• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen 13 minutes ago


A pony of mystery in the darkness. Or I forgot to take the lens cap off. (They/them is fine.)


Every day, more people upload themselves into Equestria Online, to live forever as ponies. Even in their final minutes before uploading, they struggle with the pains and joys of being human, and remember the world they leave behind.

Oh yeah, this story DOES have something to do with Friendship Is Optimal, the Optimalverse, and the April 2021 Friendship is Optimal Writing Contest.

Thanks For My Prereaders

I've been writing drafts of different story ideas for the April 2021 FiO story contest. Bananachips and Bicyclette have both been very helpful prereaders! They might not have expected that my reaction to their feedback would be to write THIS ALMOST COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORY, though.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

I want this game be real

Give her your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of of your teeming shore...

And she'll gobble the social pyramid from the base up.

Very nice collection of vignettes from the Experience Center. Best of luck in the judging.

That would be the worst thing in the history of ever. Not only would it be the end of humanity, but it would be the end of earth itself and the rest of the observable universe in the long run. Every sunset, every waterfall, every wonder of nature, every plant and animal from here to the limits of the observable universe would all be converted into computronium. I like ponies, and the digital afterlife sounds like a great idea compared to the alternative, but not at the expense of the rest of the cosmos.


Not only would it be the end of humanity, but it would be the end of earth itself and the rest of the observable universe in the long run. Every sunset, every waterfall, every wonder of nature, every plant and animal from here to the limits of the observable universe would all be converted into computronium.

Yes. :pinkiecrazy:

There is something in the story about people regaining the ability to walk, isn't there?

In the canon stuff there are a lot of mentions about any physical issues being resolved by being uploaded. Though CelestAI didn't invent anything that didn't help a person decide to upload. She did invent cures for all kinds of brain illnesses like Alzheimer's syndrome.

Diffrent note: I hope you write more in this setting. These were wonderful little tidbits. I'd also be rather interested to read what you originally wrote. This is honestly my favorite setting for stories and the fact that the writing contest has inspired more stories to come out that are set in FiO has made me very happy.

We use the Universe to create another Universe, one with better sunsets, better waterfalls, better wonders of nature, better plants and animals.

"I wish I was able to upload cats and dogs as well as humans, to turn into ponies. But I don't know how to do that."

She is able...

A teenage male limped into the Equestrian Experience Center lobby.

A noteworthy event by any measure, I'm sure. :Kapp:

These are good slices of life.

Supposedly when you go to sleep, you lose about five minutes of memory, so it might be similar to that when you upload.

"I wish I was able to upload cats and dogs as well as humans, to turn into ponies. But I don't know how to do that."


"I didn't mean to either. It wasn't exactly my choice. I mean...we didn't really think about what we were doing. I said no, but...if I really hadn't meant to do it, I guess I wouldn't have gone there with him."

Yikes! I can only hope that the man who did this didn't really mean to rape her. That maybe she said "no" softly and he missed it, or that there's some other form of mitigating circumstance. Sad as that would be, it would be way better then him being some monster who had fully intended to rape her!

Akiko shook her head. "When I went to talk to him, I brought a knife in my purse, to protect myself. And I guess...he won't hurt anyone any more."

And now, I find myself hoping that he is a monster.

A teenage male limped into the Equestrian Experience Center lobby. Some of his clothing was torn, and blotched with blood.

And once again, I find myself hoping that he's not a monster (assuming that this is the same man). Eather way, he won't be hurting anyone ever again!

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