• Published 19th Apr 2013
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MLP Time Loops - Saphroneth

Twilight Sparkle has been here before. In fact, she's been here so often she's thoroughly bored. Time Loop stories for Equestria.

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MLP Loops 115

115.1 (Masterweaver)

Cynder Awoke (and awoke) in a lavish bedroom, which was her first hint that she wasn't in her own world anymore. The second came when she realized that she was actually in a smaller bed, the larger one currently made up and unoccupied.

Then she realized she was missing her wings.


"Cynder?! Hold on, I'm coming up there!"

Loop memories burst into her mind as the clip clop of someone rapidly ascending the stairs hit her ears. By the time the golden unicorn had entered, she'd managed to at least calm down into heavy breathing. "I'm okay, Sunset, I... I'm fine, just a scare." Right, not born with wings, didn't get them till later apparently...

Very slowly the unicorn nodded. "Yeah, I know how that feels. Waking Up to something odd can drive me Loopy too."

Cynder froze for a moment, before very slowly meeting the eyes of Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset gave her a quirked brow and a small smile.

"...yeah, especially when you don't have anyone to Anchor you."

"Oh, good," the unicorn sighed in relief, "I didn't know if I was right. Let me guess, you usually have wings?"

"Yeah. Also I'm normally about your size." Cynder stood up and examined herself. "Bipedal, huh?"

"Yeah, that's not too weird is it?"

"No. Yes. Well, it's..." Cynder shrugged helplessly and almost fell over. "Whoa!"

Sunset lit her horn and grabbed her. "Careful! You'll need to balance with your tail for the moment." She steadied the dragoness gently, shaking her head. "I remember my first time on two legs, it was pretty awkward. Anyway, welcome to Equestria."

"Thank you." Another memory surfaced. "You... hatched me this loop, didn't you?"

"Mmmhmm. And Twilight hatched Spike. She's the local anchor."

"Oh. That's good to know." Cynder readied herself and took a few steps forward. "Right. What are the dangers here? I mean, do I need to prepare for any ancient evils, armies, dark magicians...?"

For less than a second, Sunset seemed to frown, her eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly. But the expression was gone in a blink, and the unicorn smiling warmly. "Actually, we've appointed ourselves as a sanctuary loop. It's our duty to make sure that visitors can relax, unwind, and detox from the loops. Most of our ancient evils are reformed and looping anyway, all we need to handle are a few jerks and one or two other situations."

She paused.

"...I just want to be clear on this, though. We want to help, but we don't want to make you uncomfortable. If you ever think we're overstepping our bounds, just let us know and we'll back off."


"The local loopers," Sunset clarified. "This is something we take seriously."

Cynder gave her a long look. Eventually, she slumped her shoulders with a sad sigh. "Am I really that obvious...?"

"No. Trust me. I..." Sunset glanced away. "I know what guilt looks like. Feels like."

"...you one of those reformed villains?"

"Yeah, pretty much. We actually have a club... but like I said, neither I nor any other Equestrian looper will force anything."

115.2 (Masterweaver)

"Dammit, Ranbow Dasch, shtop being awshome!"

Rainbow blinked, turning to the slurring aqua marine pegasus crashing in for a landing. "Ah... what?"

"You... you jusht. You jusht totally, totally won besht young flyer, and and and and then you rainbooms and your harmony with the dishcord and, and, your fighting changelings and dragons and all that!" The mare stumbled forward. ignoring the frazzling of her goldenrod tail. "I cansht compete! Ish all rainbowsh all tha time and, and..."

She broke down crying.

Rainbow glanced around awkwardly, unable to determine what she was supposed to do. "Uh... I..." Awkwardly she raised a hoof and began patting the sobbing mare. "There there.... whoever you are... um..."

"Ah!" Berry Punch jumped out of an alleyway. "There she is. Hey, Dash, sorry, Lightning here needed somepony to listen to but she might have had a little too much, ya know, booze."

"Ish truhuhuhuuuue!" wailed Lightning. "I'm pathetic!"

The earth pony winced. "Erm. Lightning, you're not pathetic, believe me. You're an awesome mare--"

"Mom and Dad love Rainbow more than me! I suhuhuhuhuck!" The mare gave a huge, snotty sob, and buried her muzzle into the shoulder of an increasingly unnerved Rainbow Dash.

"...Berry, what's she--?"

"Spitfire and Soarin'," Berry explained quickly.

"Oh. Oh! Oh.... Um." Rainbow coughed. "Hey... Lightning... um. Why don't I take you home and... we can... play cloudship?"

"Schnifff... I... I feel funny..."

Berry winced again as Rainbow's mane became far less rainbow. "Oh geeze. I'm really sorry, Dash, I--"

"No, it's... it's fine, I can take a shower... Come on, Lightning, let's get you home." The pegasus was visibly keeping herself from flipping out. "It's only a short flight aaaand you're asleep now. Great."

"Tell you what, I'll take her back to the bar and put her in the back room for the night, you go get cleaned up and... we'll figure this all out tomorrow."

"Yeah, that sounds great...." Within seconds, Dash was winging away.

Berry sighed, picking up Lightning Dust and trotting down the street. "I have got to reorganize my pocket. Sober this time..."

115.3 (Kris Overstreet)

"I wasn't expecting you here, Cadence!" Twilight gasped, looking at this Loop's Mayor of Ponyville.

"Why not?" the pink alicorn replied. "I rule over the Crystal Empire most Loops, so why shouldn't I be qualified to rule over a small-to-middling sized town like Ponyville?"

"Er... I hadn't thought of it that way," Twilight admitted. "To be honest, my mind is still kind of stuck thinking of you as this love-obsessed-"

"Yes, yes, I know," Cadence sighed. "The joke wore out, and I'm sorry about taking it too far. But there's more to me than getting married, matchmaking, and using the sheer power of true love to swat down uppity evil husband-stealing bugs with delusions of competence. Er, no offense, sis."

"None taken," a pony absolutely identical in every way to Cadence except for the cutie mark (a heart made out of bug wings) said as she walked past. "I'm off to rehearse the cricket chorus for the Summer Sun Celebration. Back in time for Pinkie's party!"

"Explanations?" Twilight asked, still a bit in shock.

