• Published 26th Apr 2024
  • 634 Views, 19 Comments

Equestria Girls meet Venom - Big Imagination E

The Rainbooms need to help Eddie Brock regain a new life. But first they need to stop a great evil. With some help from a race of symbiotes and the leader: Venom

  • ...

The Life Foundation and Carlton Drake

The next morning we cut see the building known as the Life Foundation and we see the group and Eddie arriving there to do what his boss said. Now even though Eddie didn't want to do that his boss insisted that he does. And when they arrived they all went inside and looked around.

"Ok. So far this is a good place. I don't understand why you don't trust Carlton Drake when clearly we haven't met him." Twilight said.

"Hey is that him right there?" Rainbow asked pointing at a man with black hair and the same color suit talking to a class.

"Very soon, another Life Foundation rocket will be sent on an exploratory mission. And that's how, one day, we might all live in space. Cool, huh? And now that I've shown you some of the cool stuff that we do here, I'm hoping I've inspired each and every one of you to go out there and create things that others have only dreamt of." Drake said.

"Mr Drake?" A girl but got shushed.

"It's okay. Don't silence her. Come here. What's your name?" Drake asked.

"I'm Aille." She answered.

"It's okay Aille. You know, sometimes that's what people do. They try and silence those of us who ask questions. But you know what? In the end, we're the ones that change the world. Take good care of that, Allie. Guys, this is Dr. Skirth. Say hi." Drake said.

"Hi." The children said.

"Hi kids. Um, sorry to interrupt, but it's time to get changed for your interview." Dr. Skirth said.

"Yeah. Um kids? Sorry to leave you. Allie, you're in charge. High five up top. Dr. Skirth will answer Allie's queztion, and any others. See you next time guys! Bye!" Drake said as he took his leave and stopped when he noticed the girls and Spike.

"Oh hello. Who are you guys? I don't think I've seen around here before." Drake asked.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends. Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, my brother Spike and Sunset Shimmer. Oh and this is Eddie. The guy that gonna be interviewing you." Twilight introduced.

"Ah yes. I haven't forgotten that. Though I have to say you seven and your brother look a lot different than anyone else I have seen. But enough about that. Let's get on with the interview about the Life Foundation." Drake replied.

So the girls along with Drake and Eddie all went to the second floor to start the interview.

"So what do you say Mr. Drake? Should we start at the beginning?" Eddie asked.

"So you were born to some British parents." Twilight started.


"And then when you were 19, you discovered a gene therapy that literally doubles the life expectancy of cancer patients." Spike continued.

"Well, actually Spike, it tripled their life expectancy. But it's okay." Drake corrected.

"Ok. Then we go to when you were 24. That's still young. All right, you created the Life Foundation that stands today." Sunset added.

"Well it obviously didn't happen overnight. But yes." Drake admitted.

"And then you designed these rockets. And then you decide, like any normal human being, that you're gonna go and explore space. That's actually quite impressive." Rainbow said.

"You know what it is? I have always believed that space exploration is crucial in our quest to cure us everything that ails us here on Earth. I was very lucky to send some samples to the Scientific Corp Industries back in Canterlot City in hopes of curing anyone there. And sure enough I received a call from someone and they were happy that Mr Mason was healed back to full health. But if you think about everything we've found in the oceans and on land, isn't it time to look up there? To this plethora of untapped resources?" Drake explained and asked.

"Yes darling. And from what we can tell you have a plethora of untapped resources, also, from your pharmaceutical companies that you're involved with, you know, to help you realize that ambition, I suppose." Rarity said.

"You be correct Rarity. It's definitely full circle." Drake agreed.

"Um Mr Drake? I have to ask, how does that work, you know, exactly, the Life Foundation thing?" Fluttershy wondered.

"What do you mean Fluttershy?" Mr Drake asked.

"Well I don't wanna bring any trouble but if there something about the allegations?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm not following what your saying." Mr Drake said confused.

"Well from Eddie's notes it says that your entire empire has been built on dead bodies. Is it true?" Fluttershy asked.

"Fluttershy what are doing?" Twilight asked.

