• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2019
  • offline last seen 26 minutes ago


Lives for platonic Pinkie/Fluttershy fluff. Proud Odd Squad connoisseur for over 9 years running. Master of playing Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon.


Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Equestria's two greatest rulers, goddesses of the sun and the moon, who ruled over the country for millennia upon millennia.

Everypony knows that Twilight handled the rising and falling of both the sun and moon upon the princesses' retirement. But exactly who took over the role after she became nothing more than a faint memory? And can they keep up the role?

Cover art is from Julunis14.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 51 )

Awesome chapter, my dude! Are there gonna be more chapters?


Yes there are! I had originally planned on this being a (rather lengthy) oneshot but I decided to split it up into chapters. So expect more soon!

Well, this looks like it could be an interesting AU. Intriguing spin on Sunny and izzy's first meeting in this universe. As well as the little backstory elements of how things were in Equestria before the three tribes drifted apart again. So, Sunny and Izzy BOTH became alicorns in this universe instead of just Sunny (though the circumstances might be difficult to explain to Hitch at first [given he, Zipp and Pipp weren't there to see it like in canon, given the different circumstances of the ascension in this universe]). I just hope Sprout isn't going to end up forming a lynch mob when the folks in Maretime Bay see that Sunny has ascended.

Anyway, definitely looking forward to more of this.

Excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up here. Definitely liked Argyle's reaction to Sunny's ascension and helping her at least figure out the basics of her new abilities. Sunny's mental dialogue with that mysterious new friend was also great set-up for later. Also appreciated the look at Izzy's family life (specifically the introduction to Izzy's parents and their reactions concerning what happened to their daughter and how Izzy learning to teleport. Also enjoyed Izzy learning to fly as well as talking to that patch of flowers as she was flying.

REALLY looking forward to more of this ESPECIALLY Hitch's reaction to Sunny's ascension, this universe's version of Sunny and Izzy's first meeting with Zipp and Pipp and the wonder of whether or not Sunny and Izzy already becoming friends AND ascending might eventually result in a super-charge of the Unity Crystals.

The new Sun and Moon princess will reunite and bring forth harmony once again to a world devoid of it.

These two fillies will become good friends.

I really like this story! Waiting for the next update!

Again, you did an excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. And, yeah, it IS pretty wise to break this up into multiple, much easier to read chapters, which you are doing. Certainly appreciate the use of the mentor for the newly ascended Sunny and Izzy along with the explanation for how things got so bad and the foreshadowing for later on. Yeah, I could see the stuff about alicorns not being immortal (longer lived than the other ponies, but not immortal) and Terra only still being around because she ascended during Twilight's final years. REALLY liked Argyle's recap of things to his late wife and appreciated the compare and contrast to Astral and Stella's reaction to what happened to Izzy (and, yeah, can understand why Stella would be literally worried crazy).

Definitely looking forward to more (especially Hitch's reaction to what happened to Sunny when they are reunited, as well as the first meetings with Zipp and Pipp in this world).

I'm surprised that Argyle didn't freak out a little more; as well as Izzy's father. These are two parents who will no longer be a part of their daughter's lives going forward, with little to no warning beforehand. This unknown stranger has decreed that you are no longer fit to raise them because they've grown wings. I personally, would be furious, and I'd march myself straight to daisy fields to track them down and/or give them a piece of my mind. training sessions? sure, that's reasonable. cutting them off from their family entirely? No sir, I won't stand for it.

Even if this would be the best thing for the fillies, it'd still be an emotional gutpunch, I think.

Argyle still has hope that Sunny will return, and that's why he isn't as panicked as he should be. With all of the knowledge he has about alicorns of ancient Equestria, he doesn't view this mysterious mentor as a threat all too much, but perhaps he'll pay Sunny a visit...

