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Sorry for updating one chapter then falling off the face of the earth. I didn't die, though my body did attempt to auto-toaster bath me at one point! · 12:54am January 16th

Crash lands into fimfic.

Yo, what up?

I am not dead. But holy crap I did not want 2023 to be equal parts The Sunset Tree and Transcendental Youth albums by the Mountain Goats. But they were, life was A LOTTM, but I made it through.

All that to say sorry that I haven't had an update in 5ever. It was my intention to do more Speak writing over the course of 2023, even though it would be stressful for me and my editors (Shout Out to RoMS who offered to edit despite working hard on his PhD). I even had a vague idea for a chapter that might involve waking BJ up! Finally!

Unfortunately life decided to Not Be Like That Tho and instead started treating me like it's own personal punching bag.

I switched jobs to temporarily become the manager of the crisis team at my job, only to develop some major stress related health issues. Oh and 3 bouts of pneumonia. In... summer. That was kind of terrible. So I swapped back, but since my routine night shift was already taken by another one of my amazing coworkers (who coincidentally also found her life to be 30x better on nights, weird that), I am now working days. Which you'd think would mean more time to write, except it usually translates to me being a zombie because despite being on dayshift for 8 months, my body refuses to accept this and wants me to go to bed around 4am.

Also I was nearly diabetic for a while and we're not sure if I am or not, so I basically got told to eat none of the food I like and eat all the ones I hate. Except for fish. I was exempted from fish because it actively tries to murder me when I eat it. SO THAT WAS FUN.

I tried to catch up with friends around at EFNW, but was also still recovering from pneumonia so my social batteries drained super fast. I'm sorry if you tried to catch me and missed me! I'll be there next year! I already have my room booked! Also my roommate, Willowisp , may be tabling this year! So I may be in one spot for once!

Anyways, that was fun! But unfortunately, my very close friend and co-owner of the house I bought at the end of 2022, Shaushka, passed away very suddenly in September. Bubblegum and I were really beat up about it, and honestly I'm still feeling like I am finding pieces of that particular emotional frag grenade in me. We knew Shau for a solid decade and change, and Bubbles was Sam's roommate since 2018. We both have been trying to pick up the pieces of that, as well as figuring out how to make the house work with just three incomes. We've made it work just fine, but there were a few months where we were like 'okay crap how do we do this?'

Luckily my job pays pretty well, so we're all set there. But his absence is felt every day. I super miss his laugh, and Bubbles has mentioned that he keeps thinking he sees Shau in the house. We're making it work but goddamn loss sucks hairy, sweaty balls. Which is probably telling because this is the first I've... said anything publicly about it? Now that I'm writing this?

Sorry, I'm trying not to make this emo as shit. Even though y'all come to me for emo horses, it's never fun to hear that the reason your favourite fic was delayed was because someone legit died and the writer had to deal with that. Especially since I left off at such a weird note. Honestly, I need to go reread basically all of the Stable 9 chapters to remember what the hell I was doing.

All of that to say that I super appreciate all of you and your comments and concerns. I know people have been chomping at the bit for more Speak, and I am hoping I can get into that headspace soon. Thank you for your patience, but I wanted to let you know I am still here! I just have had a heck of a 2023 and am hoping 2024 makes me feel less like a federation starship with critical hull damage and shields at 8%.

That'll buff out, probably

Comments ( 15 )

Its great to have you back!

Gald to see you are alive and survived the year that was 2023. I look forward to reading more of your Grumpy brown featherd Pegasus story.

I know I dm'ed you already saying what I had to say. But, we're happy you're still around and I hope 2024 is more kind to you and those around you.

Both your Trek screencaps came from episodes where they slammed the reset button and erased the timelines where Voyager was destroyed from history.

Maybe that’s something to look forward backward to.

On the one hand the Trek memes make me laugh but on the other they concern me because Voyager’s writing was kinda all over the place.

Still!! Absolutely glad that you stopped by to drop us a line and let us know what’s up in the land where the Mademoiselle of Shiny Hearts resides.

Hi, Heart! It’s great to hear from you and to know you’re here. Sorry this past year has been so stressful and tough. Hope this year is better for you!:twilightsmile:

Lose a little hours from the night shift
Made to middle manage in its place.
Search for some sign to tell me how long til vacation
Tableflip the place
Feels like each time my body fails
It's until morale improves
Feel my pancreas has given up overnight
Buddy wish that I could too

Yeah when the flap
Sounds in the woods
You will know
The bats gone for good
Yeah when the flap
Sounds in the woods
You will know old friend the bats gone for good

I wanna try to stand my ground
Maybe train, maybe upskill?
But then I go and check my chequing balance
And these billa
Feels like when I try to get some rest
It's either for an hour or twenty two
So ready just to fall down, just to fall down and to stay down
But theres too much shit to do

Yeah when the flap sounds in the woods
You will know old friend the bats gone for good

Being alive is good. Getting over the pneumonia is good. Being able to talk about the bad stuff is good.

From what I can tell and from my chats with Lillo, I have a feeling 2024 will be a good turnaround for you guys. Here's to hoping.

Author Interviewer

that is quite the tale D:

It's great to have you back, Heartshine!

I know that this is cliche, but I still think it's appropriate.

I find it appropriate that you chose voyager images for your Year of Hell blog.

Hey !
Nice to hear you're still alive !
All the rest isn't that nice to hear though. Must have been hard on you.

Sending all the love and courage I can ! Settle yourself, abd don't worry I believe we are patient.
I myself still believe FoE Sisters isn't abandoned yet, even when nothing was updated since 2018.

All in all.
Welcome back. Happy to see you.

Hope you have great time at con. If I was able to I would visit for sure just to meet you and willolo. Hope your circumstances get better and no more bad fate arrives. I have enjoyed Speak a lot and really love the story and characters in it, but you have no need to hurry with it. I know the dread of a goal that just keeps hanging till it is done, but some things are better after they marinate and would surpass forced work.

I am glad you're not dead! I am also not dead, though I am somewhat behind on FIMFiction.

Sorry life threw so much at you, but congratulations on making it through!

...Oof. And good luck with your health!

Oh. And my condolences regarding Shaushka.

And good luck in general!

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