• Member Since 4th Oct, 2019
  • offline last seen May 19th


I don’t care for MLP, I do however like the massive amounts of stories in a well designed interface. That's why I’m here, that and the free cookie I was promised by a mysterious figure.


“I have faced many self proclaimed gods, but when they die you can not hear their howls above the wind. The god died the man lives.”-Pantheon the Unbroken spear

Many warriors face defeat and can not rise above their own failures. They fall and do not stand back up. Brothers and sisters fall by the way side, all you can do is shout there names to the heavens. A deep sorrow in your chest that hurts more than a sword.

Atreus knows all this too well, but he has never fallen and not overcome that defeat in the end. After climbing mount Targon and losing himself and his body to the stars. He only ever saw glimpses of what was happening.

Now after his most resent fall he is surprised by the change in scenery. The sands of Shurima and its deserts are gone, replaced by a beach next to the ocean. He glances up to the night sky and takes a breath.
These are not the stars who lied to him.

Just letting you know, though you may not understand. This story takes place after the battle between Pantheon and Xerath because this is AU for both LOL and MLP. That battle ends on a cliffhanger and is the perfect plot device to get Atreus to Equestria. Also its like the last lore story on Pantheon right now, so bite me, I want to be a bit lore friendly. BTW THIS LAST PART IS IMPORTANT, I WILL MAKE IT SO THAT EQUESTRIANS ARE HUMANS BUT THEY HAVE TAILS, AND THE FEATURES OF THEIR TRIBES. THEY WILL STILL BE CALLED PONIES AND USE CERTAIN WORDS STILL BUT YOU KNOW, NO HORSE FACES. APOLOGIES IN ADVANCE IF YOU CAME HERE FOR THAT

I don't own any of the characters by the way, just thought I'd make that clear. 😓

Chapters (28)
Comments ( 64 )

This story shows promise. 👍 I like it.

Just be sure to let me know what you think. If something seems off, or in need of pursuit later.

I just need to know where to go and a day or two to get there without causing problems.

*Moves cursor towards Canterlot. Presses R.*

Also, you're doing a good job so far, I think better than when I first started. Keep up the good work, although there may be not alot of feedback now, they would start showing sooner or later, and at the right time. GL and HF writing more chapters, because I know I do, whenever I make more chapters.

Also, also, did you ever have that feeling where you want to see a certain story, but end up disappointed because it doesn't exist, so you took it to your own hands to make the story that you envisioned for other people to read and have fun with while reading? As well as, you as a writer, have fun writing the story, because you get to control the rhythm of the story, to make your well crafted imagination and fantasy come into life?

Me, I get that alot.

You, you get me. Everything you just said. And I do mean everything was a perfect description of me. 😠 So do me a favour ya darn psychic stop reading my mind.
For real though I am mostly writing this for myself and appreciate that there are people who favorite it at all.

Thanks for the comment, please point out flaws(not using the proper pony pronoun) if i make them.
Have a good one.

Your grammar has multiple errors and the tenses switch from present to past frequently.

My guy the level of spelling and grammar errors.

That doesn't help, just tell me what you mean. And if you say that you don't spell colour with a u I will stop caring about your comments. Just say what specific part(doesn't have to be everything) is wrong. Show an example. I reread the previous chapter because of your last comment. I found a few errors but everything else was fine. If there are grammatical errors it must be in punctuation and how i use those. Otherwise I just word things odd.

Is the violence tag only for the LoL characters?

Mega high hopes for this. :)

No, I think Celestia and Luna could be good fighters. I put the death in because of Pylas and Asose. I don't know if anyone else will die yet. Samething with the gore tag. I put that there because Atreus was impaled on Aatrox’s sword. I don’t think there is any profanity yet but I don’t know if that might slip into my writing. 😅 Maybe if I had a plan/rough draft when I write I would have better answers.


Canterlot castle was where the Princess lived. Her name was Celestia and she was older than any of her subjects. Her skin was not pale though it did seem to glow white. Her hair was multicoloured and flowed with an invisible current. She wore a golden crown with a single purple gem in its center complimented by a white dress of flowing and yet well fitted cloth. Her necklace was golden and was encrusted with a gem which shared her crown's gem colour. The horn beneath her crown was longer than any unicorn in her country. Her white, wide feathered wings were folded on her back.

