• Member Since 11th May, 2013
  • offline last seen June 5th

Harmony Charmer

♪ Kingdom of ships around me and it looks like I'm the queen ♫

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  • 270 weeks
    So I'm watching the premiere

    No, I haven't watched season 8. Yes, I am watching because Chrysalis, Tirek, and Sombra are back. Also, why was an eight year old in Tartarus, who made that decision?

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  • 316 weeks
    Making It Official

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    So, I'm making it official; I'm leaving.

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  • 369 weeks
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  • 373 weeks
    Watched the premiere today!

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I just thought of this idea and I can't shake it... · 11:48pm Jun 18th, 2014

Which one would you choose?

While I was thinking about making a mini-series depicting all the different possibilities each filly held, I instead thought this... What would happen if the Mane Six appeared in your house(adults, fillies, whatever)? Just, POOF, they're there and you don't know what they're doing there. Then, as you try to accommodate for the ponies, more and more of the MLP cast shows up, villains and background ponies and whatnot. Sooner or later, you end up having to figure out a way to house the lot of the ponies.

And then, me being a hardcore shipper, I thought: what would happen if you tried to make your OTP work?

I am more than likely not going to pursue this, but that's not going to stop me from offering this idea for others to write.

Report Harmony Charmer · 695 views ·
Comments ( 38 )

So in your case you would keep Pinkie and Sombra together? Just trying to make sure I understand fully

I was merely using the pic as a reference for where I got the idea. And I would only do something like that if they were consenting adults.:pinkiesmile:

Wow. I think I would've died of a heart attack by the time a villain shows up.

I might write a story like them appearing at the front door in a basket and the person would tae the basket in the house and raise them despite the fact the ret of the world would disapprove of them, damn got the idea machine working again after it had shut down for the day, great

Just imagine, trying to keep everypony together without a lot of physical and mental damage:

"Rainbow, get away from the ceiling fan!" Harmony cried as she tugged at the Pegasus' rainbow tail, "I don't want you getting stuck in it again!"

"Ooooo, look at the animals!" Fluttershy called out, then added in a confused tone, "Why are they wrestling...?"

"Give me that!" Harmony shouted before snatching the TV remote away from Fluttershy, "I told you not to watch the Discovery Channel!:

"Hey, Harmony!" Applejack exclaimed from the kitchen, "Pinkie's trying to use the oven again!"

Harmony groaned. "I told her not to the touch the buttons! She can barely reach them!"

"I want to make cupcakes!" Pinkie protested as Harmony rushed in and switched off the oven.

"Just because you know how to use ovens in Equestria doesn't mean you don't know how to use the ones here! You burnt your hoof when you first got here!"

"Hey, I didn't mean to!"

"Can everypony be quiet?" Twilight exclaimed, "I'm trying to read!"

"Twilight, are you reading '50 Shades of Gray' again?" Harmony asked in a maternal tone, something she had been using too often.

Twilight paused before drawing out a lie-laced, "nooooooooooo."

"Darling, have you been thinking of changing your curtain selection?" Rarity asked as she looked at the heat-blocking fabric, "I mean, I understand that you don't like sunlight to get into the house, but this is just ridiculous."

Harmony sighed. "Please tell me you aren't going to add gems to them..."

Rarity shrugged. "Not necessarily."

A faint knock resonated from Harmony's door, silencing all within the house. With a finger to her lips, Harmony gestured for everypony to hide away into her room, like they had been taught to.

When she reached the door and opened it, Harmony nearly fell over from shock. "Oh, god, why?"

"Gee, nice to meet you, too," Discord said with a roll of his eyes.

"Are you gonna let us in or what?" Chrysalis snapped irritably, "I'm tired of being out here."

Harmony looked off to the side where she, unsurprisingly, saw the former king of the Crystal Empire, Sombra. Disinterestedly, she said, "Normally, I'd be fangirling over seeing you, but since I'm housing six crazy mares, my need to fangasm is gone."

"Well, get over it," Sombra told her as he stepped past her and into her house, "You have anything to eat?"

Harmony didn't even try to fight against Discord and Chrysalis' entering. She sighed. "And so it continues..."

I actually think something similar exists..already...

Also, i would pull ALL of them inside, and make sure they are nice and warm. With a new basket.

2217755 something like that. I would end up with the young versions. And cuddle some of them. Then die when I see baby nightmare moon.

