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INCOMING FANFICS · 11:57pm Sep 10th, 2013

That is right . I am writing words. Words about brightly colored diminutive magical talking cartoon horses. I have never written fanfiction before, or really any fiction beyond very short stories, so I am rather terrified. Right off the bat I will let you know that most of you reading this will not be interested in reading my stories. Why you ask? Because all the ones I am currently planning on writing will have as their main characther a rather controversial Black Alicorn Filly that I am terribly fond of but whom many readers cant stand. Yes that is right, my stories are all recursive fanfics of " Past Sins". Deal. I plan to write other stories with more mainstream characters-you know ones actually in the show ( probably starring a certain Princess of the Night)- in the future, but right now this is what I am working with.

Anyways, with the exception of the first of these ( which is mostly done and will be up within the week ) all of these have a launch date of " to be determined". I have but extremely bare plot outlines, and more than anything the point of this list is to put me into an accountability system where someone will remind me to get these done. Actually I am also looking for editors and proofreaders for all of these, except for the first one. I wouldn't turn down a co-writer with good ideas either, so if you happen to like one of my descriptions or have had thoughts along similar lines please message me.

So without further ado here they are, in rough order of how soon I plan to write these.

1. The ( attempted) assassination and ( attempted) horrendous torture of Nyx by the dastardly murderer Cruel Knife ( a parody)

Cruel Knife, the most sadistic of Equestria’s hitponies, is looking forward to his next job: The kidnapping torture and murder of , the reincarnated Nightmare Moon, an alicorn demigoddess who is immortal and whose special talent relates to her near indestructibility, and who is rabidly protected by her mother the most magically powerful.. wait hold on … run this by me again? There might be a slight flaw to this plan… A parody of all those “ Nyx gets tortured” fics.

So yeah remember How i said a certain Alicorn filly was rather controversial? Apparently there is an entire subgenre of Nyx torture fics. This despite the fact that Pen Stroke said we could use Nyx in anyway we wanted EXCEPT a) torturing her or b) clopfic. Then again I guess the kind of people who write these things dont care about Pen Stroke's opinions.

The point here is to point out the sheer absurdity of the concept. Nyx's special talent relates directly to the fact that she is near indestructible, I am paraphrasing here, but in Past Sins, during her speech when she turns herself in to the Royal Sisters, she states that she will stand in the way of anything that is a danger to the ponies she cares about because " what is fatal to them is a scratch to me". Apart from this, there is also the issue of Twilight Sparkle, who is extremely protective of Nyx and is probably the most magically powerful pony in Equestria apart from the Royal Sisters. I am kind of winging this, since i have never actually read any of this Nyx torture porn garbage, which means I am parodying a genre I have never read and know nothing about. This story is rather Meta by the way. Hopefully someone will have as much as fun reading it as I have had writing it.

Will have 2 chapters.
chapter One " the one without Twilight". In which Twilight( and the Princesses and the Elements) is kept away from the events of the story by "a series of bewildering coincidences much too contrived for the readers to ever believe- and thus never to be explained or described"

and Chapter Two " the one with Twilight". Obviously WAY shorter than Chapter One.

2. A series of moments ( called " drabbles" in the Harry Potter fandom, no idea if there is a term for them here) showing the development of the relationship between Rarity and Nyx. Kind of a series of memories sketching out their relationship. ( slice of life)

I have always been fascinated by the Idea that Nyx would be terribly fond of Rarity, especially when it is revealed to her that Rarity knew she Was Nightmare Moon from the very moment they met, and still she kept the secret and befriended her. I would love to see how this continued developing later on in life ( can you see Rarity designing a Grand Galloping Gala dress for Nyx? I can!) I have been thinking about this story since i First read Past Sins, but have always waited for someone who is good at writing characthers ( Realitycheck probably) to write it for me. Well I am writing it myself now. If you are a Rarity fan who thinks you can write a good Rarity, or can help someone out in giving advice on how to write a good Rarity, your help would be Incredibly Appreciated. Might be two stories, one from Nyx's point of view and one from Rarity's. The goal of this story is a charachter study, as well as to induce as many Warm and Fuzzy feels as possible.