"Apparently Chrysalis was your babysitter, if my Loop memories are accurate," Cadence said. "We both Awoke over breakfast yesterday and compared notes. There's a legend about a lost kingdom in the Badlands that sounds suspiciously familiar." Cadence's smile faded a little as she added, "Also, Shining isn't Awake this time, and Chrys and he are the ones with a... thing... this Loop. Seems I got married to my work."

"Literally?" Twilight had a mental image of Cadence in bridal gown standing next to a tall pile of paperwork wrapped in a tuxedo.

"Figure of speech. I wanted to prove to Celestia that I could handle the responsibility. Anyway, since we haven't heard from Trixie, we agreed to let Chrys go ahead with her relationship with your brother and see what happens."

"Doesn't that bother you?"

"A bit, but not terribly. If your brother were Awake, now that'd be a different story, but the three of us have already had that discussion."

"I... see." Twilight decided to change the subject quickly. "So, how difficult is it to be mayor of Ponyville?"

"Not as difficult as being ruler of a semi-independent city-state," Cadence shrugged. "If it weren't for the frequent disasters and the pervasive insanity running through the town, it'd be a part-time job."

The sound of a large two-stroke engine blocked further conversation. A familiar-looking earth pony, beige coat slightly spattered with pink mane dye, roared past on an enormous motorcycle, tie-dyed blouse flapping in the breeze. "FREE! FREE! I'M FINALLY FREE!! A-HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAA!!" Ivory Scroll revved the engine, popped a wheelie, and sped across the stone bridge out of Ponyville and out of sight.

"A job which some ponies apparently handle better than others," Cadence concluded.

115.4 (Kris Overstreet)

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza looked down from her throne at the two petitioners. "It is well known around Canterlot that I am the Princess of Love," she said. "What fewer ponies have recognized is that I am as much a princess as I am a pony gifted with the talent for inspiring love between ponies. This gives me both the power and the responsibility to judge when a rare case arises where love has gone awry. And even fewer ponies are Awake," she said the last word with a definite emphasis, "to the notion that I am just as serious about ending bad relationships as I am about celebrating good relationships.

"In short, we are present today to determine if the good ship Rarishy, for the good of the two ponies involved, needs sinking."

The two ponies in question, standing at separate podiums, shuffled their hooves slightly. Fluttershy was Awake, which explained why she wasn't hiding behind her mane in such a public forum. Rarity, on the other hand, was not Awake this Loop, which explained the absence of Spike and the mascara streaked so heavily that the weeping pony had begun to resemble an equine-cheetah hybrid minus the spots.

"Your Highness," the latter began, "I admit that our relationship has been difficult of late... but Fluttershy was one of my closest friends even before we married! We share so many interests, such as fashion and beauty and haute couture!"

"You just said the same thing twice," Fluttershy whispered.

"I recognize that I haven't been the best pony to live with," Rarity continued, "but I am willing to make any change, any sacrifice to make this relationship work!"

"I'm afraid that just isn't true, Your Highness," Fluttershy interrupted, softly but firmly. "I'm afraid we have irreconcilable differences as regards my animal friends."

"I have no problems with your animal friends," Rarity insisted. "I just rather wish they would... er... remain outside."

"Remember when I asked you for a pretty ribbon for Mrs. Boulevard?"

"You didn't tell me Mrs. Boulevard was a skunk!" Rarity snapped. "And that she was frightened of scissors!"

"Mrs. Boulevard had a very traumatic experience with hedge shears as a pup," Fluttershy replied.

"And I had a very traumatic experience that required two tubs full of tomato juice to remove! But I was a very big pony about it," Rarity insisted, "and I accepted her apology."

"You offended her so terribly that she won't come back to our house!" Fluttershy insisted. "Nor would Mr. Creosote!"

"Mr. Creosote is a wild boar hog," Rarity shouted, "who destroyed my entire workroom because he didn't care for the decor!"

"He disagreed with your dislike for earth tones! And the LANGUAGE you used to him--!"

"He splashed mud over every available surface! I lost a dozen commissions because I couldn't remake them in time! I believe he deserved the talking-to I gave him!"

"And you made Miss Snifflewuffins CRY!" Fluttershy's shouting was almost as loud as Rarity's now.

"Miss Snifflewuffins is an ELEPHANT!" Rarity threw her forehooves in the air. "She smashed down the front WALL of the Boutique! WHERE this side of Zebrica did you find an-"

Cadence pounded her gavel on the armrest of the throne until both ponies went silent. "Ladies! Ladies! This is a court of Equestria! Please try to maintain some semblance of dignity!"

Fluttershy, taking several deep breaths, turned to face Cadence. "Your Highness, even after I Woke Up-" she said the two words with the same emphasis as Cadence had used earlier, but went on without pausing, "-to the impossible situation, I tried to make the best of it- honest I did. But as much as I love Rarity as a friend- and she still is my friend- we really can't live under the same roof anymore. We're simply too different in our needs."

Rarity sniffled, tears running down her face as Fluttershy gave her a sad but comforting glance.

"I believe I have heard enough to judge this on the merits," Cadence said. "Your attempts to make your relationship work do you both credit, but it is blatantly obvious that neither of you can provide the kind of support the other needs. Rarity needs someone who can appreciate her need for a clean, secure home and work environment, and Fluttershy needs someone who can accept, or at least tolerate, her animal friends despite the difficulty. The two of you were born to be friends, not lifemates... and the bizarre circumstances that resulted in your marriage are enough to make anyone Loopy."

Cadence's horn glowed, and a very large cannon, muzzle pointed straight down, floated into view. "I therefore grant Fluttershy's petition for a no-fault divorce with all property to be restored to its pre-marriage ownership. I hereby declare this ship... sunk." Cadence reached a hoof to the lanyard and yanked it.

The cannon roared, sending its ball straight through the decks. Water began gushing from the hole almost immediately.

"Did we have to BE on the ship for this part?" Rarity shrieked over the noise of witnesses screaming and galloping in terror.

"I wanted to make a statement!" Cadence replied over the rushing water. "It's not all about marriages for me!"

"The next time I have a strange Loop like this," Fluttershy whimpered, "I'm asking Twilight for help."

115.5 (Drachefly, Draconas, Gym Quirk, masterofgames, Daniel H, Dalxein, FanOfMostEverything, misterq, Hubris Plus, Snakes_Shadow, KrisOverstreet, Nikas)

Twilight read from the scroll: "Round 17: least impressive feat of the baseline character you were replacing, that you have never been able - not merely unwilling or never given the opportunity or need, but actually unable - to replicate."

