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A Midwest brony who enjoys writing about adorkable unicorns and alien invasions. Come join me for XCOM 2 livestreams!

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Stardust is nearing it's end. · 4:46am Dec 26th, 2013

Good evening folks!

As you may have heard, Stardust is approaching it's end. I've just posted the second to last chapter of the story (which might not show up on your update lists because of publish/unpublish shenanigans), and I've also taken some time to reflect on what writing Stardust has taught me.

1.) Writing is fun! I had almost forgotten how fun it was to create something for other people to enjoy. To hear feedback and speculation and to give folks a sense of wonder as to where things will go. It's a reward in itself.

2.) Criticism is a chance to improve. It's one thing to SAY this, it's another thing to actually benefit from it. My pre-readers do an irreplacable job of turning my random crap into something folks can enjoy, and there's been more than once where they've helped steer me in the right direction.

3.) That being said, there will always be critics because certain stories will appeal to certain people. You cannot write a story that EVERYONE will like. This lesson was the hardest for me to realise. I suppose the exact moment I can think of to best describe this was when I was criticized for 'human wank' by describing the moon landing, then criticized by another person for 'magic wank' two chapters later. I had to learn I can't please everyone. I can only write the story I have planned and hope people like it.

4.) For all my skill (ha!) as a writer, I could not have done half of this without hearing from my readers. To each and every one of you, I offer my sincerest thanks, and wish you a Merry Christmas!

Report Arad · 1,181 views · Story: Stardust ·
Comments ( 47 )

Is there plans for a sequel? I know that personally, I'd love to see the science team let loose in Equestria.


There is, yes. :) Details are being played close to the chest though.

Seeeequelsssss, giiives us ssssequelssss

This is very good to hear. Honestly, I heard about the story fairly late (like 4-5 chapters ago), but it's rapidly become one of my most-anticipated updates on the site.

I just want to say, don't feel the need to rush a sequel out. I mean, I'm super glad you're planning one, but seriously-- take all the time you think you need to make sure you can maintain the quality you've had so far. You've built a marvelous setting (yes, I recognize that this is a crossover between two settings, but you've still built an awful lot on top of them), and it'd be a shame if you rushed out a sequel to try to please the masses or something silly. I honestly doubt you'd be one to fall into that, just going by what I've seen of your work, but... I've just seen it happen too often, I guess.

Keep on being awesome!


Man... Be patient


You have no idea how glad to hear this I am. I wish you a merry christmas and luck in what you do in your future. Stay safe and keep writing. :heart:


At the absolute -earliest- I would start would be after season 4. I want to plan things out -thoroughly-.

I can give you one piece of advice: DO NOT take too much of a break. An author at rest is an author in danger. The minute you stop writing, it becomes harder and harder to regain your velocity.


Oh my I know! I took a week off to try and plow through Tales of Xilia. Came back and had an intense bit of writers block.

I'll be looking forward to it. ^_^

Just because he isn't publishing, doesn't mean he isn't working. Your point is true, but at the same time, he can keep his momentum going without showing us anything. Even if it means we have to live without Stardust for a while. :P


Believe it or not I've got a little one shot story idea I might try and write, and a completely different crossover idea as well.

Its both sadning and exciting to know what the story is approaching the end. However, no matter what this is will always be with my favorite stories I read on the site.

I suppose the exact moment I can think of to best describe this was when I was criticized for 'human wank' by describing the moon landing, then criticized by another person for 'magic wank' two chapters later. I had to learn I can't please everyone.

So, so true. This is why I like reading one-star reviews on Amazon for some of my favorite books. Just to remind myself that no matter what, no one is immune to people who just don't like something.

I want to say so many about your story, but my poor english doesn't let me. :applecry:
Still i must say that i really like it and looking forward to sequel.

1648807 Do you know how RARE it is that I find a fic that I totally, actually, genuinely like that the author actually manages to FINISH without QUITTING? It's pretty freaking rare! Hats off to you for being one of the few!