As for Astral Crown, he's worried about Izzy, but like Argyle, he has hope that Izzy will return by her own means. He knows she can be a bit of a scatterbrain, but he knows that she's definitely not stupid, and that she'll survive no matter what. Maybe, at some point, he'll go out and see if he can rescue his daughter...if he can find where "the edge of the daisy fields" is. But right now he's in a state of conflict, and he figures that maybe Stella will find Izzy and bring her home. If not, then he'll have to take matters into his own hooves.

Whether she succeeds or not, though...that remains to be seen. :raritywink:

Why do they need those amulets again? The sun and the moon doesn't need to be controlled

They don't need the amulet. Now that they are alicorns, they have innate magic that will allow them to move the sun and the moon on their own, so they won't be using the amulet. It might come into play later, though...

Excellent work on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up here. Really appreciate seeing Sunny and Izzy train with all three of the Tribes' magic equally (including unlocking the Earth Pony magic years sooner than in canon) as well as also learning Changeling magic. Also appreciated Sunny and Izzy working on balancing work and fun and also maintaining their own hobbies when they have proper time for it.
All of those are good lessons indeed. Terra is doing a great job working in some history in order to make the lessons more impactful. As for the other three, well, Sunny already knows one of them, so that helps A LITTLE (even if she WOULD have to use a disguise to get close enough to talk to him AND swear him to secrecy at first in addition to also explaining things calmly to him). Zipp and Pipp will be SLIGHTLY harder only because neither Sunny nor Izzy know them yet.

And, yeah, as for Opaline, Misty and Sparky, it probably IS better to save THAT for a sequel (when Izzy and Sunny are a bit more experienced and Hitch, Zipp and Pipp have actual training with their own magic once its restored).

Anyway, certainly looking forward to more of this.

The brief history lesson was the best. Gotta teach the two new Princesses that it's fine to relax and enjoy life too.

Great job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up here. Definitely felt for Izzy when her father mentioned how her mother died and how worried Sunny got for her own father because of this bad news, but also respected how Izzy's dad helped Izzy keep things in perspective while they were visiting Stella's makeshift grave. Also really liked Izzy being there for Sunny concerning her concern for her father while still working through her own grief.

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

Woah there… that’s such an awful situation to happen to the mom… I didn’t think she would die at all thought the alicorn Terra would have a chat with her but this… not sure if I want to read. Sorry, I just feel the story is going by to quick with their training and now this death isn’t for me.

Comment posted by Saratantion deleted Oct 21st, 2022

And even through her grief, Izzy can still smile.

Hey there. Again, you did an excellent job on this chapter. Definitely appreciated the work that went into the dialogue, exchanges and future chapter set-up. So Sunny found out about her father's death and, yeah, can't fault her for being upset, to the point of blowing her cover briefly. Still, really liked the dialogue with Hitch and Sprout (especially with the welcome bits of both Adaptational Intelligence [minor, but still enough to be aware of his short-comings and also be aware that his mother is not always right] AND Adaptational Nice Guy [enough to occasionally stand up to his mother as well as treat Izzy with respect AND be a lot more reluctant to go against Hitch]) on the parts of the latter, even at the expense of bits of Adaptational Villainy on Phyllis's part) as well as Sunny still being able to talk to her father via the dreamscape (thanks to Izzy) and get more details on his death AND on the notes concerning the Unity Crystals. Glad they got Hitch on their side already. Sprout's journal notes were another good touch, even if he knows how badly the odds are against him.

REALLY looking forward to more of this.

The chapter was interesting. It's done very well! I will be waiting for even more chapters of this story!

Hey there. I hope you and your family and friends all had Happy Holidays and also hope the New Year ends up going well for you.

Anyway, really good job on the dialogue and future chapter set-up in this latest chapter. Definitely appreciated the fact that Hitch is more open-minded here than he was in canon at this time, as well as reflecting on the reason for that. Also loved Hitch helping out that bear (both for the kindness shown AND for the bit of showing that his magic has already been restored). The meeting with Zipp was also well done, particularly the stuff with the flashback showing Terra already dropping in on Zephyr Heights before Sunny, Izzy and Hitch arrived and Zipp and Pipp already getting their flight restored. Now on to the meeting with Pipp and, after that, a stopover in Bridlewood to get the unicorn Crystal. And, following that, whatever Phillis is going to have waiting for the group.

