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Chaotic Note


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50 Something Questions · 7:02am Apr 9th, 2014

Because hellaaa~
1. What is your first name? Anthony

2. How old are you? 18

3. What country are you from? The United States of America

4. What do you really look like? (pictures are acceptable) God forbid that I put a picture up. I'm pretty tall, around 5'11", and I'm pretty round around the waist. I have straight black hair that I refuse to comb, wear glasses over my brown eyes, slightly tan with tanlines of a tshirt and shorts, and I sport no facial hair features.

5. What do you wish you looked like? Thinner obviously, but I don't feel like putting much effort into that goal... yet.

6. How did you come across My Little Pony? I believe I first saw MLP FiM on Youtube when the Sonic Rainboom episode appeared in the related video section. I didn't really think about clicking on it until I decided "Meh, I guess I'll give it a try." And now here I am.

7. What is your favorite ship in My Little Pony and why? #1 OTP ShiningXCadence FTW! Haha, but seriously my first, actual OTP is Twilight<3Trixie. Second OTP is CadenceXShinyXChrissy Threesome, and my latest and third OTP is SpikeXMaud. Twixie is pretty much the Opposites Attract shipping, and I love that sort of stuff (sometimes), the threesome has a forbidden flavor to it on many different levels that I absolutely crave, and the third is just... well fuck it's Maud and Spike. Maud eats rocks, Spike eats gems. She seems to be the kind of time that would admire somepony for their work ethics, and Spike is definitely a hard worker. Why the buck not?

8. What is your least favorite ship and why? LunaMac. I don't care if anybody who read the IDW comics tells me that it's canon just because it's from a comic that Hasbro said was okay to sell, I hate it. Mac already gets shipped with everypony and their dogs, including Celestia. Rainbow Dash is much more tolerable cause she was the first Ship Me With Everybody character in MLP FiM. (Yes I'm getting technical cause I know somebody here is gonna try to convince me that LunaMac isn't bad. It is!)

9. Have you ever admitted to anyone outside of FiMFiction that you love MLP? Yes. I occasionally wear MLP shirts to school, and I always sport my Vinyl beanie cap.

10. Were they a family member? I haven't done it directly. However I did buy some MLP shirts from Hot Topic with their help. We haven't really talked about it though.

11. Favorite MLP Episode? Luna Eclipsed.

12. Who is your favorite superhero? This guy because...

13. Who is your favorite anti-hero? Wow that's a toughie. Hmm... I don't read/watch a lot of stuff on anti-hero(ine)s... I guess if I had to make a choice, it'd be Scar from FMA.

14. Favorite supervillain? Chrysalis.

15. Favorite anti-villain? N from Pokemon Black and White. He is a young man who grew up loving Pokemon, but his bastard of a father taught him lies of how all trainers abuse their Pokemon. Because of these misguided teachings, N was strung to make an huge attempt at liberating all the Pokemon of trainers by capturing Reshiram and asserting himself to be the destined Hero. (I say Reshiram because the white dragon Pokemon represents Truth, which is what N sought after to prove to the world that the destiny and will of the Pokemon is complete freedom... of course, I'm speaking in ky-nim canon.)

16. What was the last book you read? The Great Gatsby. (Ugh, school. At least I got to watch the movie in class afterwards. The Leo DiCaprio and Peter Parker one.)

17. What was the last movie you watched? The Great Gatsby. The more recent, retelling version.

18. What is your favorite song at the moment? Make a Wish [Foozogz], EQG's Helping Twilight Win The Crown[Aviators], and Ambiguous are currently tied.

19. What song do you always come back to? CMC - Hearts As Strong As Horses (JayB's 90s Rock Remix) is always good.

20. What is your current job? Still a student. Senior in high school... and hopefully I might strain into a graduation if I kick my lazy butt into gear?

21. If this is not your final job, what job do you want in the future? I'd like to be a famous author I guess. But being famous does come with consequences, and that includes fan demands for sequels or new stories I'll constantly be pressured into dishing out. Not sure if I'll be able to handle the stress... so at the very least I would like to be and editor for a publishing company.

22. What is your dream job? A dream-dream job? Oh boy, I want to be a Magical Girl! *Squee-inducing wink* But no, I really would like to be a Youtuber who plays video games for a living. It sounds like a lot of fun, and I'll probably learn new stuff like editing videos and such.

23. At this moment in your life, what is your greatest achievement? Having 800 something followers on this site... yep. (Hey I'm barely out of high school.)

24. At this moment in your life, what is your greatest failure? Scraping past Digipen class at Sno-Isle last year with a slim C.

25. Do you have any pets? No. I used to have a hamster. When I was young They were hiding behind the sink cabinets for a long while. My mom had to wait all night to coax them out, and then we had to return them later cause I was being irresponsible of them.

26. What is your dream pet? I want a damn cat.

27. Do you own any weapons? I like to stabby-stabby with a small kitchen knife and pretend I'm a ninja.

28. Is there a gun you really want? No? ... Well the Type-50 Sniper Rifle System is pretty cool. (aka the Particle Beam Rifle from Halo.)

29. What Religion are you? I'm mainly agnostic.

30. If you could hang out with one person in all of history who would it be? William Shakespeare. He's a writer, director, all around cool guy who writes pretty good (but confusing) stories of tragedy. He can teach me more than a thing or two.

31. If you could bring back one person from the dead for one day who would it be? Umm... Galileo Galilei, so he can see how much his work is known across the globe. He deserves to know.

32. Are you political? No... President Obama is pretty swell though. I don't agree with all of his decisions though. The Affordable Care Act was somewhat of a good idea, but the U.S. isn't ready for that yet.

