• Published 30th Apr 2013
  • 60,544 Views, 1,562 Comments

Princess Celestia Gets Mugged - BronyWriter

Princess Celestia disguises herself as a younger mare and goes for a walk around Canterlot where she promptly gets mugged. Now on EqD.

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A Hint of a Location

When Princess Luna finally exited the mind of the stallion four hours later, after some of the best massage therapy she had ever experienced, it was with mixed feelings. On one hoof, she still wasn't any closer to finding her sister. On the other, those massages... her shoulders hadn't felt so good in years.

She smiled dumbly at the unconscious stallion before her. Normally, the fact that it was fear that had knocked him out would only leave him down for an hour at most, but with his skills, Luna had used some of her magic to make sure that he stayed down long enough to finish his massage.

Of course, there was still the major issue of the fact that she still didn't know where her sister was! Her smile faded, and she thunked the side of her head for letting personal pleasures get in the way of locating Celestia. "How foolish and selfish of me," Luna muttered. "I did not ask him about Tia once."

Before the Luna could do anything more, she heard the door to the dungeon open. She turned to the door and saw Captain Shining Armor trot down the stairs towards her. She gave him a slight nod, and he returned it with a small bow. "Any luck, Princess?"

Luna sighed and shook her head. "It would seem that the rogue hast been taught mind blocking techniques from whatever conspiracy group employed his services!" She scratched her lower jaw thoughtfully and peered at the prisoner. "I may have to use more... unorthodox methods to obtain the information we require."

Luna turned to Shining Armor with the intent of acquiring his opinion, but she was surprised to see him looking suspiciously at her. His eyes were narrowed and he was clenching his jaw as though he wanted to say something, but thought better of it. Luna cocked her head. "Has an issue arisen?" Shining Armor bit his lip and scratched one of his forelegs uneasily. Luna scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Permission to speak freely granted."

"Well..." Shining Armor cleared his throat. "I'm having a little trouble buying that he can mentally block you."

Luna raised an eyebrow. "You doubt the truth of my statements?"

"Yep." Shining Armor trotted over to the bars and examined the stallion behind them. "I'm having a little trouble believing that a stallion so dumb that that he personally delivered the ransom note to the palace has the brain power to block the pony who raises the moon every night and whose dream-walking spells are the stuff of legends."

Luna puffed out her chest. "I have never failed to get a dream confession!"

"And you want your record to be blemished by him?"

Instantly Luna's smug demeanor deflated, and with it, the lies. "I do not wish to relay what took place in his dreams. It is a matter between him and I."

Shining Armor raised an eyebrow and the first traces of a smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth. Luna scoffed and stepped backwards. "Take your mind and remove it from the gutter, Captain! My interactions are private." Luna narrowed her eyes and leaned in. "As is this conversation unless you wishe to have the soldiers under your command made aware of the games you play with your bride in the middle of the night."

Shining Armor's nostrils flared and his stance became more dominant, yet slightly fearful at the same time. "Hey, Candyland is a fun game. It was Cadance's favorite when she was growing up!"

"Be that as it may, must you squee like a schoolfoal when you reach Princess Lolly?"

Shining Armor groaned and waved a hoof in defeat. "Okay, okay, I won't tell anybody." The captain turned his gaze back to the prisoner. "Still, it would be best to interrogate him somehow. He is still our best bet of finding Princess Celestia."

Luna sighed and nodded. "You speak the truth. I shall awaken him and let you attempt to secure a confession. I am..." Luna hesitated. "Biased, and I fear it would affect our attempts."

Shining Armor rolled his eyes as Luna fired up her horn to wake Mr. Nacarat up. "Whatever you say, Princess. Whatever you say."

* * * *

Poker had gone as well as Celestia could have hoped. She had won back a good portion of her bits within an hour or so. She now sat in front of Mr. Xanadu, the only remaining player, with a grin on her face. The stallion in question still had a fair amount of bits left himself, but Celestia had been chiseling his winnings away as the hours had passed on.

