• Published 13th May 2024
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Their Names Across The Multiverse - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

Moving forward isn't easy sometimes. Sometimes, you just need a little help from others. Others who will help you find your spark...

  • ...

Chapter 2: Pain

Haze and Snake watched Spark land in front of them and smiled at the two.

"Before I explain everything, my name is Rainbow Spark. I'm part of a group that is stopping someone named Fayth."

Snake chewed on a sugar stick, walking with her as Haze followed. "Fayth?"

Spark kept walking towards the tower's entrance. "She's the living embodiment of fate itself, a being who was meant to watch every story, every residing person ever created, but something happened and caused her to turn against the authors, or better terms, your creators. Now, she wants to erase all life in the multiverse. No more stories."

"So, what does this have to do with us and why we're in some giant tree?" Haze asked, her tone cold.

Spark walked up to the front steps of the tower's entrance, seeing carving of the element of harmony on the archway that led into the building. She stopped before the first step, feeling something evil and sad.

"At the top of the tower, poor kids who grew up with tough lives await us there. Fayth took away their pen and wrote how their story would go, so I came to save them. The problem is..." She could still feel the evil and sad energy and shut her eyes, trying to brush the feeling off. "They won't listen to me; they would rather listen to the lies that Fayth told them as long they keep creating negative energy for her." she walked up the steps with the two still behind her. "Energy to feed her book, and if enough energy is gained, she can open the way to the Creation Tree of Elyndra, where Elyndra's book is kept."

Snake stopped. "Creation Tree? Elyndra? Book?"

Spark stopped and tuned to them. "From what my teacher told me, Elyndra is the living embodiment of all creation and the multiverse. For whatever reason, she became the Creation Tree and left behind her book, which is her powers. Whoever writes in it can create whatever they want, but that can also destroy anything, and with Fayth writing in it, the stories, your world, will become nothing. No more life, no more stories. All erased."

Snake grunted and tossed away her sugar stick. "Got it, all-powerful evil being is going to end it all if we don't stop her."

Haze walked further ahead, passing the two and speaking without looking back. "And how are we going to stop that? You said something about someone waiting for us atop the tower." she stopped and turned, waiting for an answer from Spark.

"Like I said, they grew up having a hard life because Fayth changed their story. I tried telling them that no matter how hard life can get, they can always overcome it and deserve happiness. That no one deserves a sad ending." She smiled. "Even they deserve a happy ending; they just need others to help them to see it."

"What if that can't happen? What if the two refuse to listen? Then what?" replied Haze, walking back towards Spark and getting close to her.

Spark got closer to her, making Haze step back a bit. "They will listen..." she put on a brave face, but Snake could tell it was a fake. "There is a reason I came to you all."

Snake offered the two a sugar stick. "And that is?"

Spark snagged both before Haze could take one and continued up the steps. "I told you all when I came to you for aid; you all agreed and allowed me to teleport you here."

They continued up the steps, finally reaching the entrance of the tower, a giant open room, and the only thing in the room were the stairways that led up.

"Sparkly, we don't remember anything, not even remembering you. Is there a reason for that?" asked Snake, looking up the stairway. The second floor was not too far above, as the ceiling could be seen.

"Sparkly?" Spark questioned but shook her head and answered her. "Well, that's because-!" Spark quickly stopped, grabbing Snake and tossing her to the stairs above as black branches rammed into her, dragging her into the wall.

Haze quickly drew her sword and faced the source of the branches. She saw a short teenage girl, her arm being the black branches that attacked Spark.

"Who are you!?" Haze asked, stepping forward, keeping her sword drawn.

"Fayth," answered Fayth, pointing her other arm at Haze, unleashing her black branches.

Haze leaped over the branches, landed on them, and dashed toward the girl. "No idea what you said, but no doubt about it, you must be Fayth."

Snake looked down from the top of the steps, watching Haze. She took cover and searched her pockets, looking for something, until she found it.

"Got you covered, kid!" shouted Snake, pulling out a PSG1 sniper rifle. She loaded it, peeked out of her cover, and took aim. "Take this!" she fired, shooting Fayth in the leg.

The bullet hit, but it didn't hurt Fayth. Instead, she laughed at the attack. Haze kept going, almost reaching her as she chopped and slashed sharp branches that burst out, cutting them all away, not allowing them to touch her. Fayth didn't seem worried, her face not changing; the only thing that changed was her legs, which became black tree stumps.

