• Member Since 26th Nov, 2011
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Rated Ponystar

"You think you know me..."


This story is a sequel to Journey to the First Flame

Fluttershy and Smolder's journey hasn't been off to an easy start, especially after they fell off the beaten path. Now, the professor and her pupil find themselves stuck in the middle of a civil war between two Diamond Dog clans whose shared history might not be what it seems. But even if they manage to escape the escalating conflict with their lives, they will surely have to confront many more dangers if they wish to see Smolder through her Dragon Lord-ordained task: rekindling the fires of the legendary First Flame.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story is a continuation of Darth Link 22's fanfic Journey to the First Flame that I was helping with. Sadly, DarthLink22 passed away before he could complete his story and I am here to post his remaining chapters that he finished but never published and finish the story's remaining parts myself. This is in his honor.

Thanks to TheAncientPolitzanian for editing.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 105 )

Silly question. But how do you have the remaining chapters? Or did Link share them with you? Cause I don't get it.

They're all in a google doc we both had access to.

I'm so sorry he passed. And Sorry to ask but what was the cause?

Head injury from what I heard from Amras Felagund who heard it from Darth's father.

I think that's actually pretty cool what you did for him and it was very devastating knowing your friend passed away and I'm very sorry for your lost I kind of wish I knew about his stories but I'm sure he was a nice person he will be missed I'll probably read his other stories. And I'm sure he'll be appreciated that you honor him.

Darth Link 22 still has other stories that aren't finished yet. I won't tell anyone to finish writing any of them in his place, but it may be an honor to help carry out his legacy in posting them as sequels or continuations.

I don't have any access to his other work documents since I never played a role in helping make them. Plus I had no idea what his plans were for future chapters so I'm unable to do anything regarding that. This is the only one I can do because I had actual involvement with it in the planning states.

This was great. Nice to have the conflict with the Diamond Dogs resolved so Smolder and Fluttershy can continue with their main quest. It is clear that even though Fluttershy is Smolder's teacher she still has a lot to learn just like Smolder does.

Again, I think it is wonderful how you are finishing this due to what happened to Darth Link, and I look forward to seeing the rest of this.

As it happened, I had been looking at the fic just a week or so back and wondering if and when we'll get another update. Hadn't ever thought the delay could've been for something as unfortunate as this. :twilightoops:

Still, I think it's great you're picking up the torch to try and bring to a finish what Darth Link sadly did not have the chance to. :twilightsmile:

“I mean that things can’t always be solved peacefully,” she said. “I don’t understand. Why did the Alphas keep fighting? Didn’t they know they were going to lose?”

“I wish I could tell you,” Rukil said.

I wish you could too, Rukil, because the motive for even conducting this whole charade in the first place has long mystified me. I suppose it could've just been as simple as "keep the populace busy and distracted with the feud while we meanwhile profit off it all on the sidelines without anyone noticing," but it had seemed to me too complex and ongoing for too long for that to have been the case--if that had really been the plan, it shouldn't have held together for this long, especially as the profits to be gleaned would eventually no longer outweigh the losses pretty quickly. So I can't help but wonder still if there remains still some other aspect to the whole situation that's still unsaid that would help give that missing motivation and justification...

But oh well. I guess the more important thing is that the charade has been brought to an end regardless, albeit messily.

Oh right, this was only a pit stop in a larger narrative. Glad that the situation was resolved with minimal casualties.

“Fluttershy!” Smolder said, wrapping her professor in a hug. “You’re alive! You’re alive! You’re alive! You’re alive!”

Aww they finally reunited again smolder is so happy to see Fluttershy 😊

“There are creatures like that,” Smolder said. “No matter what the species or culture, the worst among them seem to come out whenever they have the chance. But don’t worry,” she said. She pointed to one of the alleyways.

Yeah that is true ever since 2020 after seen so many riots going on and especially the 2021 it really brings the worst out of people despite they thought they were doing the right thing but some people will take advantage and theft and graffiti

“I miss not knowing how bad things can get,” Fluttershy said. “All that looting when something more important was going on. And that was just here. Back in Equestria, I thought we had moved past prejudice with Equestria’s founding, but when Twilight tried to open her school, there was a pony who objected to non-ponies coming in. And...” Fluttershy paused, wondering how to put her next point.