Rainbow Dash raised a hoof. "Reaching warp 10 without mechanical aid."

Twilight clarified, "A: I mean, something that the person you were replacing actually did in baseline, and B: aim as low as possible."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yup."

Scootaloo spoke for everypony when she said, "Who were you?"

"Jonathan Livingston Seagull."

Twilight coughed. "All right, we have a low bid of 'reaching warp 10 without mechanical aid.' Let's ease our way down... any other not particularly impressively unimpressive worst best performances?"

Spike sighed. "When I was the Little Prince, even after I got rid of the vast majority of my body, I couldn't get back up into space."

A brief silence. Scootaloo said, "Uh, doesn't he die in baseline?"

Rarity put in, "No, not at all! I was the flower one other time besides that one he's referring to. The unawake prince made it back, rather the worse for wear, but quite alive."

Spike added, "To him, it's like Minovia Cay's space program, with unlimited parachutes and steering, but no boosters or launch system. Doable, but hard."

Trixie blushed. "I've been Twilight several times, but I've never been able to put the Ursa Minor back to sleep without help."

Chrysalis (presently appearing as Cadence, who otherwise didn't exist in this variant) reached over and rubbed her head. "Explode-a-bye baby, on the house top. When the bomb blows, the cradle will rock..."

"Come on, I wasn't doing it with explosions. I'm just not that good with kids. What's yours, anyway?"

Chrysalis blushed. "I cannot replicate Wario's umm... Waft."

"Boooring. Come on, Dissy, what's yours?"

Discord flopped upward in despair before speaking, "I can't manage even a single turn of Jenga!"

"I... even if you really can't, I think that still counts as not having tried."

Twilight concurred. "We still have a best... worst... a low bid of not being able to put an Ursa Minor to sleep. Gilda?"

Gilda sighed. "Pfeh. Unlike Amaterasu Sensei, I can't walk through town in feudal Japan, and not have anyone so much as glance at me."

Twilight objected, "She does kind of have the species advantage."

"Hey, it fits."

"Hmm. I think it's different enough to not be quite the same. But close enough. And... it's kind of odd to hear you refer to her so formally."

Gilda glanced around rapidly in panic, then laughed nervously. "D-don't be silly! I always refer to her with respect." She then leaned over and put a claw to the side of her mouth. "Stuff it, sparkle butt! She dropped off Chibi earlier, and the last thing I want is Boss thinking I'm a bad influence on her kid!" she hissed, gesturing with a head tilt to a white puppy who had slipped into Fluttershy's group of animal friends, begging for cuddles.

Twilight's eyes lit up. "Wait a moment! That reminds me - I found mine! When I attended Cromartie High, I was not able to maintain the usual masquerade that I was a boy."

Fluttershy offered, "They noticed you were a robot?"

"No. Well, they didn't notice I was a unicorn, but they did notice I was a girl." After a moment, she said, "Actually, I'm not sure that can really be attributed to any success or failure on my part since I took no steps whatsoever to conceal my body type. Let me think some more. Someone has to be able to beat 'concealing self in plain sight as an abnormal species'."

Lyra scowled with the intensity of multiple incensed personalities. "I don't know how Guybrush does it, but my lungs just can't hold ten minutes of air. I had to use seapony magic instead."

"All right. New leader. Can anyone top that?"

Sweetie Belle resignedly said, "I simply can not qualify as a professional Go player."

Rainbow Dash began to object, but checked herself and said, "Yeah. If Lyra had said five minutes, that would be less impressive, but that beats ten."

Pinkie offered, "I can't sit still for an hour at school. How can any pony actually do that!?"

Rarity sighed, "Pinkie, I've seen you spend three hours watching paint dry, after the cloning incident. For fun."

"Hey, it was boring the first time, but by the end I was really getting into it. It's like a soap opera, only without the bubbles and singing! Watching paint dry is actually pretty interesting if you watch it happen on a molecular scale."

"But... wait, were you doing that baseline?"

Her head cocked, and she stared down at the counter. For a moment it seemed she was watching the dew accumulating. "You know, I don't remember."

After a silent moment, Twilight said, "All right. Everypony else? Let's hear 'em. You don't need to beat that."

Apple Bloom offered, "Ah've been every member of the Apple family there is, and Ah've never been able to get through a day of apple bucking without getting covered in tree sap."

Scootaloo - "You know the bit in Cloud City after Vader's dinner party where someone, usually Chewbacca, rebuilds Threepio? I've never been able to get him functioning with the head on backwards."

Silver Spoon stopped drinking from a shake in a glass that would make Escher's eyes water. "I was R. Dorothy Wayneright one time. Do you have any idea how hard it is to leap around like she does in the baseline and not have your skirt flip up?"

That reminded Twilight, and she smiled. "All right, got it. For my own entry... once Pinkie and I replaced Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin, respectively. I didn't find out about this detail until a Hub Loop a long time afterwards, but Mr. Goodwin is an excellent dancer. And I... well... shall I demonstrate?"

A lot of chairs and stools scooted loudly away from Twilight's position, not wanting to be inside flail range.

"All right!" She stopped as the stools scooted back in.

Rainbow Dash got up and threw a hoof over her back just to be sure. "I got a better one. Worse one. Still more awesome than most of those you are all fumbling around with. Whatever. You know that stunt from Top Gun where Maverick pulls up and deploys flaps to force the plane chasing him to overshoot? I can never get that to work out properly."

Scootaloo comforted her, "Not surprised, Dash. It involves slowing down, which isn't part of your vocabulary."

Rainbow Dash demonstrated that she had no difficulty replicating Grubber's trademark raspberry.

Rarity finally said, "Well, mine is a terrible disability. Though it's a perfectly respectable counter-cultural milieu, I can't do true Goth chic. If I loop in as a Goth, I have to settle for ironic Goth, reinterpret the wardrobe, or completely replace it."

Twilight deadpanned, "Our hearts go out to you. Let's see if our votes do. And... Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy sighed. "There's a book I can't finish."

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Well, if that counts, I've got a couple billion."

She wailed, "But I want to finish it!" She looked down at the floor. "I can't. It's just too sad."

"Ah. Well, that's everyone. Votes for Fluttershy? Rarity? Pinkie? Anypony else? All right." She marked down the score. "Round eighteen..."

