• Published 24th Feb 2024
  • 2,542 Views, 925 Comments

Other Duties As Required - Hiver

It might not be rain season in Nocturnis, but when it rains, it pours.

  • ...

Chapter 36

Rain Shine was quiet for several long moments, looking out over the town and its many lights.

"It is an interesting proposal," she finally said and turned her head to look at me once more.

"It has a lot of advantages, for bats and Kirin," I said with a nod, "And let you stay somewhere you find more comfortable, with great opportunities for trade."

Rain Shine nodded, "And leave us in your domain."

I smiled, "If you're worried about micromanaging, don't. I don't have enough hours in a night to handle everything I need to do, yet alone bother somepony else."

She shook her head, "That's not quite my point, Prince Page. We're not used to... Equestria. Nor being under another's power."

"Ah," I agreed and let out a sigh, "Well, there's some good news. You'd be beneath the same colony laws as Nocturnis and there would be some decades before taxes are expected. We would supply the shield pylons required, we have enough spare. Large predators don't really leave the jungle propper, but better safe than sorry. If you wished, you would be provided with a guard contingent. Be it Nocturnis or Solar. Or if you rather, we'd assist in training your own Kirin."

She was quiet for a couple of moments before she shook her head, "Moving from one small village in the middle of nowhere to a small village in the middle of nowhere does not sound like it will benefit my kirin in any way. At least our old home is safe."

"It may seem as much," I said, nodding, "But your old home is nothing but a slow trap. You noted as much yourself, your population is shrinking."

"And moving would help in which manner?"

I flicked one ear, "The manner where via trade and other movements of ponies back and forth through your village and Nocturnis will likely end up boosting your population."

One of her eyebrows went up, "You're talking of..."

"That is the usual way such matters happen," I said in amusement, "All ponies are cross compatible, I don't see a reason kirin wouldn't be as well. Sure, some foals will be non-kirin, but with your population as low as it is, any more kirin would be a massive bonus."

She shifted slightly, "...With non-kirin?"

"Yes, with non-kirin," I sighed, "I'm not saying anything specific, just that ponies have a tendency to get involved with each other. More ponies moving about helps. There’s not enough of you for anything else."

Rain Shine studied me for a moment, "And would Canterlot not be better for this?"

"Absolutely," I agreed with a smile, "And I would be more than happy to assist if you wish to move there instead. But there are reasons why not somewhere heavily populated."

"Such as it would help Nocturnis?"

I snorted, "It sure would. But I could found my own fishing village and it'd be fine and have the same effect. In Fact if you decline, I will. No, what I was thinking of was kirin and ponies. Ponies are nervous about strange beings in the first place. Kirin are strange from their perspective, you can burst into flames, you look different. It'll scare ponies, make them nervous."

"Ponies in Nocturnis have not looked upon us like that."

"Ponies in Nocturnis are not the average pony," I pointed out, "Even disregarding my bats, the kind of pony that moves to a place like this is a bit strange."

She frowned, "Would they not get used to us?"

"Oh, absolutely. But moving somewhere like Canterlot you have a new issue. The Kirin, are they educated?"

"...To some level."

I nodded, "Finding jobs would be difficult. Especially all in one place. And if not in one place? There's so few of you left and you would be scattered to the four winds. It's what happened to my bats and there were a lot more of them originally."

"...It would be the end of the kirin," she said quietly.

"Possibly," I said before I sighed, "Rain Shine, I don't have all the answers," I said and jumped off my throne before walking over, looking up at her, "I just had an idea and thought I would give it to you. Think it over, talk to Midnight about it. Go back home, talk it over with your people, see what they think."

She frowned slightly, looking uncertain before she nodded, "I think I'll discuss it with Midnight first."

"Usually a good idea," I agreed, "She and her sister are way smarter than ten of me. Maybe she has some better ideas."

She nodded before turning slightly before pausing, "Good night, Prince Page."

"Good night, Rain Shine," I said as she left the throneroom.

"Trouble," Flower commented from her desk as soon as the door closed.

I turned to her, "When is it ever not trouble around here?" I asked her with a smile, "At least this one will solve itself."

She flicked one ear and frowned, "How do you figure that, your majesty?"

"Simple. Either they agree and make a village a few days from here and solve, oh, half a dozen different issues for us eventually, or they decide not to and buck off and become somepony else's problem."

Flower eyed me suspiciously, "And you will just let them risk going extinct if they leave and not get involved?"

I let out a sigh and just looked at her.

"Thought so, sir," she said with a small smirk.

"...I have no idea how, if they don't want me to," I said and jumped onto the throne to lay down again.

Flower actually smirked, "Well, I can think of a way. Like you said to Lady Rain Shine, the usual way poni-"

I just groaned as both Shade and Leaf giggled at me. Actually giggled, I didn't know the twins knew how!

"Yes, yes, very funny," I grumbled and let out a sigh, "...Well, whatever happens, it's not that urgent. In the meantime, I'm going to have a nap for a bit. I should talk with Sparks and Sunny, they should be starting back to Nocturnis soon."

"Wish them well from me," Flower said with a smile.

"As soon as they get back, it's your and Starlight's turn," I pointed out to her with a smile of her own, "Buck, bring that coltfriend of yours too."

Flower just rolled her eyes.

I smiled and got comfortable before closing my eyes and slipping into the dreamscape. Heading for Sanctuary I then changed my course as I saw a shimmer of a mane exiting a dream portal.

"My Sky."

Luna turned to me, "My Page," she answered and moved to meet me. Before I could say anything else, her lips found mine and her forelegs slipped around me, pulling me tight. I smiled and leaned into it, kissing back as her wings wrapped around me in turn.

"Miss me?" I finally managed to ask.

"Very much so, My Page," she said quietly.

"Me too," I said and leaned against her, "What I miss the most may be evenings spent in your tower, just relaxing by the fireplace, reading a book together."

"Those were good times," Luna agreed, nosing at my ear with a small smile.

I shifted and smiled up at her before I pounced.

Luna squeaked and fell onto her back and I landed on her, keeping her pinned with my hooves,

"Rawr, I got you now, Princess!"

Luna laughed and grinned up at me, "And what will you do with me now?"

I smirked and settled down, bumping my nose softly against hers, "I can think of a few things. How much time do we have?"

Luna sighed and her forelegs slipped around me, "Not long. I have court in perhaps twenty minutes. You are in a good mood this night."

"You know what, I am," I said, "I figured out some solutions to some problems," I told her before explaining what the plan was.

Luna slowly nodded as she stroked my mane, "...That makes sense. It's a good plan."

"Thank you," I said with a smirk, "Now, how much time until you need to wake up?"

Luna sighed, "Some ten minutes or so."

"I can work with that."

Luna squeaked in surprise.