How can anyone call the moon landing "human wank?" its the goddamn moon landing. If you polled people on what mankind's greatest moment thus far was, that would likely top the list.

The scene made sense, anyway. Celestia wasn't impressed, but Discord picked a moment humanity is very proud of.


Oh I know! You get involved in the story and then things just end without any resolution. It's because I hated that feeling that I came up with the plan for Stardust. I was going to finish this story if it got enough readers.


One other bad thing -- Dunbar's Number holds with regard to the number of fics and such you can keep in your mind actively. If you read too many different things at one time it messes up your writing. I know this one from experience as well.

I kind of regret every time I velocity zero myself with regard to writing. :facehoof: Starting back up is soooo hard.


I certainly agree! I've got one short story planned (that might turn into an epic if I can think of a plan beyond the pilot episode), I might come up with some other short stories in the mean time.

Aww I cant say I happy to hear it is ending. This is one of the best fics about Xcom.
But I really happy to hear you will do a sequel.
Finish this one with a BANGGGGG but don't make a dammed cliffhanger, pleaseeeeeeeeee

1649208 I agree. I am crossing my fingers for an XCOM/Equestrian alliance with later Ponies and Human cooperation, but we shall have to see. I have to say though that your story's has been incredibly well-written, with equal amounts of great action and drama. Combined with the highly satisfying plot, I eagerly await Stardust's sequel... and hope Celestia doesn't get too pissed.


1649214 Pissed? she was shooting sun beams like crazy. I sure that if they stayed to wait for her.
Celestia was going to be the first pony eating humans in equestria history. Not to say Luna was any better. Lets pray they don't reverse engine the portal and come here to crash the sun into us.

Im happy that you are happy. I always wanted to get into the writing business but I could never break the treshold of actually starting to write.

Anyway, Im already looking forward to a sequel. :twilightsmile:

Almost end?! I thought we where half way through.:raritydespair:
I even had my guesses that she would end up as the volunteer in the last mission, and everyone would think she died, but was rescue by Discord before the end.
Oh well. It's been one awesome ride and made my gameplay with Xcom more fun. I even name the PSI armor to Twilight armor. And it's even purple.:rainbowlaugh:

Merry Christmas or God Jul like we call it and Happy New Year.:pinkiehappy:

Stardust sequel? Pwease?

Man, now I really want to catch up with this story. Not that I'm insanely far behind (five chapters, total), but if it's nearing its end, then I'm really looking forward to seeing what you have planned for the conclusion. I might do a full text review of the story after the fact. Thanks for the good times, Arad. :twilightsmile:

You may talk the talk but you don't wank the wank. :moustache: lolwut

That was the second to last chapter? Odd, didn't feel like it


Eh? Celestia wasn't shooting anything at all 0_o

1649877 they were using solar protection and even with that they could feel the sun in their skins and they were with Chameleon armor the best armor they have nowadays. I sure Celestia was burning in hatred to the point in that the sun itself was shooting Sun beans to the humans. They were lucky Celestia was distracted with Twily


I don't know if it was quite like that. In my mind it was more like...Eye of Sauron.

2nd to last? i hope you decide to write a sequal concerning the human integration with the ponies, if they form a truce at all. then perhaps the humans helping to defend Equestria from the invaders as well.

in another fic i read the writer had discord simply summon metal eating parasprites inside the ships, and after reading your version of discord im looking forward to his shenanigans.

1651481 Hahaha a really big nasty glowing eye of Sauron in the sky.


Celestia focusing her 'solar' gaze upon that specific spot (In the first "Meanwhile" chapter Luna comments that Celestia can see everything that her sun's light touches, which is why she was tossing the sun all around the planet in search for Twilight) doesn't amount to an attack though. She didn't take any actions that were aimed at causing harm to the humans.

