• Member Since 30th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 25th, 2023


More Blog Posts5

  • 542 weeks
    My Mind = Weird

    So, since I'm not doing a fat lot of anything right now, I decided to try getting back to writing. I was trying to figure out a fic for another heroine in ShadeJak's Mare-Do-Well universe, but it wasn't working out. Interestingly enough the Equestria Girls idea gave me a much better option since I could work in something from a fic I've been rewriting off and on for a few months. Nothing unusual

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  • 594 weeks

    Interesting thing, at least for all of us here.

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  • 627 weeks
    Ever had an idea...

    ...that starts off as one thing inspired by something, but then grows into something that mixes in a number of other things as well?

    That's what I've got at the moment and it's why I probably won't get Chapter 3 of The Lost Element out for a while.

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  • 628 weeks
    Why do I do this to myself?

    So, I've got chapter 2 of The Lost Element up to the point where I have the word count to post it, I'm just missing some scenes to bring it through the rest of the day. Of course, instead of being able to come up with the missing scenes, my mind decided to bounce on another two ideas, one of which I've written out to the point where I've got most of a chapter.

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  • 637 weeks
    The Lost Element, Shivering Ponies & Assassins of Equestria

    Well, since I'm getting nagged by plot bunnies at the moment, ones that are pony or Elder Scrolls (or both) focused instead of focused on my original, I thought I'd write them out and see what comes of them so here's three stories that might end up on here eventually. If I can buckle down and get them done without too many interruptions given work, pre-reading for a couple of guys and editing for

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My Mind = Weird · 7:47pm Jan 17th, 2014

So, since I'm not doing a fat lot of anything right now, I decided to try getting back to writing. I was trying to figure out a fic for another heroine in ShadeJak's Mare-Do-Well universe, but it wasn't working out. Interestingly enough the Equestria Girls idea gave me a much better option since I could work in something from a fic I've been rewriting off and on for a few months. Nothing unusual so far, right? Here's where things get odd.

I've been tossing character ideas over to ShadeJak and he came up with an in-universe Shadowbolt, since my original idea was to have his come through the mirror, except his is currently exploded as far as everyone knows. Then I started pondering whether to have pairings in, and decided, since I've never seen it elsewhere and it could possibly work, 'hey, why don't we do TwiLightning?' Except Twilight, or Tiffany, is one of the good guys, if you call a nine foot tall dragon that has a tendency to kill gangbangers good, while Lightning is actually Shadowbolt courtesy of a fragment of the human Sunset Shimmer's soul that was sheared off of the combined demon form the third time it decided to come out and play.

This is pretty much what I've got so far for the finding out. Tiffany might have sadomaschistic tendencies.

The door to the house opened easily, a little too easily considering the crime wave going around Canterlot, something that Rhea and Kyle were busy fighting. A war that had left over a hundred dead, not to mention at least the same number re-dead, some of them put in the ground by Tiffany herself. Frowning, the dark-purple haired girl stepped into the house of her girlfriend. She and Lauren had been dating for what had to be at least half a year now, in spite of everything going on, but still, it shouldn’t be this easy to get into Lauren’s house, even if her parents were away at the moment.

“Lauren?” Tiffany called, stepping into the building, “Lightning?” She called, not receiving an answer. Frowning she closed the door behind her before making her way upstairs, towards Lauren’s room. Something was wrong with this picture, even with the number of times she had come here after Lauren had publically apologised to Rayne for the incident that had gotten her kicked from the sports teams.

Reaching Lauren’s room without finding the other girl, Tiffany scowled. There shouldn’t be any way to miss Lauren, if she had been downstairs, she should have responded to the calls and she knew Lauren didn’t go into any other rooms upstairs apart from the bathroom. Was Lauren out? If she was, why had the door been left unlocked and part open?

Knocking on that door, Tiffany frowned when there wasn’t any answer there either. Where had Lauren gotten to? They were supposed to be going to the cinema this evening. Pushing the door open, she paused for a moment, looking around for any sign of Lauren. What she did see on the bed was a very recognisable outfit.

