• Published 13th Apr 2024
  • 942 Views, 45 Comments

The Equestrian Rider - Anubis Grimgost

It was just meant to be a normal ride for Damian on his ZX-14r when the clouds began to swirl and lightning struck him.

  • ...

C3 royal meeting

Luna and Celestia were currently speaking to the elements of harmony about Damian’s crash and sudden appearance all those weeks ago.

Twilight was struggling to contain her excitement upon being told about the bright light and his odd mode of transport.

Whilst Rainbow dash only gained interest when she heard how fast the interloper was moving.

The others were a little unsure and far less excited to meet him, well all but Pinkie Pie. She was currently bouncing up and down excitedly.

“Princess Celestia, please please please let me see the wreck. I’m sure I can fix it, oh and think of the technological advancement if I do. I could even write a book on it, gasp* please?”

“Heheheh my faithful student, please have patience. I must first gain full consent from the owner.”

“Oh! Um s-sorry….” The purple unicorn turned red from embarrassment.

“Well I guess it’s not as fast as me but that’s no surprise, after all I’m the fastest in Equestria.”

Then Fluttershy spoke up with her soft voice. “Oh Rainbow I don’t think you should be bragging, I feel bad for him, could you even imagine forgetting my family….”

Rarity rubbed the saddened butter yellow mare’s withers. “Oh darling I’m sure he’ll remember, by the sounds of things. He had quite the crash and must have hit his head pretty badly.”

Then Applejack spoke up. “So princess, what’s gonna happen to ya guest once he’s recovered?”

“We have yet to decide on that but unfortunately we don’t think he’ll be walking for another couple of months. It’s a miracle that he survived….”

Luna winced but nopony noticed.

“Oh was it that bad, dam I’ve had some bad crashes but never life threatening ones…. close calls don’t count.” she muttered that last part.

“So not only do I have to prepare a welcome to Equestria party but a get well soon Damian party and a hooray for surviving your crazy crash party! Gassssp* I need to get started on planning this super duper party! Bye!”

Luna just looked at the last known location of the pink menace in disbelief. “How did the pink one know of Sir Damian’s name?”

The group of 5 mares just a shrug of their shoulders and shook their heads.

“Well I believe that once Damian is fully recovered, then you can meet him properly because I don’t think we should overwhelm him.”

“Um I see where you’re coming from but why are we here princess?”

“Because I thought it would have been nice to just catch up, I’ve missed the little filly that lived In my Library.” Her more motherly side showing for a second.

The look on the purple mare’s muzzle was priceless, Twilight’s friends were trying to suppress their giggles whilst the princesses suppress their own.

Rainbow dash quickly realised that they only now that he’s a guy and his name, they didn’t know what he was. “So princess, what is he exactly?”

“Oh I must have forgotten to say, he says human but…. He’s clearly a dragon but definitely not one that’s a known species that has been documented before. He’s a completely new breed.”

And that was enough to make Twilight’s uncontrollable urge to learn, go from a spark to a blazing flame. “Gasp!!* oh my gosh oh my gosh, a new species of dragon to document! This is the best day ever! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

Meanwhile in his hospital room, Damian let out a soft sneeze that the nurse giggled at.

“Awww that was adorable.”

“Argh! It was just a sneeze….”

“A cute sneeze, like a kitten.”



“Sigh* so how long am I stuck here for and more importantly, when do you take me off the painkillers?”

The nurse looked at him with a straight face. “You aren’t on the painkillers anymore and more importantly, you aren’t walking around for another few months at best.”


“Excuse me, that’s no way for a young stallion…. Or young drake to be talking, now. What if the princess had of hear you?”


“Exactly, so watch that tongue of yours.”

Damian was trying to understand what she had meant by drake, he had heard the word before.

But for some unknown reason it escaped him, this frustrated Damian to no end.

“I’m going to sleep….”

“I’ll wake you up for food then.”

“Thanks…. I guess.” And with that he drifted off to bed.

Luna had felt his presence enter the dream realm and she was already curious of him, so she informed her sister that she was tired and was going to bed.

As she walked through the halls of Canterlot Castle she quickly found herself trotting at a brisk pace. Upon realising this she stopped and shook her head before looking around, thankfully there was nopony around to see her foalish prancing.