3. Diamond Tiara's Diary. ( sad/slice of life) I feel that there is much to be said about Diamond Tiara and Nyx. Nyx is a perfect foil for Diamond Tiara. They have near opposite personalities To wit: Diamond is haughty, showy, pretentious, anti-intellectual, has a hard facade, has a carefully manicured self image of blase superiority, and refuses to reveal her inner emotions, while Nyx is demure, humble, honest, nerdy, excitable, hyper-intellectual, extremely curious, hates being the center of attention, is sensitive and empathetic and finds it next to impossible to hide her feelings. . DT crafted her queen bee/ alpha bitch personality because she wanted to be a Canterlot noble, but had the misfortune of being born in a " backwater" like Ponyville ( come to think of it DT is kind of Rarity's evil counterpart) So DT created a persona based on how she thought a Canterlot Noble would behave. Which was fine as long as no nobles lived in Ponyville. But then it turned out that Nyx moved to town. Nyx , who by Birthright is the Dark Queen of Equestria. Sure Nyx has renounced the throne, but as much as Nyx may hate it she still is ( or at the very least was) royalty. The fact that she behaves in exactly the opposite of the manner that DT thinks nobles should behave exposes DT as a fraud. And DT knows it . And hates her for it.

But I come here not to bury Diamond Tiara but to praise her. No seriously. I have no intent of Making DT a one dimensional villain. If you think of the events of Past Sins from her perspective you can see some clear psychological motivations for her hatred of Nyx. Past Sins made it clear that DT suffered during Filthy Rich's absence when he was Brainwashed as a member of the Children of Nightmare. Form DT's point of view all of this was Nightmare Moon's fault... and what punishment did Nightmare Moon get? none. she got turned back into an adorable little filly that continues to grate on her nerves and serve as teacher's pet to Cherilee. I think there is a lot of depth to be explored her,and I would like to do so, and take a look at things from DT's side making her more sympatehtic ( though never whitewashing her or removing her AlphaBitch tendencies.) Remember that we are all the heroes of our own stories, very few people look at their lives and go " yup, I am the villain".

4. The Magnum Opus: "Nyx at Celestia's school for Gifted Unicorns" . This is the culmination of the above stories, a novel length tale of Nyx's studies at the School, as well as her private lessons with BOTH Celestia and Luna as she trains to become " The Shield of Equestria". Will take a look at the social and political ramifications of her enrollment ( more on the school and less on Equestria, I am thinking here of questions like " should an Immortal alicorn be allowed admission to a school designed for mortal unicorns,how will other students and their parents react to going to school with Nightmare Moon etc) I also want to explore her relationship with Spell Nexus, which means i have to give Spell Nexus a personality ( since the only time we actually meet a not possessed/severely depressed Spell Nexus in canon is through the letter at the end of Winter Bells). I am not sure what kind of relationship to pursue between the tow since in some ways he is essentially her father ( though i can never see them having that kind of relationship) and the Dumbledore kind of mentor relationship is more what i would be wanting to give to Luna/Celestia.

Obviously there are going to be some Harry Potter influences here ( its a magic school and all) and Nyx, much like HP , would be a natural target for all kinds of conspiracies and rumor mongering , but at the same time I do plan there to be some rather clear differences, for example Nyx will not live in the dorms, but at her grandparents house ( in Twily's old room of course !) This is the story I would most like help with since i want it to be the most ambitious one, but all i truly have are grand aspirations, as opposed to concrete plot points. A co- author would be greatly appreciated! Extra awesome if said co author/editor/ helper were familiar with " Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality" and Darkest Before Dawn Since these will be the stories that will be the prototypes of what I want to achieve with this. Also gives me the chance to have some breathless action and intrigue, which my other story Ideas don't really have.

