• Published 13th May 2024
  • 196 Views, 2 Comments

Their Names Across The Multiverse - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

Moving forward isn't easy sometimes. Sometimes, you just need a little help from others. Others who will help you find your spark...

  • ...

Prologue: Every Story Has A Beginning

Birds chirped, the warm breeze blew all around, the trees rustled, and the sounds of animals in the woods echoed throughout the peaceful forest. The silence between Rainbow Spark

and her sister's parents helped make the noise stand out, making it all the more apparent to the group.

Twilight coughed and asked Spark what she meant.

"What do you mean, 'Who am I?'? Have you forgotten who you are?"

Spark shook her head, and a tear formed in the corner of her eye. "It's not that I forgot who I am; I don't even know if I'm my own person or just basing who I am from Nightfall and Rainbow Sky." She sat on the grassy ground. "Or maybe I was wrong, and my sister's traits and personality were their own, and it WAS me who just copied it!"

Twilight could see Spark was struggling with this dilemma, so she did the only thing she knew how: she comforted her somewhat daughter by hugging her.

"It's gonna be okay."

For once, Spark felt calm and like she finally had something—that something was family. She was going to hug Twilight back, but what she heard from Twilight made her sadder than ever.

"It's gonna be okay, Braver."

Twilight quickly caught what she said and broke the hug, trying to come up with a quick explanation. "Oh! Sorry, sweetie, I-I-I meant... um..."

"I'm not Braver, Twilight." she started to cry. "Or maybe I am? This is what I'm talking about; who am I!? Really!"

Twilight felt awful, and she made things worse for Spark. She wanted to help but felt Twilah's hand on her shoulder and saw Twilah sitting beside her.

"Spark, what you feel is Imposter syndrome," Twilah explained. "This condition results in people feeling like a fraud or a phony, and it's common for those who suffer from it to feel inadequate and undeserving. Even though they know it's not true, it doesn't stop the feeling from haunting them."

Twilah then looked at her, and she felt a slight pain in her heart. The pain of knowing her daughter, Blitz, was genuinely gone, and the only remains were Spark. Nightfall and Sky shared with her and the others here that Spark is the actual clone of those two, not Braver and Blitz. The twins were just the slime that copied Spark's DNA, taking Sky and Nightfall's DNA and making the twins look like them slightly. Spark kept the twins, or, in this case, the slime, alive as whatever Nightfall's father did to them, they would die if they were removed from Spark's element harmony-like orb. By keeping them alive, Spark was forced to live within her custom-made element core, watching through her sister's eyes of the outside world, never living it, only watching. To save all of the multiverses, the twins removed themselves from Spark, sacrificing themselves to make Spark stop Rainbow Sun Dawn and give Spark a chance at life, a new beginning.

"The way you're feeling right now is natural," Twilah continued. It's perfectly fine to feel the way you do, but the best thing you can do is not to dwell on it." She looked at her. "I can't imagine how you must feel, but I want you to know that we are always here for you and support you. We love you, Blitz." She covered her mouth, realizing what she had said. She could see Spark hurting even more as she put her head on her knees.

"I'm sorry, Sp—"

"No, it's okay," Spark cut in. I guess I am Blitz." She stood up, smiling, but she knew the smile was fake. "Thank you, Mom; you always know what to say since you became a therapist." She could feel her smile breaking into a frown. "For me! Blitz!"

Dashie couldn't handle this anymore and joined in, hoping to help.

"Stop, you aren't our daughter, Blitz. You are you, Rainbow Spark! What Twilah said is very true. We are here for you and will give you the support you need. You are our daughter's sister, which means you are family to us." She held Twiiah's hand, making her smile at Spark.

Dash joined in as well, sitting with Twilight and holding her hoof.

"And to us! You have a home here and in the human universe," Dash smirks. "You have four moms! So four times the love! Right!?" She looks at Twilight and the others.

"Right!" they all said, smiling.

Spark felt somewhat better now. "Well, then... thank you."

"Oh, sweetie," Twilight said, giving her a big hug, and the others joined in. "It's alright. I'm sorry for calling you by your sister's name. It's just..."

Spark could sense it; their sadness made her so sad, and she felt awful. They lost their daughters and could only see them within her. They said they didn't see her as are sisters,

but she knew that wasn't true. You can't erase all those years, but she didn't say anything.

"No, it's ok, Twilight. I understand," Spark replied, returning the hug.

She didn't feel much better, and her guilt ate at her. If only she had stopped her sisters from removing her from themselves, they would still be here, and their mothers wouldn't be so sad. She wished for a way to bring back her sisters, but that wasn't possible, at least not that she knew of.

They all broke the hug, and Spark just listened to their questions, like where she went, how old is she since she looked a little older, and so on. She toned it out and could think of ways to make them happy, and one thought entered her mind.

"Moms!?" asked Spark, putting on a big fake smile.

They all asked what was wrong, making Spark close her eyes, and her horn started to glow.

"Let's have a family day out!"

In a rainbow flash, they disappeared from the forest and reappeared inside Braver's library in New Ponyville, confusing Twilight and Dash about why Spark brought them here.

"Uh, honey? Why did you bring us here?" asked Dash.

"I thought it would be a great start! Remember mom?" Spark turned to Dash and Twilight, who watched her take a few books off the shelves, make them fly over to the table, and place them on it.

"Remember how the town gave me the library after saving everyone from the flood after the dam broke?" Spark pulled Twilight and Dash towards the table while Twilah and Dashie looked confusedly. "Remember, after the grand opening, you two promised we would have a family reading day here."

"Oh, yes, we did, but... sweetheart, that was with-" Twilight couldn't finish as Spark teleported most of the library books above her and Dash, burying them in books.

"We have a lot of catching up to do! So let's get reading!"

She sat down and looked at the piles of books around her. She saw that Twilight and Dash were missing, making her wonder where they had gone until she saw the two pop their heads from the book pile.

"After this, we can play buckball, right, Mom!?"

Dash noticed she was looking at her and quickly prepared as Spark flew toward her like a missile, tackling her, her face deep in Spark's ample chest, feeling the warmth between the boobs.