"Actually. I think for some reason it could be true." Applejack said as she took the notes. "It says that you recruit the most vulnerable of us to volunteer for tests that more often than not end up killing people. Sounds to me that's like bad."

"Now Applejack I know what you're thinking. And yes, I'm aware of these rumors online. There's a lot of fake news out there these days." Drake said.

Now what the girls and Spike didn't know this that the symbiotes in them were trying to make Drake come clean about his secret.

"Ok Mr Drake. Lemme ask you something. What about the legal cases?" Eddie wondered.

"I'm sorry?" Mr Drake asked.

"The cases that Eddie wrote down. Like, the actual legal cases, like these people Sarah Chambers, Phil Barclay and Rob MacDonald." Spike answered.

But then before they could actually get the answers they need the guards came and escorted them out. Apparently none of them realized that the symbiotes were doing the talking and trying to get Drake to confess.

Back in the office the boss was definitely not happy how things turned out.

"I know what you're going to say but.. This guy, he is all the way bad, Jack." Eddie said.

"Who's your source Eddie?" Jack asked.

"I don't have a source per say. But I do have a hunch." Eddie answered.

"This isn't the Wild Wild West. We don't go off half-cocked based on a hunch. We do the work. We substantiate our accusations. We provide evidence. You know, for a smart guy, you really are a dumbass. And girls? You're not off the hook either. You went along with his plan." Jack said.

"Look we can explain. We don't know why we said all that." Twilight reasoned.

"I don't wanna hear it. I obviously can't trust you. You're fired Eddie. Have a nice life." Jack said as everyone hung their heads down and walked out.

When Annie came out with her stuff she to was pissed.

"You are pathologically self-absorbed. Your ego requires constant attention, and you're stubborn as hell. But I was willing to roll with it, Eddie, because I loved you." Annie said angry.

"What is that supposed to mean Annie?" Spike asked.

"What all you did got me fired. You used me. Had a good life." Annie said as she gave him the ring and walked away.

The girls, Spike and Eddie tried to convince her to come back but she refused. Eddie then trying running after her but still kept refusing as the group watched.

"Well what do we do know? This is worse then I thought." Pinkie asked.

"Obviously trying to convince Drake didn't work. Damn it! I thought that we would get him to come clean." Hysteria said.

"Wait. YOU made us talk all that to Drake?!" Pinkie asked.

"Yes. How else were we supposed to get that douche to confess?" Hysteria answered.

"You didn't need to do that!! And now look what you've done! You ruined Eddie's life, got him fired and his wife divorced him! So thank you for that! You know what? We ain't taking you to your leader! You can go find him yourselves!" Rarity said angry.

"I don't think so. We need hosts so therefore we are staying here. Look we keep trying to tell you that Drake is bad news! He's evil!! But if you can't see that all of you are blind!" Agony yelled.

"Blind?! We are certainly not blind! In fact we can see perfectly!" Rarity argued.

"Bullshit! We know Eddie found out about his true intentions. And Drake just flat out lied to you!" Phage reasoned.

"I made have been suspicious but you didn't need me to say all that crap to him!" Applejack yelled.

"Honestly Applejack! You know that Drake is lying the whole time and he has bad vibes around him! But if you can't see that then you doomed not only us but yourselves as well." Phage said.

The girls could only nod their heads in disappointment and went after Eddie to hopefully cheer him up. But later on with Drake he waited for a shipment of the same alien substance to arrive and when it did he smiled and got ready for his evil plan to work. Meanwhile, in Malaysia we see a police woman walking towards there and was hungry. She then grabbed an eel and ate it's head off. Then some other Malaysians tried to get her to stop but they didn't know that she had an alien inside her. She then slashed a knife at someone and the others ran away. She then blasted sharp tendrils and A few others and they too ran off. She then when too an old lady and transferred the alien to her as the police woman fell unconscious. But the alien won't give up til it finds what it's looking for.

Author's Note:

If I had to guess I say that Venom is looking for a strong host. And girls? The symbiotes were telling you the truth about Drake! But I guess they gotta convince you somehow.