115.6 (elmagnifico)

Macintosh Awoke in his own bed. That was something of a relief. Waking up in the midst of plowing the south field, where he normally was when Twilight read that one book, wasn't precisely disorienting, but he often lost momentum on the plow and had to start the furrow again, which was a bit of routine annoyance that he could do without.

He yawned, stretched, let the sheets flop off, and sat up, looking about for any indication of the time, of day or year. It was warm, without the drafts associated with the baseline farmhouse during winter. The room was lit only by the beams of a setting moon, so it was about time to get up and start doing the chores. The ticking alarm clock on his headboard served to reenforce this impression.

A "ping" encroached on his mind, that subtle wave of mental hoodoo that was Multiversal for "Anybody awake?". Mac responded in his own way, a psionic nudge from that one loop in Sharona. Practical folk, for the most part, the Sharonans, and his time as a psychic Voice, a human with empathic Talent, had left just enough of an impression on him that he'd adopted it as his method of pinging back. No way of knowing who was inquiring from that little poke though, aside from that they weren't in the house, so he'd have the apple and a muffin for postage in Ditzy's hooves when she came around with the mail.

Next thing on the agenda was to take stock of Loop Memories. As a later-than-usual start, this was prime opportunity for the Loops to decide to shack the sole looping bachelor up with somepony or other. That was always fun, in the completely sarcastic sense of the word.

Letting down a Significant Other because you'd looped into their paramour's body wasn't easy, and often led to a lot of hurt feelings. Not a problem if they were also Awake, but he didn't always have that luxury. The non-looping Cheerilee was normally accepting, if a tad harder on the students than usual for a bit. Fluttershy would withdraw into herself until one of the other Elements got her going again. Caramel hadn't spoken to anypony for the rest of that Loop. Still, it was better than playing along as something he wasn't.

So far though, it seemed like his unawake self had kept aloof. There was more than the usual conflict with Twilight over that doll, but nothing noteworthy. Just a bit of yelling out the door and an unofficial game of hide-and-seek with the thing.

He looked over at the offending object. There it was, lying on the bed in a curled-up bundle, half in and half out of a moonbeam from the window. He'd taken it the first time just to be cheeky, but had become attached to it because it reminded him of simpler times. Back when Applebloom had curled up on top of his back at night, using him as a self-warming sibling-shaped breathing mattress, to fill the hole where a father might have been.

Since the loops had started, he'd asked for a copy of it from Twilight, and it was one of the few things he would keep in his Pocket. There wasn't much room in there, but he'd made some.

Macintosh sighed. Good and bad, those old times, like the loops. Sometimes, all too rarely, they let him relive those old memories, or even make new ones with his parents, in those few blessed opportunities. Other times, they put him through the grief all over again, and while it didn't sting the same way as it had the first, the dull inevitability of it would saw at his heart each time he had to relive his foalhood days too late to change it.

A rustling startled Mac from his thoughts. That was close. Too close. Not in his sisters' rooms, down the hall and across the way. Certainly not Granny's, which was below him. Definitely not his parents', a dusty memorial which took up most of the rest of the upper floor this loop. It was in the room with him.

In fact, now that he was listening hard, he could hear the breathing, too light and quiet to hear otherwise.

He tensed, and he could feel his determination to protect his family coalescing into a green miasma, a distinct awareness of himself, all his components drawing energy from and falling under the sway of his force of will. Every bit, down to the subatomic particles, Twilight had said when she'd applied science to the effect.

Movement caught the corner of his eye, and he turned to see the dark gray coat, hard to pick out of the shadows without concentrating. The silhouette was further disseminated by the dapples of lighter fur and splotches of different colors. No wonder he hadn't noticed it.

Two eyes, one red and one blue, blinked at him out of the darkness, the moonlight glistening off a little filly's pupils as she uncurled herself from the bundled-up shape she'd been sleeping in, half in and half out of the moonlight.

"You okay daddy?"



"Daddy, you're looking at me funny."

Macintosh decided, for once, that the chores could wait. This would be dealt with in the light of day, or perhaps the loop would end prematurely, or something. Maybe this loop's version of himself had hallucinations from time to time. This might just be a dream. It was not outside the realm of possibility that somepony was playing a distinctly tasteless joke. In any case, he had one word for how much he wanted to come to terms with the little one on the edge of his bed. Perhaps it wasn't grammatically correct, but it was how he wished to respond.

And so, he flopped back onto the pillow, switched off the alarm, and tried his best to go back to sleep.

Part of that trying included ignoring the petite hooves clambering up his side, onto his exposed back. An attempt was made to disregard the miniature circle those hooves walked in, turning around after a minute poofy tail that tickled him as it went, before their owner curled up in a small disk of warm, empirically present filly. Further effort was expended to limit the attention paid to the little voice.

"I love you daddy."

Was any of it successful?





The chanting foals pressed in around the cutie mark crusaders, who were desperately trying to come up with something, anything.


"YOOOOOOOooooooou asked for it!" shouted a voice as something slithered out of the hedge. "And now, I, THE NOBLE DISCORD, will deliver!"

He snapped his talons, and the sun hopped just below the horizon as stars twinkled in the sky.

Celestia sighed. "Discord... the foals were referring to Twilight Sparkle."

"But the stars are shimmering in quite a lovely way!"

"No, Discord, I meant my student. Former student. The new princess. Bearer of magic."

The draconequus tapped his chin thoughtfully. "That's not ringing a bell."

"Oh! Sorry." As if on cue, Twilight Sparkle appeared with a black case and a fold out table. "I didn't mean to be late." She opened the case and arranged a selection of handbells.

"Ah, yes, now I remember her!" Discord grinned. "So what you're saying is that they wanted Twilight to be a clock?"

"Please don't turn me into a clock," Twilight asked casually, partway through her rendition of Smile Smile Smile. "I'm already a little cuckoo as is."

"Yes, I did notice you nesting in the library."

Celestia looked between them. "Wait, is this... is this some sort of joke?"

"My dear Tia, of course not!" Discord spread his arms wide. "Jokes require punchlines, and as you can see there is no punch."

"Hey guys, I brought the punch." Spike sidled through the door, carrying a bowl of liquid. "I gotta say, I'm surprised there are no lines."

"Well of course there's no lines, Spike, this is improv!" Twilight rolled her eyes. "Silly dragon."