"Yeah! Sure! Whatever! Just get off me, you are crushing me, Br-" Dash couldn't finish as Spark let her go and let her fall to the wood floor.

Spark turned her attention to Twilah. "Then after that, we can spend some time together, like you always wanted, Mom."

Twilah wasn't sure how to react, but she decided to go with it, smiling. "Oh yes, like I always wanted and promised you. I need to make up lost time with you, sweetie." Part of Twilah felt like she died inside because she made that promise to Blitz, not to Spark, but she didn't want to hurt Spark even more.

"HELL YEAH!" Spark screamed, flying into the air and doing a mid-air stunt, which Blitz does when excited about something. She landed and faced Dashie, who looked at her concerned.

"Then we can go for a run, r-"

"STOP IT!" shouted Dashie, stopping Spark from finishing.

"What's wrong, Mom?" Spark asked, tilting her head, pretending to be confused, even though she knew what was wrong.

Dashie clutched her fist; she wasn't angry but just hurt. "How can you expect us to act like everything is alright!? When you are trying to act like our daughters! They are dead!" She was crying and fell to her knees, breaking down. "Yet, you are remembering things that they only know. I know you saw their life through their eyes, but you aren't them! Stop acting like it, please! We will always love you, no matter what, and we will be there for you."

Twilah knelt beside her, holding her shoulder, and she faced Spark. "Dashie is right, Spark. I know you are trying to do your best to cheer us up, and we can see that, but... please try not to act like Braver and Blitz. Just be yourself. That is what Braver and Blitz would want."

Spark felt terrible and could feel her fake smile crumbling as the reality set in. "But they are dead! And it's my fault!" she held her head in her hands. "If only I could have done something, but..." everyone could see her shaking, and her tears formed and started falling. "Maybe Fayth was right about me? I'm just a monster who stole away two innocent girls' lives and replaced them with this monster."

"That's enough!"

Dash was tired of her talk, so she marched up to Spark, hovered, looked her in the eye, and grabbed her shoulder.

"You didn't steal away anyone's lives! You are your own person, and your sisters gave you a chance to live. So don't ever call yourself a monster!"

"BUT FAYTH WAS RIGHT!" screamed Spark, unleashing her overwhelming magical power thanks to the broken pieces of the elements of harmony and her DNA of Sky and Nightfall, which were magical bioweapons in their universe. "I AM A MONSTER!"

Everyone could feel her overwhelming power. Dash sees the floor cracking and the library tree starting to shake and fall apart. She was terrified and didn't know what to do, but Twilight did.

Twilight shut her eyes and blasted the book pile off her, hovering in the air with her magical aura. She quickly opened her eyes, revealing the glowing purple eyes.

"ENOUGH YOUNG LADY! WHAT WOULD YOUR SISTERS THINK ABOUT THIS BEHAVIOR!?" shouted Twilight in the royal Cantorlot voice.

Spark was shocked. She couldn't believe what Twilight had said, but she knew it was true. Her mind was racing with different emotions, but the one that kept coming to the surface was fear of disappointing her dear sisters and their mothers. Her breathing became quick, sweat ran down her face, and her heart raced.

"I-I-I-I need to go!"

Spark turned around and ran toward the library door, ignoring Dashie and Twilah, who told her not to blitz it like her sister always did when she faced something she couldn't handle. She almost reached the door but somehow tripped over nothing, falling to the side and knocking over the bookshelves, which fell to another shelf. Spark could only watch from the floor, seeing the rows of bookshelves falling over each other like dominoes. The final bookcase fell over, leaving a clear view of the mess she made and the damage she did to the library.


She could hear Twilight and the others calling out to her. She curled up, hugging her knees. She didn't know what to do; she didn't want to hear how upset they were with her.

"Please, don't hate me!"

She felt her heartache and wished her sisters were here. They should be the ones here, not her.

"I'm sorry I took them away from you. It's all my fault!"

She could feel her tears streaming down her face. She waited for them to yell at and hate her, but the only thing that happened was feeling them all picking her up from the floor and feeling all their warm bodies as they hugged her.

"Spark, please, please listen to us. We will never hate you or anything!" whispered Twilah.

"Our daughters gave their lives for you; they chose to do so, and they would have done it a thousand times if it meant you would have a chance to live a normal life," Dashie said, smiling.

"Don't listen to that little brat; you are no monster! You helped save Rainbow Dawn by making her move forward without being controlled by that brat. You and your sisters saved the multiverse; how are you a monster?" Dash messed up Spark's hair.

Spark felt a hoof under her chin, making her look at Twilight.

"Spark, I can see what is within you, just being around you. If Fayth is the living embodiment of fate itself, then you are the living embodiment of." Twilight placed her hoof on Spark's heart, and the others joined in, touching her heart. "Of a spark! The spark that resides in the heart of us all is a beautiful flame that ignites not only the fire of friendship but also the means to move forward, and that is what you are, and you are our daughter, no matter what! You have a home here and in the universe from which Twilah and Dashie are from. You are loved and welcome."

Spark's tears streamed down her face. She wasn't sure what to say, and no words came out. She could only sob while her mothers held her.

As Dashie and Twilah cleaned the library, Dash and Twilight brought Spark to Braver's bedroom. They wanted her to calm down and answer a few things. They watched her look around the somewhat damaged room and then remove the bedsheet hanging over the hole in the wall, the same hole Braver made when the prism window blasted her away after she tried to scatter it to get into Blitz's universe. Spark lowered the blanket and looked at them.

"I saw her life; I remember all the clumsy things she has done in here." Spark walked over to the damaged bed and sat on it, only for it to collapse, causing her to fall to the floor.

Dash and Twilight had a feeling that would happen, and they could only watch her fall, making Dash chuckle a little.

"Poor Luster," whispered Spark, sitting up and remembering how Braver would cause problems for Luster Dawn, like making her ceiling crack and dropping the dust onto her snacks or cup of tea. It was a happy memory, but she quickly remembered something. "Hey, What happened to Luster Dawn? I know she caused many problems like destroying Cantorlot and damaging part of Equestria with that blackwater."