Yeah it was that crazy racist Chancellor

Oh wow this was a pretty intense chapter and somehow Rukil plan faking Fluttershy's death was pretty good and they don't expected a thing meanwhile smolder and Gary got themselves in a situation that they had to fight the way through but unfortunately there was too many Diamond Dogs and there we're about to lose but somehow she had a plan and basically they took a leap of faith which Fluttershy was there but after a long separate from each other both Fluttershy and smolder reunited again and it looks like Gary and Rukil both from different Clans really want to bring down the two Alphas after this whole conspiracy and showing that's both smolder and Fluttershy are still alive and the Alphas were lying to them and with all the rides going on it looks like the war is over between the two Clans and both rukil and Gary what temporarily became the alpha until they find somebody Fluttershy looking back she's been through a lot ever since the first time she met Twilight there's sometimes she regrets but she didn't want to change nothing what's shes doing and not only that becoming friends with the Diamond Dogs especially rukil and it looks like smolder and Fluttershy are still continuing on their Journey to the dragonlance I wonder what's going to happen next I guess we'll find out next time

Again that was pretty cool of you doing this for your friend

Smolder grinned. “I understand. I’m honestly worried what those knuckleheads are up to. Yona will probably scare them with all her jumping around, and Gallus might end up picking a fight with that bear.” She noticed how worried Fluttershy looked. “Oh, don’t worry. Cozy Glow will keep them in line. She always seems to know what she’s doing.”

I wouldn't trust cozy glow if I were you but then again you guys don't know yet this is during the time in the middle of season 8

“Thinking about your boyfriend?”

Smolder’s words cut into her thoughts like a knife. She shot straight up.

“I wasn’t thinking about Rukil!”

“I never said it was Rukil.”

Fluttershy turned red.

Ohhh you got her lol 😆

Well then that was pretty interesting chapter so it looks like smolder and Fluttershy still continuing on their Journey to the Dragon Land and they had a pretty interesting conversation with each other it's always pretty nice of them to talk to each other meanwhile it looks like the young six and cozy glow kind of underestimated that crazy funny and that's the kind of reminds me of a little bit of a Tom and Jerry situation trust me angel will get his soon he may won the battle but the war is not over yet crazy bunny 😡 but this was pretty funny I wonder what's going to happen next guess we'll find out next time

Nice to have Fluttershy and Smolder continuing their journey again. Their talks are nice. I also liked the conversation about Cyclops being offspring of sea spirits And you shouldn't tell them your name. It sounds a lot like Odyssey.

It was also nice to see the rest of the students taking care of Fluttershy's home. I knew Angel would give everyone trouble. That little demon is like an unstoppable evil.

In places that didn’t know her, she was hit on, at least until Rainbow Dash scared them off.

By hitting back at them, of course. And not in the metaphorical, innuendo, sense either. :raritywink:

“Well gee, according to the list, the only thing left to do is give Angel Bunny a bath.”

“Give a bunny a bath? That doesn’t sound too bad.”

A normal bunny? Maybe. Angel Bunny though...that's a whole other ball of wax. :rainbowlaugh:

Angel Bunny watches too much Tom and Jerry. Clever little hellspawn...

Well... I don't consider myself the best when it comes to delivering this kind of message, but I will do what I can, and apologize it is coming off so late after this story started, both this continuation and the early part in Darth Link 22's account.

First of all, massive respect to you for this. You're being a great friend to Darth Link 22, and I'm sure he is very touched that you're continuing his work for him and giving a conclusion to this story. I wish you the best of lucks in this endeavor.

And Darth Link 22, if you see this, I just want to say once more that I hope you're experiencing all the happiness you deserve. Thank you for everything you gave us.

Well... it certainly sounds like this journey can be quite the perilous endeavor, given that Smolder and Fluttershy have gotten out of one dangerous situation only to be at risk of meeting another. I mean, it's not much of a surprise, given what Ember said when the story began, but still... it's not nice to know they are about to be in danger again. Good luck to them both in getting through it safely.

Though on the danger front, any dangerous creature they meet will have an unknown rival in Angel Bunny, given the ordeal he's putting the remaining Student Six through. The best that can be said there is that he doesn't yet seem to be quite as dangerous as the Killer Rabbit of Caerbanog. One can only hope that's not Angel's inspiration and he isn't practicing to get there...

The worst part has to be Cozy Glow, though, given what the audience knows about her but the characters don't. Hopefully she won't be able to get up to anything nastier than what we already know she did.

In either case, I'm very much enjoying where this is going, and look forward to seeing more of it, both when it come to Darth Link's remaining content and the portion that will be written by you.

Wow, another Dragon Lands than the one we all know. I did not see that coming at all.

It will be interesting to help them a bit, and see their side of things compared to the Chromatic dragons. Who knows, if things work out perfectly maybe this will be the start of negotiating peace between the two groups.

“...I see,” Xieru said, sounding a bit alarmed. “Well, I suppose there was a rumor that she wasn’t the embodiment of darkness. I had always heard Princess Luna died in the battle against Discord.”

