• Published 30th Apr 2013
  • 60,602 Views, 1,562 Comments

Princess Celestia Gets Mugged - BronyWriter

Princess Celestia disguises herself as a younger mare and goes for a walk around Canterlot where she promptly gets mugged. Now on EqD.

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Princess Luna reclined belly down on her favorite comfy couch as Mr. Nacarat gently massaged her back. He worked out a particularly large knot and Luna gave a long, contented sigh. "You are truly wonderful."

Mr. Nacarat chuckled and dug one of his hooves into her back. "I do my best. Thank you for not obliterating me for kidnapping your sister."

"Yes, let that be a lesson to you," Luna said with a half-hearted wave of her hoof.

Mr. Nacarat chuckled and moved to her neck. "It's funny: I think I remember having some kind of dream with you. You didn't look like you, though, you looked a little younger." He laughed again. "I think I tried to seduce you, but I ended up giving you a belly rub instead."

Luna cleared her throat and looked towards the ceiling. "Oh... er... yes, that does sound like an interesting dream."

"Maybe that's how you knew I give such good back rubs," Mr. Nacarat chortled. "You don't happen to dream walk, do you?"

Luna bit her lip and rubbed her two front hooves together as she formulated a response, but she was fortunately spared having to come up with one when the other three kidnappers walked into the room. She motioned for Mr. Nacarat to cease his back rub and sat up on her couch. "Good evening, mares and gentlecolt."

The three kidnappers bowed low to the floor. "Good evening, Princess Luna," said Mr. Xanadu.

"I trust that you have no complaints as to the state of your employment?"

Ms. Razzmatazz chuckled and nodded. "I must say that I never really saw myself having a job as a "castle nobility prankster", but..." She shrugged. "There you go."

"And what have you been working on as of late?" Luna questioned.

"Well on top of our pranking job, Princess Celestia is having us helping out with relief efforts for some of the lower income ends of Canterlot so nopony else makes our mistake," said Ms. Fallow.

Ms. Razzmatazz nodded and turned her head to Ms. Fallow. "What did she say about that? We had an insider's perspective that the nobility didn't have or something like that."

Ms. Fallow nodded. "Something like that."

"At any rate..." Mr. Xanadu pulled a blueprint out of his apron pocket and unrolled it on the floor. "As you can see here, a group of six nobles will be joining Princess Celestia for dinner tomorrow evening. She said that we should think up something special for them in the event that the dinner is not as cordial as she would like."

Ms. Fallow held down one of the ends of the blueprint and pointed to a diagram in the center. "Basically, what's going to happen is that the nobles sitting here, here, and here will be given soup laced with slow acting sleeping powder. If we time it right, they should fall asleep when they're walking out to their carriages. She plans for them to wake up in the kitchens somewhere, but we're not quite sure the exact location."

Ms. Razzmatazz pointed at to "X" markers on the blueprint. "As I understand it, these two nobles here are banned from eating cake in the castle as punishment for something or other."

"I heard the cause was foal-like quarreling," Luna confirmed.

Mr. Xanadu shrugged. "Whatever the case may be, Princess Celestia has requested that they be served moon pies instead."

Luna's jaw dropped and she shot to her hooves. "I demand your explanation revealing why moon pies are a punishment!"

Ms. Razzmatazz shrugged. "I dunno. Princess Celestia wanted it that way."

Mr. Xanadu motioned back to the map. "As we were saying, apparently this sixth noble is somepony named Fancypants. We're not supposed to do anything to him."

Luna scowled and took the blueprint in her magic. "This hate for moon pies is ridiculous," Luna grumbled. "However, I have more serious matters to attend to. I have called you here to discuss a matter of grave importance."

The three ponies bowed again. "We are willing to do whatever it takes to pay our debt to you and Princess Celestia," said Ms. Fallow.

Luna nodded and slipped the blueprint back into Mr. Xanadu's apron. "Excellent." Princess Luna moved in front of the three and sat down on her haunches. "How would you like to help me prank Tia?

Author's Note:

Thank you everyone read this! I could not have done this without your criticism and encouragement. Double thanks to anybody who thumbsed it up and favorited it! You guys are why I do stuff like this!

Comments ( 286 )

Fantastic story! This had me smiling all through out.

Why did they keep their code names, though?

Ha! A satisfying ending to a comical story. Well done.

2775655 Because reasons. I'm too lazy to think up four new OC names.

So... you've left a plot hook in case you wanted to write a sequel. Good. Now I just have to bug you until either you write aforementioned sequel, or I get bored. Sadly, I get bored easily. Still, I may as well try:

Write a sequel why aren't you writing the sequel yet when are you going to write that sequel Rarity's ghost will haunt you if you do not write the sequel soon write it write it write it are you writing it yet well get a move on then or I will kill your puppy you do have a puppy don't you if not I will buy you a puppy and then kill it so get on with the sequel damnit I've run out of ideas for what to put here just write the damn thing.

