• Published 17th May 2024
  • 325 Views, 8 Comments

Thank You for Your Input - Revel Montaro

One last planning meeting before the spring break cruise. :Takes place prior to EqG Spring Breakdown:

  • ...

Stay on Target



“What do you think?”

“I think you’ve covered everything. I mean, you’ve been spearheading this for almost a month and we depart in two weeks. What else needs to be said?”

“But that’s the entire point of this meeting. I WANT you to say what might need to be said. I have this list of all the general requests from the senior class and those that will be joining us on the cruise, and I did my best to accommodate said requests. And I have this list of the special requests and needs. Is there anything in between those I am missing? I have a new, blank list ready to go so hit me with whatever you are all thinking!”

“I think you’ve done an amazing job meeting everyone’s wants and needs. You have worked your butt off organizing all of this near single handedly. If you want, I can go ahead and say ‘thank you’ on behave of everyone who is not here to offer final input.”

“Thank you, Sunset, that is very kind and it does make me feel good that my work has not gone unappreciated. However, I still feel like we needed this last meeting to cover the fine details. So, please, hit me with something.”



“Dagnabit, Pinkie! Now mah ear is ringin’.”

"Never gonna get used to that."

“Sorry girls, but I just got excited about the idea of a week long spring break ocean cruise with all my super duper best of the best besties and an ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFETT AND DESSERT BAR! Did you confirm that they have a world class chef aboard? Pleasepleaseplease tell me they have a world class chef! I will die a satisfied young woman if I can eat a chocolate coated berry blasted butter biscuit bunt cake with a side of banana pudding coated in tapioca and crushed Nilla wafers drizzled in strawberry sauce and honey with just the teensiest dusting of crushed hazelnuts. Doesn’t that sound like heaven?!”

“Sounds like something that would make a cardiologist cry.”

“I concur. However, to answer your question, Pinkie, they do have an experienced chef. While neither the brochure nor the website listed them by name, I have been assured by the travel agent I spoke with that the Lux DeLux takes food quality and sanitation quite serious for both health and quality reputation reasons. It’s a stereotype and constant complaint on numerous review websites that I spent hours combing through that cruise ship food is horrible, but not for us! It’s why I chose the ship I did.”


“Rainbow, ya got anythin' ya wanna to add to this?”

“I don’t think she can hear you.”

“Damn infernal earbuds.”

“Hmm? Oh, uh… what's up? Oh, oh! Sunset! You gotta hear this latest banger from the Death Angels! It’s mind-blowingly sick!”

“I’m sure it’s great, but we are in the middle of a me….. Sweet Celestia’s sunny white plot, how the hell can someone play a rift like that with only ten fingers?! That’s insane!”

“I know, right?!”

“You really should wipe off an earbud before shoving it in someone else’s ear. That’s just basic cleanliness. Also, I would really like to stay on topic if we could. I only have until five this afternoon to submit any last minute additions or changes to the travel agent.”

“Oh, yeah! Did you confirm that we will be allowed to bring our instruments so we can play a few songs and maybe pony up and fight a monster or at least look ultra, super badass cool with costume changes and magic lasers and stuff?”

“Whoo boy.”

“Uhhhh… I, um, I did confirm that yes, we have the poolside stage booked for one night for the Rainbooms and that if we choose to bring out own instruments that is fine after we've all signed the insurance waiver given their costs, but I don’t think we should go all out and show off our magic if we can avoid it. There will be other guests on the ship besides just our classmates and in all honesty the idea of being on a cruise is to get away from your everyday and have fun and relax… which for us would include unexpected magical mishaps be they from creatures or artifacts. Do you understand what I am saying?”

“Pfft, lame. OW! What was that for?!”

“Don’t be rude and call Twilight’s hard work at getting us on the ship, including the performance stage YOU requested, ‘lame’. Technically, we are all on the Spring Break planning committee, but Twilight did like ninety percent of the work.”

“Okay, fine, my bad. Sorry about that.”

“It’s fine. And thank you. As I said when we started this, I wanted to take the lead on this and I appreciated all your support when I asked for it. My former classmates at Crystal Prep resented anytime I took charge of a project thinking I was either going to make them look bad or exposed the fact that they did not help. Sometimes even going as far to sabotage my plans and make me look incompetent. Anyhow, that’s not important right now. Fluttershy, you haven’t said anything. Is there any input you would like to add or have questions about regarding the trip?”

“Oh, no. You already told me about the petting zoo, which sounds absolutely perfect. Beyond that all I want is to relax and be with my friends.”

“Speakin’ of friends, where’s Rarity?”

“Heeeere! Oh! I’m here, darling! OOF! Thank you for the hug, Pinkie. Apologies for being late to the meeting, but I got caught up in a wonderful conversation with Primrose about the versatility of nano fiber stitching techniques, talking shop one might say. Nevertheless, I have arrived and I have brought what you asked for, Twilight.”