Stepping into the room, she made her way to the bed to look down on the purple and black Shadowbolt outfit laid out there, thin spandex along with a wig and golden shades. Alone it probably wouldn’t have been much, except for the fact Shadowbolt had decided to cause trouble again, though unlike a lot of the other villains that came around, she tended to focus on Rayne and the coaches… exactly the people that Lauren had problems with. Checking the outfit, Tiffany blinked, finding tears in the fabric, sets of three tears on the arms, stomach and back while four holes marred several points on the arms, legs and around the hips.

Returning the outfit to where it had been lying, she checked the belt and scowled when she found pelt bombs of the same type she had given Rhea and Kyle a couple of weeks back, bombs that Shadowbolt had used in their last encounter. It could be that whoever Shadowbolt really was had dumped the ruined outfit and Lauren had picked it up, or it could be that Lauren was the Shadowbolt. Better to be safe than sorry.

A quick spell later and she could see items related to Shadowbolt, which led her straight under the bed, to two more ruined costumes that Tiffany put back where she had found them as soon as she knew what they were. Checking the room again, she frowned, noticing something glowing on the wall. Checking it, she found a hidden switch that dropped a ladder down from the ceiling.

Climbing up revealed another set of Shadowbolt costumes hung up on racks along with some of the items she knew Shadowbolt had stolen but they hadn’t found before, namely computer and lab gear along with weights. Tiffany’s eyes narrowed, Rhea and Kyle probably had a good guess as to who Shadowbolt was since they could identify people by scent and Rhea had warned her to keep an eye on Lauren, though she hadn’t stopped her becoming Lauren’s girlfriend. Had Rhea wanted her to discover this for herself or had it been a gamble that something had bugged the dragon girl? Knowing Rhea, there was probably something that hadn’t smelt right, even if she hadn’t placed it, but also knowing Rhea she wouldn’t coddle others.

Heading back down into Lauren’s room, Tiffany flipped the switch again, letting the ladder return to the ceiling before heading out of the room. She didn’t really want to be caught by Lauren right now.

Of course fate is often a cruel one as Tiffany heard the front door opening followed by a mumble she recognised as Lauren, even though she couldn’t recognise just what had been said. Grimacing, Tiffany cast a combined invisibility and silencing spell on herself and the floor around her before darting out of Lauren’s room and down the landing to stand in the corner near her Lauren’s parents’ room.


Making her way into her bedroom, Lauren closed her eyes and grimaced when she found the door slightly open. “This can’t be good,” She muttered to herself. If someone had found her front door open and had been in her room it wouldn’t take them long to figure out that she was the Shadowbolt. She grimaced again at the thought of what would happen at that point. Police being called to arrest her, losing access to everything, probably losing her girlfriend. The last one actually hurt more than the scratches she had gotten the other day from that blasted dragon that kept on showing up to stop her from dealing with Rainbow Dash.

Sure enough, the ruined outfit she had worn the previous day was still laid out on the bed, right in plain view of whoever had come into her home. The question of course, was just who had broken in? It certainly couldn’t be her parents since they were away and if they had been back, their car would have been in the drive and the only one from school that actually knew where she lived was Tiffany so unless it was… the thought trailed off at the sound of someone casting a spell behind her.

She managed to turn around just in time to see a figure phase into existence, some sort of spell flying towards her. “Oh fuck me sideways!” She cursed before the spell threw her onto the bed and into unconsciousness.

Groaning as consciousness returned, Lauren blinked, finding her arms held up above her head. Pulling at them, she groaned again at the feel of restraints around her wrists, cold metal against her skin. There also seemed to be cold metal against her back, causing her to cringe away from it and hiss as her wounds pulled.

“Not good,” Lauren muttered to herself, “Seriously not cool.” A quick glance down at herself revealed that whoever had caught her had removed her shirt as well as chaining her up and whoever it was most likely knew she was the Shadowbolt, if not before, then they would now they had no doubt been through her things. She grimaced, clenching her eyes shut.

“So you’re awake, are you, Lauren Duvall?” A voice forced her eyes open, looking up into the face she had seen in the mirror whenever she had worn the Shadowbolt outfit. “Or should I be calling you ’Shadowbolt’?” She watched as the other female reached up to pull the cowl off, revealing Tiffany’s face. “I suppose you thought that nobody would connect you to her?”

