensible, my body forces itself to limp forwards and back into town. The only thing on my mind now is escaping.

Something’s still not right though. I can nearly feel something breathing in my ears. But I don’t linger on it for all, for my vision turns pitch black and all I could hear before that was. “Pitiful. Hadō #4. Byakurai.” In a sing-song voice…

Pov:Sōsuke Aizen

“And that takes care of that.” Blowing the tip of my finger, I clear the smoke away from it. Observing the now dead Sternritter with a hole through his head, I can only shake mines in disappointment.

“You were a real annoying piece of shit. I didn’t know that you using that Vollstandig would force me to walk in a random direction every five seconds, working around that was tough so I just made you walk towards me instead.”

Ranting on about how his ability functioned almost made me forget that he was about to call for someone else. Most likely the Soldat I made an educated guess about. “Eh, Spike’s probably fine, I’ll take a slow walk there. But now I’ve gotta figure out what to do with this anti-energy wristband I’ve got. Then again it’s only a prototype, best case scenario is that I can use it and turn it into a beta test model before it gets destroyed.”

I start whistling while I turn and step away from the corpse, appearing very satisfied with myself.

Pov: Spike

“L-listen man, we’ve been fighting for nearly ten minutes now. Stop it before we destroy anything else.” I state, tiredness is slowly creeping up on me but I shake it off.

For the past ten minutes I’ve been fighting this same guy I’ve seen time and time again, this time with a bow, like how Aizen described the Quincies. And I keep having to protect Braeburn from all of these arrows he’s firing. And he has the most anxious look on himself, yet he has a small split across his gray muzzle.

“I can’t stop, not until you’re dead. Your kind are a blight in this world.” He shoots back, both figuratively and literally.

I dodge out of the way with a distasteful look on my face. “Fuck, off!” I charge up a giant cero mixed in with my dragons breath and fire it directly at him down the street. At this point, I couldn’t care less if I don’t have permission to use it, I’m going all out.

“S-shit…” Trinket silently mutters to himself, quickly using some type of speed technique that looks awfully similar to Sondio. And taking to the sky. A large boom is heard from far away, with an eruption of energy taking place afterwards.

Braeburn, still ducking from the cero I shot out, stares at me slack jawed. “S-Spike, excuse mah language but what the buck is happenin right now? Where did ya learn to do crazy stuff like this? And why’s that guy buckin shootin at us?”

Holding my blade steady, I took several deep breaths and gave Braeburn a slightly reassured smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll answer everything when I wrap this up.” Braeburn shakily nods his head but he’s obviously still scared by the situation, and I am too.

“This clearly isn’t working, I’m going to have to shake things up.” The insane murderer tells himself. Swiftly drawing on a greater amount of Reishi from the area and firing three rounds consisting of three arrows each.

Holding my ground I mentally sigh in fury. “This guy just doesn’t quit!” I ready my blade against the storm of arrows coming in, Braeburn’s and my way.

“Odoru kaze! (dancing wind)” Turning my blade over to the flat side, I swing my Zanpakutō wildly. Doing my best at deflecting the arrows with strenuous motions that manage to generate gusts of wind.

The arrows fly in nearly every direction away from me once they’re hit, like a chaotic storm. Not even thinking about where I redirect it, I slam into the last arrow with enough force for a sizable gust of wind back to the sender.

I watch this lunatic panic, but then I finally see it. The same motion he’s been doing that allows him to move extremely fast. It is similar to how Sondio works. “Then, all I’ve gotta do, all that needs to be done for me to win is to match that speed.” Watching the Quincy move in near slow motion now. I see him sprint to my right, a little less further away than previously but time quickly speeds back up.

“I’ve got you now…” I mutter to myself before using Sonido. Traveling right in front of him as he already fired an arrow at me, now at point blank range. Getting a stone cold face, patience finally courses through me at its maximum. Raising my right arm up I lightly tap the side of the arrow as I approach it, completely throwing it off course before I use my Zanpakutō and make a small diagonal wound on his shoulder, blood gushes out of the soon to be scar before kicking him away from me.

He goes tumbling through the ground, picking himself back up at the second before he makes impact with the house that’s only inches away from him. “B-buck. I can’t lose to you, you’re nothing but an insect! And I will please Trotter enough to get recommended so I finally become a Sternritter!” He roars out.

I widen my eyes in disbelief. “Are you kidding me? You’re doing all this for a promotion? Fucking give up! You’re not going to win.”

Still holding his injury. He grits his teeth in anguish. “Buck it, buck it all! You will die by my hooves dammit! For my king.” Gathering what seems to be some of that last of his strength. He manages to shakily reel back his hoof, holding that bow of his. “Come on Trinket, do it for Trotter. He’ll be proud once he sees that you came out victorious.” Mentally preparing himself, the Quincy lets go of the string.

The recoil from the attack alone knocks the bow user back. And gives me no time at all. It crashes into me and explodes on contact, sending me hurtling backwards and briefly forcing me unconscious.

“Get back up…” At first the voice is low and demanding but progressively gets more forceful.

