• Published 26th May 2022
  • 813 Views, 14 Comments

Sunset in the gods - red-sun

Queen Luna, tired of serving the gods, has decided to start a rebellion against the authority of the gods.

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Act 0 – The Rebel Queen – Chapter 2

Gods... they appeared in this world long before humanity. They are beings that can control the powers of heaven and earth, they manipulate the wind, the rain, the thunder... their capacities have no limits. Humans for a long time succumbed to his power and believed that the gods were far beyond humanity, so much so that no human by any means could represent a challenge... however, is it really so?


"Why you ask?"

“I have seen how the miners who work in the sufuro mines north of the city live. I feel sorry for them. For many years they endure various hardships inside the mines to feed their families... father, I understand why we don't have slaves like other countries. But is it necessary to invest so much in the mines to please the gods? We could invest the resources of the country to expand our own industry.” says a twelve-year-old Princess Celestia.

"My Daughter...it is unfortunate but we must work for the gods...if we don't follow their orders we will be punished with many calamities...and if those times come, people will have to face even more suffering." Says a king already too old.

"Father, why don't we try to overthrow the authority of the gods?" Says a ten year old Luna princess.

"Luna, your thoughts are very naive."

“My daughters, do you know why the kings and queens of Equestria do not have blood lines? Five hundred years ago the king of Equestria at that time had the same idea... but in a single night, more than a thousand warriors were slaughtered by just one god. The All Master himself went to stop the revelion. As a punishment no king or queen of equestria could have children of their own, the royal line ended at that very moment. That is why every ruler must seek out and adopt an orphan to rule."

“Where is All Master?" Celestia asks.

“I heard that he is across the ocean, in a distant land, in the direction of sunrise. It is a place where no human can go.”

"I wanna go." Luna says.

"Do you really want to go daughter?"

“Yes, no matter how difficult it may be, I want to go to the land of the gods. I want to see the gods head-on and punch them in the face."


What terrifying pressure!! It was Luna's first thought. She knew that the gods would have to appear sooner or later but she never thought that they would send one of the 'great gods'

Then the red-skinned god grabs Luna's horse's jaw and legs. "Queen Luna, All Master has declared that you must die tonight." Then he raises the horse with Luna still on top. "Go dead". He lets go of the animal's leg and delivers a powerful blow to its stomach, throwing Luna and her horse hard towards the walls.

In a display of overwhelming power and strength, only one blow was enough to remove the will to fight from the soldiers of Equestria. The din of battle was completely silenced as each soldier felt terror.

They all witnessed how one of the great gods fell and finished off with a single blow to the Queen Luna , leaving only a small hole in the city walls, splattered with blood with remnants of flesh and bone.

“My lord Tirek. He did not expect one of the great gods to come. Especially one of the battle faction. The Queen Luna was not worthy of the honor of her presence, it was all decided in a matter of seconds.”

"Sacred Voice, All Master considers this matter of vital importance... that's why he sent four of us to battle." Tirek said.

"Oh... that's very strange... you mean four great gods are here?"

“...not only them”

Sacred Voice didn't know what Tirek wanted to say until he got a better look at the cloud from which the god jumped. And he was surprised.

All the soldiers on both sides looked up and were surprised at what they saw.

“I didn't expect things to turn out this way...” Celestia says as she looks up at the sky. "It seems that everything will get even worse"

"This can not be real"

"What is that?"

"It's a floating castle!" the soldiers shouted.

Out of the clearing clouds appeared an imposing stone castle that had an appearance as majestic as it was terrifying.

"The ancient sacred castle that can only be controlled by..." Celestia knew who had arrived and that scared her.

"All Master" whispered Sunset from the balcony of Canterlot Castle where she was observing the battle from afar.

“Awesome sight.” Sunset looks to where the sound is coming from, and sees a tall, skinny, white-haired man who seemed malnourished but was nonetheless brimming with energy.

"Discord, you came." Sunset puts on a soft smile.

"Of course I came, how could I miss all this, I mean, the All Master himself came too." Then Discord gets serious. "After all, for the plan to work I have to do my part even if I don't like it... Ahuizotl is also doing his part of the plan in Tartarus, although it will take a while." Then Discort puts on a big smile again. "In short, it's not long before the show ends, it's better to sit down, see how it all ends and we wait quietly for our turn to come." Discord said as he sits next to Sunset and hands her a pot of water.

"Why are you giving me this?" Sunset asks.

"I want you to see the battle well." Discord then touches the water with the tip of his finger. Then in the water images begin to form.

"Those images... it's the outskirts of Canterlot... it's the battle!" Sunset is surprised. "it's amazing. how did you do this?"

"Hahaha! You are easy to impress girl. This is part of my all seeing eye 'divine power'. Let's keep watching the battle."

“The castle is coming towards us!”

"It's huge!"

"What do we do?!"

The battlefield was turning into chaos with the appearance of the floating castle.

"Hahaha! Just look at that! Look at that bunch of humans down there! everyone trembling with fear!” Shouted a tall man with his body covered in white fur wearing black armor. He was Storm one of the great gods of the Lightning Faction. "Seriously, I can't believe he dared to challenge us!"

"To be honest, I can't understand what should have prompted them to do this..." said a dark-skinned woman with green hair. She, too, was wearing black armor. Her name was Chrysalis, she was one of the great goddesses of the Plague Faction. “If it wasn't for us they would still be primitive Barvaros”

"!I do not care about that! I just want to play with them a bit!” Storm yells excitedly. “Tirek, stop! You are a great god of battle, you could finish this in an instant, I would like you to leave something to us.”

"enough!!" shouts the last of the group. A brown-skinned man who is as muscular as Tirek but slightly shorter in size. His name is Scorpan one of the great gods of the wrath faction "why don't we start at once? !! My patience is running out!!"

"Go on, I have no interest in this kind of thing." Chrysalis says nonchalantly.

"Hahaha! You miss out on the fun,” Storm told him. And she jumps from the castle to the center of the battlefield.

Then an equestrian soldier attacks him, but before he knows it the lightning god touches him with the tip of his finger and the soldier receives a strong electric shock killing him instantly. "Hahaha! These humans die so easily.” Then Storm raises a fist and begins to fill with small electrical particles.

“everyone run!!” Celestia shouts that she was near the place.

"Die" Storm said with a wide grin and slammed into the ground causing heavy volleys around him killing all nearby soldiers.

As Celestia goes to attack the god, Scorpan suddenly appears and starts attacking Celestia. “Hey warrior woman! let me play with you for a bit!” he grabs Celestia by her shoulders and throws her hard to the ground seriously hurting her. “I like strong prey... the stronger the better! Human. I heard that you killed lesser gods. how did you achieve such a thing? show me!!"

“Ha! This is so funny, according to the decrees of All Master and the council of gods, we can't kill humans on a whim. The labors and services they provide are very important...heh, however, today we can make an exception, I haven't had this much fun in years!" and when Storm stretches out his hand to launch more lightning, suddenly nothing came out and he starts to feel a strange pain in his arm and realizes that his hand is lying on the ground and then he starts screaming “AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!! !! MY ARM, SOMEONE CUT MY ARM OFF!!”

All the gods and humans were surprised to see that.

“So you consider this massacre funny...” The voice was Queen Luna, but this time she looked different, as black smoke began to rise from her body. "I think hearing you scream in pain is more fun..." Then he raised the sword with which he cut off Storm's arm and said "I think I'm going to have some more fun."

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