5. Nyx! Alicorn Babysitter!( slice of life)

Princess Cadence is with Foal at the end of " Winter Bells"... and who better to babysit the Foal? This would correlate with story #4 above... since the Idea here is that Shiny/Cadence come to Canterlot on Royal Business every so often and.. who better to babysit their Foal than " "Teenage" Nyx, who is livingin town as a student at Celestia's school for Gifted Unicorns! ( I put "teenage" In quotation marks because Nyx's age is always a question of " it depends how you look at it") Hijinks! Adventure! Warm fuzzy feels!

well that is that So far. I await your comments and Pm's.

Report onlyanorthernsong · 1,873 views ·
Comments ( 11 )
Comment posted by onlyanorthernsong deleted Dec 11th, 2013

RealityCheck's politics weren't absent from Nightmare Night and Nyx, they were just more subtle. Nyx challenges Celestia on her handling of the candy for Nightmare Night, insisting that foals would be more generous if they knew their treats were going for hospital-bound foals than merely being scared out of them (Libertarian Free Will vs. Socialist Extortion). Also note that Applejack's date takes time to lecture her about the Mare-do-Well debacle. And there's the fixation - intended or not - on proving that Nyx is a "real" pony that appears to conflate being "real" with "not being made of magic".

And I'd have to agree with RealityCheck in saying that works are never apolitical, but always reflect the views of their authors to some extent or another, even if the ranting is avoided. If you ship Twilestia you are normalizing homosexuality. If you leave the basis for Celestia and Luna's rulership unchallenged, you are normalizing autarchy. Heck, Twilight is a single mother and that's okay - another viewpoint with political undertones. Apolitical is merely saying things that you find uncontroversial. Which doesn't mean that everyone else will see things the same way. If you do manage to snag Reality as a editor, be aware that what's benign to you may grind his gears and vice versa.


Oh I agree completely with the idea that it is impossible to separate one's own political biases from one's works. In fact this is why I cant read his stuff anymore. I tried , I really really did, because after all he has some strong points. I think he is a good character writer, especially of children. The Man has a genuine love of children and a hatred of bullies that comes across as heartfelt and passionate. I have to love that in him. I was a sickly nerdy child throughout elementary and middle school. It was as if I had a " please bully me" sign perpetually stuck on my back. I get the feeling that, before he was homeschooled Realitycheck's childhood was much the same.

And so , when, as the first generation child of hispanic immigrants I hear him say that illegal immigrants should be machine gunned at the border, when he calls himself a " fan of science" and then goes on to write a strawman characther who writes a dear princess celestia letter where professor Strawman essentially disavows the scientific method, and then furthermore when it turns out that RealityCheck is a fundamentalist who believes in young earth creationism and the actual physical existence of Noah's ark, when as a man with a Juris Doctor and a master's degree in political science I have to sit back and read this guy inform me that Hitler was an atheist and a humanist, and that the builders of versailles were socialist, and similar crazyness that would give any history teacher a heart attack, ( and when furthermore, his response to me challenging him to name one historian who agrees with his interpretations of history is to delete my posts and block me , because dissenting opinions are not allowed on " his" blog, as if he coded this site), and then when you read him saying that instead of funding AIDS research we should round up AIDS patients into CAMPS like we did the japanese in WW2.. and when you run into his anger and hatred and fury and rampant anger and resentment towards the entire female gender... which makes me wonder what on earth attracted this guy to a show where 80% of the major characters are female... then you know... it really breaks your heart it really does...

... and it comes to a point where you realize that you can no longer separate the stories you like from the morally repulsive ideology held by the man who writes them... and you have to stop reading them... It was with a heavy heart that i clicked the unfollow button next to RealityCheck's name. But it was a good day for my mental health. I leave Nightmare Night and Nyx in my top ten favorites list because he kept his crazy in check then.... but from Nyx's family onwards, once he saw he was popular, like the good fundamentalist Preacher's son he is he decided it was time to evengelize the masses with his incoherent theocratic world view. And there is only so much nonsense a man can take, especially when it is hateful nonsense spread with an air of unassailable authority by a willfully ignorant man who is certain he is a genius with a literal mission from god.