"Shouldn't have come close, you stupid little girl."

Haze watched as Fayth slammed one of her legs into the ground and raised her other leg, pointing it at her. Haze quickly realized she was in danger as the tree stump roots shot out, and the bottom of the stump quickly extended out, becoming a giant wooden mouth with razor teeth. Haze had no time to jump away, as the mouth was almost upon her.


Haze kept a force pulling Fayth away from her, allowing her to jump away. The stump mouth was pulled along with Fayth's towards Spark, who pulled Fayth's branches and slammed her into a nearby pillar, shattering the stone and falling onto Fayth's body.

"Haze! Hurry! Get to the second floor with Jane and find someone named Amelia Jarvis! Then head to—ugh!" Spark could feel the branches having grown sharp thorns, stabbing her hands and making her let go.

The branch quickly returned to the piles of stones and slowly lifted them, revealing an unharmed Fayth with a twisted smile.

"Yes, run away and find the others. Make it easier to find and kill them all." she stepped out and dropped the rubbles, and her arms became normal. "Or 'they' find them first. I knew one already attacked those two."

Spark healed her bloody hands and made them into a fist. "They can handle them! They won't fall to those two!"

Haze made her way to the stairs and jumped up, reaching Snake and landing on the railing. They looked down and saw the area filled with black roots and dead branches. The two looked at Spark, who eyed them.

"Find the others. They should be a few floors above, and hurry."

Snake placed her weapon on her back by its strap, taking a deep breath.

"Gotcha, Sparkly. Let's go, kid."

Snake took off running up the stairs while Haze looked back at Spark and finally dashed off. As the two ran up the stairs, roots quickly ran up the walls and darted at them, trying to impale them. Haze countered by swinging her sword, cutting the roots, using her fire magic, and burning them. Snake, on the other hand, was running. She knew she couldn't do much, but she had her ways of staying out of the way as she dodged the attacks. They kept running, trying to escape the roots, until the branches dug into the stairway walls, destroying and making it crumble.

"Kid, hurry!" yelled Snake, turning back and watching as the stairs below her fell.

The two could feel the stairway tower shake and sway, and they fell and rolled down as the stairway fell apart. Haze recovered first, slashing a root away and catching Snake in her arms. Haze held her tight and jumped up, landing and jumping off the falling stairway rubble.

The two landed on the second floor, the stairway crashing down. Snake jumped out of Haze's arms and quickly searched her pockets, pulling out a small remote and C4. She tossed it above the stairway entrance, landing on the ceiling and blowing it up with a press of the remote. The ceiling came crashing down, burying the roots and blocking the stairway, ensuring no one could reach the two, but they ready themselves, as the roots could still burst out, but after a few minutes, nothing happened, and they felt safe now.

"Well, that's one way of closing the door. You think Spark is okay?"

Snake nodded. "No doubt, you have seen what she could do." Snake pulled out a sugar stick and put it in her mouth. "We better find this Amelia Jarvis or 'AJ' lady. Let's go."

The two walked away from the buried stairway entrance toward an opened tunnel. There, orange carvings of an earth pony could be seen, but the two never noticed it.

Meanwhile, on the ground floor, Spark teleported, dodging all the roots and branches that Fayth had summoned. She could feel her speed increase, and her movements became sharper. No doubt this was her Rainbow Sky DNA at work, allowing her speed to be unmatched; not even Fayth could match in.

"You're quick, I'll give you that, but not fast enough to avoid this attack!" said Fayth, extending her arms, covering all the walls in the room in roots and branches. She lowered her arms, making them all dart at Spark, filling the whole room with nowhere to escape as it got closer to her.

Spark was surprised but still kept her calm, and her cocky side came out, smirking at Fayth and her attack.

"Please, you gotta do better than that, Fayth!"

Everything clashed at Spark, making a loud noise echoing throughout the room. Everything stopped moving, and Fayth's face changed, becoming worried and scared.

"No, that can't be..."

From the center of the room was a giant ball of magic energy, and within it was the silhouette of an alicorn, and the energy shot out, burning away all the roots and branches, making Fayth cover her eyes from the bright energy blast.

"Damn it, always showing off," Fayth thought, her worry disappearing and being replaced with anger and rage.