2775673 Haha, fair enough. I'll just imagine that Celestia did it because she found it funny, and justified it with something along the lines of them being given a new life, so new names.

SEQUAL! hurray for prank wars!

2775728 1. I did edit out the missing two kidnappers from the whole story. It's like they never existed.

2. Mr. Xanadu and Ms. Fallow literally passed out from fear. They seemed pretty scared to me.

3. I do extend a few things in the epilogue. They didn't get away scot free, they're working for Celestia in restitution for their actions.

I want a sequel. Who is this fancy pants you speak of and why does he have nothing done to him! EXPLAIN!

2775776 That's part of what the epilogue is.

Get Fancypants in on the pranking. And please make a sequel. Did you know you can send blog posts to those who faved a story without them watching you?

2775800 Yeah I do. Why do you bring that up?


Fancy Pants, as seen in the show, is pretty much the only non-snooty, genuine nice noble in Canterlot. Whereas all the other rich people that Rarity tried hanging out with were snobbish people who turned up their noses at the lesser-classed and were easily swayed by people with more power and prestige then them.

Funny as heck. Such a sweet tale. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

2775813 Just thought that, if a sequel were made, that you could send a blog post out to those who faved Princess Celestia Gets Mugged, but don't watch you, to inform them of the sequel.

And here I thought it was referring to them by code names because they were their as part of the pranking team.

nobility prankster?? best. job. EVER! :rainbowkiss:

Ever notice that in any fandom, there are some background characters nobody likes, and some that everyone loves? For example, in Harry Potter, NOBODY likes Umbridge. There's even Voldemort fans out there, but no Umbridge fans. Well, seems that Fancy Pants (along with Derpy/Ditzy) are in the opposite category. Seems like everyone likes them...

2775888 I guess that can work too... that also makes sense. But my idea seems sillier.

2775971 That's because Derpy is awesome and Fancy Pants isn't a total jerk, something that makes him unique amongst the Canterlot elite. Even though she didn't speak, I suspect his trophy wife can be a snob herself.

Read "Six Nobles", thought it was Tia pranking the pranksters by giving them the Elements as targets...

A pleasant read all in all Great Job!

One day, Luna will get revenge for all the Moon Pies.

Happy endings all around, and a sequel where Luna gets massaged!

I think we need a royal compromise. Moon pie cake.

*is Umbridge fan* :facehoof:
Theres just so little of us, that you barely see any.

Anyone else noticed how this story was confusing if you watched it from the start? I got a laugh at the Pizza Delivery Colt part, then it was deleted!?!:rainbowhuh: I checked back up on it and saw it finished so I caught back up. :derpytongue2:

:ajbemused: I see that Luna uses SERIOUS grammar, I can barely understand it, its so... unusual.

2776721 Whoops. My mistake.

Hahah, and all's well that end's well, yeah?

I'd love to see more of these guys, they're stupid enough to be entertaining, but smart enough to not be dull.

Are you going to use them anymore?

~Skeeter The Lurker

Thanks ... the last 2 chapters made my misery (I need o call life) worthwhile a bit longer :P

Anyhow: My Amusement is without compare ;)

lol, great job! This has been a blast to read!

2775987 She did speak actually. One line, though: "Hmm, A pony with expensive tastes I see."

And I suspect that she wouldn't be a total snob because Fancy would never be into a mare like that

[/runs the group for Fancypants apparent wife, Fleur de Lis, so isn't unbiased]

Actually, my take on Fancypants has always just been that he's not NEARLY as kind as he comes across in the episode, but he has a keen observation and isn't stuck up his own ass. He recognized Rarity as an element of Harmony, and has basically been sucking up to her, knowing that it could eventually lead to getting in better with the Princess.

The nobles in the show just remind me of people in every-day life who have money and titles. Wealth corrupts us if we have too much of it. Power corrupts us even faster. Fancy Pants is an exception, though. He seems to consider those who are not of noble birth as equals; he allowed Twilight and co to have their party in that garden remember? And I doubt he knew they were the bearers of the Elements of Harmony since he believed Rarity when she told him Rainbow Dash was a Wonderbolt trainer (is that right?)

Characters like Blueblood though, they are dicks. But useful ones for taking the piss out of. I like the way people write new ways to humiliate him. My current favourite is in March to the Scaffold, when Chyraslis slammed a tray of food in his face.

Ah, good read. Brilliant story.

Maybe I should get a start on my story...

Oh, and I enjoyed readjng this too. This site should start putting stories into books. Fanfiction stories for fanfiction readers.

Excellent story! Never stopped laughing.

Question, though. What did happen to the Luna/Shining Armor chapters? I get that they kinda filled space, but I thought it made it funnier, mostly because it meant Celestia was trolling for longer... *shrug

Still a great, funny fic overall.