P.S: and yes, I am no longer interested in him being a pre reader. Hilariously enough, my original intent was to have him police my stories so that my own political biases did not become too overpowering. Given that we have nearly opposite worldviews I figured he would be extra sensitive to such biases. Now I figure that the likely result is he would give me a stroke and i would give him a heart attack. So yeah, it was an idealistic fools errand from the beginning, a misguided token of my ( genuine) appreciation for his talents as a writer if you will.

Wow. Just wow. I spent oven an hour reading those posts and that board. About the one thing I can (sort of) admire about the guy is the way he doesn't care what anyone thinks. He'll spew bile at everyone and anyone who's the slightest bit apart from himself. It's weirdly fascinating. Liberals and Feminists and Mormons and Jack Chick and Catholics and Bush and Obama and they can all just burn. He doesn't pick sides; he knows where he stands and doesn't give a crap whether anyone's for or against him or anything.

Checking out his biography, he appears to be a failure by his own standards. He's in his forties, has no family, no house, no (obvious) education, no money, no career and no prospects. I strongly suspect he has no job and lives off the donations from his site. He's also a furry - which (I suspect) puts him at odds with his parents - and has no military record. Aside from being a self-proclaimed Christian conservative, he fits the stereotypical man-child profile to a T. He's also been having recent health problems that are liable to leave him deeply in debt. I say none of this mockingly; he's a guy in a few tough places in real life and I suspect (again) that a certain amount of the bile is redirected self-loathing. I could easily be wrong about some of this, but this is it how it looks from where I'm sitting.


Your reading seems correct to me. Particularly telling, in terms of his self hatred, is the fact that he is terrified of death. I mean we all are yes? but In his case it is an extraordinary phobia. In his writing Luna and Celestia's ultimate goal is to come up with the ability to grant immortality to all o Equestria. If you tell him that immortality mignt not be so wonderful ( because, say a population of immortals that kept reproducing would at some point reach an extraordinary overpopulation, he goes even more nuts than normal. Roughly paraphrasing, he once told me that " staying alive is the ultimate human right". I think this desire to stay alive at all costs reflects his conviction that his life has been wasted. He wishes to have more time, all the time, in order to make something of himself.

I think I understand the root of much of his rage towards women as well. His Ultra conservative attitudes towards gender roles ( this despite the fact that he is a fan of a show that became " good" because it was influenced by feminism and a certain disregard for gender sterotypes) stem from the fact that he is not married, and has decided to blame feminism and secularism for this.
Simply put he is the son of a fundamentalist small town pastor. Back in the day, i feel that he believes, the attendant prestige of marrying into the pastor's family would have essentially guaranteed him a wife. Instead he is a man who rather desperately wanted a family ( again I feel his love of children is warm genuine and the closest thing to a redeeming factor RealityCheck has) , but in modern society his poverty , ill health and rough life make him " low value".

So he basically resents modern society and wishes to return to a society where being the son of a pastor was de facto high status. So he resents those forces that have eroded the standing of Fundamentalist Evangelical Christianity. And he has decided those forces are secularism and feminism.

You spent an hour reading on him. When i discovered the depth of his lunacy i spent a full saturday half in fascination , half in horror, looking him up , which is why i know so much. He has so many contradictions, for example, his warmth towards children, his hatred of bullies, the fact that he is a fan of this show for chrissakes, which i still do not understand.

One of the more bizarre and fascinating things about RealityCheck is that he has one strain running through his work that runs completely counter the rest of his ideology.

Despite the fact that he rants agaisnt immigration and takes hard right positions on well, everything, he seems to be pro multiculturalism, which is strange because Multiculturalism Is usually despised by people with worldviews similar to him. and yet if you recall the Flitter storyline in Nightmare Night and Nyx, or for that matter, the entirety of Cheerilees Class, http://www.fimfiction.net/story/92158/cheerilees-class , well the whole thing seems to be a paean to Diversity and muticulturalism. Yet again a fascinating contradiction.