Dash nudged Twilight, making her say something.

Twilight coughed and answered, "The day after you returned us to Equestria, she was sent to jail and was going to be tried for her crimes, but..." she couldn't finish as Spark stood up, worried. "Let me finish! She would be tried, but Starlight explained what was wrong with her daughter. After Dawn spoke to me, I saw how she felt about everything, how she had never felt normal like other ponies, and how different she was. We explained this to the court, which they didn't know what to think, and released her on probation while getting the help she needed, and Twilah helped with that part." Twilight walked to the blanket, lifting it and looking at the town below. "For her probation agreement, she's doing community service."

"Really? Like what?" asked Spark, standing beside Twilight and looking at the town.

"Well, she's helping by cleaning up the valley where the ruins of Cantorlot and the castle crashed in. She's there right now."

Twilight lowered the blanket and sat on the ground, with Dash joining her. Spark could see that she was patting the ground in front of her, wanting her to join her, and she did.

"There is something I need to ask you, Spark." Twilight looked Spark in the eye.

"About what?" asked Spark, looking back at her.

"Sweetie, what happened to you? What did Fayth do to make you act like this, and where have you been? We already know about time dilation between the universe and within the 'world of between,' so seeing you slightly older makes sense, but what happened? Tell us!" Twilight looked at her with great concern, and Spark could see that.

Spark closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and released it. "It's a long story. I don't know where to start."

"Start at the beginning!" Dash patted Spark's back, smiling.

"I'll do my best," said Spark, smiling. "I'm just telling you before I start that I saved the multiverse again and helped..." She looked at them, remembering her adventure. "Other versions of you two. Versions of you two who had suffered so, so much." Spark could feel the tears coming as she remembered their stories, but she stood firm. "But I'm getting ahead of myself. It started after finding Fayth again in another universe, rewriting someone's fate..."

See, I found Fayth in the Freedom Planet universe, where she would change the fate of this water dragon girl named Sash Lilac. Short version: I teamed up with Lilac's friends and helped them break into an underwater base owned by this evil alien tyrant named Lord Brevon.

Spark darted down the hallway; alongside her was Carol the Wildcat, while Milla the dog and Torque, an alien and commander of Spectrum Chaser, were behind them as they hurried to save Lilac from her prison.

"So, you are from another universe, huh? Did you meet another version of me?" asked Carol.

"Yep, and I can say that I'm not surprised by how similar you and she are," replied Spark, looking at her with a smile. "But Lilac, on the other hand, wasn't a dragon but a hedgehog!"

Carol is amazed by that. "Wow!?"

"Yup, and honestly, I'm shocked you guys just believed me on the whole multiverse thing," Spark said, looking back ahead and seeing steel doors being closed shut. "Hold on!" Spark opened her wings and blasted forward with her fist glowing a bright rainbow color; with one great punch, she blasted through the steel door, and the force behind it continued through the other steel doors, blasting them all open.

Carol and the others had their mouths open, stunned by her power.

"And you guys call Lilac amazing!" laughed Torque.

Carol snapped out of it and smirked. "Hey girl, I've never seen someone do that! Plus, Torque here is from space! Anything is possible, like some powerful water dragon from the ocean, to appear!" she joked, but Spark laughed nervously, knowing their future.

They continued on their way to save Lilac, fighting off the many soldiers guarding the prison and reaching her. Only to find her chained to a torture device, her body and face charred from the non-stop torture, her once beautiful purple scales charred black.

"Lilac, NO!" screamed Carol.

Torque quickly rushed to the computer and inserted a keycard that he took off a destroyed soldier, freeing Lilac from holding the tube, dropping to the floor on her hands, clearly in pain.

Carol was already by her side, holding her in her arms. "Oh my gosh, Lilac, I'm so sorry I ran off! I'll never do it again!"

Milla is shocked and horrified as she sees Lilac this bad, but Torque isn't shocked by this, as he knows Lord Brevon too well.
Lilac couldn't speak well; all she could do was cough up blood, and Carol was trying her best not to cry, but seeing Lilac like this broke her heart.

"We gotta leave, no—" Lilac couldn't finish as Spark stood before her, punching the air above her, causing a powerful blast.

Lilac and her friends had no idea what Spark did, but only Spark could see it: black seeds falling, about to land on Lilac, changing her, changing how her story will go, towards a sad, fated ending. But with that punch just now, she destroyed it and saved Lilac's fate.

"W-Who are you?" Lilac asked, looking up at Spark. She saw Spark's bright, glowing rainbow aura and the magic flowing through her horn.

Spark smiled and looked at her, kneeling and patting her head.

"Lilac, keep doing what you are doing; never stop running and being the water dragon you are! Never give up on your friends, okay?"

Lilac is surprised, but before she can answer, her friends help her to her feet and carry her.

"We have to leave!" said Torque, heading to the door, only to see it open and loud footsteps could be heard. "Oh no!"

Stepping out from the darkness were Lord Brevon and his armed soldiers, who aimed at the group. Spark's attention wasn't on Lord Brevon but instead what was floating above him. It was

Fayth, reading in her book, smiled as she noticed Spark. The two just stared each other down. Before Spark could say anything, the underwater base alarm system went off, with orange lights and a siren blazing. Torque quickly activated the teleport pad in the room, teleporting himself and his friends from the room, making Brevon dash forward with his green knife; about to cut them down, but Spark blocked it with her hand, making him not surprised as he leaped back.

"A hero sacrifice, what noble. Letting them escape, but I already met and killed your types before, so don't bore me with your lect-" he couldn't finish as Spark suddenly appeared in front of him, punching him in the gut and making him drop to his knees, groaning. "You little wench!"

Lord Brevon looked up and saw Spark standing there, her eyes glowing rainbow.

"Listen up, YOU don't bore me with your evil bad guy speeches. I've heard them a thousand times from a thousand evil bastards like yourself. Unless you have something worthwhile to say, the only thing that matters to me is you shutting the hell up and escaping before the self-destruct blows you and this place to bits. Got it?"