“You found one?”

“Indeed! Granted, most of the credit goes to my father, but I helped and believe me, it took a substantial amount of digging. As you can imagine what an entire archive of service manuals must look like.”



“Pffft. Nerd.”


“What? She’s making an ‘O’ face about a giant book.”


“Ugh. Rainbow Dash, dear, must I once again remind you about your often crude word choices?”

Well, what would you call it? She’s geeking out to the extreme about a giant service manual to a cruise ship. Like near drooling and shaky knees like she about cu.... you know? Who does that?!”

“It’s not THAT unusual, Dash. I’ve read service manual for casual reading too. How do you think I built my motorcycle?”

“Yeah well, you’re an egghead too, Shimmer.”

“Ain’t nothin’ wrong with enjoyin' a good book.”

“Absolutely, I agree one hundred percent. But I think we are getting off topic again. Thank you for the book, Rarity. I will go through it later and compare it to the bits and pieces I was able to find online. I could probably read the entire six hundred page service manual in one night, but I need to finish the business at hand first. Now, are there any other concerns we need to address?”

“Oh, yes! Do any of you need updates to your swimwear? I have already finished making sun dresses for each of you, but if you need a new swimsuit please tell me now. Otherwise, you will have to resign yourselves to off-the-rack, I’m afraid. Give the departure time table.”

“I’m not wearing a sundress.”

“I expected you to say as much. Regardless, I made you an outfit anyway for the concert I assume Twilight was able to secure.”

“I did. I even booked the lower deck stage room for Trixie’s magic performa-.”






“LOWER DECKS!? What travesty is this?! The disrespect! The impudence! Is that really the BEST you could do, Twilight Sparkle?!”

“My eyes are still burning.”

Trixie! What the fuck?!”



“No F-Bombs! You’ll ruin our Y7 rating!”



“Uh, do what now?”

“We’re a family friendly show!”

“We’re not on TV, Pinkie. What are you talking about?”

“Not anymore.”

“Seriously, Trixie. Why always with the smoke bomb entrances?”

“And were you spying on us? You know this is an open forum meeting available to all seniors attending the spring break class trip. I posted multiple memos about it. All you had to do was walk in.”

“Do you even know what is in those damn things?! We could all get cancer from gaseous lead or cadmium or something?!”



“Nothing. I’m just really impressed you knew that some heavy metals can be converted to gas during sublimation and that they can be incredibly dangerous to long term health.”

“Hey, you and Sunset may be the brains of the gang, but I need to pass my classes too. I do pay attention, you know, sometimes.”

“You are ignoring my indignant fury, Twilight Sparkle!”

“Sorry. Anyhow, Trixie, the lower deck stage was the best place for your act be-”



“’Performance’, as you say. Because it has the theater seating. In addition, the upper deck stage had already been booked all week long. We were only able to get a single night show for our own band because we have to share.”

“And trust me, I wanted more. Like, ten foot tall speakers with a laser light show and fiery explosions!”

“She really did.”

“Ya do know that fire aboard a ship at sea is a bad thing, right?”

“That’s what fire extinguishers are for. And we would be providing a service really. Those things spend their whole existence just waiting to be used. Most just end up being thrown out, never fulfilling their purpose. How freaking sad is that?”

“How the hell did we get on this topic?”

“Shimmy, not you too! WE’RE GONNA GET CANCELED!”

“THE GREEEEAT AND POWERFUL TRIIIIIXIE CANNOT BE CANCELED! Especially before a big public performance on a luxurious cruise ship in front of a captive audience of hundreds. Seriously, I don’t get to have many of these outside of street carnivals and those always smell like fried food and pee.”

“Now there’s a tasteful mental image.”

“We are so very off topic.”

“Sorry, Twi. Trixie, I’ve seen the pictures from the promotional brochure. The lower deck stage is nice and will most likely not smell like pee. You’ll love it. Rarity, thank you for the sundress. I love the color and my swimsuit still fits fine.”

“You do absolutely rock the two-piece, darling.”

“Aww, thanks.”

“Yes, she does.”

“Pffft, gay.”


“Rainbow Dash! That was very rude.”

“Rainbow, I have a boyfriend.”

“Trixie, begrudgingly agrees with Rainbow Dash. Just keep telling yourself that, Twilight. The evidence of the accusation speaks for itself.”

“What evidence? I’m not… this… ugh, never mind. Can we please just focus so we can wrap this up? I still have to scan and email this to the travel agency and I do not want to wait until the last minute.”

“HA! The glow in your cheeks tells all!”

“That’s enough, Trixie.”

“Ohhhh, cat fight! Cat fight! Cat fight!”

“Seriously, Dash?”