Celestia walked through the halls of her palace, its white and gold colour scheme was present even in her guard. Having just finished her lunch, she moved on to her next bit of business. She was on her way to the throne room in order to open the court, where her ponies would come to tell her of their problems hoping gain aid from the crown. The petitioners were often there before she raised the sun and she would spend hours listening to them. There would always be more than she had time for. 'Maybe I would hear them all if the aristocracy didn't come so often. They rarely have actual problems which couldn't be solved without my intervention.', the princess cared deeply for her subjects, but some tested her patience. Because of that she had developed quite a lot of it throughout her extended lifetime.

As she made her way to the court she would have to remember to prepare herself for tonight. She was not sure, but the prophecy her student Twilight had discovered plagued her mind. It had been on her mind before even Twilight's grandparents had been born. She wasn't sure if her sister would return tonight, but she knew one thing. On the day she had seen Twilight get her cutiemark, she had done some digging on the rainbow explosion which occured at the same time. Five other mares had received their cutiemarks, all of them now resided in Ponyville and each, clearly an embodiment of the Elements of Harmony.

Celestia, having realized this, reasoned that these six would be the ones destined to defeat Nightmare moon if she did return. She glanced out a window at the sky, it was a clear day, the weather teams seemed quite happy to make the sun shine for as long as possible. She had sent Twilight to Ponyville under the guise of organizing its preparations for the Summer Sun Celevration tonight. In reality, Celestia wanted to be ready for any possiblity, she, unlike her subjects didn't hold much love for the celebration. It was a personal self-reminder of her decision to banish her sister, she regretted the deed to this day.

As she walked, she sensed a spike of magic West of her. She rushed to the window and she saw it. A shining light streaked across the sky like shooting star. It was a yellow and orange light which made the blue around it darker as it moved. It held a small trail and she could almost hear its flight. It passed beyond the mountain and Celestia's eyes widened as it made its way over Ponyville before diving into the Everfree. She saw small flames lick the tree-tops before the crash site calmed.

"Princess," her assistant Page Turner came up to her, she was a grey pegusus with glasses and a wardrobe worthy of a librarian. "The petitioners are waiting, the line is a bit longer this time."

Celestia turned to one of the guards who were at many of the doors in the corridor and ordered, "Send a message to Captain Shining Armor that I want him to send an investigation unit to the Everfree Forest to see what crashed there." Celestia knew they wouldn't get there till late in the evening, however, she felt it would be a good measure. 'What ever that was, it spells a bad omen to me.' She entered the throne room and briefly held another thought, 'I just hope my belief in Twilight and my ponies is not misplaced.


Atreus touched down deep in the forest and stood once he stopped. He took in his surroundings, his impact had left a small crater surrounded by angular scorch marks. While it didn't affect the overall landscape of the forest, there were now a few knocked over trees and a bit of rising smoke. 'It never feels like I have leapt, only that I have fallen.', his thoughts were interrupted by a growling sound.

He turned his head to look at the source of the sound, what met his eyes puzzled him slightly. These were clearly some of the monsters he had been warned about, but instead of being something more conventional, he found himself facing three wolves made out of wood. Growling, the wolfs leapt at the warrior. He stabbed through the first wolf with his spear, it's two kin were upon him in moments, he removed his spear and shielded against the wolf's pounces. He bashed his shield against them, throwing them back. He slashed the wolf to his left twice before kicking the wolf to his right. The wolf he kicked began to run off when it realized it was alone. Seeing that, Atreus pulled back his arm and threw his spear, ripping the fleeing wolf to kindling.

The spear returned to his hand as Pantheon huffed. The man placed the spear butt into the dirt and looked at the compass he hand just taken out from his bag. He reasoned he should be almost completely south of Canterlot, there was a settlement along the way if Atreus remembered the map in his pack correctly. He placed the compass back into his pack and picked up his spear. The sun was at a point that indicated to him it was early afternoon, 'I need to get out of the forest by nightfall. The monsters will be greater in number and more active', as Pantheon walked he began to take in the forest, the trees were dark and twisted. The forest floor was a thick brush of plants and decaying matter. The clearing the man had destroyed with his landing held the light of day, the rest of the forest however was shaded and you could barely see through the leaves into the sky.


In Ponyville the whole town was helping prepare for the festival. It was a big event, and getting a visit from the princess was monumental. Ponyville wasn't a small town, but it was most certainly not anywhere near a large town or city. Only the ponies of the court saw Celestia, if you didn't count castle staff that is. The town heard a humming noise, almost like a uniform vibrating chord and the turned their eyes to the sky and beheld a flaming ball as it passed above them; it quickly landed with a single loud crashing thud somewhere within the Everfree.