Princess Celestia shifted in her chair and motioned for Ms. Razzmatazz to deal the cards once more. The mare dealt both parties five cards and pushed three bits in for the starting round. She lifted up Celestia's cards and fanned them out so she could see them. Ace of clubs, princess of clubs, nine of diamonds, four of clubs, and queen of spades.

Celestia's eyes flickered up at Mr. Xanadu, hoping to gauge his reaction to his cards, but he had a surprisingly good poker face. She mused that that was probably the only reason that he was still in the game, as the others... weren't. Ms. Fallow literally squealed in delight whenever she got as much as a pair of threes.

No. Focus. Win back the bits and then see what they do with that, thought Celestia. She whispered in Ms. Razzmatazz's ear to indicate which cards she wanted switched out, and received three new ones, while Mr. Xanadu received two. Celestia stared blankly at her cards, but was surprised to hear Mr. Xanadu speak.

"All in."

Celestia looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. Did he seriously...? She shrugged and nodded to Ms. Razzmatazz. "Put the equal amount in. I call."

Ms. Razzmatazz nodded. "Whatever you say, Ms. Skies." She pushed the proper amount into the pile. "Okay, show 'em, Mr. Xanny."

"Xanadu," he corrected. He glanced back down at his cards. "Erm... can I actually take that back?"

Celestia chuckled. "No, it's too late now. What do you have?"

Mr. Xanadu bit his lip nervously, but he slowly placed his cards down on the table. Pair of tens.

Celestia snorted and had Ms. Razzmatazz place her own cards on the table. "Pair of princesses. I win."

Mr. Xanadu groaned and the rest of the party cheered Celestia's victory. Ms. Razzmatazz scooped the bits into Celestia's coin purse. "Nicely done, Ms. Skies. Winning on a pair of princesses." She turned her head to Mr. Xanadu. "Must be pretty embarrassing."

Before Mr. Xanadu could respond, Ms. Fallow let out a loud gasp and shot to her hooves. "Princesses! We haven't heard back from Mr. Nacarat with the Princess' answer!"

"Oh yeah, we were doing something like that, weren't we?" said Ms. Razzmatazz. "Huh, what a thing to forget."

"Well if he isn't back, what do you think that means?" Mr. Xanadu frowned and stood up from the table. "Should we sit and wait for him, or should we do something else?"

"He's been gone for six hours!" Ms. Razzmatazz pointed out. "If he was going to be back, he would have already been back." She shook her head and stood up. "No, I think we need to come up with a contingency plan."

"Like what?" asked Ms. Fallow.

"I think the best course of action is to take Sunny Skies somewhere else." Ms. Razzmatazz placed the coin purse back in Celestia's saddlebag and slung it over her shoulder. "Mr. Nacarat can't turn us in if he doesn't know where we are!"

"An excellent suggestion," said Mr. Xanadu. "We could take her to my mom's place a few blocks from here. She's vacationing in Las Pegasus."

"Good." Ms. Razzmatazz sighed. "Look, Ms. Skies, I'm really sorry to have to do this to you again but... you know."

Celestia once more felt the pillow feeling on the back of her head. She once more dramatically fainted, letting her body completely relax. She soon felt the ropes around her slide off, and she was gently levitated onto the floor. She once more felt ropes tighten over her as her captors bound her legs together.

"You know, if we keep knocking her out, we might really hurt her," Ms. Fallow pointed out. "Maybe something a little less dangerous next time, yeah?"

"She's right," said Mr. Xanadu. "If we actually do hurt her bad, we'd get a lot worse than jail time for robbery and kidnapping. This is one of Celestia's most trusted servants!"

Celestia heard Ms. Razzmatazz grunt in agreement. "I suppose you're right. If there's a next time, we'll just hijack a taxi or something. That'll be easier and safer for all of us." The others voiced their agreement and Ms. Razzmatazz fired up her horn. "Okay, let's wrap her in this sheet. Nopony will see us move her if we do."

* * * *

Princess Luna was reclining in her room, reading the copy of Pinkie Pie's diary that she had made when she last visited Ponyville, when she heard a loud knock on her door. She sighed and marked her spot. "Enter."