“Discord is free as well.”

Xieru’s eyes widened. “What?”

“Yes. Princess Celestia instructed me to befriend him. We have tea together once a week.”



“...Well... ponies are quite accomplished these days,” Xieru said, still processing what Fluttershy had just said. Fluttershy wasn’t quite sure she was being believed, while Smolder was taking some satisfaction in the fact that the Metallics were caught off guard by something.

The ponies and Equestria always sound so badass when an outsider learns about their adventures and accomplishments.

The few agents of the gods left, like the Princesses or Santa Hooves

Pfft, forgive me, I shouldn't laugh, and in context it does make sense, but...Santa seems sort of not in the same league when grouped together with other "agents of the gods" like this. :rainbowlaugh:

Xieru looked at Smolder with pity. “This is why we look down on leaving the Flame. You start to lose sight of how the world is. Evil forces do not stop existing because they are out of sight. Trust me, there will come a day when they will return. Grogar, Lucifer, Nightmare Moon, Discord...”

Fluttershy was caught off guard. “Um, Nightmare Moon wasn’t a Titan.”

Xieru looked at her, his expression neutral. “What makes you so sure?”

“Because I’ve met her. She’s turned back into Princess Luna and rules alongside her sister in Equestria.”

“...I see,” Xieru said, sounding a bit alarmed. “Well, I suppose there was a rumor that she wasn’t the embodiment of darkness. I had always heard Princess Luna died in the battle against Discord.”

“Discord is free as well.”

Xieru’s eyes widened. “What?”

“Yes. Princess Celestia instructed me to befriend him. We have tea together once a week.”



So...what was that about "losing sight of how the world is" again, Xieru? :ajsmug:

I suspect these two are going to end up doing much the same thing for the Metallic and Chromatic dragons as they had done for the Greenrocks and Azureclaws earlier...

Initially, they assumed it was prey, something that the cyclops had for a snack and hadn’t got around to cleaning up. However, they quickly saw the truth: it was a cyclops.

Oh my gosh somebody killed it

Both Smolder and Fluttershy took that moment to get a good look at their attackers. They were still hard to see, because they were black. Not simply dark colored, but pure black, the kind no light escaped from. It looked like their skin had no texture, a surreal and otherworldly quality. They appeared to be bipedal, standing on long legs with clawed faces. Each and every one of them were covering their faces, their long claws hiding any other features.

Those creatures kind of reminds me of Heartless from Kingdom Hearts

If Xieru was bothered by Smolder’s comment, he didn’t show it. “The two tribes of dragons have split largely due to religious differences. Smolder’s tribe worships the dragon lord Tiamet, while we worship his brother, Bahamut.”

Ah yes those dragons I only remember them from Final Fantasy and let me tell you those dragons are a pain in the neck to beat

“...Well... ponies are quite accomplished these days,” Xieru said, still processing what Fluttershy had just said. Fluttershy wasn’t quite sure she was being believed, while Smolder was taking some satisfaction in the fact that the Metallics were caught off guard by something.

Well the Nightmare Moon Fluttershy didn't to do it alone but yeah they did stopped her and bring back Princess Luna but this time when Discord return twice she was able to tame him and become friends with him again Fluttershy is awesome

Oh my gosh that really escalated so quickly at least in some part of the story so smolder and Fluttershy continuing on their Journey to the first Flame and getting to the Dragon Land but apparently they've been having a little bump in the road and unfortunately it was not pretty when they reach to the Cyclops territory there was one creature was killed by an unknown creature so they try to find any shelter and what state did they settle down but unfortunately they had a rude awakening by a couple of Heartless shadow creature looking and they attack both Fluttershy and smolder but they were rescued by dragons but apparently a different one they called himself the metallic dragons I think that's what they mean but anyway it looks like there are two different dragons the one that we saw in the Dragon Land are Chromatic but both Fluttershy and smolder explain about the whole situation why they're on the journey but the dragon name Xieru told them about a dragon of their Clan betrayed them and releasing and basically attacking the dragons and other creatures so Fluttershy wanted to see if there's another way to stop them because if those preachers can destroy it might come to Equestria so it looks like they're going to have to stay there for a while and apparently this Dragon name Sykir was pretty curious about Equestria hopefully whatever the war is going on maybe they can check it out hopefully they can try to come in peace with all the dragons and creatures and the ponies but I guess that's another time and we'll find out next time

Well, sh:yay:t. Things just got a good deal more serious. Shadow demons and a dragon jihad, oh my!

Is Darth Link 22 really dead?

The copper dragon signaled something in sign language.

