• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 49 minutes ago

Ice Star

🖤 i eat children 🖤



A new god, worlds-between-worlds, and tons of sass from a certain somepony are only a few things that have made Luna's life all the more interesting. Now, she finds that every day is more of an adventure than it used to be with somepony worthy of sharing it with.

Her relationship may be nothing but a disaster waiting to happen in the eyes of nearly everypony in Equestria, but Luna and her special somepony know otherwise.

This is a side story to Favorable Alignment as much as it is a stand-alone story. You can read this all on its own. The original version of this story scored Highly Recommended in PresentPerfect's spoiler-filled review! Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 21 )

Judging by the title, I have a few ideas on where they'll be going.

Aside from that-
Yee sasspones.
Best kind of pone

The seventh circle of hell, obviously. No need for guesses. This is obviously just a crossover with Dante's Inferno. I can't hide it forever. And sasspones are indeed the best kind of pone. You have good pone tastes.

0 views, 2 comments. Nice job, FIMFiction...

horse pirouettes would be weird

yah prolly

but I still pictured it

Smug ice skating is a delight to write.

How was sombra reconstructed? Can he use normal and black magic? And why is he the god of knowledge? Will twilight be mor then Demigod, like goddess of magic?

Well, I should probably just start by saying this: if you haven't noticed this, or read my other stories, I don't use anything from the comics in my writing, so this Sombra is not the comic Sombra.

He is 'reconstructed' through self-revival, from another story here. This Sombra is capable of using multiple kinds of magic with ease. He is the god of knowledge from a previous story set in the same universe, and it has a connection to him being an immortal being. Or were you asking why he is knowledge's god instead of why he's a god?

And no, Twilight is just a demigod. She technically wouldn't be called the 'Demigod of Magic' or anything, just 'the demigod princess of friendship'. The same would apply to Cadance, who is a demigod that is the princess of love instead of a demigod of love (which isn't something that would be possible to be).

I hope this answers your questions.

Love this so much <3

Thank you! I had fun writing it. :)

Swishing my tale, I snuck another glance at my coat, which was now a shade of

I think it should be tail

Ah, sorry about that, and thank you for noting that!

Thanks so much for reading!:raritywink:

Fluffy petty criminal Sombra and his adventurous amour are fun to read. :twilightsmile: You always do such a great job with setting up mood and atmosphere in your stories, especially at night. The descriptions of a cold, snowy evening almost make me want to bust out a blanket and make some hot cocoa, and it's sunny today!

My favorite exchange in this chapter is this one:

"Well, cut-purse it appears that I'll have to be keeping an eye on you for the rest of the night. A criminal like you cannot simply walk free, hmm?"

I tugged Sombra's foreleg and he allowed himself to be pulled into a kiss, a sly smile on his muzzle that was still there when we parted.

"Spend the whole night with you? And a thief?" He tossed the coin purse smugly again, but his eyes never left me. "Hadn't we decide that I was 'reformed'? Isn't that the excuse that the public has been left with?"

I snorted. "If you keep saying that, you will start sounding like Discord. 'Reformed' this and 'reformed' that. The whole thing seems like an excuse to be sneaking into my sister's chambers now. You have only formed anew literally."

So much playful sass!

Sombra - or Wild Card, if I was to call him anything around ponies - let me see the smallest trace of a smile that could've blended in with his now-white coat in the snow on this night.

I figured that's who he was... Now some of those past references make even more sense. :trixieshiftright:

What sweet goth horses! This was a delightful little outing for them. There's so many neat details here... The descriptions of Luna's disguise, her disdain for the tabloids, the ice skating... All of it was very heart-warming. :heart: And speaking of, I find it interesting (though not surprising) that the events of Hearth's Warming in your 'verse are apparetnly much different (probably darker) than the play shown in the show. Just another difference between Luna and Celestia here, where Celestia is very much into keeping up appearances and keeping the populace happy, and Luna is... definitely not. Her characterization, along with Sombra's, makes them match up together well. There's a spirit of rebellion, grounded in truth, between them that is rather charming and likeable.