The door opened and Shining Armor walked in with a smug smile on his face. "We got it."

Luna tossed the diary aside and stood up. "Where is my sister?"

"They took her to an old apartment complex a few blocks from Doughnut Joe's place." He beckoned Luna to follow him. "Apparently they nabbed her in an alley about half a block from that."

"We must sally forth and re-obtain my sister with all speed! Assemble your finest soldiers to aid in the retrieval." Shining Armor nodded and signaled to two nearby stallions who saluted and ran off. "Did that ruffian give you any more information?"

Shining Armor shook his head. "Nothing relevant. He and his group, didn't say how large it is, don't know that they have Princess Celestia, so that can only be good. I didn't get much more than that."

"It matters not," said Luna with a wave of her hoof. "I shall deal with such matters when we have reclaimed my sister and put an end to those ruffians who took her!"

"What are you planning on doing to them?" Shining Armor looked over at his assembling troops. "I mean, it's unlikely that they've hurt her at all."

"Kidnapping a princess holds only one punishment: death." A scowl crossed Luna's face. "It matters not how blatantly idiotic those foals are. It is still against all of our most sacred laws to kidnap the pony who raises the sun." Luna shook her head. "They shall die soon after their capture."

"Huh, I'm surprised that kidnapping a princess has come up enough to warrant its own law." Shining Armor shrugged. "Should we execute the one we have now?" Despite everything, Shining Armor had to hold back a smirk. "He was just as responsible for everything and I think we've gotten everything out of him that we can."

"On the other hoof, it would be barbaric to execute them without a fair trial," said Luna quickly. "Some of those old laws are barbaric, and perhaps there is some aspect of the case we are unaware of."

"If you say so, Princess." Shining Armor chuckled. "A fair trial it is. Should we start on his now or wait until we have all of them?"

Luna scowled. "We shall wait! He is in no state to endure a trial. It would be unjust of us to force one upon him now."

Before Shining Armor could respond, a page darted towards Luna and sank to his knees in a hasty bow. "P-Princess Luna, there's been an issue!"

Luna frowned. "Well, out with your message!"

"Of course, your majesty." The page cleared his throat and pointed back towards the castle. "Uh, there is a group of nobles in the courtroom as we speak. They are demanding to speak with Princess Celestia at once. I'm not sure what about, but I know she's taking the day off and I figured that it would be best if you handled it."

Luna glanced at the palace and let out a low groan before looking over at Shining Armor. The captain sighed. "It's okay, Princess. We've got this."

"'It is not that I am worried about." Luna rubbed one of her temples. "Those nobles can be... childlike."

"I know, but just remember that you're the one in control in the situation, not them."

Luna slowly nodded. "Very well. Lead the way."

The page bowed once more and led Luna back towards the throne room. Shining Armor watched her go, almost wanting to play a round of Taps for her, but she didn't need to hear that. Instead he turned to his soldiers with a determined look in his eyes. "Okay, mares and gentlecolts, you all know the mission." Shining Armor began pacing back and forth. "Today we rescue Princess Celestia from kidnappers! If all goes well, then I'll be buying the cider tonight!" The captain stopped in his tracks and turned to face his guards. "If it doesn't, then Iron Hoof shall be buying the cider."

"Oh, come on!" cried a guard in the back row.

Shining Armor shrugged. "Hey, I'm not the one who gets a large alimony check. If you didn't want to buy the cider for failed missions, then you should have lost in court when you got divorced." Shining Armor shook his head and waved his hoof. "But that's not important right now. What's more important is that we go get the princess!"

The collective guards cheered and raised their hooves into the air. Shining Armor levitated his helmet onto his head and pointed in the direction of the castle gates. "Let's do this!"

Author's Note:

Join these delightful people as my patrons!
Razer Brony
Dawson Schawang
Jim Kieger
Andrew Denton
Not Tom

BTW, if there are any patrons who donated to get the reward of having their name at the end of each chapter but you don't see your name here, please let me know. Patreon updated and now I can't actually see my list of patrons. Or at least, it's much harder to find for some dumb reason.