Sure, she was pissed and arrived on a wave of heat and flames, but the later seems to be her default "worried out of her mind" state - in the same Meanwhile chapter, she set her whole throne room on fire from all the heat she was subconsciously leaking. If she was actively looking to harm them, the chapter would have gone rather differently, me thinks. As for being pissed, I imagine by now Cadence had informed them of Twilight's deteriorating condition - so chances are that Celestia has spent the past few days pacing her castle like a caged, flaming lion while melting a hole through the floor. Stressed would be putting things lightly at that point.

Aye, I imagine it must have looked pretty darn scary from the human perspective as they don't know why Celestia is coming at them as a ball of fire, but had they staid put I don't think any harm would have come to them. Heck, I'm not sure if Celestia would have paid them any attention at all - I imagine all 110% of her attention were locked on Twilight and immediately administering whatever aid she could, everything else be damned. Point being, she never attacked them, or showed any particular inclination to do so, despite how scary her approach must have seemed if you don't know why she is all fired up (literally) .


My dear friend, Stardust is XCOM Enemy Unknown
The sequel shall be XCOM Enemy Within

(there is no human integration I believe)

But.... that wont be for another four months... :fluttercry:

1653499 Elements of Enemy Within were incorporated into Stardust rather quickly once Arad had more details.

Really? But Twilight isn't even halfway through her bet yet. She still need to become friends with the aliens and then get them to be BFF with the Earthlings.

That said, story has been great so far and I look forward to how you wrap it up.


Actually Twilight already win her bet

Remember Moira?


Oh yeah sorry :twilightsheepish: I just finished XCOM EU and I found several thing missing which I realized Arad incorporated Stardust with EW

Considering the loathing Discord has for the aliens, I don't think he's looking for a way to make nice. Getting Vahlen to do her about face, and to a lesser extent Zhang, is hopefully enough to at least get Discord to co-operate. I don't this Discord 'submitting' to Celestia.


Well Discord is quite a Mastermind

If you see the first and second episode of S4, he secretly toss that seed which he intent for for chaos (although the Tree of Harmony halt its growth) and now with the Elements gone, he is free from any tools that can use against him...for now (although he already reform so I doubt that...i think)


So the final chapter of Stardust will be this year? :pinkiehappy:

PS. Happy New Year and have a great year to go with it :rainbowkiss:


I had originally planned to release it tomorrow night, but some unforeseen circumstances may be eating a lot of my time today and tomorrow. My newest blog post goes into the details.


Atleast you are fine mate :pinkiehappy: May fortune smile upon you the next time cause not all time is bad luck :pinkiehappy:

Also Happy New Year from Asian guy who shouldn't drink coffee mixed with Redbull (its 2.12 am here)

Moria definitely counts. She is also comparatively small.

So Discord loathes the XCOM aliens? He also isn't that impressed with "friendship." My sense, Discord has set an Twilight impossible task he secretly wants her to complete. Making friends with suspicious Earthlings and getting Equestria involved vs. the invaders is a good thing. But the best solutions to impossible tasks leave the everyone gasping in wonder and dread. And that level of success is always Twilight's goal.

I can picture Discord telling Twilight that he "sent you to Earth and you made friends with the humans. You win. Excellent job. B+." Twilight insists she isn't finished.

One of the things MLP has that interests me is its long running theme "how do you deal with monsters." Nightmare Moon, Babs, VF-Bats, Diamond Tiara, Discord. "Some monsters cannot be more than monsters" is a valid conclusion. I think the story has a number of elements, both from the show and that Arad introduced to test if this is the only answer that applies.

Anyhow, I hope this explains why I see the bet half finished.

1669725 He may have issues with 'friendship' but those issues pale in comparison to the soulless life of the alien hive mind. The kind of rigid hierarchy that is the aliens is a polar opposite of his chaotic, and somewhat artistic, nature.

Friendship and cooperation may seem boring, but it still is approached on an individual level. With it being on that kind of level, the way each individual contributes is unique, and therefore the possibility of chaos remains. The alien hive mind strips away all individuality, leaving nothing to chance and seeks to snuff out that individuality from everything they encounter.

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