“Huff* we are only worried…. Tis not like we are interested in him…. We only wish to insure his mental wellbeing after all a near death experience can bring nightmares of the experience.” She had spoken out loud to herself, enforcing the idea that she had to check on Damian’s dreams for professional reasons and definitely not any personal reasons.

She then consciously trotted towards her wing and up the her sleeping quarters where she opened her own door and closed them, unfortunately she didn’t have many guards and the ones she did have were resting in order to defend her night.

Luna slipped into her crescent moon bed and tucked herself in before falling asleep, immediately entering the dream of Damian.

She entered it and found herself looking down at what looked to be a large flat serpent of stone that wrapped itself around a sandstone cliff.

It appeared to be illuminated by an unknown source of light and atop the cliff luna saw a familiar sight, it was Damian in his weird armour on the two wheeled wagon.

In the sky was a moon and behind it was a beautiful array of reds blues and purples that decorated the night sky.

Then luna heard it.

The roar of that wagon, it scared her but it also excited her. It scratched a primal itch that she had thought to be long dead and gone, a feeling that she had only gotten in the heat of battle.

She watch from above as Damian rode down the back of the flat serpent that seemed to never end as fantastical shooting stars of white and orange lit up the sky.

The spectacle and noises she was bearing witness to was beyond words alone, she ended up watching him ride faster and faster down the snake’s back. She noticed that he didn’t move his wings or tail, in fact his wings were pressed against him and his tail dragged behind him in the wind.

She could not see his face but she had a feeling that he was grinning wildly with unwavering Joy.

Then she felt herself being pulled from the dream as the dreamer began to awaken, she aloud a sweet smile adorn her muzzle as she left his dreams.

“Yawn* ahhhh~ eep mhmmmm, w-what time is it?”

“Oh you’re awake, well that saves me from having to wake you. Just give me a second and I’ll have your dinner ready…. But if you don’t mind me asking, why did you not eat your gems?”

“Um because there gems and not food….”

“But you a dragon and dragons eat gems, they’re apart of your diet.”

“How? I don’t have the teeth to eat rocks with?”

“Well of course you do Damian, now stop being silly and eat up. You need all your strength to heal up.”


“Ay! No buts mister, now eat.”

“Sigh* yes mum….” His tone mocking but the nurse ever ignored it or just didn’t notice.

“Good and I want that tray licked clean.” And she took her leave.

After Damian ate all the food on his tray, all but the gems because they weren’t food. When the nurse came in she looked at him and then the tray and back to him with an unimpressed look.

“Sigh* as much as I want to scold you, I can’t because you have visitors. Royal ones, so please watch your muzzle.”

“Y-yes ma’am….”

“Thank you.” Then she left and the door was enveloped by a golden light, in came princess Celestia and the smaller dark blue winged unicorn followed in after.

Damian stiffened up and locked eyes with the pure white mare, then he looked to the dark blue mare but she was scraping at the floor whilst trying not to make eye contact. He then realised that he had nearly killed the smaller winged unicorn which must have been a royal too.

He only thoughts was, this is bad…. Really bad.

Then princess Celestia spoke up. “Good afternoon Damian, how are you feeling?”

“Um…. Alive, I think?”

“Well me and my sister can confirm that thankfully, we had already spoken to you but you were under the influence of some rather strong painkillers…. So I am princess Celestia and this is my sister, princess Luna.”

“Um hi….” His voice nervous and body language unsure, Luna felt horrible just by looking at his state.

Then she realised that she had to greet him properly and apologised for almost killing him, the first time had been awkward but that could have been because he was drugged.

“Um Damian…. We-I mean I would like to humbly apologise for almost costing you your life…. And making you crash your magic two wheeled wagon….”

“…I accept your apology p-princess but did my bike survive?”


“Sigh* I guessed as much…. Argh~ at least that’s the least of my worries, so where am I?”

Celestia interrupted the sister as she could tell that she was struggling to speak modern equestrian. “You are currently in Equestria and more specifically Canterlot city.”

Luna jumped in. “And we will be letting…. You stay here as long as thou…. I mean you want….” She gave a sheepish smile to Damian.