“Oh, don’t worry. I can take care of myself,” Fluttershy replied.

Everyone looked at Fluttershy in awe. The yellow Pegasus merely shrugged. “I took a few classes on sign language.”

Wow Fluttershy that's actually pretty cool

They were indeed off quickly. The party of six flew in silence, only broken up by Sykir’s humming of a bouncy tune. She seemed to be the only one who wasn’t carrying a load of anxiety about what was coming up.

Kind of reminds me how Pinkie Pie despite how things are getting difficult she always finds a way to look at the bright side well sometimes

Smolder was getting annoyed. She just wanted to talk to Fluttershy, and these Metallics were starting to take her. Not to mention that Sykir was reminding her far too much of Professor Pinkie.

I just said that just a few minutes ago how this character reminds me of Pinkie Pie and something tells me she's getting very jealous of those dragons oh boy 😥

Oh wow this is not good at all okay so it looks like smolder journey is on hold again because now Fluttershy and her are helping the Metallics which she wasn't too happy about it and Fluttershy ask her what is the deal with them smolder explain about that her clan and Metallics we're at war against each other and basically they had bad blood between them Fluttershy try to convince her that maybe some things may not be what it seems but smolder so think she couldn't do it working with them and it didn't make anything easier for her when this Dragon named Jayden taunting at smolder and Fluttershy but the leader Xieru told him to stand down and despite that he obeyed that so they need to figure out what are those Shadow creatures doing and what are they going to attack so he decided to grab six dragons including smolder and Fluttershy but there was another dragon who cannot speak name Oasis how Fluttershy can understand his language which that's actually pretty impressive for Fluttershy to learn something and while they were flying to the location Sykir was asking Fluttershy how ponies control the weather which it's always been an interesting history but smolder is getting a little jealous that these dragons are hovering over her and what she was afraid of that some of these dragons we'll probably be going to the Friendship School and once again Jayden is still taunting her and probably this would be their downfall because the shadow creatures attack them and injured Jayden the other dragons and Fluttershy flew up away from the shadow creatures but smolder saw Jayden falling and despite how much she hates him she flew towards him and saved him from the other Shadow creatures attacking him once they reach the ground smolder try to help him to attend his wound which he was surprised why did she saved him but that's a lot of questions needs to be saved because they need to find somewhere so the other dragons and Fluttershy finds them hopefully they will get to them well I guess we'll find out next time

First, she wondered how much of what Smolder believed was heavily biased. She remembered the Diamond Dogs in their underground city and wondered if something similar was going on here.

It's definitely a valid thought, particularly as long-time enemies like this tend to veer towards such biases in their hatred for each other. But one should also forewarn Fluttershy that this thought is in of itself bias--she just left a situation where such biases had been exploited nefariously, so she's naturally going to be somewhat hypersensitive to any situation that might appear, to any degree, to be a similar case and want to cast doubt upon it. And fact of the matter is that we just don't know one way or another yet. It could just as easily be the situation is exactly as Smolder describes it (especially Smolder just left the same situation and would surely be just as hypersensitive to like scenarios herself).

That said, if there are excessive biases at play here, I'm almost positive Smolder picked them up subconsciously from the other dragons she grew up with, all probably older than she--that's typically how that works in long-term feuds such as this.

It wasn’t a loud statement, but there was enough force behind it to get Fluttershy to stop speaking.

“I’m not playing friendship lessons with the Metallics.”

And you really shouldn't try to force them to if they don't want to--that's liable to just further heighten tensions and ultimately make things worse.

For the moment, the best thing you can do is just try to be the good example and voice of reason Fluttershy, and hope your words won't simply be falling on deaf ears.

And once again, Smolder and Fluttershy have gotten split up, not knowing whether or not the other is even still alive. This really is starting to feel like history repeating itself for them, isn't it? :pinkiecrazy:

Well, Fluttershy certainly continues to show some impressive talents. Knowing sign language is really cool, especially for a creature that doesn't have hands.

Meanwhile though, Smolder struggles with getting along with the Metallics, and she just happened to be separated from the rest of the group with Jayden, the one she dislikes the most. Now the two are in a classic scenario where the only way the two of them can survive is by working together.

“But then Discord came along. He broke everything in Equestria so badly that they needed to do everything manually. Things are more stable now, but... I guess ponies just got used to doing them. A lot actually find weather by itself a little odd.”

Smolder really had to bite back a laugh. Hearing Sandbar talk about the weather in the Everfree Forest, you’d think it was an eldritch horror.

Yeah, just like the Mane 5 did when Zecora first appeared. They made it sound completely unnatural when that's how it works in the real world.

“Put this in your mouth, between your teeth.”

