• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2012
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Greetings World. You may call me Nyronus. I write stories, among other things. My hobbies include existential ennui, being Princess Luna, and Saving the World. Feel free to hit me up on Steam to chat!

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Venturing Forth · 9:46pm Nov 15th, 2023

It's risky business, going out your door.

And here I am, doing it again!

Just finished packing, and I'm gonna catch my flight out in a few hours, and then, day after tomorrow, it's Ciderfest time, baby!

And hey, if you haven't heard, I'm gonna be a Community Guest this year![/preen]

Of course, that means that I'm gonna be at events, where you can see me, meet me, and hear my ramble on and on!

For instance:

Meet the Storytellers of PVCF23
Saturday 6:30-7:30, Writer's Ballroom

This is a meet and greet event where you can come and speak to all the volunteers that made the Storytelling Adventure possible. Which you should do. Because they worked very very hard on this, and deserve every ounce of fawning admiration you can muster.

Come Meet the Community Guests
Saturday 7:30-8:30, Apple Orchard

This is is also a meet and greet, for, well, the community guests, and hey, aside from the charming bastard writing this paragraph, there are a whole host of cool cats this year, like Saberspark, Minty Root, and Somber to come see!

Writer Meetup
Saturday, 8:30-9:30, Apple Orchard

This is a meetup. For writers. Since you are reading this advertisement on this website, I assume you will have interest in that! And I do to! I want to meet as many of you as possible! Also, this makes three straight hours of meet and greets for me, but with Celestia as my witness, I will shake hands with as many of you as I can!

The Story of the Story: How to Run a Storytelling Experience
Sunday, 12:30-1:30, Barley Room

Now this is an actual panel! Come here to learn how the Storytelling Adventure Sausage got made with me, Vivid Syntax, Sonicsuns, and SteelTheWarrior! Hear funny stories! Advice for running a long term large scale collaborative project! Secret Lore! What not to do!

And, of course, there may be other... mmm, secret things I'll be up to, but that's a surprise for later!

Anyway, Check out the schedule here!. Also, here's all of the cool people who are gonna be there in an official capacity!

Also, guess what, if you can't make it in person, Pony Town is doing a tie in event! We've got stuff for you to see and do tied to the adventure there as well! You can also hop on over to the PVCF Discord to get announcements and chat with other attendees!

We've put a lot of effort into this show, guys, and I know I cannot stop saying it, but I really cannot wait for you to see it. Nor can I wait to see you there!

Here's to Friday, and beyond!

Now, if you excuse me, I have a plane to catch...

Comments ( 2 )

You're gonna be great! have fun n_n

Bit late getting to this (and only managed to get to one of those four events at the con), but I thought I'd say again that I had a wonderful time at the con, and thank you for the work you and the others put into it!

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