“Thanks…. Heh, it’s not like I have anywhere to go and I don’t imagine you two even know I got here…. Do you?”

“Sorry but all we have is that you appeared from a bright blue light followed by a whining roar.”

“The noise would have been my motorbike’s engine, fu…. Shoot I’m going to miss it…. And my family.”

“We are sorry but if we find anything regarding how you got here, then we’ll look to get you home. Where ever you home is but we’ll need to get a description of your home.”

“It was a place called Earth and I lived in a Country call England…. And I wasn’t…. Well this.” He pointed at himself. “I was human, a creature that stood up right and had toes and fingers with skin and hair in certain places like atop the head.”

“Mhmmmmm I see, so this isn’t your real form?”

“Well I guess it is from now on.” The sadness in his voice made the princess of the night wince.

“Thy current form isn’t unpleasant to our eyes….” Celestia turned to her sister and shot her a suggestive look, Luna saw this and blushed.

This made Damian let out a soft giggle which court the princesses attention, then Celestia added onto her sister’s comment.

“Well Damian I have to agree with my sister here but if you’re clams are true about not being in this form since birth, then I’ll have to get you trained in reading body language and cultural norms here.”

“That makes sense but I’m sure it wouldn’t be necessary….”

“Oh trust me, it is necessary. I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble over something like misinterpreting something as basic as body language.”

“Oh…. Okay.”

“I’ll have somepony teach you once you’re fully recovered…. In fact, you could study with my sister. She’s currently studying modern pony body language so it’ll work out nicely, what do you say Lulu?”

“Ah! Sister! Thou shouldn’t call us that silly name, it’s humiliating….”

“Oh sorry, so are you okay with studying with Damian?”

Luna’s dark coat turned rose red and she began to stammer. “S-study? Alone? N-n-no sister, we are currently struggling with that and don’t need any distractions.”

“Oh okay no problem.” She turned to the bed ridden dragon. “I’ll just have to make time and educate you…. Or if I can’t, I know somepony who will.”

“So I have a question?”

“Go on.”

“You said magic two wheeled wagon and you use your horns to open doors.” He pointed at both princesses. “Does that mean magic is real?”

“Why of course it is.”

Damian shot a look of surprise towards Celestia and looked at his one good claw. “Then is there a way to get me healed up faster?”

“Um…. Yes…. But I’d prefer to allow your body to heal naturally due to our lack of knowledge of your anatomy.”

“Oh…. Yeah that makes sense….”

“I would like your consent to have my student to take apart your (motorbike) and try to repair it?”

“Sigh*” Celestia was about to speak and say how she understands his discomfort with it when Damian surprise her. “Fine, I don’t see why not.”

“Thank you Damian and what about your helmet?”

“If that’s in one piece I’d like to have it, it’s useless now but it’s sentimental…. I guess.”

“Of course, you’ll get it once you have recovered.”

“Thank you princess…. And princess Luna, I’m sorry for nearly hitting you with my bike. I completely understand why you wouldn’t want to study with me, I couldn’t imagine it’d be pleasant.”

Luna didn’t want Damian to think she didn’t like him but that’s what she had inadvertently done and she was internally hitting herself over it.

Celestia had bid her and Luna’s farewells and had began to leave, luna broke out of her inner contemplation and followed in an attempt to not be left in an awkward position.

Once they made their way down the hall, Luna let her thoughts be known to her sister. “What is thou doing?”

“What do you mean dear sister?”

“We see through thou trifling games, so explain.”

“Heheheheheheheheh, sorry but I have some things to take care of Lulu.”

“Sister, what if one of thou subjects hears thou?”

Celestia’s playfully smiles died upon hearing that. “you mean our subjects.”

“Sigh* they aren’t ours, they’re thou’s subjects. The day ponies fear or hate us.”

Celestia wanted to counter her sister’s words but couldn’t find the words.


“See. Even our own sister can’t fine a comeback from the truth.”

“Luna, I’m sure with time and effort you’ll earn their trust.”

“Sigh* we hope so…. Well we'll be in our room…. Resting.”

“Okay…. And luna!” She turned back to Celestia. “I’m glad you’re back and sleep well little sis.”

“Thank you Celestia, we will.” She was now wearing a smile as she walked to her room.