"Wow what was that!", Spike airily asked Twilight.

"Uh, a meteor, i think. It can wait for later, for now we need to finish making sure everything is ready.", Twilight answered her assistant. 'I hope that the princess is right about the mare in the moon and ,with any luck, that the meteor is unrelated,' she reassured herself, continuing on her list of things to do.

There, I edited out most of your spelling errors, redundancies, tense errors, inaccurate adjective, subject verb agreement disagreement, punctuation and quite a bit of janky sentences so they sounded coherent.

I'd recommend just copying and pasting the thing because I only bolded the grammatical and punctuation errors, most of the sentence structure changes I didn't highlight.

Also, heads up, dialogue is punctuated like this:

"How do you do?" he asked.

"Fine thank you," she replied.

'This guy needs some help, his leg's broken, ' she thought to herself.

She pondered pensively, 'should I really aid him?'

The man winced and shouted,"Help me dammit!"

She frowned and chastised, "Not with that attitude."

As she made her way to the court she would have to remember to prepare herself for tonight. She was not sure, but the prophecy her student, Twilight, discovered plagued her mind, just as it had before Twilight's grandparents had even been born. She wasn't sure if her sister would return tonight, but she knew one thing. On the day she had seen Twilight get her cutiemark, she had done some digging on the rainbow explosion which occurred at the same time. Five other mares had received their cutiemarks, all of them now resided in Ponyville and each, clearly an embodiment of the Elements of Harmony.

Yeah I fixed another thing.

In Ponyville the whole town was helping prepare for the festival. It was a big event, and getting a visit from the princess was monumental. Ponyville wasn't a small town, but it was most certainly not anywhere near a large town or city. Only the ponies of the court saw Celestia, if you didn't count castle staff that is. The town heard a humming noise, almost like a uniform vibrating chord and they turned their eyes to the sky and beheld a flaming ball as it passed above them; it quickly landed with a single loud crashing thud somewhere within the Everfree.

Atreus moved through the trees, the forest wasn't necessarily dense, however, the uneven, rocky, and twisting terrain slowed him by a decent margin to the point where he would need luck to complete his goal of getting out by nightfall. Already, he saw the sun lowering towards the ground and quickened his pace, using small jumps to hike up small ledges. Atreus climbed a cliff with his spear and shield on his back. He knelt to the ground to look at tracks, they appeared to belong to a wild cat of some kind. Though it looked much heavier than most he had seen. Pantheon decided the best course of action was to move on, and do so swiftly. He jogged toward his destination, pulled the spear and shield from his back and again held them ready. The sun was at the final stage of the day orange reds streaking across the sky. As Atreus crossed over one final hill, he saw what appeared to be the exit of the forest.

My dude, are you ever not on this site. I wasn’t expecting anyone to see this till morning. Also i did your edits, thank you.

Today's a holiday. I'm mostly free. And you're welcome. I'll see if there's anything else amiss.

He paused his gait at the Forest's edge and scouted his position. He spotted the town not far from his position. Having decided to approach the town, Pantheon remembered his last experience doing this and wisely placed the spear and shield on his back, under his cape but on top of his backpack. The tip of the spear popped out from his cape but most of the weapon was covered. With his worries temporarily alleviated, the man continued to walk toward the town. As he approached, he noticed that the townspeople appeared to be gathering at the local hall. 'Or whatever that building is.' he idly thought as he came within a hundred meters of the village. The sun had set now, Pantheon sighed warily,a brief thought flashing in his mind, 'How quickly the light of the heavens fade.'

The man wandered the town unnoticed for the time being. There wasn't an inn that he could see, and no townsfolk were nearby to ask. 'All of them are in there.' the warrior looked over at the hall, 'I was hoping to not gather attention. Perhaps whatever has them all gathered, will allow me to be only noticed by the ones I disturb with my queries.' The hall came closer as he jogged, not wanting to waste much time. He entered quietly as he heard what sounded like a speech in progress.

"...and now! It is my great honour to introduce to you the ruler of our land. The very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day! The good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria!" the mare paused, Pantheon mentally remarked, 'This one appears to be the town's Lord.' Her hair was silver and she held oddly few wrinkles for her age. Her clothes were for a professional and formal setting, consisting of a brown-white, suit-like attire, minus the overcoat. No pony had noticed Atreus, even the guards were glued to the speaker and as no pony had noticed him, only one of them noticed the black craters disappear from the surface of the moon. The speaker excitedly resumed, "Princess Celestia!"