“Get. Back. Up. You newt.” Grumbling to myself I struggle to find my ground on the road- hold on. This isn’t the same sandy roads I was on.

Rising back up, I look to see a large dragon in front of me. Yet it has no arms or legs, a wyvern? Except, it’s completely made of bones while also having these huge bones protruding from its cheeks like mines but theirs are more gnarly and savage. Those deep red eyes looming over me with its spikes protruding from their back raising high in this volcanic land I find myself in.

“Wha- where the heck am I?” I ask it.

The wyvern coils up and continues looking down at me with dissatisfaction. Resting on a large rock formed by magma. “I am you, and you are me. I’m what your truest nature is supposed to be. The feral being that resides inside you waiting to break out. What you were at, in birth before being taught the ‘right’ way.”

My mind’s nearly scatterbrained from that blow I took earlier, I can barely even keep up with what this guy is saying. “If you could please stop talking in your mystery shrouded bullshit so I can get back to helping my friend then that’d be much appreciated.”

Apparently saying that was the wrong move. The bone wyvern snorts huge streams of flame right at me, slightly singeing my scales. “O-ow, damn that was hot.” I quietly tell myself.

“Will you allow me to finish shit for brains?!” Both of us stare at each other as I nurse my wound. “Good, now then as I was saying. I’m what lies inside your troubled head, the moment you got hit with that life threatening attack I knew I had to make my presence known.”

“Life threatening? As in, I was about to die?” I dumbly ask.

“... I’m going to ignore your stupidity from now on. Anyways, you have a hole inside your chest. You’re dying on the outside and I am what can heal you. Rejoice because we are going to become one at this moment! My goals aline with what yours do. To take everyone’s respect and bathe in it as if it were our hoarded riches. Just call my name and show them that we will never allow them to chain us down again, we will RISE!

Pov: Trinket

Watching the pony I shot in the throat with my own hooves I can’t help but wonder. “Why did you choose to associate yourself with this trash?” The constant spurding and choking sounds he’s making is pissing me off at this point. Why won’t he die already?! I went out of my way to kill the associate of this Arrancar only to relieve my anger and stress but it looks like it’s doing the opposite

Pulling back my bowstring once more I’m about to put him out of his misery when I hear something.

“Defy Wildly, insurrección.”

Turning around behind me I can only stare in terror as the Arrancar I swore had keeled over, is now in front of me without a hole in their chest and staring at me with its monstrous looks that were briefly covered by the green flame it was surrounded by.

His little bones originating from outside his face before have become elongated, stretching to the point where they horizontally wrap around his entire face, completely obscuring his mouth. There is a small dispenser on each of the sections just underneath his wrists also appearing to be made of bones. Two bone-esque wings are protruding from his back with leathery like material colored white supporting it. But what’s most frightening are those dark red eyes of his.

“H-how?! I killed you, I killed you, I BUCKING KILLED YOU ALREADY!” I scream out in confusion and rage. He says nothing though. Instead he slowly walks towards me and opens up his palm. And with that a large pointed tip comes from the opening inside those dispensers from his wrist, revealing a flagpole without the flag itself.

Lunging towards me, I have no time to react before the filth ragdolls my body with a swing of his unconventional weapon. Right after he breathes fire directly in my face, burning my eyes.

“S-shit I can barely see! Horseapples! This shouldn’t be happening, oh Yhwach help me!” My emotions run all over the place, all because of this thing.

My vision blurs in and out as I back away. That’s when it started though, I heard a thud right next to be only to look over and see a flagpole along some strange flag that had its symbol be a lone outline of a small dragon going up against a hoard of different creatures.

But that wasn’t what was weird, as I continued crawling away I could feel gravity leave me for a moment, slightly lifting me off the ground before it stopped. Next is when it had pushed against me and nearly crushed my body, causing me to cry at once more.

“S-stop! Please I’m sorry, I’ll n-never kill again. I-I’ll even leave you alone just stop it!” Sadly for me it was too late. Instead of the gravity lifting me up, I can feel the gravity on my head start to increase itself, in larger and larger increments. Thinking upon what’s happening to me as I’m dying. I really can only think about whether or not what I was doing was the wrong thing. And that was it. My head crushed underneath all the weight that was dished out.

Pov: Spike

All of my energy is drained, I can’t even stand up anymore. I collapsed underneath my own weight and noticed that the transformation wore off. Shakily I turn over to stare at Braeburn, a few tears leave my eyes, wishing I could’ve done more than avenge him. I want to do something, yet I have already hit my limit… I’ll just have to get stronger then.

The sensation of my head falling to the ground, I have one last thought. “So this is the power of Resurrección then… Neat.” And that’s all I can think of before I fade to black, picking up the slight shouting of someone.

Author's Note:

Yup, that was my interpretation on what the "N" Epithet would be. Hope you all enjoyed this today. But I can't help but wonder how will everyone take this development who's been affected by this?

Also, next chapter may come out a wee-bit later than usual because I've been dealing with some IRL problems, anyways thanks for the view!