REALLY looking forward to more of this.

this is my favorite chapter great story by the way

So Pipp is currently the Queen? That helps speed things along for Sunny and Izzy and getting ponies to help.

Zipp is the Queen currently. Pipp is the next in line for the throne.

Might not stay that way for long, though... :raritywink:

... Princess Sunny, and Princess Moonbow ...

REALLY good job on this latest chapter. It took a while, but was well worth the wait. Definitely liked the effort going into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. REALLY liked Pipp's reactions to not only getting used to being able to actually fly, but also meeting actual alicorns. And then, Pipp stepping up when the situation was explained because she "owed it to her fans" was another great touch. And Terra's reaction to seeing all of the Mane Five together AND the group ALREADY having TWO of the Unity Crystals was simply beautiful. Also loved the group going over their plans to find the Unicorn Crystal PLUS the bit with the shooting star.

I'm going to guess that the next couple of chapters are going to include gaining the Unicorn Crystal, then a run-in with whatever Phyllis is going to have waiting for the group and finally convincing the three tribes to all come together with the final chapter being the major set-up for the sequel.

So are they really alicorns or is the transformation temporary?

"Not much...but I've seen a couple pegasi fly before. I could teach you what I know from that."

How? They need magic to do that, did magic disappear or not author decide yourself

As I traveled across the world, I came to a realization. Perhaps one day, Equestria could be a more happier and livelier place. Not gripped in the thralls of depression and grief, but gripped in the thralls of joy and excitement instead. I made my decision to see this through, and using a few spell books that served as remnants of Princess Twilight's legacy, I mastered a spell that would allow me to freeze myself for many, many moons, with no repercussions. By using this spell in a remote location, I remained frozen where no creature could find me and thaw me out. I emerged, in time...but it seems this world is not as joyous and full of life as I had expected it to be.

That was some nonsensical backstory, you could have just used flurry heart and avoided this... Whatever this is.


Both of them are really alicorns. The transformation is permanent.


She's referring to Ancient Equestrian times, when there was magic. In the present day, only she, Izzy and Sunny have magic--no other pony does.

A horrible pony and a horrible mother too


I plan on using Flurry Heart, as well as Cadence and Shining Armor, in some capacity in a future story that takes place in the same universe. Have not ironed out kinks yet but they are coming! :twilightsmile:

Now that I notice it sometimes your characters talk a little bit too "fancy"

Sunny blushed with embarrassment. Izzy, on the other hoof, got sparkles in her eyes. "Thank you thank you! If you'd like, I can show you some of my favorite stars I've named. See, that one's Gerald, that one is Maurice, that one is Julian Boom Mike the Second-"

Izzy giving each start an individual name/genealogy has made this well worth the wait.

Not much I can say other than really good job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Really loved Zipp playing Trot-Bo against Alphabittle for the map to the Gloomy Doomies' hideout, as well as Izzy's magic duel and Mara (and finding out the latter was actually using the Unicorn Crystal to give herself power) and then explaining things to the OTHER Gloomy Doomies. Well, the gang has all three Crystals now.

Of course, also appreciated the check-up back at Maretime Bay concerning Phyllis and Sprout. Definitely a good indication what the gang is going to have to go through to begin the hard part of their adventure - inspiring reunification.

Anyway, really looking forward to more of this.