Trumpets rang out from nearby as Pantheon shifted his gaze to the stage. If the Princess was here, it might end his journey right here, after all, the only reason he desired to enter canter lot was to acquire aid in returning to Runeterra. He saw the curtains violet pull back and he sourly narrowed his eyes. This was far too convenient.

As the balcony was lit up, it revealed itself to be empty. Confused murmurings emanated from the crowd as one shaky voice spoke above the rest, "This can't be good."

Pantheon was inclined to agree with the multi shaded, purple-haired unicorn female. Something was afoot. The older mare in charge began to speak, attempting to ease the concerns of her audience, though her words were drowned out by whispers of panic.

Another purple-haired unicorn mare stepped onto the balcony, though this one wore more intricate clothes and possessed teal-colored eyes, she spoke airily, voice almost cracking despite brief finality of her statement, "She's gone." Gasps sounded from the hall, the guards tensed, a couple noting his presence, however, before they could move to inquire into the man's presance, a mare cried out. Looking towards her every eye noticed strange, tar-like smoke wafting beneath the balcony. The gaseous shadows began to rise up and grow, then exploded outwards to reveal a mare wrapped in dark armor.

Immediately, Pantheon sensed a familiar darkness from the mare. Her presance reminded him of the Darkin. She had both wings and a horn and her height equalled Atreus, with her horn, she would have exceeded him. Her hair flowed in the air, resembled a moving portrait of the stars and her eyes were slits, colored the deepest blue of a stagnant lake, threatening to drown any who stray into their depts.

"Oh mine beloved subjects, it has't been so long since I've seen thine precious, sun loving faces," she spoke powerfully, her voice rich as silk gmyet rough as a crashing wave, her last few words coated in venom. A rainbow-haired pegusus mare shot a demand to know where the princess was before she was prevented from flying after the mare, courtesy of an stocky, orange mare with a cowboy hat. The Dark in-like mare began to monologue about her apparent royal status and signs from legends of her imprisonment. Pantheon was barely registering her words as he removed the weapons from his back.

Before he could act however a unicorn mare spoke up, the same mare who noticed the wrongness of the situation. She stated her claim to have know the mare was coming. "...And I know who you are, your the mare in the moon. Nightmare Moon."

"Finally! Somepony remembers me! Then thou'st know mine claim." Nightmare Moon declared to her audience. The purple mare stuttered as the gazes from the villagers and the monster on the balcony overwhelmed her and she fell onto her knees in panic. The laugh from the dark alicorn was finished with a declaration, "Remember this day mine little ponies. For it was thine last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!" Nightmare moon's tail and hair seamed to stretch and expand into the air to show the stars cover the ceiling in a spiral. Lighting shot for the mass of stars as she laughed. The guards jumped to motion at the order of the mayor. They flew to engage the one who threatened their world with her rule of night. As they charged with weapons in hand, Nightmare moon yelled, "Stand back you foals!" her eyes glowed as she struck them with lightning.

Just as she was about to leave, a streaking sound was heard followed by a piercing shriek. A blazing golden spear had rocketed into the mist as it tried to fly away. The monster quickly burst through the doors of the hall, flying out of sight.

At the moment the hall's attention was on the warrior who grab the returning spear as it flew to him, silver blood marring the golden speartip. He stood tall, his cape much like Nightmare moons hair but mor elifelike, almost explosive in its splendor. His comet plume blazed, along with the piercing look he sent to the retreating creature. 'So much for not being noticed.' Pantheon lamented as a pink-haired earthpony mare hopped, literally hopped, over to him.

"Who are you?!" her speech quickly devolved into a flurry of questions he ignored. The man saw the unicorn mare from earlier run by and out the doors with a small purple scaled boy in her arms, determined look in her eye.

'She knew it's name, she may know how to best find and defeat this Nightmare moon. If nothing else it is good to know what that creature was.' Pantheon ran after her and was then followed by a small group of mares. The hall was left with confused with multiple discombobulated guardmen and terrified ponies.

Why am I doing this?

Why are we here? Just to suffer?

The answer is yes.

Anyway, Memes aside. Can you just put 'Edited by Orrm' at the very bottom of the page. Like, the bottom of the author's note whenever I do this. Not always, just when, this happens.

I get the feeling I'm going to be doing this again.

The editing and mild rewriting, that is.

And seems I missed a thing or ten.