115.6 continued

Well, this was a fine kettle of apples and fish, and no mistake.
Macintosh ambled towards town, the tiny gray filly bouncing around his legs as he went, forcing him to be incredibly careful as to where he put those feet of his. That she insisted on repeating the same words over and over only made it slightly more troublesome.

He was now quite positive that incident with the filly had not, in fact, been a dream. When he'd woken up, she was still curled up there on his back, clear as day. Which meant he had to actually deal with the situation.

When he'd awoken, lower case A, a thorough check of his loop memories for an explanation had turned up nothing. It simply wasn't physically possible for this little bundle of gray to be his offspring. Nor had his non-looping self been interacting with her, so it wasn't like she'd been adopted. Dabbling in arcane magics that could bring a doll to life was similarly unlikely. That Macintosh would have been just as lost as he was.

The problem had stumped him.

The initial best-fit explanation had been a prank. No pings had been returned from inside the house this morning, and none of the other signals they'd worked out between them had been reciprocated, but that only meant none of them chose to respond.

On the one hoof, Applejack was right out. This wasn't her style. You didn't mess with family on this level. Pranks from her would be up-front and very straightforward, like making acid out of potatoes. He'd know an Applejack prank when he saw it, and by then it would be too late. This one, if it was a prank, was a bit too subtle for the elder of his two sisters.

On the other, Applebloom could have made an android, but that didn't seem likely. The filly here gave off all the visible indicators of life. More importantly, she felt real. There were androids, and then there were people.

Macintosh smirked. That had led to an amusing line of thought when he'd first considered the idea. If the filly was one of Applebloom's creations, his sister would be getting a talking to about making new life without getting married first.

Living more years, hooey. He was still the first-born, which by his reckoning made him eldest and responsible for that sort of lecture, unless he brought Granny Smith into it. Loops or no loops, there were some traditions that ought to be stuck to, and he'd expect any other Apple to have the same sort of expectations.

He turned to the little one. She didn't even look like an Apple. No cutie mark, obviously, but he'd only seen relatives with this diverse and drab a color scheme in gag loops where every pony and their mother was an Apple.

But no, that was irrelevant. The filly wasn't discernibly a robot. The explanation for this seemed actually far plainer, between the unusual awakening time, memories devoid of this new individual, and a certain item missing from his room.

He'd be going to see Twilight regardless, if only to discuss what the anchor had planned, but most the most telling piece of evidence came from the foal's incessant, squeaky chanting.

Before that fateful loop, when he'd been discovered, and for a little bit after that, he might have suspected a prank or something more malicious. By now though, having spent a thousand years as her sibling, and more as her friend, he felt he could eliminate that possibility. And it was hardly fair to blame Twilight the Looper for the actions of her un-awake self.

So onward Mac trudged, the little filly's incriminating mantra ringing in his ears.

“We're going to go see mommy, we're going to go see mommy!”

115.8 (Crisis)

Twilight again stared at the beaten, battered, and utterly defeated form of King Sombra surrounded by the armed and dangerous citizens of the Crystal Empire. The citizens who, just a few hours prior, were so scared of Sombra that they couldn't even be coaxed into remembering him. Then she turned to the sheepish looking Fluttershy and the armored mouse perched in her hair.

"Okay, what just happened?" she asked her friend.

"Well," Fluttershy began, "it all started when I met my new friend Mighty here. You see, he wanted a cookie and he looked so cute and sweet and hungry that I decided to give him one..."

115.6 continued

The front door of the Ponyville Public Library, as it was known this loop, creaked open at its librarian's behest to reveal Macintosh Apple and a small filly, gray and blue with white spots and two mismatched eyes.

“Got a problem Twilight, an' a hunch you might be able to help me with it.”

He gestured at the little one, who was bouncing up and down beside him on the doorstep.

Twilight regarded the filly, head cocked curiously. Mac followed his friend's gaze to the little one, who chirped,

“Hi mommy!”

When Mac looked back to the Anchor, her face had shifted to the universally-recognizable unamused-parent-look.

“Nyxine Sapphire Sparkle, you have ten seconds to explain yourself. You know better than to prank Macintosh without running it by me first.”

Macintosh mentally kicked himself. He'd forgotten about Nyx. Then the second of Twilight's sentences hit home, and one of his eyebrows raised. Further comment was cut off by the clap of a teleport, and a whining voice from behind the Anchor.

“Moooooooooooooooom. You know that's only my full name some loops.”

Twilight looked from the first filly, who had retreated behind Macintosh's front legs, to her looping daughter, and back. Her horn began to glow, even as nightmare incarnate continued in a sleepy-sounding ramble.

“I only just Woke Up, anyway. What's the big deal? Did Mac open those Klingon spirits I asked him to hold until the next loop with Leman? They were only supposed to go off if Rushie-”

The small voice was interrupted by a booming pink shockwave that emanated from Twilight's horn and washed out over the town, sending half of Fluttershy's animal friends scrambling for cover, deflating Pinkie's first souffle of the day, dislodging Rarity's ceiling-high stack of mane care products, inadvertently dropping one in five apples on Applejack's half of the Acres, and causing Rainbow Dash to turn over and bash her alarm clock, which for once didn't deserve it. Its only effect on both ponies on the doorstep was to muss their manes a bit. Twilight observed this, and gave voice to a two-word comment.

“Oh. Ginko.”

Macintosh raised an eyebrow.

“What was that supposed ta do?”

He could see his friend going into lecture mode, even as she looked the filly over.

“That was a wide-angle illusion, mirror duplicate and shadow clone disruptor. It only dispels the really simple glamours, but it should have at least made her flicker.”

Twilight looked up and addressed him.

“She's flesh and blood, isn't she.”

Macintosh may have been fooled thus far, but figured it couldn't hurt to double check. He took a forehoof and gently booped the filly, which got a giggle. Still seemed pretty solid.


Twilight sighed.

“Well, that explains what my unawake self was doing with Shelle's Spelle Booke until four in the morning. Apparently in this variant it's possible to pull a full-fledged Pinocchio gambit if you have the right cantrips and enough pow-”


All four ponies were distracted by a clearly-terrified changeling tearing its way across the square, followed closely by a large-eyed, grinning and evidently unawake Lyra, whose cries echoed in the still-sleepy village streets.


The two adults remained transfixed for a moment. Macintosh instinctively covered the filly's ears, as the chittering from a panicked changeling did not bear repeating, but Twilight was the first to more-or-less recover.