“Food fight! Food fight! Food fight!”

“We’re in a classroom, Pinkie.”

“Sorry. I don’t actually want anyone to fight, I just wanted food.”

“What’s the matter, Sunset? Too scared to face the intimidating and awe-inspiring might of the GRRRRREAT AND P-”

“I’m not sure if what you have is confidence or arrogance. It’s a fine and often blurry line, but somehow you manage to walk it.”

“I know which one I’d call it.”

“Trixie does not need to justify herself to a muscle headed athlete that does not even know how to spell nuance let alone understand it’s meaning.”

“You’re only proving my point.”

“Moi? Why hello pot, I’m kettle. So wonderful to make your acquaintance.”

“…… Wow. That was actually a solid comeback, Trixie. Give me some.”

“Why are you fist bumping her?! She insulted us… I think.”

“Insulted? Nah. I've heard or used so much worse. That was just word play and riposte. I give credit where credit is due. Besides, we’ve been down this road before, girls. Should take more than Trixie being Trixie to get us riled up by now, right?”

"Word play my as-butt. I know a diss when I hear one."


“Ugh. Trixie has no interest in watching all of you squabble, which would probably just end with hugs and another catchy song and dance number that will only make me nauseous with a side of jealous. If the lower deck is all that you could secure, Trixie supposes that will have to do. Until next time!”

“Trixie, I swear to Sunset’s alicorn horse god that if you smoke bomb exit this room I will find where you stash those things and shove them right up your ass one at a time until you can taste them in the back of your throat!”

“…. I’ll just use the door.”

“Yes, you do that. Thank you for your input and stopping by.”



“Are you okay?”

“Yes, thank you for asking, Shy.”

“That… was a freaking AWESOME comeback!”


“Heh. Yeah, I gotta agree on this one. I think I heard her pucker clamp up tighter than my granny’s vice grip after you snapped back like that.”

“Hehe. Right, um... anyhow. Is there anything else?”

“No, darling I think between your tremendous efforts and our support the entire senior class is about to embark on a spring break trip that will fill us with wonderful memories and cherished stories for years to come.”

“Yeah, and who knows. Maybe we will get to see a sea monster too.”


“Yes to cake, no to sea monsters. But I hope everyone does has fun. This was one of the largest planning and research projects I have ever done with so many counting on me. It was exhausting and yet also so rewarding.”

“It is going to be wonderful, darling.”

“And before any of us forget, I jus’ wanna say thank ya kindly, Twi. I don’t reckon I would have ever gone out and tested mah sea legs without y’all.”

“Right, totally thanks, Twilight. This has been cool, but I gotta run to practice. See ya!”

“And I gotta get goin’ too. It’s time to clean out the animal stalls fer the pigs and horses.”

“Ohhhh. Can I help? I didn’t have anything else planned this afternoon.”

“Yer always welcome on the farm, Fluttershy. I imagine a number of the critters would be down right happy t’see ya again.”

“Have fun, dears. If there is nothing else, I should be off as well.”

“BYE BYE! Love all of youuuuuu!”

“Have fun everyone. See you Monday.”

“…. Sunset?”

“Hmm? What’s up, Twilight?”

“Are you… are you busy tonight?”

“Didn’t have anything special planned. Some gaming, maybe a live stream depending on how the viewers in the live chat behave.”

“Dooooo you want to come over to my place and read this with me?”

“The ship technical manual?”

“…. You know… if you want company that is. To hang out.”

“Sure, Twilight. I’d love to.”

“Thank you!”

“Heh. Anytime.”


Comments ( 8 )

Are we going to get a sequel showing what happens during the actual vacation?

I can't tell if this is a joke comment or not

Ohh the lady doth protest to much..

“No F-Bombs! You’ll ruin our Y7 rating!”

Pinkie, you may be an Y7 show, but this is a site with mature filters, not TV.

I think you need to work on who says what, cause I didn't have a clue who was saying what.

There will be other guests on the ship besides just our classmates and in all honesty the idea of being on a cruise is to get away from your everyday and have fun and relax… which for us would include unexpected magical mishaps be they from creatures or artifacts.

Mishaps from enchantments are much rarer for the Rainbooms, much less planeswalkers and battles. :derpytongue2:

The bit with the Trixie fistbump is a bit hard to follow in terms of who's saying what, but overall, you pulled this off with aplomb. Nice work, and best of luck in the judging.

It's on YouTube. Original cast and a hentai plant monster.



Shhhh, this version doesn't know that. Who knows what might happen.

I'm sorry you had difficulty. I suggest reading it again and see if that helps.

Thank you. I gave it a shot and this is what I came up with. (Pssst. Love your work.)

I got lost amongst the characters. I honestly had no clue Rarity wasn’t actually present until it was mentioned Rarity just arrived. It was funny though.

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