Once again, I do so love your writings. :D

So, I'm not particularly into fics that portray the princesses as particularly simple-minded. Oh, a day off, why didn't I think of that sometime in the last millennium? Perhaps one of these days someone will write (or, I will read) a Celestia day off story where it's not presented as a completely novel concept. Maybe it's a routine by now, and she becomes Sunny Skies on a semi-regular basis, and has somehow managed to hide it from the press. Though to be fair, this story does imply that she's used that disguise before. Also it was a cute nod to "Sunny Skies" that she receives a letter while disguised, which gave her away in the original story, but apparently the colors gang is much thicker than Twilight.

Another thing that bothers me about princess fics in general is the wild variance in the characteristics of alicorns. Sometimes they're merely powerful unicorns with wings, and sometimes they're so far over nine thousand that they simply can't be killed at all, either because they'll just reform after being vaporized, or through simply being singularly impenetrable, which is the route this story takes. Which really makes me question how she can let her "captors" off with a "no harm, no foul", when the only reason they didn't seriously injure her is because she's apparently the mare of steel.

But, this fic apparently takes place in the super-happy-fun-land version of Equestria where nobles bicker like foals, cake is withheld for misdemeanors, and kidnapping is punishable by employment as a royal prankster, so I suppose I should just go along with it. It was pretty hilarious after all. Celestia certainly thought so.

2778043 Well, you don't always have to take a darker route with a fic like this. It's hard to keep a light-hearted tone in a comedy when the kidnappers are legitimately dangerous. If Celestia was continuously knocked out or they were willing to cut off her ear then it would remove the comedy because getting your ear sliced off isn't really that funny.

1. Celestia didn't take a day off in a thousand years because she couldn't. She was the only monarch for that time.

2. We know what it means when a letter pops into existence in front of Celestia, but the crooks have absolutely no reason to. Remember, they think they have some random noble named Sunny Skies. Why would anypony's mind jump to "Oh wait, this is Celestia in disguise!"

3. What do we know about Alicorns... nothing. We know they're powerful and some ponies can ascend. That's it. So it's impossible to be consistent when Alicorns are such mysteries in canon.

4. The cake being withheld was not so much about the cake itself, but the meaning behind it. It's not that the nobles thought that losing cake was terrible, but 1. Celestia said that if they argue like foals they'll be treated like foals and 2. It was more about them knowing that she was mad at them that was the issue.

5. The kidnappers didn't get off scot-free. They had to work to pay off their debt. If they had said no thanks to Celestia's job offer they would be in prison, probably for life. Plus, they were useful to Celestia to be advisers to combat poverty.

cute fic but the ending felt rather weak. The idea that Celestia just gets away with it and everyone just accepts it felt rather unfair to them and somewhat inaccurate to Celestia that she apparently does nothing to try and make amends. she even acts as though how upset Luna is means nothing.

2778199 They don't just accept it. Luna is pissed and Shining Armor really isn't in a position to question Celestia. She didn't just act like Luna's feelings meant nothing, she did apologize to her for scaring her like she did. Plus Luna's going to get a little revenge.

Yeah, it took me a few chapters, but I eventually got on board with the fact that this was a dedicated comedy story and just let it do it's thing. I did get quite a few hearty laughs out of this story.

1. This can be true, but for one thing, she's had 3 years since Luna's return now, and regardless of that, in the context of this story, it seems like Equestria probably wouldn't fall apart if she spent a day here and there not being around to listen to the perpetual whining of those who make a habit of asking her for things in the day court. I could understand if this were a Celestia like the one from A Wake of Mist and Flame, who is much more dedicated to, and directly involved in, the welfare of her little ponies, (That story is best Celestia, by the way) but even she doesn't actually do those things every day.

2. Okay, we as viewers, (and Twilight, I suppose) know how Celestia's mail is delivered, so we have an advantage over the kidnappers, but the seed of doubt should probably have been planted when she received that letter. If I read about Celestia having been kidnapped after having recently kidnapped somepony who just happened to have received a letter addressed to Princess Celestia in my presence, I might jump to conclusions just a little quicker. You can't really argue that these kidnappers aren't pretty dumb anyway. After all, they did just try to deliver a ransom note in person.

3. Yup. This is pretty much the problem. We're not given much to work with, so the results vary. I don't blame writers for making up details where necessary for their stories, it's just kinda jarring to always have to reset my assumptions between each story.

4-5. Point.

2778278 1. Well keep in mind that she does get a few days off here and there. Remember her visit to Ponyville? As a ruler, that's her perception of a day off; one filled with pomp and circumstance. She only gets precious few true days off.

2. The kidnappers didn't know that Celestia had been kidnapped until five seconds before they found out they were the kidnappers. A pony who looks nothing like Celestia says she's a liaison, well, who are they to doubt her?

2778199 And Celestia doesn't get away with crap in the actual show? She's got quite a "sin" tally going already. No one can call her out on most of it, though. How many times was she wrong, brought it down on somepony's head, and then, when proven wrong, didn't apologize? 3 separate known times. What's to say she hasn't done plenty more besides off screen?

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