The big caveat here is that psychoanalzying somebody is a risky thing, especially in light that we don't know all that much about him. Or at least I don't.

But I'm going to go ahead and do some more anyway. I'm actually in favor of the immortality plotline he puts down and I find it quite noble, but that's likely to be more to do with my Utopian ideals.

I think it might be worth noting that, although we view him as a Conservative, he would not be accepted as a Conservative by other Conservatives. To them, he's just another guy who watches a little girls' show and draws anthromorphic animals and can be casually lumped in with the rest of us weirdos. Romney, despite being a cult leader, is in. Donald Trump, despite being profane and having low morals, is in. Ralph Hayes Jr. is out, regardless of his dedication to the cause. Somewhere, that's got to eat away at him, too.

As for the multiculturalism, I don't think that's quite it. He's not describing multiple cultures getting along, but multiple races. They are all expected to share a common culture. Which is still a fairly substantial step up from some of his fellow travelers.

1598466 speaking of the devil he actually just commented about five minutes ago, on my first rather crackficky fanfic that I just posted. Yes it is Nyx related. Haven't gone to see what he said.

And yes armchair Psychoanalisis is risky and rather disrespectful. I hate calling people things other than what they self Identify as. Otherwise I think we risk falling into the " No True Scotsman" fallacy, One RealityCheck himself often commits. Before banning me, whne we argued about Hitler being an atheist and a Humanist, he conceded that the Nazi regime cloaked itself in religious imagery, but he said that their behavior was proof of their atheism. See for RealityCheck atheists are bad, Christians are good, therefore all Nazis are atheists and none of them are Christians. This is the No True Scotsman fallacy. IF RealityCheck calls himself a conservative ( and he does) then he is a conservative, even if other conservatives would reject him because he fails their definition of what it means to be a man.

The Thing I am truly interested in, and if you ever read this Ralph I would love for you to answer this, is what exactly drew him to this Show and this fandom.RealityCheck sees feminazi conspiracies everywhere, but he is not hallucinating them when it comes to this show, which does have some feminist themes interwoven throughout. I thought I knew what drew him to to the show ... the fact that Equestria is essentially a theocracy:trollestia:.. that is until he posted a blog post stating that he disliked fanfics where the Royal Sisters are depicted as gods, because it made him nervous as a Christian to think that some poor brony somewhere had begun to worship two cartoon horses instead of the one true god.

And there's the fixation - intended or not - on proving that Nyx is a "real" pony that appears to conflate being "real" with "not being made of magic".

More like a funky bit of headcanon related to genetics.


And so , when, as the first generation child of hispanic immigrants I hear him say that illegal immigrants should be machine gunned at the border,

I'm not sure he's ever said that before but let's try to put this in perspective:
A.) ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. I know that democrat conditioning has conflated the two in most people's minds but try to be honest.
B.) Let's be honest, America's border security is the least punishing of almost every other border security. There are nations that WILL put a bullet in your head if they spot you sneaking into the county. Mexico alone is infinitely less tolerant of illegals, ironically.
C.) Some of the people crossing the border are criminals, murderers, and rapists fleeing the law or drug smugglers. There are good reasons to have a strong border.
D.) I have never seen him write those words. If he did he was probably angered past his limits.
E.) An open border is a national security disaster waiting to happen.

when as a man with a [sic]Juris Doctor and a master's degree in political science I have to sit back and read this guy inform me that Hitler was an atheist and a humanist,

Honestly, I got nothing. I have no idea how those degrees are supposed to have given you some special insight into the nature of the third reich or how you are incapable of realizing that a man who espoused a cult that set him up as the son of Thor or something and actually put Christians in camps is not a christian. How you can't comprehend that there is a difference between dressing in the trappings of a religion and being a true believer,

you run into his anger and hatred and fury and rampant anger and resentment towards the entire female gender... which makes me wonder what on earth attracted this guy to a show where 80% of the major characters are female...