“Should we-”

“Ah'm not sure.”

Nyx looked up from waving at the filly behind Macintosh's legs.

“Nah. She'll be fine, from what my memories as an existential concept tell me, Lyra's just obsessed with general cryptology this loop. Even if she does catch Bon-bon, the worst that'll happen is a net, an involved discussion of biology, some light petting, and coffee.”

Macintosh blinked. That sounded plausible, if a little specific. He remained transfixed by the odd sight, at least until a quiet rumbling emanated from somewhere near his foot. Twilight smiled.

“Why don't you come in, and we'll discuss this over breakfast.”

Mac nodded. His friend's suggestion was a good one. The sooner this was straightened out, the better, and food could only help. Twilight gave a slightly harried look, and then turned in the direction of the tree's kitchen.

“Hey Spike! Mix batter for another batch of pancakes, we've got guests!”

Macintosh stepped to follow, but found his other hoof wrapped in diminutive female.

“Daddy, why was mommy angry? Did I do something wrong?”

The wide, mismatched doe-eyes dredged up old memories again, of a little yellow one who'd curled possessively around his leg like that after a thunderclap or a creak from the house settling on its foundation. Mac shook his head, in an attempt to both reassure the filly and shove the association aside.

“She weren't angry, just surprised. Weren't nothing you did, or she did. We're just gonna have a bit of a talk. Now come on, we wouldn't wanna miss the pancakes, now would we.”

A miniscule pink tongue licked at grey lips, the whole head shook back and forth rapidly, and its owner dashed inside. The clatter of tiny hooves was drowned out and interrupted as Bon-bon's panicked chittering went by in another direction.

"Daddy, what's a fewmet?"

Mac sighed, and pulled the door closed behind him. Just when he thought this loop was making sense.

115.9 (Masterweaver)

"Now, Scrapper, remember: most ponies are a little more delicate than you, so try to be careful around the other foals."

"Okay Momma."

"And if you have any questions or trouble, just come to me--" Apple Bloom cut herself off as she came in sight of the schoolhouse and spotted a familiar purple pony. "Howdy miss Cheerilee! Could ya come over here for a sec?"

The schoolmarm smiled as she turned to look at her student. "Oh, hello Apple what."

"Yeah...." Apple Bloom coughed awkwardly. "This is Scrapper. Long story short, a bit o' construction equipment touched an alien box and bing bang zoom Ah've adopted tha biggest metal child ya've ever seen."

"Momma loves me." Scrapper smiled happily at the still blank-faced Cheerilee. "That's a good thing!"

"Awwwww." The yellow filly nuzzled the giant robot's ankle. "Ain't he a charmer?"

"...quite," Cheerilee managed.

"See, tha thing is, Ah'm kinda still a filly and all. Ah mean Ah'm getting help from Macintosh, but... well, there's school and getting ta play with other foals..." Apple Bloom twirled a hoof. "Ah was wondering if he could sit in on class today, just as a test you know?"

"I... don't know if he'll fit into the building," Cheerilee pointed out.

"Well, it's a nice day. Maybe we could hold class outdoors?"

Cheerilee bit her lip, looking into the innocently smiling face of a robot six times her size. "...weeeeeell. We can try it for a week, I suppose, but I should probably send for some... homeschooling material."

115.6 continued

The pancakes had been delicious.

It was a small thing, unsurprising really. Spike was a decent cook, even when he wasn't Awake, and pancakes were hardly the pinnacle of culinary difficulty. Macintosh relished the normalcy of that fact nonetheless. By the looks of things, normal was going to be in short supply this loop. Just now, for instance, he was resting on a couch in Twilight Sparkle's library, watching two fillies at play. Not all that unusual, until you considered the fillies' origins.

One was the Spirit of Darkness incarnate, adopted as a daughter by the most powerful entity in Mac's universe, who also happened to be his friend occupying the easy chair, watching as well.

“So she says her name is Smarty Pants?”


The other, up until the wee hours of last night, had been a doll that his unawake self had stolen from said entity, and that he himself kept around in a bit of nowhere he'd carved out.

“I realize this is my unawake self's fault. If you like, I can have her stay here at the library. It'll practically be a baseline loop for you.”

You could tell it by looking. The little one giggling on the floor being tickled had the same matted mane and tail, like strings of yarn sewed into a plush. Hindquarters were both unmarked, but still bore the telltale dark blue patches and white spots.

“Reversing the spell is, of course, out of the question.”

Yet, the reality of the filly was equally undeniable. Her boundless energy, little legs pinwheeling as she raced around the spacious library after Nyx, the glimmer in those mismatched eyes, each was as real as in any of the youngsters Macintosh had ever seen. This was a real little pony, one that considered him her father.

“'course. But she'll stay with me. Y'all've got enough on yer plate.”

There was responsibility and duty there, and emotion was tied up in it too, but he could also sense a feeling there, deeper than morality or simple psychology. Love was a familiar bond. A bond with something that would be gone in a few years when the world reset. Not replaced by a younger version with no memories of the intervening time, just gone. And, despite rhyme or reason, he could feel himself caring.

It was going to hurt.

“So how do y'all deal with it? Ah mean, ah've dealt with mah sisters resetting. Never had a kid before. Suppose Ditzy or Berry would know too, on account of their baseline, but you've been awake the most out of all of us...”

Twilight sighed.

“It's... Well, I think those mares have it worse in a way, with kids that are unawake. Nyx is really only 'here' when she's Awake. I've only felt I lost her the once.”

The two little ones streaked by in a blur, batting a ball back and forth in a game with no particular rhyme or reason to it.

“Sometimes, the loops have given me children besides Nyx. When they're not somepony Awake, I do my best.”

She giggled, and Macintosh thought he heard an echo in Smarty Pants' laugh.

“I have a whole album of Celestia and Luna as rambunctious little fillies. Times like that, they're something to remember.”

The two little ones flopped in the middle of the library, apparently exhausted from the activity. After a few moments though, the crayons came out, and some helpless coloring book found itself victim to a haphazard rainbow of wax.

“Just enjoy the time you get together, be the best you can for them, and then treasure the memories. That's all normal parents get to do with their kids anyway.”

He nodded. That was what he'd done for each of the innumerable versions of his sisters and grandmother. Treasure, help, remember, and try to do better next time.


Mac looked down. His daughter was sitting on the floor in front of him, holding a rolled-up piece of paper. He took it and unrolled it on one of the couch's arms.