33. Are you married? HA! That's a good joke!

34. Do you have a special somebody? That's... complicated.

35. Do you have a crush on anyone? She's all the way out across the ocean.

36. Care to explain? Ever heard of Australia? Oh, you mean why I have a crush on dis fine lady? Well a crush is a crush, but she was so cool to talk to, and I felt very comfortable around her, up to the point where I actually showed her how I really look. And she said I looked fine... it pretty much sealed my heart for her on that day. But we sorta grew distant a few months after that day? =(

37. Do you consider yourself attractive? If you look me up in a dictionary, you would find my name among the list of antonyms to the word Attractive.

38. If you could spend one day with someone still alive who would it be? The beautiful woman I mentioned earlier. I would like to get to know her more. :pinkiesmile:


40. Any embarrassing secrets you would like to share? Hmmm...

41. If you have done any stories/art what is your favorite piece(s)? Equestrian Earth is my babi.

42. Are you a virgin? The shocking truth is yes, I am a virgin. Are you surprised? Does it blow your mind? Did I leave your bare senses baffled and dazed beyond the stars?

43. What is the craziest thing you have done in your life that you have no regrets about? Hmmm.... um... okay I was defending myself, okay? There was this black girl, taller than me, who was bullying me in middle school. I was with my Gardening 101 class at the time and had a pair of rubber gloves on me. In the next few seconds... well it sorta went like this.

44. What is the craziest thing you have done in your life that you have regrets about? Lifting the plastic cover of a fire alarm at my school during freshmen year. It released a false alarm which thankfully didn't connect to the nearest fire station. I got into quite a bit of trouble after that... the guy friends I made during that year are dumbasses. Shouldn't have gave into their peer pressure.

45. Do you have a fetish of any kind? Umm... well I guess I do like BDSM? Porn of it anyway, but the thought of being tied up and dominated by a girl actually excites me a little...

46. Do you regret saying this fetish? Not really, but I don't know the consequences at this point.

47. What are some of your favorite FIM stories? The My Little Alicorn series and The Sisters Doo are still one of my top favorite stories to this day. They were amongst the first fimfic stories I've read. Letters From a Friend at the End of the World is an amazing Adventure fic, and Stallions on Strike! is a good read for anybody that's open minded about the topic of gender roles in society and how they should be more equal. The Sound of Thunder has a solid 100 likes, but I still feel it's underrated and it deserves to have more people read it.

48. Favorite Quote? It's not my complete favorite, but it's the one that's more memorable and gives me a little bit of excitement. "Fear is freedom! Control is release! Contradiction is truth! That is the reality of this world!" ~ Satsuki Kiryūin

49. Did you ever hurt someone’s feelings just to hurt them? What? That's fucking stupid.

50. Did you answer these questions honestly? Hey, I'm not that evil enough to waste the time of anybody who is reading these.

Report Chaotic Note · 808 views ·
Comments ( 29 )

What was the last book you read? The Great Gatsby. (Ugh, school. At least I got to watch the movie in class afterwards. The Leo DiCaprio and Peter Parker one.)

I feel your pain :fluttercry: I had to read that at camp. It was so dull I had to lie to my teacher that I finished it. She bought it and I bullshitted my way through the test afterwards. Somehow I never got found out. I never saw the movie, but to see a movie based on a :ajsleepy: inducing story is not my idea of a good time.

I laughed my ass off when South Park made fun of it. The reaction of everybody (especially Kenny) is just about accurate.

Really? I fell asleep in class most of the time while we were reading it. Lucky me that I had time to catch up.

William Shakespeare is a goddamn badass

*Jabs you with a cattle prod* No! No! Bad CN! Bad! :trixieshiftleft:


OW! What did I do?!:derpyderp2:

I'm pretty tall, around 5'11"

That's average m8, I'm 6' btw, which is about the same height...

I like to stabby-stabby with a small kitchen knife and pretend I'm a ninja.

Same here, though I have a bit more knives.

I always find these things fun to read.

We don't spread the annoying copypasta! No clop for you today! :trixieshiftleft:

I'd pick the Great Gatsby over the Lovely Bones any day. Fuck that rape noise.

Ewww a school book with rape in it?

Good times. Also, search 'and' and you will find an error! Now I know you better.... mwuahahahahaha.

1995238 Yup. Boring-ass book. It had three things I hated most: 1) pedophiles 2) moronic heroes 3) a stupid-as-a-rock protagonist

I finished it, wrote a report, and unceremoniously chucked the friggin' thing out my window. I suppose a neighbor picked it up or something.

wasn't it a school book though? Didn't you have to return that?

1994069 1994072
I actually enjoyed The Great Gatsby. The old movie was nothing with excrement, but the new one with DiCaprio was pretty faithful to the text.

...but I can see how its not everyone's cup of tea.

1996102 Nah. I bought it with my own money.

Huh. The more you know (about Chaotic). That Nuzlocke White Prologue.... Wrong. Info. Is. Wrong.

Well duh. The comic is a fictional story based around the battles ky-nim had during her White Nuzlocke run.

oh. So you literally bought a piece of shit, read that shit, then threw the shit out the window?

The movie was fine. Just the book is slightly wut.

Where did you get these questions?

I kind of want to do this myself now. XD

People I've followed were doing these, so I just copy and pasted.

Ah, gotcha. Mind as well try it to see if I can jumpstart my brain again. X)

Say, how goes the project?

I've been feeling really slow lately.
And recently, I realized that out of the 12-15 people that volunteered, only a handful of them are actively helping.

I guess it's time to pick up the pace and work through them yourself. It's a simple matter of using The "Find" (Ctrl-F) engine t look for those key words and to make sure the replacements work well in the sentence. That's...actually what you're doing now...but since you're the original writer it should be easier for you, right?

*tosses kitty-cat at you*

Being dominated by a girl always sounded super exciting

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