The light cleared, and Spark hovered there, her hair flowing in the wind. She had an aura around her, a rainbow aura. She slowly landed on the floor and smirked.

"Come on now! Is that all you have?!" she taunted, smirk becoming a smile.

"No," answered Fayth.

The ground shook, and the walls crumbled behind Fayth. From the cracks, hundreds of black dead wood bark hands with razor blades and branches as fingers emerged.

"No, not by a long shit!" shouted Fayth, blasted toward Spark with the arms behind her.

Spark took a runner stance and enjoyed this fight with Fayth.

"Bring it on, Fayth!"

She took off, leaving behind a rainbow comet trail as the two got closer, almost upon each other.


Only for Spark to trip over nothing and into a roll.

"No, not ag-" screamed Fayth, trying to stop but couldn't do so in time. Spark rolled into her, making the bark hands fall apart, and Fayth had a face full of Spark's big, soft breast again. Spark finally stopped, lying on the ground on her stomach.

"Owie...wait, where's Fayth?"

She stood up, looking around, but quickly felt something between her chest, causing her to look down. She saw Fayth's face, her cheeks squished and blushing hard.



"Oh, right, sorry!"

Spark grabbed the back of Fayth's head, trying her best to get her out, but she was having trouble, so she pushed her inward and deeper into her chest to get a better grip.

"I'm going to be stuck forever," thought Fayth, not fighting or struggling.

After several more attempts, Spark finally got Fayth out, holding her like a small animal. Fayth was gasping for air, blushing heavily, and her face was still red.

"You okay?" asked Spark, putting her back on her feet.

"Y-yeah, just..." Fayth smacked Spark's chest without warning, making them jiggle and bounce. "SCREW YOU COW! YOU DONE THAT ON PURPOSE!"

Spark held her chest, blushing. "I-it was an accident. It won't happen again. Promise."

"Like hell, it won't!"

Fayth's arms extended, slapping and smacking Spark's chest, causing them to jiggle and bounce in a way no woman could have.


"S-Stop, you're wrong!"

"Liar! You know it turns you on!"


Fayth ignored her, slapping her massive breasts and watching them bounce. Only to stop, stare at the bounce, and face away from her, making Spark rub her chest, blushing. Spark looked at Fayth, looking at her hands, then felt her flat chest.

"...Every rewrite, my chest never gets any bigger, but yours..." she sighed but suddenly felt a warm hug, making her turn and realizing Spark was hugging her. "What are you doing!?"

Spark quickly realized what she was doing and promptly let go, blushing.

"Sorry! I don't know why I needed to hug or give you head pats! It's like a natural response."

Spark shook her head, slowly looking at Fayth, who was looking away.

"Fayth, we have been fighting each other for two years now. Every time we end up like this, I feel like this has always been a part of me. To-"

Fayth quickly turned around, red in the face. "TO STUFF ME IN YOUR IN DAMN CHEST!?"

Spark became red in the face. "N-NO! LET ME FINISH!" she coughed and continued. "To be there for you, like we were fri-" but before she could finish, she quickly got snagged by roots that burst out of the ground and tied her up, wrapping around her wings, arms and legs.

"Shut up, you damn cow!" snapped Fayth, glaring at her.

"Cow? I'm an Alicorn, not a cow!"


Fayth dragged Spark slowly into the ground, the roots pulling her under. Spark tried to free herself, but the roots had become unbreakable. She saw Fayth walk up to her, glaring.

"Listen, I'm getting sick and tired of you. I'm going to tell you this once, so listen up." She grabbed Spark by the hair, forcing her to look at her. "We were never friends; in every rewrite, you were a thorn in my side as you stopped me from writing within that damn book. You are nothing but a nuisance that needs to be erased!"

Spark glared at her, and they stared into each other's eyes.

"I'll get the ending that we all deserve. You will not stop me this time; once I do, the multiverse will finally have its true happy ending."

"That's not true, and you know it," Spark replied, surprising Fayth.


"I know you know that's not true! That's not a happy ending. Sure, everything has to end one day, but it doesn't have to be an end for everything. Just because you are done, it doesn't mean others are. You don't have to destroy everything to have your ending." Spark could see Fayth leaning in closer, almost touching each other's noses.

"Done?" Fayth was surprised by Spark's words.