Jaden blinked. “Why?”

“Because, unless my brother lied to me, this is going to feel like Tartarus.”

Feeling nervous, Jaden took the rock in his teeth.

“Lie down, and try to hold still.”

Jaden obeyed again. He looked nervous.

Taking a deep breath, Smolder blew a small, concentrated burst of fire onto the wound. On his normal scales, it would have been nothing. On an open wound, it was agony. He bit the rock in half, his teeth grinding against each other. It sadly hadn’t been hard enough. Still, Smolder finished cauterizing the wound quickly.

That is a clever idea, using dragon fire to cauterize a wound. I probably wouldn't have considered that since dragons are usually immune to fire, but I guess any injured parts of their body would be weakened and vulnerable to even flames, even from themselves.

“Yona always thought bunnies were cute, but Yona is starting to reconsider.”

If you're talking about angel then yeah he's a crazy little demon bunny

Angel then grabbed a turkey leg and started to throw it.


Angel lowered what he had grabbed, really looking at it. Silverstream stared at it too. They looked at each other, silently wondering why Fluttershy of all ponies would have such a thing in her fridge.

“Let’s pretend we never saw that,” Silverstream said. Angel nodded, awkwardly throwing the item aside.

Simple explanation: either she's developed a taste for meat from working with omnivores and obligate carnivores, or she simply keeps meat on hand for said carnivores. Either way, equines aren't obligate herbivores, so what's the issue?

Congratulations on uploading the last chapter Darth Link 22 wrote before his tragic passing. You don't need to apologize for not uploading this sooner, sometimes real life gets in the way and makes you forget some stuff, but nobody is holding it against you.

The students failing against Angel was my favorite part of this. When even Silverstream is pissed off at you then you know you are a pain.

He jumped onto the couch. As Gallus turned the vacuum on him, he grabbed a throw pillow and tossed it. It entered the vacuum even quicker than the rug, but it gave Angel enough time to grab another. He hopped to the end table, grabbing a vase of flowers for his next item. Then he threw a picture of Discord with a rose in his teeth, then a lamp.

I bet that was a gift from Discord himself.

No... she was doomed. She was...

She closed her eyes, falling to the ground. This was it.

“Any minute now I’ll see the gates of Paradise.”

A few seconds passed.

“Paradise is boring. It’s dark... and there’s nothing.”

Angel hit her in the face with a pie.

“Oh no... cherry... this must be the other place...”


“Uh... Silverstream? Why are you laying on the floor covered in ketchup?”

Silverstream opened her eyes to see Cozy standing over her. She looked at her chest again, seeing only ketchup.

“I guess I’m making an idiot of myself.” Silverstream stood up.

“So... nothing new.”

That whole part was comedy gold!

The vacuum bag was now huge, double his size... and it was rumbling.

Oops kind of forgot that you overload the vacuum and I know what's going to happen it's a classic cartoon logic here and it's going to hurt

Angel then grabbed a turkey leg and started to throw it.


Angel lowered what he had grabbed, really looking at it. Silverstream stared at it too. They looked at each other, silently wondering why Fluttershy of all ponies would have such a thing in her fridge.

Uhh I'm afraid where she get the turkey leg from then again I probably know the answer and probably that's for the wolf

“Uh... Silverstream? Why are you laying on the floor covered in ketchup?”

Lol classic gag

They looked around at the destroyed cottage, which would likely give Fluttershy an aneurysm upon seeing it, and silently agreed. Angel watched as the students left one by one before chuckling to himself. He then quickly hopped to his little comfy bed and pulled out a notepad and pen. There was plenty of time to make some more plans to deal with those idiots when they came back.


She nodded. “I guess ponies have that in common. Or at least, the ones I’ve met do. The other pony I know, Cozy Glow, is great. Whenever we work with her, she always seems to know what to do.”

Yeah yeah just wait until season 8 finale she's going to show her true color

Smolder shrugged. “He’s never said. Only that his egg somehow ended up with Princess Celestia. I never asked.”

Both Spike and Sparky have in common with each other somehow when they were eggs they were separated from their kind question is why exactly that's never been answer

“Fluttershy!” They both jumped up and ran to her. Smolder got there first, throwing her arms around her. Jaden reached second, doing the same.

Awww I actually like that one not just only smolder really is happy to see Fluttershy but even Jaden was pretty happy as well

I am a complete and utter moron. I forgot to upload this for the past month and a half. I feel terrible that I left this without uploading it. I am so so so sorry.

Hey don't feel bad I'm sure you've been pretty busy lately so no need to apologize but it's good to hear from you and also you did this for your friend so you're okay man

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