Ahem... anti-feminist does not mean anti-female. I am especially perplexed at this notion that expressing disapproval for a promiscuous lifestyle is misogynist especially when RH regularly shows the same disdain for promiscuous men. You should also see how your feminists act. I am equally perplexed by this notion that feminists are always pro-women even as they accuse home makers of being sell outs. I also find a myriad of their arguments vapid upon closer inspection. A great deal of their charts about the wage gap do not account for variables and automatically assume parity of experience, education, preference for part time or full time, etc. Their stance on abortion is also problematic as their insistence that it is an issue of woman's rights versus an issue about the sanctity of life makes it nearly impossible to have a good faith debate.


If you tell him that immortality mignt[sic] not be so wonderful ( because, say a population of immortals that kept reproducing would at some point reach an extraordinary overpopulation, he goes even more nuts than normal.

Why exactly is it so difficult to understand that Malthuse and his like minded peers were wrong? That their predictions hilariously failed due to a lack of understanding about how people react to changes in the food supply and that you are mostly making the same mistakes. Also just to fix a misconception, they are ageless not immortal. Kind of like Tolkien elves

I am not sure where you get the "resents modern society" remark. He has a few words to say about progressives but not much else.


I think it might be worth noting that, although we view him as a Conservative, he would not be accepted as a Conservative by other Conservatives. To them, he's just another guy who watches a little girls' show and draws anthromorphic[sic] animals and can be casually lumped in with the rest of us weirdos. Romney, despite being a cult leader, is in. Donald Trump, despite being profane and having low morals, is in. Ralph Hayes Jr. is out, regardless of his dedication to the cause. Somewhere, that's got to eat away at him, too.

Ah yes.. the typical tripe about Conservatives from leftists who do not actually know a thing about conservatives. He has quite a few conservative and libertarian fans, actually. Seriously, I bet you probably think that corporations and rich people donate exclusively to Republican candidates.
Romney is not a cult leader and I don't think anyone took Trump seriously
After this point your conversation devolves into a discussion about your various misconceptions about conservatism. Last I checked there wasn't really a checklist of manliness.


Ah yes.. the typical tripe about Conservatives from leftists who do not actually know a thing about conservatives. He has quite a few conservative and libertarian fans, actually. Seriously, I bet you probably think that corporations and rich people donate exclusively to Republican candidates and I don't think anyone took Trump seriously
After this point your conversation devolves into a discussion about your various misconceptions about conservatism. Last I checked there wasn't really a checklist of manliness.

I don't think that Romney is a cult leader. I meant it in the sense that Mormons have frequently been the target of accusations of culthood by Evangelical Christianity, but he's received their blessing nonetheless. It's more a condemnation of the Evangelicals self-piety and lack of introspection than Romney himself. Take a look at how Billy Graham's organization changed it's stance once the political winds shifted to make anti-Mormonism inconvenient.

I'm not terribly surprised the Libertarians like him; they tend to cleave considerably closer to their core values and eschew hollow traditionalism. Self-described Conservatives by and large tend to exclude anyone who is a furry. A guy with pin-up anthropomorphized animal girls on his website is going to have a tougher time with that crowd. Which isn't particularly fair to RealityCheck.

I hedge with "self-described" because "Conservative" has little meaning any more. I have no idea what you would define "Conservative" as. To me, conservative has always meant caution. Conservatives are careful and avoid taking action without certainty. It's very much the opposite of the radical Libertarianism that so many "Conservatives" adhere to. Conservatives favor country, duty, family, and other traditional loyalties which place a cost upon the self that Libertarians reject. Nations are collective entities and socialistic by nature. Rand rejected patriotism as a great evil.


m not sure he's ever said that before but let's try to put this in perspective:
A.) ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. I know that democrat conditioning has conflated the two in most people's minds but try to be honest.
B.) Let's be honest, America's border security is the least punishing of almost every other border security. There are nations that WILL put a bullet in your head if they spot you sneaking into the county. Mexico alone is infinitely less tolerant of illegals, ironically.
C.) Some of the people crossing the border are criminals, murderers, and rapists fleeing the law or drug smugglers. There are good reasons to have a strong border.
D.) I have never seen him write those words. If he did he was probably angered past his limits.
E.) An open border is a national security disaster waiting to happen.