Spark gave her a sad smile. "I can see it, and you don't want to keep going, don't you? Whatever made you like that, whatever happened, it has left you done with everything. So, you're ending everything so you can be done with it all, right?"
Fayth didn't say a word.

"It doesn't have to be the end. It can be a new start." Spark gave her a big smile. "You can start a new one in this rewrite that you created! You can end this endless cycle you created and make a new story! A happy story with no sad endings."

Fayth didn't say a word and instead stepped away from her. She turned away and stared at the wall.


Spark felt worried, even more so, as Fayth started to laugh like a mad person.

"...Fayth..." whispered Spark, hearing the sadness in the laughter.

Fayth finally calmed down and slowly turned to her. Having her head tilted oddly, her smile was evil and twisted.

"Why would I be happy in this awful rewrite? The original was the better version, and no matter how many times I write it, it always ends the same way! Why would I stay in this shitty story?!"

Fayth walked closer to her. "This rewrite has been the worst I've ever written. I thought I had finally written you out for good, as I replaced you with those girls, but NO! You just had to come back and force yourself back in." she grabbed Spark by her cheeks. "Tell me, how does it feel like killing two innocent young girls? You're not any better than I am; you stole their lives so that you can be here, and no matter how much you try to tell me otherwise, deep down in your heart of hearts, you know I'm right."

Fayth could see Spark was crying.

"So, don't go spouting about happiness, as this rewrite will be the final one, where I finally reach my goal! Then we will finally have our happy ending, no more stories, pain, or suffering, just the end. We can finally rest."

She let go, and Spark was still crying.

"So stop trying to help or lecture me already; why would I listen to an awful rewrite of a horrible version of 'her,' a version that's not even her! She didn't have to kill someone to get to me, yet you did!"

"I didn't." sobbed Spark, looking away. "I didn't..."

"It's too late for that, as I'm done with this talk." She faced away, snapping her fingers, causing the roots to continue dragging Spark underground. "If I don't listen to you, what chance do you have of making those girls listen? Why should we listen to a fake?" she stopped, almost like what she would say next would be hard. "A fake rainbow?"

The roots pulled Spark, but she stopped for some odd reason that even Fayth noticed.

"Huh?" Fayth turned, seeing Spark still here, but something was stopping her from being taken; but what?

"Fayth..." whispered Spark, crying and sniffling.

"What's going on?"

Fayth quickly realized what it was, and she rushed over, slamming her bare feet over Spark's head, trying to push her through the hole. But what was stopping her was...


"Hey!" cried Spark.

"THESE UTTER RUINED MY MOMENT! DAMN THEM!" she return to kicking Spark over the head until, finally, the roots could pull Spark through the hole they made and drag her into an endless void.

Fayth breathed heavily as she heard Spark screaming while falling.

"Finally, I can deal with the characters she found." She dusted off her dress and disappeared into the black mist.

Spark was still falling through the darkness. She was crying, unable to stop. Fayth words indeed cut deep and hurt her, and she hated herself. She had taken her two sisters' lives to have hers and felt terrible.
"I'm sorry...so sorry." She continued to cry as she fell, not knowing where she would land.


Spark heard every word from the girls in front of her, making her give a sad smile as she stepped forward.
"I understand your pain, the tough lives you two had, but it doesn't mean it's over! You need to be strong, no matter what happens! You can't just give up and end it all. Even if the world seems hopeless, it's not over till it's over!"


Spark was still crying as she was still falling. Remembering what she told them.


"Please, remember, no matter how much life sucks, it doesn't mean it has to stay like that. You can change it and make it better. Just take a step, and the rest will follow, but first, you need to start with yourself."


"So don't give up. Remember, you're not alone. You have family who are there for you, who worry for you. Even if it feels hopeless, reach out."


Spark felt the tears dry.


"Trust me, you can move forward, but you just need to take those few steps."



"No matter how bad it gets, it doesn't mean it will stay that way."

"it will!"


Spark closed her eyes, gathering all her magical energy, still remembering the girl's replies.


"No, how can I take those steps when I lost the means to even run..."


"It will! It has always been like this! I have always been alone! No one ever wanted to know me all because I act like a boy! My life has been hell, and I can't handle it anymore."


"How can I take those steps when the only thing that keeps me going, the one thing that made me, ME, are gone!?"