Lauren grimaced at the tone, knowing that Tiffany wasn’t happy and most likely the other girl knew magic given what had happened earlier. She was probably in more trouble now than she had been when the coaches found out that she had been the one to land Rainbow Dash in hospital. Tiffany did look really good in her shadowbolt suit though, really good. She blinked at the suddenness of that thought and swallowed hard. “I… Twilight, I…” She couldn’t get the words out, she sagged against the bonds and closed her eyes. Tiffany could hand her over to Dash, the teachers, the drakes or the police since she had contact with all of them, better to just accept her fate, since this wasn’t something she was going to be able to bluff her way out of, not when her hands were in no position to get off a lightning bolt or shadow bomb, not that she wanted to her Tiffany.

Tiffany looked down at her, a scowl on her face. “Is it really worth it, Lightning?” She asked harshly. “All the pain you’ve inflicted, all the people you’ve robbed, everything? Is the anger and hatred towards one girl worth getting yourself torn up every time you try taking on Night Drake? Is revenge worth losing your life or your love?” She reached out, pressing a finger into one of the claw marks on Lauren’s stomach, making the other girl scream as she triggered a sensory enhancement spell.

Lauren panted against the pain, before another flash of agony pierced her defences, feeling even worse than when Night Drake’s claws had torn the wound through her flesh, making her scream again. “F-fu-fucking h-hell, Tw-Twi… w-when did y-you g-get so sa-sad-is-is-tic?” She managed to grit out, looking up at her girlfriend, her former girlfriend most likely.

“You tend to learn a bit when one of your best friends finally spills the beans on her childhood.” Tiffany replied flatly, “You learn even more when you start dealing with people like the Necromancer and Lord Canterlot and Prince Blueblood.” She looked down at Lauren. “So… when were you going to tell me that you were the Shadowbolt?”

She grimaced. “Twi… would you really have taken it any better for being told than for finding out?” Lauren asked, watching Tiffany. “I mean, what was I going to say? ’Oh, hey Twi, you do realise you’re dating a fucking psychopath that has it in for the coaches and one of your best friends’? Yeah, that sounds even worse out loud than it did in my head, and I’m a sarcastic bitch when I assume the identity of the Shadowbolt.” She sighed, looking down at her body. “At least I am when I’m not getting ripped up seven ways from Sunday by an even more insane dragon.”

Tiffany eyed her for a moment before snorting. “At least you could have said something instead of leaving things out in the open for me to find, or hidden things better than under your bed and in a loft space above your room.” She paused for a moment. “And Night Drake’s at least got an excuse for being insane. She was almost tortured to death as a child, then turned into a dragon and I’ve seen Sunset go through the process, it’s probably worse when you’re turning into something that is covered in scales, has a completely different stance, extra limbs and such.” She snorted. “If they were sane, they wouldn’t have claimed the Amazon or other places that are at least as bad if not worse.”

Lauren squeaked. For all the bravado she showed normally, the dragons, particularly Night Drake, scared her, that there were more of them around wasn’t a good thing. “H-hey, at least I never got you involved in any of my schemes, right?” She winced at the disproving look on Tiffany’s face. “I am so fucked, aren’t I?” She asked, getting a nod from Tiffany.

“Just be glad I’m the one that found out, I’m sure Rayne wouldn’t let you go with as little as I’ve done and I’d not be surprised if the others did worse than that.”

Wincing again, Lauren sighed before flinching against the metal behind her. “Twi… Tiffany… for what it’s worth, I’m sorry, though I never wanted to involve you in things. If it weren’t for that… whatever it was at the school this probably would already be over. I just…” She looked up at Tiffany. “I do love you, Tiffany, and you look ridiculously hot in my outfit.”

Tiffany simply rolled her eyes. “Flattery isn’t going to get you anywhere, Lauren, and don’t think you’re going to be leaving for a while.” She turned, heading back into the shadows and vanishing, leaving Lauren alone.

Lauren sighed, letting herself sag against whatever she was chained to. “Well that went swimmingly and I’m so fucked it’s unreal. Gah, this is so fucked up, I’m supposed to be the villain and here I am trapped in a… I don’t even know what these things are called, but I feel like Tiffany’s going to come back here with a whip or paddle like those BDSM movies I filched a while back.” She sighed again, looking into the darkness, before smiling slightly. “She is hot in spandex though. If I can stay with her, I’m going to have to convince her to get her own outfit to mess around in.”

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