• Member Since 17th May, 2017
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An amalgamation of nice and spice. Writing for fun. Wonderbolts enjoyer. AiE/HiE shitposter.

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New Fics: Thrown Into a Downspiral of Emotions and Stop Thinking, Twilight! · 2:10am April 19th

So, I knew I was going to slam out some fics this week. No idea why. Don't ask. Golabi's idea was unintentional, it just happened.

TThrown Into a Downspiral of Emotions
Spitfire is about to retire and Fleetfoot is upset at her for a multitude of reasons, ones that she hopes Spitfire will answer.
Soaring · 3k words  ·  44  3 · 450 views
TStop Thinking, Twilight!
Anon's goal is to make Twilight to stop thinking and just vibe. Twilight doesn't know how to do that.
Soaring · 1.4k words  ·  144  8 · 1.9k views

Go give them a read (if you haven't already read the 2nd one). First one is really fresh right now!

Hope you all enjoy them. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 6 )

I wish I had this level of productivity 😭 it takes me forever to get a fic to a point where I feel it’s presentable enough to publish, so I don’t put stuff out half as much as I want to. 😔

Not going to tell you to lower your standards, because I think having a high standard of quality is a good thing, but I think it's important to know that no one will get to see that quality content if you never put it out. Live by the motto I learned from a published author I met in college that you can't continually edit your story. You won't reach perfection, but it's not a bad thing to strive for. Knowing when to publish is valuable. Also it's good to keep your hopes up high and your head down low. I love A Day To Remember.

For me, I give myself a small timeline. Couple hours of writing with a couple passes for editing, and then I send it off to people (if available) to pre-read/edit. Once they're done and I fix any errors they find and consider any feedback they provide. Then I'm ready for publishing. This goes for both chapters of fics and one-shots. :twilightsmile:

(I read both of those stories)


keep your hopes up high and your head down low.

I wish I had this level of productivity

Reminds me of the catchy songs from the musical Hamilton, to some extent. (I just really like that musical, and it's somewhat inspiring to listen to)

Non-Stop - "Why do you write like it's going out of style"

I appreciate the advice, man. I probably could do better with understanding when to publish. I have a bad habit of keeping things in the vault because I’ll write something and twenty minutes later I’ll think the plot sucks and abandon it. It’s probably something I should get over.

That's an interesting habit there. It's not exactly something you 'get over', it's more of developing a new habit in establishing confidence in your own story drafting. This can be done through simple prompt drafting using the template below. It allows you to show that yeah, the plot does have merit and it has a start, middle, and end. You just have to write it.

Prompt Draft:

Working Title: Throw a title for your fic down. It doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to sound like it has a rhythm. Something that speaks to you.

Prompt: This is a one/two sentence blurb that summarizes your fic. This is going to be your short description and the basis for your long desc in the future, just fyi.

Details: This is about some story beats that you need to hit. This isn't where you outline, though. Part of prompt drafting is about seeing the vision first, then experimenting later. Only highlight stuff that will make people want to read it, y'know?

Conflict: Now this is the thing that drives the fic. It doesn't have to be aggressive, though. Slice of Life fics even have these. How do the characters interact and what would cause a positive or negative conflict that will drive your story to a complete end?

Resolution: This piggybacks off the conflict, but it may give you more thoughts on how you want to end it. Might be a wise idea to throw a couple of lines in this section, just for kicks.

Characters: No attributes. Just details that will be VALUED. Big word there, but point being is that they need to relate to the details section just a tad... and the conflict... and the resolution. You get it.

I appreciate the advice. Definitely gonna try and take it to heart next time I write. I might even be able to use it to sort out some of my ideas.

Thanks for providing that, homie. Ima make sure I save it for the future.

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