Lord Brevon was annoyed by Spark's speech but had to agree. He didn't want to die.

"Fine, fine, but next time we meet, I'll make sure you die a pai-" he couldn't finish again, as Spark had him by his large, brownish-orange unibrow.

"Trust me, buddy, if this were my story, I would strike you down for the people you killed across this universe, but it's not. That falls on someone, and when that time comes, you fight that girl and lose because that is your fate, so suck it up and be a good little evil asshole." Spark then released his unibrow and walked past him, looking at Fayth, who smiled and shrugged.

Without warning, Spark and Fayth charged at each other, unleashing a powerful shockwave and blasting upward, leaving Brevon to lick his wounds as he quickly escaped with his men.

Within the underwater base, shockwaves could be heard, and a metal wall exploded, revealing a rainbow star and a black star charging at each other, leaving behind a rainbow trail and a black trail. The two stars landed in a giant pipe corridor, far from each other. Spark and Fayth looked at each other down, only to hear a warning siren going off, making them turn to their right. They saw a giant hatch open, revealing a tide of lava heading their way.

"Crap!" shouted Spark, dashing away from the lava as fast as she could.

Spark kept running down what seemed to be an endless corridor, feeling the blazing heat from behind her. As she kept going, Fayth hovered near her, leaning back like she was in a chair.

"You just love sticking those big-breasted of yours into my business, don't you? Well, it doesn't matter; I have a lot of work to do."

"Not today, Fayth, not today! You're not rewriting anyone's story ever again!" shouted Spark, glaring at her while still running for her life.

Fayth stood forward, stuck her tongue at her, and flew upward, blasting through the metal ceiling, leaving Spark alone.

"Damn it! Come back here!"

Spark opened her wings and went after her, blasting out of the pipe and heading towards Fayth, who opened a rift.


Fayth looked around just in time to see Spark somehow tripping on a cloud, spinning out of control towards her and filling her face with Spark's chest. Launching them into the rift and exiting Freedom Planet universe and into the world of Between, a realm where the prime universes are located. Each prime universe is a giant tree, branches filled with different alt universes that break away from the central universe.

The rift closes, and Spark can finally see where she is, seeing the whiteness and the giant trees around her.

"Back here? Where did Fayth go?" she stood up and looked around, not noticing the small girl stuck between her chest.

Fayth started to scream and tried to escape from Spark's chest. But she couldn't.

"Huh? Oh my, hello there. Let me help you!"

Spark reached into her chest and pulled her out, with Fayth gasping for air and blushing hard.


Fayth smacks Spark's chest, causing Spark to scream in pain and let her go.

"Ah, ow, that hurts. Why do you always do that?" Spark said, holding her chest.

Fayth was in the white water-filled ground, trying to catch her breath.

"You just shoved me into your damn cow tits, that's why, and now I'm mad!"

Fayth stood up and opened her book, taking out her feather pen, while Spark got in a battle pose, ready for whatever Fayth would throw at her.


A young female child with messy boyish purple hair sat inside a black and flightless wooden room. Her eyes had dark bags under them as she watched the only light source in the room, a small white orb. She's holding someone, and that someone is Twilight Sparkle, but having a very messy mane. The girl stroked Twilight's mane, revealing her loose bandage-covered arms and showing some self-made cuts.

"I know you hate me, but I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I made a mess of everything."

The child cried, tears rolling down her cheeks, but the crying soon stopped, and her eyes became dull and empty. She glared at the orb while Twilight spoke and had the same look in her eyes.

"Why? Why are we the only ones with such a sad and miserable story? We don't deserve this. If I have to do it, I will write our happy ending, even if it's fake. We deserve a happy ending, you and me, Alice. We deserve to be loved, we deserve to feel love, and we deserve a better life than this."

Twilight's words echoed in the darkness, and Alice smiled, feeling some hope.

"We deserve a happy ending," whispered Alice.

Alice closed her eyes and hugged Twilight close to her.

"Alice?" said Spark, hearing her mother's voice say that name. She looked around, confused enough that even Fayth noticed, but she had a twisted smile.

"Oh, it's starting!"

"What's starting, Fayth? What are you talking about?!"

Before Fayth could say anything, everything started to shake with great fury. Spark braced herself and looked at Fayth, seeing her looking at the rainbow tree, the FiM prime tree. Above the prime tree, a twisted black orb suddenly appeared, casting out a dark aura. It fell over the tree, turning it from Rainbow to slightly dark black. The earthquake ended, and Spark quickly shouted at Fayth.


Fayth slowly turned to her, still having her twisted smile. "Remember what I told you two years ago? I found something to help me reach my goal in writing in the book of Elyndra, and it's finally here!"

"Can't be! You don't have enough negative energy to open the way toward Elyndra Creation Tree! Rainbow Dawn had gathered a ton of negative energy in her mad search looking for her version of me, then absorbed both Luster Dawn and Lucy Dawn so that she could open the way! I stopped you enough time to know you haven't gathered the same amount as she did! So, how?!"

Fayth and Spark just stood there, saying nothing for a few seconds. Spark coughed.


Fayth tilts her head to the side.


"Aren't you going to tell me? Like in a big evil speech as you tell me your evil plan?"

"Hell no, why would I tell you and allow you to ruin my plan? Fuck off, cow!"

Fayth body started to turn to black mist as black leaves fell all around her, causing Spark to dash toward her.

"Damn you, Fayth, don't think this is the end of it!"

Fayth just smiled and disappeared.

"Damn it!" shouted Spark, tripping on the ground and pounding the ground in frustration.

Spark turned to the prime tree and felt something within it—something she had never felt before. It was like negative energy, but not the same. It was something else, something more dark and powerful.

"That power, no way. This is bad."

Spark quickly stood up and opened her wings. She took off towards the tree, entering the black orb and disappearing into it.