Before he could act however a unicorn mare spoke up, the same mare who noticed the wrongness of the situation. She stated her claim to have known the mare was coming, alas, more fruitless dialogue, "...And I know who you are, you're the mare in the moon, The Great Betrayer, Nightmare Moon." [quote/]

Oh hell yeah!
Shits about to go down!

The commitment is top tier.

I'm kind of curious, is the inspiration behind this somewhat related to his recent rework?
Just wondering.

nice story man keep up the great work and dont let anyone tell other wise

I thought that was obvious. You know how many voicelines/quotes I've put in this story. Whether directly or through paraphrasing.

Not enough, needs more.

May the BooP Wars commence!

Huh, you would think that Celestia and Luna would be interested in the ascended people of shurima

He talked about them earlier in the story, he also talked about how many of them turned into darkin and how they were the celestials warriors. The Ascended were made to fight the void, he didn’t say that and he didn’t give a full history lesson over breakfast either. He didn’t talk about how the Ionians are harmonious, how the people of Bilge Water aren’t all bad, or anything to detailed. He laid a road map of the world. Remember Atreus isn’t exactly a person who has seen all of these places, he has probably never gone farther than Shurima. Also for you specific comment there is also the fact that Atreus doesn’t like the Ascended, he may not want to talk about them more than he has to, that and he has probably only met a few. He is more learned than most on Runeterra, but he isn’t like us who can learn all this from the internet.

Not only do you do some world build and great settings, but you have the gals to slap us with that ending and make us plead for more?!
I applaud you.

Fifteen chapters in and I know absolutely nothing about League of Legends. Only thing the fans I know ever talk about is pvp matches and I hate pvp. Didn't know it had this much lore to it and I'm almost completely lost.

Im curious now if you've been intentionally putting Steal instead of Steel when speaking of the metal. I'm not wholly certain if it's spelled the same worldwide as I know America has different spelling compared to pretty much everyone else.

Look up some videos if you want to get an idea of the setting. Much like a lord of the rings fanfiction I am not going to explain every non important detail, do you need to know what a valar or mailar are to enjoy a LOTR fanfic? No, so just sit back if you get too confused look up some vids, especially Targonian lore.

I should really get an editor huhh? I am not a proactive person who edits before posting.

I spent like a good hour reading up on the empire, Pantheon, and the sun and moon chicks that lived at the sun temple because of the lullaby of the moon song. And there is a LOT of stuff to cover. All the LoL fans I know only ever spoke of pvp so I ignored them but the rest of it actually seems badass so I don't see why people only seem interested in the pvp aspect. Hell I didnt even know there WAS more to the game until reading further into your story and seeing the few links.

We lore hermits are in fact a different sect from the rest of the people who play the game, most people are not at all interested in the lore beyond surface level. I mean Jesus you look at the amount of story that goes into this game and I don't blame people who don't know what the watchers are, how the void relates to the darkin, how the celestials relate to the darkin because they relate to the ascended. Or how the shadow isles are cursed and used to be called the blessed isles. There is so much to learn about one area and how they relate to others that its like trying to explain the entire plot of GoT, you can do it but you need to want to listen.

I mean, Targon is high above the mountains, literally reaching the stars, and it's made by what basically amounts to gods. The atmosphere is the least of your concerns..

well, I like it so far, as to whether it follows the timeline, you are still inside, if you can make the chapters a little longer, it would be very good, thanks for the chapter.

I really liked the sibling 'fight'. It's really fitting and real since, well they are sisters. Also the teasing from both sides was pretty good too.

At the end of the ledge is a dried creek bed. Good luck.

Ever tried using pantheon as a farm? I tried it and it was awsome!

What? You wording confuses me. Are you asking whether I think Pantheon would be a good farmer? Or something else?

In my country, farm means jungler, and I jungle with pantheon, by using a different set.

Same, i use him when i get autofilled jungle.

Well done with this chapter I really liked it!.👍😁 I didn't find any errors. So well done

Will Atreus ever display his star-bread powers?

"I CALL UPON THE STARS!! to make my bountiful bread."

Just grand starfall all the way to canterlot lmao

Huh. this is pretty interesting in my opinion. So far I like it and I will let you know if it stays that way after a few more chapters

I am really glad that you aren't having Atrues stagnate and be the same character. While he is knowledgeable he continues to learn and grow, making sure to keep the plot moving and not being too heavy with info dumps. Great job :eeyup:

The town name reminds me of oakvale from fable

the element bares, Spike, and Shadow Wing.

I saw that word twice reading this

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