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My absolute favorite scene in the entire history of Star Trek · 7:23pm Dec 12th, 2022

SIDE NOTE: The scene in question takes place during the 15th episode of the 6th season of The Next Generation.

Comments ( 2 )

I'm quite intrigued to learn the full context. I think it might give me a few ideas for my own stories.

I highly recommend that you watch the episode itself on either Netflix or Amazon Prime, but if you do not care about being spoiled, then here is a brief synopsis of the said episode:

During a diplomatic mission, Captain Picard (played by Patrick Stewart) is rushed to sickbay due to severe, unexpected injuries. After dying from his wounds, he awakes to find himself in an otherworldly realm, where he is greeted by the god-like alien Q (played by John de Lancie). Q explains that the energy weapon that shot Picard destroyed his artificial heart, and that a natural heart would have survived the shot. Picard lost his original heart as a young officer, when he was stabbed during a bar brawl, an event he regrets. When Picard remarks that he would do things differently if he could relive that moment, Q sends Picard back in time to two days before the brawl, where he meets with fellow cadets and friends Corey Zweller (played by Ned Vaughn) and Marta Batanides (played by J. C. Brandy). They are surprised by Picard's change of personality; no more devil-may-care attitude.

Zweller is cheated by a Nausicaan at a bar game, and plans his revenge trying to rig the next match, but is prevented from rigging the table by Picard. When the Nausicaans try to bring Zweller into another game, Picard prevents it. When Zweller is goaded into attacking the Nausicaans after being called a coward, Picard intervenes by holding Zweller back, averting tragedy but humiliating his friend. Zweller leaves him in disgust. Marta is attracted by Picard's unexpectedly mature behavior and has a one-night stand with him, but it complicates their friendship.

Q returns Picard to the Enterprise in the present. Instead of being the captain, Picard is a junior science officer who has led an unremarkable career doing routine work. He is still able to consult Commander Riker (played by Jonathan Frakes) and Counselor Troi (played by Marina Sirtis), as Q had promised only Picard's future would be changed by his past actions. They explain that his aversion to risk means he has never distinguished himself.

Picard then confronts Q, who tells him that although the fight with the Nausicaan nearly cost him his life, it also gave him a sense of his mortality. It taught him that life was too precious to squander by playing it safe. Picard realizes that his attempts to suppress and ignore the consequences of his indiscretions have resulted in him losing a part of himself. Picard declares that he would rather die as the captain of the Enterprise than live as a nobody. This convinces Q to send him back to the bar fight and events unfold as they did originally, with Picard being stabbed through the heart and laughing as he collapses to the floor.

Picard awakens in sickbay, captain of the Enterprise again. As Picard recovers from his injury, he wonders whether his journey into the past was one of Q's illusions or merely a dream. Regardless, he is grateful for the insight the experience gave him.

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