I̵̧̮̞̠̱͍̰̓̄͆̎̀́̕͝ͅ ̶̢͙̼͎͓͙͈̈́l̶̖̺͎͎͔͖̎̊́̐̊͜ö̵̧̮̭̝̼͘s̶̗̯̯̺̫͔͙̓̑͘͝͝͠ͅẗ̵̲̭̭̻́͛̀̒̉̀ ̴̜͇̼͔̅m̶̧̧͉̯̣̀y̵̭͙̟͖̰̭̝̞͝ ̸͈̺̭̣̺͇͑̑̆̂͘͜͠f̷̧̙̙̟̦̮̱͊̾͆a̸̱̬̰͖͗̑͑̑ṁ̸̯ĭ̶̩̥̠̦̐̈̓͝l̶͖̟͈͈̈́͘͜͝ẏ̷̛͎̣͕̝̱̈͊̒̊̒,̵̧̝͋͛́̏̿̉ ̶͈̫͙͕͝Ì̵̢̙̰̝̖̽̓͝ ̴̞̮̜̠͆l̷̼̞̗̺̥͉͉̓͛̌̇͊ö̵́̆͛͝ͅs̴͙͌̊̔̑̈́t̸̳̉̈́ ̴̡̡̘̙͠m̷̢̥̳͇͔̒͝ý̸̲͉̲ ̸̡̗̼͕̫̰̑̈́̆̚o̴̲͇̜̯̥͎̓̿n̸̳̦̼͇̺̦͇̖̋̀̂l̶͎͕̻͍͍͗͌͛̈̈́̍̃͝ẙ̷͎̥̪̰̲͑͋ͅͅ ̴͚̫͕͓̈̀̎͆͆̏͂̚ͅͅf̴̡̲͉͔̞̲̫̂͐̽͋̈́͋ȑ̴͔̙͚͙̹̒̑̈͑i̸̳̔͛̒̍̕e̷͖̥̗͉͕̺͔̓̈́͝n̷̛̹͓̣̳̑̒d̶̯̀̑͗̈́̎͘͝͝,̶͉́̈́̓̿̾ ̸̢̢̟̖̤̜̞̗̋́̀̕Ḯ̴̧̡͔̫̤͇̍͊͠'̶̨̻̞͖͔͈̅̂̉́̓̓ͅm̵̹͎̮͎͖̆͐̐͐̋͑́̕ ̷͇̲̈́̈̑͛á̴̹͚̤̊̈́̓̀̕l̷̨̓͛͠ͅo̴̮̥̽̕͘n̷͉͍̣̗̭͐͋̾̔̽̃̚̕ĕ̸͚̫̯̹̘͊ ̷̨̟̪͊͑̏̿į̷͙̪͉͂͊͝n̵̪͍͘ ̴̡̤͖̺͕̲͕̓́̃͊́͒̎t̸̝̗̬̹̒̍͊͌̒̆h̶̛̠̫͂͆̌̊͛̅̾î̷͇͒̅͊̃̊̌̑s̴̢̜̙̩̬̬̬͍̎ ̷̙̫̂͌̅͗͗̎͝c̶̡͙̟̘̔͐̈̄̅̚r̵̛͓̳̹̠u̷̢̥̰̙̘̯͛͗ẻ̷̺͉l̵̖͉͚̺̗̲͊̍̋͂́͠ ̶͇̣̗̲̻̅͗͒̏̃̈́͌͠w̵̟̘̘̼̖͂́̕͜ö̵̡̝̹̩̹̟̝́r̷̬̠̎̑͗̏͌̈́́͝l̸͙̦̘̩̍͑͒̚̚d̴͔̮̹̣̦́͋.̴̡͖̿̓̓͑̔̕ ̴̖̔̀W̶̡̧̛͈̪͎̮̉̂̎͋͂̚̕h̶̠̽̓̃̈́̏̿̚ẏ̵̡̡̯͍͙͙̗̹̿̆̚ ̶̡̬̮͙̺̘̥̙͗̈́̚͠a̵̢̧̝̤̜̗̤͂̍͝m̸̨̥͕͉̦̰̮̽ ̴̙̤̺͗͌̔͛̓̈́̊I̵͎̔͋̒̚̚͜͠ ̶̧̟̲̌̎͋̌̀͠c̵̨̬͒͊̔̕͠u̶͈̘͉̗̻͍̹͛̈́̕r̷͍̬͉̩̠̦̎͒͒̅̇͆͂s̷̼̥͙͓̮͖̪̈̒̀̆̒̋͜e̶̟̜͎̒̆͌͒̕̕͝d̶̟͈̥͙̊̅͝ ̶̧̛̜͍̙͓̦̱͒̓̍̌̋͜t̵̠̜̯̯̹̬́̎̌͋͋͑̕͝ö̵̜́ ̷̧͖͖̻̱͕̬̻́̾̽͊͐̎̌t̷̠̟̯̖̹̭̫͎̎̒̆̈́̄͑̕ȟ̸̡̬̩̺̤̳͛̍͘͠͠ͅì̶̛̹̳š̶̛̟̰̻͍̘̼̔̀̆͒̃̕͜͜ ̸̢͖̼͒̅è̸̟̾̽͝n̸͖̼͔͌͗d̶̨̢̢̧̬̼̱̥̐l̴̩̙̣̓͛͐̑͂͝ȅ̷̡̧̗̥̳̪̪ş̴̳̿̆̐̇̆͠s̷̛̠̝̫̑̉́̏̂ ̴̹͈̰͒͜s̵̨͖̟̮̩̩̰͆́̕͠û̸̬̝̖̎͘̕f̵̱̺̠̘̫̰̣̌̂̅̉f̵̩́͋͊̕̚͝ẻ̶͙̱͇̤̭͙̺̖̏͋̿ŗ̶͔̩͓̄̍̎̒̽͗ḭ̷̲̻̣͍͈̇̂̀̓n̵̨̗̑͗͐̚͠g̶̙̘͍̙̉́̂͐̏͜ͅ,̷̳͍̣͍̰͐̏̾̑͝ͅ ̵̢̧͈̰͑̑̏́̈̅͝a̸̡̜̱̬͕̲̽̋̀̽n̴̲͎̲̼̈ͅḑ̵̡̗̱̳͎̗̉͜ ̸̺͓̫͇̄̋̄̃̆̽͘w̵̢͙͈͈̟͙̱̔̾͊̄͌́̊ḧ̶̙͖̦̦̗̤͚͛̇̌͒̋̓̔y̸̨͓͋͊͂̇̂̎ ̵̛̭͍̳͖̜̙͆̽ͅͅm̷͚͓̝͖͆͛̈́̂͜ͅu̴͎̿̾͋͗̾̀̍s̸͔̠̣̘͋͌̍͂̽̿t̷̲̼͐̓̀̕ ̶̜͋̏̀́͒̌̈̕I̶̢̹̠̝̹͙̤̾̍̅̇̾̚͝ ̶̨̨̛̭̖̰͖͆́̄͋͜͠e̵̳̟̫̩͇͊n̷̘̮̈́͜d̴̞͖͒̎̔̃̚u̴͎̳̦̱͆̒r̸̨̢̥͔̓̂͋ȩ̸̻͇̞̙̎̾ ̴̣̳̺̯͚͆͋̐̀͗̎̕͜͠ť̸͚̠͕̌͑̑͝h̶̛͚͒̓̎͒͘e̴̠̩͚̣̠̯͊̏ ̷͕͓̖̜̀̓̀̿̊̂p̸̠͕̙̫̔̉̈́a̴̗̱̣͂͛i̶͓͔̜̍n̸̛̘͑̿̓͝͝ ̴̡̛̬̤̱͠t̷̪̦̗̋̓̓̒͂̔̈́͘͜ḣ̴͍͖a̸̮̺͉̲͕͈̜̲̐̈́̀̋̌ț̸͕̥͚͔̗͍͆̈́͌̑̉͋̏ ̷̡̢̛̘̯̻̓̉̓̿̍̋f̶͉̽̚į̷̛̪͍̗͜l̶͙͕̱̤̅͒́͋͂̑̈́l̶̢̟̬̑͑s̴̪̯̲̗͖͎͗̏̈́̉͋͘͠ͅ ̵̛̲͍̮͔͎̲̪̐̂̄̀̈́̇̓m̶̡̫̞̦̓͗͛́y̵̩̰̟̐̕ ̵̜̇̍͗́͛ḥ̶̩̺̙̖̤̥̅͠ē̵͓̔ä̵̡̘̰̮̬͔̜́r̴̖̊̋̓̽̈́̀͝t̷̩̖̄͜?