The sheet had been vigorously inundated with colored wax, but there were discernible shapes in the chaos. Mostly in that in the middle there was an area that was largely red and orange, another that was predominantly gray and blue, a third made up of purple and pink, and a final one that was black and purple. Green festooned the top of the paper, and a brown region extended down into a second area of green. The bottom was a light blue, with a large yellow circle dominating the bottom right corner.

“It's you, me, mommy, and Nyx!”

Macintosh turned the picture so that it was rightways-up. Well, that at least made a little more sense.

“You like it?”

He made a note to ask Twilight for one of those albums. Maybe later though, when there wasn't any water in his eyes.


115.10 (AnonymousAsk/fractalman collaboration)

Nyx and Sweetie Belle made puppy dog eyes at each-other, surrounded by several unconscious adults...including Princess Celestia.

"Maybe Twilight can help us decide?" queried Sweetie.

"Yeah, let's go find mommy!" replied Nyx.

"Twilight, Twilight!" panted Applebloom, "Ya gotta help, Nyx and Sweetie...well ya gotta stop 'em!"

"Stop them from what, Applebloom?"

Just then, Nyx and Sweetie showed up.

"Momma, momma! I'm the cutest, right?" said Nyx.

"No I'm the cutest!" pouted Sweetie.

"Um, girls?" asked Twilight, who made the mistake of looking straight at the power of puppy-dog eyes.

"Please mommy, please tell me I'm the cutest!" whined Nyx

"I know she's your daughter, but you gotta remain impartial! I'm the cutest!" demanded Sweetie.

The cuteness was too much, and Twilight Sparkle collapsed.

The two fillies looked at each other.

"You think Discord will be able to withstand our cuteness?"

115.11 (Gamerex27)

Twilight Awoke in a laboratory set up in her tree's basement, soldering a final wire into a colossal machine. According to her Loop memories this time around, she had been working on a magical telescope shaped suspiciously like the Hubble, and she had just made the final step in getting it functional.

A quick ping, followed by an element check, confirmed that the only other pony Awake was most likely Applejack. In fact, the ping came from very close by-


The earth shook, and Twilight briefly flew into the air from the massive tremors. "What the hay was that?!"


The impacts repeated at regular intervals, almost as if they were hoofsteps. As she walked up the stairs, Twilight could already hear the entire town panicking, followed by the telltale thunder of a stampede. Which was still drowned out by whatever was making those tremors.



The door was sent flying off its hinges by a massive impact. Without even thinking, Twilight conjured a shield into existence, and the shrapnel and splinters bounced harmlessly off.

"Oops," said a voice which came from outside. Odd, considering that no one was at the door. "Sorry, sugarcube."

Hesitantly, Twilight sent out another Ping, and was answered by an echo mere feet away. "Applejack? What's going on? Where are you?"

Squinting, she could see the faint blue-ish outline of a pony standing on her front porch. The Element of Honesty rubbed her head sheepishly with a hoof. "Sorry. Ah Woke up like this, and Ah fell right through ta the mantle. Ah've been using all my Earthbending ta get back up and make sure Ah don't fall through the ground again."

"Must be another Gag Loop," the Anchor sighed. "But what could cause..wait there a moment."

In a flash of light, Twilight teleported out of sight, and returned seconds later with the telescope. Wheeling it out the doorhole, she aimed it at the stars and adjusted the lenses to focus on a specific point. One cast of a spell to help the telescope see in the day, and she found what she was looking for.

She looked out towards Applejack's outline, then back in the telescope, then back again. She sighed again, comprehension dawning on her face.

"Applejack, for whatever reason, it looks like you're made out of dark matter in this Loop."

"Great. How am Ah supposed'ta buck apples if Ah break everythin' Ah touch?" A sigh came from the outline, and it flopped onto the ground, making a massive crater at the point of impact. "Ah wish Mac was Awake. Ah need some cider, now."

115.12 (Gym Quirk)

Ho hum...another baseline loop, thought Twilight as she and Spike disembarked from the chariot in Ponyville. She didn't have anything planned and was going more or less on autopilot until inspiration struck. Her element scan had picked up one Kindness, and she absently wondered if any of that trio had anything interesting in the works.

Near the outskirts of the town, on the way to Sweet Apple Acres, she was approached by an ill-at-ease Bonbon.

"Excuse me? You're Twilight Sparkle, right?" asked the cream-coated earth pony.

"Yes, I am. Can I help you?"

"Yeah...I'm Bonbon and...Um...Aren't you supposed to be a princess?"

"What?" Oh bark. I hope that doesn't mean what I think it does...

"Just that I remember you giving the town a tour of your new palace a few days back, and then I woke up this morning to find no gigantic crystalline tree, the library back to normal, and you arriving in a Royal Canterlot chariot."

Huh. Well, I suppose Lyra might be happy about this, and Pinkie'd certainly be delighted to throw a "Yay! New Equestrian Looper!" party.

"What is she talking about, Twilight?" asked Spike. "Do you know her?"

Okay. I need to distract Spike so I can get a private word with the newbie.

Turning back to Bonbon, she said, "Look. I think I know what's happening, but it will take some time to explain. Can you meet me at the library in about ten minutes?"

"I guess so."

The unicorn made an about-face and started back toward Town Hall. Rarity, please forgive me for this afternoon...

Fifteen minutes into the "Welcome to the Multiverse" presentation, the small nagging feelings that had been building up finally crystallized into a solid suspicion. "You're taking this amazingly calmly," Twilight observed.

"Am I?"

"Yes. Are you sure you've never been exposed to this material before?"


"It's just that most newbies I show this material to express more shock or disbelief."


"You, on the other hoof, seem just a tad bored, as if you're not only familiar with the topic, but have seen this specific presentation before." The unicorn fired off a low-powered spell.

"Drat. You got me," admitted the now exposed Chrysalis. "So much for that spur-of-the-moment prank."

"Don't feel too bad. You did get me to ditch Spike and start the lecture, after all. If you did this without any prep work, it was a very good try."

"I'd hoped to make it to the end of the presentation at least."

"Y'know. If you want to try this again, I'm willing to help. I have this idea about waiting for Celestia, Rarity and maybe Luna to be Awake. Then at the Grand Galloping Gala, you can play a confused Blueblood..."