A. I dont understand this point. Most illegal immigrants to this country are hispanic. If most illegal immigrants to this country where western europeans rest assured much of the vehement hatred towards them would vanish. Also dont use phrases like " Democratic Conditioning". People tend not to take you seriously after that.
B. what you say about mexico is definitely correct. Dont know about other nations . Some have stronger border enforcement. Some have weaker. The United States does not have the strongest border enforcement true, but it certainly does not have the weakest border enforcement. Many countries have no border enforcement at all.

C. who said anything about strong borders and weak borders? We were discussing mass murder. I find it hilarious that my outrage at the idea of mass murdering illegal immigrants somehow means i must favor no border enforcement at all.
D. It was on his own site and is in the " Shit Fundies says" thread I posted. He did not write it on this website. As for him being angered past his limits I am sure he was . He spends most of his days " angered past his limits". Merely reminding this gentleman about the overwhelming evidence that the Earth is older than 6,000 years is enough to anger him over his limits. Apoplectic fits of anger are his main mode of existence.
E. Would it shock you to discover I agree with you? But then again this is deflection. We where not discussing the merits or lack thereof of strong borders. We where discussing my personal discomfort with supporting the work of someone who fantasizes about machine gunning human beings, most of whom by sheer coincidence I am sure, happen to be of my exact same ethnicity.

I have no idea how those degrees are supposed to have given you some special insight into the nature of the third reich or how you are incapable of realizing that a man who espoused a cult that set him up as the son of Thor or something and actually put Christians in camps is not a christian. How you can't comprehend that there is a difference between dressing in the trappings of a religion and being a true believer,]

I never claimed that Hitler was a Christian I claimed he was not a secular atheist humanist. Reality Check is the one that claimed that He was an atheist humanist and provided no evidence for his claim. Yes some aspects of Nazi ideology drew from Norse mythology . Some others drew from Christianity( look up Martin Luther's rabid anti semitism). Most Germans where Christians, given the fact that most Germans did not end up in concentration camps it is obvious that being a christian was not a one way ticket to the gas chamber. You are absolutely correct in stating that many Christian clergy men did end up in concentration camps, but this was not because they where Christian but because they where political opponents to the regime. Of course their Christianity informed and inspired their opposition to the regime! But there where many Christian clerics whose Christianity apparently did not cause them to oppose the regime. And if you argue that the only true Christians where the ones who where opposed to the regime then we are back in the land of the " No true Scotsman" fallacy! Also it is demonstrably the case that being an outspoken Atheist in Nazi Germany was more dangerous than being an outspoken Christian, since being an outspoken Atheist tarred you as a " likely Communist" in the eyes of the Nazi regime. And the only people that the Nazi's hated more than the Jews were the Communists.

But all of this is moot because I have no Idea why you seem to think that I am arguing that Hitler was a faithful Christian my argument is that Hitler was NOT an Atheistic Humanist as RealityCheck argued. certainly we can all agree that a man who according to you " espoused a cult that set him up as the son of Thor or something" is NOT an Atheist right???? The last time i checked there was an infinity of possibilities apart from " Hitler was an Atheist" and " Hitler was a Christian". the fact that I state that Hitler was NOT an atheist in no way shape or form means that I must believe him to be a christian!

As for my degrees, you are correct in pointing out that they do not per se relate to the matter at hand, but you do in fact study the Nazi regime quite in Depth before you can get a master's in Poli sci.They where kind of a big deal Having said that I would LOVE to know where RC gets his "special insights" into such diverse fields as Economics, History, Political Science, Science in general, Theology, Enviromental Science and Psychology, among the many other learned subjects he loves to pontificate about. Hell I would be happy if the guy posted LINKS to reputable studies backing him up.