̵̧̛̛̘͎͓̉͗̓̎̇̃ ̵̣̠́̊͌̐͠I̸̛̛̺̿̒͠t̸͍̻̬̖̞͇̹̥̍̎̀̾̕ ̷̨̳̩̣̩͚̑̍̈h̶̫̋̍̕̚ų̶̗̟̀́̇̆̚r̷̢͎̰͖̯̺̿̒̂̌̄̒͘ţ̷̍̍͝ ̷̧̨͉̳͎̙́̿̊͝s̶̲̫͖̒͜ǫ̸̢̣̫̾͋́̚͝ ̴̻̥́͒͗͋̆m̴͙̘̹͐̍̔̿͋u̷̜̻̱̝͐̆͂̐̋͘ͅc̶͖̪̖͇͔̬͠h̴̨̳̬̼̜̍͗́͑͜ ̷̧̪̙̹͉͍̄͌̄̿t̴̡̛͚͎̮̦̮̥̄͘h̴̙̮̞͒̾a̸̢̝͒̌̀͊̊t̶͍̲̲̃̒̈́ ̴̡͈̯̰̤͔̽̀̒͆̉̄͠t̶͕̮̭̋̊͗͗ḩ̴͓̥̩͙̤̭̫̉̂̉̈́̚͝e̵̘̻̽̃̚͜ ̶̦̙́̌͝o̴͚̪̐̎n̷̩̈́͂̑̈l̶̛̺̥̩͇̳̑͗̋̕͠y̴̰͒̓̿ ̶̛̹̳͋͒ͅe̶̗͎̥̪̹̖͇͓͊͗̍s̸̨̖̼̜͉͌̕ċ̸̛̯͈̦̻̳̓͋͑̾̑a̴̻̯͑̏̍́̓͌͝͝p̶̡̩̺̦̘̤̉̂̓͜ͅe̶̩̭̊̑̓͐̈̌̅ ̶̝͕̼͚̍͛͂̄͘f̵͍̗̫̜̞͍͙̎́͊ṙ̵̡̡̟̥̳̰͂̍̃͗o̷̺̱͋̌͐́ͅm̵̡̛̻̬̮̪̬̒̈́̓̍͆̈́ ̷͚̤̮̝̠̑̈́̽̀̓i̵̝̽̓̑̎t̴̛͎͈͐̉̎͝ͅ ̶̢̩͇͎̪͕̾̎͂̎́̇̀͑w̵̛̜̻͐̓̽̀͝a̷̮̱̐s̴̹͖̝̹̑͒̃͐̋͒ ̶̛̳̭͚͙͈̓͂̑̍̌ç̴̣͔͝ừ̶̠̤͖̘̉̉̕̕t̶̖̼̎̍̑t̴̰̼̙̀̋̃͗͘i̷̘̖͎̜̟͂͗̅̈̐ņ̸͙̹͔̰̝͚̔͐̃̆͒g̵̩̻͍͙̗̀͗̋̀͆͝ͅͅ ̶͈̞̠̭̙̬̰̓̑m̴͕̻͙̼̠͕̾̂̓̌͐̃͌̕y̷̳̽ṣ̵̀ë̶̢͖͕̖̼̘̜́l̸̮͉̪̺̄̓̋͐́͜f̷̮̄̈́̈ͅ,̶̣͖̣̮̞̹͚̖̌̍͘ ̸̡̗̬̖͖̤̰̇͐m̸̨̢̟̼͚̝͔͒͜ä̸̰̘̜͔͕̜̉̂̈̂͆̐͑ķ̴̰̲͊͗́ì̷̢̟͎̦̖̫̌ñ̷̜̥̳͉͋̌͒́g̸͇͒̂ ̶͓̭̟̗͂̿̈́͋͝t̴̨̨̤̲̙̂͊ḥ̶̡̞͚̼̼͎͊̀̆̀͘ȩ̸̛͖͈͎̲͙̊ ̵͎̭͑̄̋͋̾̑͜p̴̧͔̙͖̗̭̻̽͊̃̌͠a̷̭͋̏̃͝ï̶̱͂͗̀̿̋̕͠n̸̩̏̈̅͌̌̿͆̊ ̷̠̟̻̘͎͎̘̖͐g̴̛̺̫̉̉̀̈́̆͝͠o̶͔̳̳͚͋̎̉̑̈́͜ ̴̦͓̞́â̷̧͈̲̣͈̲̜̈́ẇ̶͈͍̝̥̦̩̋͗͗͝a̶̩͉̹͊͗͐ỷ̸̥͕̰̈́̏͌̈́̈.̴͕̬̼͖̤̽͝ ̷͚͕̟͇̟͍͒̍̃͂̑͋B̸̛̪͊̀̽͊́̆̅ú̴͕̩̦̫̅̈̒̀́̅̎ţ̶̤̮͙͚̩͛ͅ ̷͔̳̱̱̋́͋̆͐̏͘͝n̶̡̛̰̤̝̣̠̓̄̑o̷̡͙͖͌t̸̺̞̠̳̔͑̍͌ ̸̢̞̗̀̏̉́͜f̵̛̞̥̼͌̋͌́͑̽͌ơ̵̠̫̤̳͊r̸̛̟̗̼̖̉͌͒̉͌͜ë̴͚́̀͌́v̷̯͓̫͇̻̭͈̌̾̂̉͛̚ͅë̷͚̲̠̳̖͕́̑͗̓͗̀r̷̲̤̀̉̽̓̊͊̾̈́͜,̸̨̞̪͕̠͚̜͆͐͜ ̶̢͖͍̤̬̭͉͒͜s̵̰̰̭̋̋̉̚ǫ̶̞͓̯̣̼̤̤̑̆̈́ ̵̨͍͙̫͒͋͊͛̂̓̓I̵͉̩̝̞̰̯͕̐́ ̷̡̬̱̐́̅m̸͈̜̞͕͒͌̏̂̊u̸̮̙̲̞̖̾͑̊͆̚s̴̨̻̣̆̔͑̾́̈́ť̶̢̡̰̱͈̽̌͆͝ ̷͔̘̮̄̈̓͛͘͝k̴̡̻̮̟͈͎̓̽̃͜͠͠͝e̸͂̿̄ͅȇ̶̲͌́͠p̸͚̟̃̏̍ ̴͎̰̙̈́̎̔̎g̷͉̀͛o̴̰̼̿̓i̸̖̝̫̳͂n̶͚͉͔̙̊́͊̏̉̔͜͠g̵̤̓̓̈̕͝ ̶̟̿́̈͗̉̎̋́u̷̩͗̑͊ń̷͓̼̒͊̕͠t̶̡͔̥̏͘i̴͔̮͎̹͎͉͊l̸̩̀̌̎͋͝ ̶̻̄m̴̛͎̞̖͙̼̂͌̈̾̐̈̊ỷ̵̢̬̣̤̤̯́͆̈ ̷̣̺̜̭̃͊̇̂̇̏b̵̡͓͉̱̝̥̘͖̍̉̈̌̑̔̚o̶̪̾̎ḑ̵̯͋͌ỳ̶̬͕͔̠̙͉̙̤́̍̽͗̐͠ ̴̩̹̬̻̫̙̍͂̈́͊̚i̸̡̢̘̳͉̪̓s̶̖̭̹͙̤͑̉̽̓͜͜ ̴͍͚̔̈́͒͠f̴̛͖̳̏͗̋̆̑͝ú̶͕͙̼̳̻̪̠̆̆͆l̵̯̞͓̳̰̼̗̅̊͊͌̓ľ̸̨̧͉̞̦͉̀̋ ̷̟̺̣̞̹̈́̅̐̂̄ò̵̧͔͙͠f̵̗͍̋̑̓ ̶̛͙̯̯̏͌̀̓̄͠͝ş̷̨͚͇̞͎̀̔̊̂̃̀̇͠c̴̭̋̏͐͆̓͒͋a̸̯͚̟̳̅̂̋̔̾̄͜͝r̷̡͇̣̬̿̾͊͒s̴̛̭̪̤̝͕̣̃͛̓̓.̵̡̖̩̯̹̬͕̒ ̴̬͑̋
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̴̫̩̖͍̥͖̇̊̾̃̽͛̑͜͠I̸̢̥̘͓͎̿ͅͅ ̵͕͖͙̍̾͗̄̆̑ḑ̸͚͙͓̙͍͓̊̋̍̐̽̒͋͝ở̵͎̥͈̦̤̬̻͛̕n̵͓̩͚̙̤͙̺͑̀̌̄̑̕'̷̧͚͐̑̃̚͠t̴̡̼̙̬̗̭͌̈̈́ ̴̞̯͛͂c̷̢̞̾̂̅͂͋̋́͘a̸̧̠͙̙̞̖̩͍͐̉̓͑͝r̸̪̮͖̜̈́̒̄é̷̙̪̒ ̵̥̗̩̲̬̿̓̀̏̋͘͜ͅả̶̯͉͕̹̖̤̌̐̒̔́̈́̎ņ̶͙̭̳̬̇͌̚y̴̨̨͉̯̥̱͈̘̌̌͛̀̒̾͠m̷͙̃́̄̎͒o̸̡̗̭̱̺̲̭̤̍̓r̵̨̻̟̣̼̈́͒ę̶̢͖̞͖̫̠͖̉̈̅͑̈́̓̂;̸͚̗̪̩̿ ̴͔̼̘͙͖̄͒͑͜I̶͕̻̎̈́̋̃͝ͅ'̴̬̼̝͖͈̓̉̃l̵̦̟̱͇̮̪͎̎̊l̸̹̓̀̐̚͘̕ ̵̖̬̯̩̞̘̤͌̄̌̃̓͋j̷̧̗̥͇̩̳̠̄̂̅̋͝ư̶̞͊́s̸̢̰̟̭̍͗̍̔͘͝͠t̵͎̝̱̯̮̲͉̣̀̋̎͌ ̸̩̼͊̈́̚͝b̸̖͎̘͌̎̅͘ě̶̞̕͝ ̶̟̭̋̅͛̊̈̍͝f̵̢̧̞̱̞̝̬̽̄o̸̢͓͓̘̘͎̽̿͌r̷̞͔̘̥̿g̵̠͙̦̎̕o̵̺̩̤̞̖̩̿̈́̽̑̐̎̓t̶̨͚̞̖̯͔͊̆͌̾̓͂͝͠ͅt̸̟͕̄̋̽̆͠é̴̢͚̠͔̺̰̲̄̌̊͐̒n̵̛͉̄́̀͗̉̕̕ ̷͈̹̩̹̙̆b̶̖̆͐̿̊̍̆͘͝ÿ̵̧̺̤͍͙͋ͅ ̴̺̠͖̘̣͓̃́̂̐̾̊̕̚ͅë̷̡̖̭̥̮̗̤̓͂̚v̴̨̞͗̽̌͋̃̾e̴̥̙̘͓͎̊̆̈́̾̀͑̅r̴̨̼̞͈̫̃̈́͠y̶̡̫̑͗͠ȏ̴͉̯͖̣̙̥̮͛͑͐̈́̈́̈͠n̷̹̗̑̾͌͂̿ͅe̷̥̤̲͋̕.̴̙͇̝̪̻̪̠̊͐̚ ̸͔͉͇̅̓̒͗N̴̘̯̤̣̰̰̬̆̂̓̓̿̃̑̇͜ò̴̺͚̟͚̪̩͍͜ ̵̙̈̀͒̓̽o̷̭̱̺͖̰͙̤̾̏͂͘ń̶̨͓̖͎̫͍̣͂̒̊͊͊̀e̷̢̨̺̗̝̼̹͈͌̈́ ̵̱̬̇́w̴͖̫͙̎̐̈́̄͂͘͝͠ị̸̢̫̜͎̰̤͐̏̄̕ļ̷̛̞̝̫̺̹̰̠͋̋̿̒͒̐l̶̡̛̤̙̞̣͖̯̯̂̋́̑̓͒ ̸̨̺̤̞̬̱̇̋̿̒͠ē̷̟̯͖̯͇̟̒̄̍͌̇v̸̯̔͑͂͋͘ͅé̵͉̱̓̓̑̀̊̕͝ŕ̷͕̤̌͠ ̴͇́͌̓͑̑̓͝͠n̷͎͐̔o̵̧̢̗͕͔̠̲͙͊̇̽͗t̴̘̖͐̊̑̏͗͒̚i̷̡̢̟̗̣̣̋͝c̴̤̝̓̄̂͆̐͆̅́e̴̳͍͉̣̪̽͊͗̈́̈͛̈ ̸̡̢̛̫̙̹̙͛̎̐̔͜m̴̡͓̼͖̬̞̊̂̈̋̋ͅē̵͍̩̲͇̮͉̇̉.̶͕̀́̑̈̇́̿̕ ̵̨̢̛ͅN̵̛̦̪̊̓̇̌̐̋͛ơ̴̡͍̭̼͑͛̓͘̕͝͝ ̵͙̹̥͇̋o̸̧̹̻͕͓͇̽̂ͅn̷̛̹̟̳̓̕e̵̢̞̪̖̱̣͒̇ ̶̢̘̹̩̫̎̇̒w̸͉͎̖̘̙͇̓͑͜ị̴̦̩͕̻̙̗͕͊͊̂̄̀l̴̀ͅl̷̡̺̰͓͔͕͍̦͂͊͑̚ ̴̛͉̰̲͔̜̖̱͖ė̴̙̮͙͓̹̪́̅̆v̵̛͓͓̝͉̟͖̥̮̈́̃̀̿͘͘͠ȩ̵̨̨̛̰̯̗̙̩̈̒̈́r̴̟̝̲͎͋̂̽̌̐̀̈́͠ͅ ̷̧̹̳̪͎̙̰͎̈́l̴̛̞͉͑̂̽̓͗̑ỏ̸͇͇̖̹̯̮̮̲̇̕͠͝v̸̭̱̦͓̖̯̱̎̀̌e̸̠͍̣̟̿͊ͅ ̷̺̤̱̟̲̿͠m̴͈̃͌͋̈́̚e̸̡̨̨̩̪̯̳͋͜.̶͓̬͕̘̹͖̱͓̎