115.13 (FanOfMostEverything)

Twilight Awoke to a thin sliver of light. She tried widening her eyes and found she couldn't. She tried moving closer to the light, and while the pattern of colors and gradients changed, it grew no wider. She tried reaching out with a foreleg and found she had none to speak of.

Then the Loop memories hit, and had she been able to, T. Square would've facehoofed. "Oh. Flatland. And this either a Variant or a gender swap, given that I'm not a line segment."

She… yes, yes she was a she. In any case, she oscillated about her center, for lack of a head to shake. "Alright. So long as I don't write something questioning the orthodoxy of two-dimensional space, this should be fairly interesting." She sent off a ping and noted that it seemed to fading much more slowly than usual. "I suppose the inverse-square law is just an inverse law here, isn't it? Well, that's a discovery already!"

Twilight reflexively tried to pull a notebook out of her pocket, only to shudder as it jammed against the edge of the subspace. "What the… Of course. Trying to pull a 3D object into 2D space isn't going to work well. Guess I'll just have to remember everything."

"I'm sure you can handle it, Twilight."

The Anchor spun, trying to find the source of the other voice. "Hello?"

A bright dot appeared in Twilight's vision, then began to expand. The gradual dimming along its edges suggested a circle. An inexplicably expanding circle. And with that voice… "Let me guess. Spherelestia?"

"Got it in one. Care to go on a tour? I think the king of Pointland may be Loop-aware."

Twilight smiled as best as anatomy and geometry allowed her. "Sounds like fun to me!"

115.14 (Gamerex27)

"So, what happens in this Loop?" Rarity looked around at the vast city of Tokyo, scowling slightly as that tacky headphones' cord got in her line of sight.

"In a few hours, demons start invading the city like crazy," replied Atsuro, the Anchor of the Lockdown Amala Loop. "People can use these COMPS," he said, holding up a device that looked suspiciously like a Nintendo 3DS, "to summon and control them. Then the military locks down the whole city."

Rarity could take it no longer: she tore those accursed headphones off of her head, dropping them to the ground. "Is there any way to cut this short?" she asked. "I think I felt my sister's Element, and I want to track her down before she gets into any trouble."

Atsuro grimaced at this. "Then she's probably replacing Naoya-that's the older brother of my buddy you're replacing. He's the reincarnation of Cain, and he made the Summoning Program as part of this gambit to get revenge against God." He removed a drone from his Pocket, tweeting a command to it through his COMP. It flew off, presumably in search of Sweetie. "To stop the lockdown, you have to beat all the Bel demons, and then kill Babel to become the King of Bel. Otherwise, the whole city gets destroyed, since that's the only way to get rid of the lockdown. Well, the best way: Yooho gets mad when we take the more unorthodox methods, since they lead to more explosions."

Rarity quirked her (thankfully real this time) eyebrow. "Bels?"

"They're a bunch of demons that were the pieces of this big demon, killed thousands of years ago. They've all got Bel in their name, and whichever one kills all the other Bels can become the King."

Suddenly, Rarity groaned, holding her head in her hands.

"What's wrong?" Atsuro asked.

"I know why I'm here now," Rarity groaned. " It's another Gag Loop. My full name is Rarity Belle."

The Anchor tried to stifle his laughter, and failed. "Yeah, that would explain it," he said after composing himself. "You're replacing Kazuya, who's the reincarnation of Abel, and since he's a Bel..."

Rarity Belle sighed again, facepalming. If only she could Ascend this Loop to just end it now. This was going to become annoying. Especially if she couldn't find anything better to wear than the mind-numbingly plain clothes the Loop saw fit to put her in.

115.15 (OracleMask)

Twilight was contentedly humming to herself as she went over the pile of checklists in front of her. They took up quite a lot of counter space at the bar, but as she telekinetically moved them out of the way whenever Mac needed, he couldn't complain. After an hour of this, Mac decided to act on his growing curiosity.

"Planning something?" he asked.

Twilight took a moment to blink before remembering where she was.

"Oh, just trying to figure out future drinking game rounds for the next loop when everypony is Awake," she admitted, "I like having some ideas on standby, but I think we might have done all the obvious ones. And these ones are kind of...well..."

Mac accepted the list that Twilight hoofed him and read it.

"They're mostly too simple or boring," Twilight finished.

That was true, the list included several very simple ideas: 'Most Unusual Color', 'Shortest-and/or-Longest Loop Duration', and so on. Not that a group of happily drunk ponies wouldn't enjoy these rounds of the game as much as the others, but Twilight clearly wasn't satisfied.

Mac spotted the title of another checklist as he hoofed this one back, and it raised an eyebrow.

"'Bad Ideas'?" he asked, taking a look at that one next.

Reading the list raised Mac's other eyebrow as well. 'Most Issues When Replacing Pinkie Pie'? 'Most Unsuccessful Loop'? 'Worst Loop Visited Aside From Eiken?' Enope, not the best ideas here. Though one or two had a little promise.

"What about this one?" Mac asked, pointing at one further down the list.

"'Most Practical Power From A Fused Loop' is too subjective," Twilight replied, "I mean, for Sunset it's probably her Keyblade, for Spike it would have to be the Force, for other ponies it might be even more basic things like magic or chakra. I suppose if I specified it to be a minor power, then maybe..."

Twilight trailed off. Mac had pulled a bottle of apple cider out from below the bar, and was staring at it. Then, with a sudden glow of his eyes, the cap of the bottle popped off. Mac proceeded to pour the cider into a glass, only noticing Twilight's bemused expression when he passed the drink to her.

"Got that from a loop as 'Strong Mac'," Mac admitted, sounding a tad sheepish, "Only works t'open bottles, so there's no use for it outside the bar."

Twilight nodded, then quietly crossed 'Most Practical Power' off the list entirely. Back to the drawing board...

Author's Note:

115.1: Oh, dragon.
115.2: White Lightning Dust.
115.3: The Mayor is off to Burning Stallion.
115.4: Not love crazy. Still crazy full stop.
115.5: The most bizarre mental blocks.
115.6: This is going to be absolutely pants.
115.7: Creative misinterpretation.
115.8: When you give a mouse a cookie, things kind of snowball.
115.9: See previous chapter.
115.10: Competition.
115.11: This explains physics.
115.12: Psyche.
115.13: With apologies to E.A.Abbott.
115.14: Badum-tish.
115.15: The administration is quite a lot of work.

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