Are you familiar with the " doge meme"? look it up. That is what Reality Check reminds me of everytime he pontificates on shit he quite clearly knows nothing about ( which... is almost everything) For fucks sake, we are talking about a man who once argued straight facedly, that enviromentalists had never heard of the water cycle!!!!!! Yeah I am sure all those PHd's in geology at the EPA have not heard of the water cycle, which according to realitycheck proves that we should not worry about pollutants in the water, cause you know the water cycle will clean it all up!.:facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof:

Seriously we are talking about a guy who once made a comic strip arguing vehemently that one Could have Science ( which is awesome because it lets him use words like Zygote!) WITHOUT the scientific method ( which is evil because it asks for evidence and destroys the idea that the universe is 6,000 years old, an idea that RealityCheck is desperately fond of), which is basically the same as arguing one can have literature without language. One seriously could not make Mr. Hayes up. He is too bizarre for fiction.

So yes he is the Doge meme made flesh.Except that given the violence and extremism inherent in his particular strain of bullshit, he is more like Doge with rabies.

Ahem... anti-feminist does not mean anti-female. I am especially perplexed at this notion that expressing disapproval for a promiscuous lifestyle is misogynist especially when RH regularly shows the same disdain for promiscuous men.

Look Ralphie ( I am not even going to continue the charade of pretending that this isnt you ) FEMINIST DOES NOT EQUAL Promiscuous. Sorry. They are not the same. IF you think that Feminism is about celebrating and encouraging female sexual promiscuity all you are showing is that you do not understand what feminism IS. But we already knew that.

. You should also see how your feminists act.

What is that? some people said something Horrible about Sarah Palin. What a surprise! A public figure is the recipient of hate! Shall I link you to thousands of posts on freerepublic et al about how Hillary Clinton should be raped ? No ? of course not. Because it doesnt prove anything. I never said ALL feminists are good people. On the other hand you certainly seem to think that those feminists in that thread are representative of ALL FEMINISTS EVERYWHERE. But the people who argue that Hillary should be raped are not representative of conservatives of course....

I am equally perplexed by this notion that feminists are always pro-women even as they accuse home makers of being sell outs.

I have helpfully bolded the problem word there. it is ALWAYS. Why on earth do you think that all feminists must be Pro women all the time? why is everything an ALL OR NOTHING extreme with you? seriously man, you are the all time master of the false dichotomy. " If Onlyanorthernsong argues that Hitler was not an atheist he MUST be arguing he was a Christian" uhhh no. That is not how it works buddy.

And seriously, this is what outrages you??? That some feminists critcize other womens decisions?? This would be like me saying that my Main problem with the Tea Party is that they criticize other republicans as RINOS, and as republicans Tea Party members should be pro all republicans all the time.

A great deal of their charts about the wage gap do not account for variables and automatically assume parity of experience, education, preference for part time or full time, etc.

PREPARE YOURSELF FOR A SHOCK: I actually agree with you on this point. SHOCK OVER.

Their stance on abortion is also problematic as their insistence that it is an issue of woman's rights versus an issue about the sanctity of life makes it nearly impossible to have a good faith debate.

Umm what? I am pretty sure that feminists do not see this as an issue about the :"sanctity of life" that is the anti abortion religious right. IN my experience pro choice women tend to be more flexible than anti abortion religious activists. This makes sense . the sanctity of life is the sanctity of life. if you believe that then there is no way to budge ( let alone have a good faith argument!!!) Feminists at least are able to entertain arguments about say fetus viability. Anti abortion activists see no budge in their holy mission to save the babies. baby conceived by rape? a gift from god according to these folks. One side is way more rigid than the other, and it is not the side you claim it is . Having said that I agree that Both sides are too rigid and too emotional. While some of the great moral debates of our time have clearly already been won in one direction or another ( see gay marriage) I fully predict there will be passionate battles about abortion 200 years from now.

I have to go to sleep now so I can function at work in the morning. rest assured I will address the rest of your points.

Please continue with this plan.:derpytongue2:

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