"I'm a failure; I couldn't even get a cutie mark since I was a filly! I'm an outcast, an embarrassment to my family, and I can't make friends. How can I continue like this? All I do is bring misery to others and myself. Why can't I have a happy life?"


"I'm scared; I remember the burning pain as I fell! I became so scared to look at the sky that I became a shut-in! I can't sleep without having nightmares and wake up crying."


"It's not fair, it's not fair...I want a happy life and friends, but why can't I have one!? I wish it would stop, and everyone would be my friend and not hate me. But it never does."


"Why can't it stop!?"

"I can't keep doing this!"

"I'm done."


Spark's eyes glowed. "I won't give up."

"It's better if I just ended my damn worthless life!"

"I have no purpose, and I'm a failure. The world would be a better place without me."


Spark's eyes flashed bright as her magic surrounded her.

"I lost everything that made me, ME! I want my old life back; I want the old me back!"

"I lost myself that day, the person I was always meant to be. My dreams were broken, and my heart was shattered."




Spark screamed as a wave of energy burst forth, causing an explosion that echoed throughout the darkness. Filling the void with a tiny rainbow spark...

Within the tiny spark of rainbow light, Spark spoke as she shot toward the closing light.

"You four are not alone, nor will you ever be alone. Others share the same pain, and it doesn't matter if they are a version of you or not. Everyone suffers and goes through their hardships, but we all have the choice to let it hold us down or move forward and become stronger. Even though it's scary, we mustn't be afraid and should face them, no matter how difficult."

The hole closed, the white light disappeared, and Spark was the only light within the darkness.

"It's why I brought them here! Those who share your pain, the pain of losing part of yourself, and those you love or think they couldn't ever be loved or lost a dream. They are the reason you two can move forward. They can be your hope!"

The tiny rainbow light grew more extensive, the size of a planet.

"They can give you the courage to face the future and live better. The future isn't set in stone, and no one knows what it will bring. So, no matter what, you can..."

The minor planet was the size of a sun now. Lighting up all of the darkness, revealing the prism-glitching roots of the prime tree. The giant light blasted forward, decreasing in size and becoming a rainbow comet and smashing through the floor of the bottom level of the tower. Spark landed and collapsed to the floor, saying the last part of her speech before falling unconscious.

"Move forward..."

Spark stopped continuing her story as she needed a moment to compose herself. She felt the tears in her eyes and quickly wiped them. She saw the sad expressions on Twilight and Dash's faces.

"We can stop here if you want," suggested Twilight, seeing her state.

Spark shook her head, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"No, you need to hear it all, especially if you can't get the desired answer."

Spark smiled at them, but it didn't hide the sadness in her eyes. She was gonna continue until they all heard someone yelling a name and rushing up the stairs while Twilah and Dashie tried to stop them by calling out to them. The door swung open, and standing there, in a damaged pink leather jacket, was Luster Dawn, tears in her eyes.

"Braver! You are back! Only you can do...that kind of mess..." she trailed off as she saw Spark sitting here. "Uh...oh..." she dropped a bag of Braver's things.

Twilight and Dash stared at the mare before them and the tears in her eyes. Their emotions were complicated, but one emotion came forward, one that no one saw coming.

"You!" shouted Luster as she rushed over to Spark, who closed her eyes and waited for a slap or something.

But instead, she felt something else, not a slap but a kiss on her cheek and a hug. Spark opened her eyes and saw Luster on her, crying as she hugged her.

"Braver! You're alive! I was so worried about you."

She kept repeating herself as she cried, not caring about what she was saying, nor was she listening when Twilight corrected her.

Spark felt like dying when seeing her sister's mare friend like this, knowing how upset and broken Luster was about losing Braver. She slowly and gently wrapped her arms around Luster, hugging her.

"Sorry," whispered Spark, not wanting to hurt her.

Dashie and Twilah arrived, both having mixed emotions when they heard Spark say to Luster.

"I'm back, Luster. I'm the same Braver you always known..."

Meanwhile, outside of the library, Lucy broke away from her friends as they visited New Ponyville and wanted to visit Blitz's sister's library home.

"This must be it!"

End of Chapter 2

Author's Note:

Alice and Alt Twilight aren't the only ones who need saving.

also yes, this gonna be a running gag between Spark and Fayth but not everytime they meet, so don't worry, not gonna over use it lol