I don't know if there's anybody here who has a TV Tropes account (I know *I* don't), but if anybody reading this story does, well, here's the link for the appropriate site there for G5 Fan Works (and that site really does both need and deserve a lot more attention):


And if somebody DOES decide to include this story as part of that, here are a few story tropes that can be included:

Adaptational Badflank (I know that's not the right term, but I try very hard to watch my language on public forums): While the story "Solar and Lunar" has very little action, Sunny and Izzy still definitely qualify for 1. BOTH becoming alicorns when they were FILLIES. 2. Being in charge of the sun and moon respectively. and 3. Getting proper training with their alicorn abilities.
Zipp, Pipp and Hitch also qualify to a lesser extent as they had their magic awakened a little sooner than in canon (by at least a few days in Zipp and Pipp's cases, but by at least a few months in Hitch's)

Adaptation Expansion: Downplayed, but Izzy's parents actually ARE explicitly shown in this story AND given names, dialogue and personalities.

Adaptational Intelligence: Minor, but Sprout shows a greater self-awareness of his own short comings AND is aware that his mother is NOT always right.
Sunny and Izzy, due to their education at the hooves of an experienced alicorn (who was NOT Opaline) also have a greater awareness of the circumstances leading to magic getting sealed away and at least have some clue about Opaline's existence.

Adaptational Nice Guy: Sprout shows a greater willingness to stand up to his mother Phyllis as well as the fact he treats Izzy with MUCH more respect than his canon self did AND he also shows a greater degree of loyalty to Hitch.
Hitch, while already a Nice Guy in canon, shows Sunny and Izzy a lot more cooperation much earlier on than in canon. 

Adaptational Villainy: Phyllis is a bit nastier than her canon self, who had more Well-Intentioned Extremist tendencies AND was eventually willing to admit she was wrong.

Dies Differently in Adaptation: Stella, Izzy's mother, while her canon cause of death was never revealed (as her parents have never even appeared and were only mentioned in passing once and, even then, not named and only in the past tense) is explicitly mentioned as dying due to literally worrying herself insane. It's rather doubtful that Izzy's mom died that way in canon.

For Want of a Nail: In this case, the nail comes in from Sunny and Izzy befriending each other as fillies and also both becoming alicorns as fillies.
Another nail is the fact that there actually is a benevolent experienced alicorn still around to mentor Sunny and Izzy after they ascend.
Thanks to Izzy being able to access the dreamscape, Sunny DID actually get a chance to have one last chat with her father after he passed away.
Terra, Sunny and Izzy's alicorn mentor actually visited Zephyr Heights herself and restored Zipp and Pipp's flying ability a couple of days sooner than in canon.

Mama Bear: Stella, Izzy's mother, takes this to a tragic extreme as she tried so hard to track down Terra - Sunny and Izzy's alicorn mentor - and get Izzy back that she literally worried herself to death.
Named By the Adaptation: Izzy's parents are actually given names in this story - Astral for the father, Stella for the mother.

Spared By the Adaptation: Astra, Izzy's father in this story, is still alive to reunite with Izzy when the latter is an adult. Averted, unfortunately, with both Stella AND Argyle both of whom died before they could be reunited with their daughters.

Voluntary Shape Shifting: This was one of the powers Terra taught Sunny and Izzy how to use - allowing them to assume Earth Pony, Pegasus AND Unicorn disguises.

Hey there. Just sharing a possible site that somebody might be interested in including this story on:



Oh wow, didn't even know this group existed! Thank you. Joined and added this story in. Will have to peruse the other G5 stories as well!

As for the TV Tropes thing, I do have an account, but never thought of making a work page of this story. Something to consider!

Again, you did a really good job on this chapter (the second-to-last or third-to-last). VERY MUCH love the work going into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. REALLY appreciated Sprout's warning the five concerning the stuff Phyllis was pulling as well as the arguments against Phyllis before she ran off. Also liked the answers Pipp and Izzy gave most of the Maretime Bay Ponies before the gang went to talk to the ponies of Zephyr Heights about possibly accepting Terra. And the reaction to the new Crystal Brighthouse was really good too.

Definitely looking forward to the final chapter(s).

And Happy New Year.

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