I had always thought of showing him Solace, so why would he not wish to show me Everything?

Beautiful. Both the inner realms, and the fact that you used these as the chapter titles. :twilightsmile:

Poor Sombra. I'm glad he has Luna there by his side through the night terrors and horrible memories. I'm also glad that she has him. The reveal of Everything was so sweet and heartfelt. You write this ship (which I honestly feel is basically yours in terms of lore/worldbuilding/pure amount of love and words) in a way that makes both characters seem perfect for each other. Some great romance on top of the usual Ice Star touches of brilliance.

An easy fave for a great story!


Fluffy petty criminal Sombra and his adventurous amour are fun to read.

The real challenge of answering this comment is are you describing Sombra as fluffy or the general tone as fluffy? Maybe even both? Anyway, welcome to one of my best fics, holy heck.

You always do such a great job with setting up mood and atmosphere in your stories, especially at night. The descriptions of a cold, snowy evening almost make me want to bust out a blanket and make some hot cocoa, and it's sunny today!

Scenery porn is my only fetish.

So much playful sass!

Sassy lovely goth horses are the best goth horses, that's why!


And speaking of, I find it interesting (though not surprising) that the events of Hearth's Warming in your 'verse are apparetnly much different (probably darker) than the play shown in the show.

You have no idea! 👀

Just another difference between Luna and Celestia here, where Celestia is very much into keeping up appearances and keeping the populace happy, and Luna is... definitely not. Her characterization, along with Sombra's, makes them match up together well. There's a spirit of rebellion, grounded in truth, between them that is rather charming and likeable.

They're the be queer, do crime couple just come out and say it. :ajsmug:


I'm glad he has Luna there by his side through the night terrors and horrible memories. I'm also glad that she has him. The reveal of Everything was so sweet and heartfelt. You write this ship (which I honestly feel is basically yours in terms of lore/worldbuilding/pure amount of love and words) in a way that makes both characters seem perfect for each other. Some great romance on top of the usual Ice Star touches of brilliance.

N-no hetero to you too okay aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Author Interviewer

well now I have to read the rest of this series <.<

Wait, comments from you are followed by reviews... oh heck, I've been really delayed on getting the first series in shape since I wanted to correct some things that are now inconsistencies, give them their final polish, and otherwise retool a bit here and there. I want them to be in printable shape after all... life is just argh. Only the last one is in particularly good shape, but it's literally the best thing I've written. Why do they need these retoolings and final polish? you're probably asking, well, a few lore minor lore bits changed that can be left unfixed. Most importantly, I have way more writing skill now than I did at the time of writing them to the point that giving them one last go and then printing them will be the last real correction. Finally.

[i[But why weren't they like that in the first place? you may ask. 'Cause I wrote them all when I was in high school. Except for the first story, whose first draft was made the summer before I was a freshman in a blank recipe book, so I ended up with over 100 handwritten pages. I don't think they're bad writing by any means, people still enjoy them, but some restoration is needed. Since people still enjoy them, I've left them up because goodness knows how long it'll take to get the ~500,000 words of the first series in order all by myself. But that also means that all the old versions are getting reviews.

Like this one, it's also due for a restoration especially since I'm aware it has a few flaws here and there that need smoothed out and tweaked. Oh, and I also want to print it.

Personally, I still think seventeen-year-old me was a good writer, just not the best he could be. Which is a given, since I'm self-taught. Suffering from success and all that. I'llseehowIfaredinthereviewlaterhopefullyit'sgood.

TLDR I would hold off on reading the main series until a blog about their revision status declares at least one is revised. And I'm probably not as old as you think I am. Sorry about that.

Author Interviewer

no worries there, considering the last one is ten times longer than the one before it <.<;

Hey man, sometimes writing happens.

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