We want is...


A purple eye opened, blinking and looking around. They stood up and found themselves inside what looked like a giant tree. They placed their hoof on their ear, pressing something. She spoke in a raspy voice.

"Otacon? Do you read me? I don't remember anything. Why am I wearing my old sneaking suit again?" She looked around, seeing nothing but wood in the distance. "...or how I got here."

She just heard a faint buzzing sound from the device codec within her ear, making her sigh and remove her hoof. She looked around again and decided to head further within the tree, seeing a spiral wooden tower leading to what seemed to be the top of the giant tree.

"Hmmm, this is odd; something tells me I must reach the top."

The pony moved forward and began her journey.

"Better not keep them waiting."

Author's Note:

And the next entry starts! As I said, this story will be like "Your Name," following different versions of the mane 6 but tagging along with Starlight and Sunset alt versions.

I tried my best to explain what happened to new readers, but it's best to read "Our Name."
...or don't; it's up to you lol
Things to note:
Nightfall and Rainbow Sky are another universe Twi and Dash and are magical bioweapons as they were fused with their elements of harmony(season 1 ep1 design when twi found the elements)
Blitz is a pony who can transform into an anthro or human form, and she loves being a human tho.
Braver looks like younger twi, but her body has slime features, like her mane being slime-like.
Blitz's parents can transform just like how Blitz can do

pics are AI made.
The only pic not AI is Spark and Fayth art
Spark pic by @LateCustomer on twitter
Fayth pic done by a friend

holy cow, front page featured 0.o