Make my OTP work? Well I love Thunderjack. I'd think if filly AJ appeared at my house I'd take her in. Perhaps next door someone would find and take in colt Thunderlane, so that both would spend foal hood together, AJ always looking after Thunderlane to make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble.

If it was Sombra Pie, Pinkie would be home talking all about how this Sombra guy who goes to her school refuses to be happy or smile or make friends. I'd make an off handed comment about your fics. (How the hell did she find fimfiction so fast?) and begins to woo Sombra.:trollestia:


2217833 that'd be cute! I thought through some weird thing ponies showed up in our world as colts and fillies all over the place. When they're found to be intelligent, people start adopting them as children and send them off to school and all that. Imaging young Pinkie and Sombra going through school together!!:rainbowkiss:

"Hey, Harmony?"

Harmony paused typing on the computer to turn to Pinkie, who was still undergoing the last few phases of puberty. She was tall and somewhat awkward, still having quite a bit of growing to do before reaching a reasonable proportion.

"Yes?" Harmony asked, pulling down her purple cat-eye glasses, "What's up?"

"Do you know how to make boys notice you?" Pinkie blurted out.

Harmony blinked in surprise. "Huh?"

"Well, I know you're not seeing anybody, but you're a girl and some boys like girls, so how do you make them like you?"

Harmony chuckled lightly. "Sweetheart, do you have a crush on someone?"

Pinkie blushed. "N-No!"

Harmony arched a brow. Being a writer of romance and crushes, she easily knew the signs for the beforementioned. "Really?"

Pinkie sighed. "Yeah... I like somepony..."

"What's their name?" Harmony was careful not to use a narrowing pronoun. She didn't know Pinkie's preferences and she didn't want to make her think having a certain one made her a bad pony.

"Sombra. He was supposed to be a bad pony back in Equestria or something, but he's not so bad now."

Harmony's eyes widened. "Say what now?"

Pinkie sighed. "Everypony keeps saying the same thing! Is he evil or something?"

Harmony wasn't sure how to answer her question. She had made many theories concerning Sombra's true nature in her writing works(which she had yet to share with Pinkie), and none of them had been confirmed by the writers in any way. She frowned in remembrance of Sombra's debut episode and she shook her head to rid herself of the bad memory.

"I'm not sure. Everyone's kind of different from how they were back in Equestria, so maybe Sombra isn't so bad."

Pinkie brightened. "Really?! So you're not mad that I like him?"

Harmony resisted the urge to squee. She wasn't going to tell Pinkie about her odd fascination with her and the former tyrant of the icy north.

"I don't mind at all, Pinkie," Harmony told her.

Pinkie giggled. "Awesome! Now Uncle Azure doesn't have to worry about you flipping out over your OTP not being canon!"

Harmony's joy immediately turned into dread. "Uncle Azure said what?"

That's probably what would happen in that scenario.

2217878 God, how many fic ideas for SombraPie have I given you? I can never come up with anything for Thunderjack save for one, where I can think of 4 SombraPie fics.

Thins would be pretty interesting, have Sombra be all stand-of fish and aloof, and at the beggining he just tolerates her presence but as it goes on and Pinkie tries more things after being inspired by your fics she found, he starts to come around and appreciate her. The whole time he sometimes confides in either his adoptive parent or Pinkie about the unicorn stuff he doesn't understand. (Like dark magic, unicorn stuff, why his chest feels all tight whenever Pinkie is around.)

I'd take the little Foal Applejack! She's just da cutest whittle ting!

2217878 Azure picked his head up from the book he was reading when he heard the sound of the front door open and slam shut. He looked behind the couch he was lying on to see Sombra had returned home, Azure thought it was funny seeing the former Emperor as an awkward teen with a crimson red backpack.

"Welcome home Sombra! How was your day at school?"

Sombra grunted as he looked his foster father in the eye. "It's the same concrete institution you went to, don't you remember?"

Azure chuckled. "So anything important happen?"

"I think that blasted pink mare in my home economics class put a spell on me."

"Oh, whys that?" Azure asked as a grin crept across his face.

" It's odd, every time I'm close to her, it feels like my chest tightens, I become short of breath, my heart rate accelerates, and my face reddens.

"Hmm.....that's a really odd spell to cast on a pony." Azure said as he remembered back to the SombraPie fics Harmony Charmer used to write.

"Are you aware of any such spells father? I wish to counter it at once, it makes me feel uncomfortable." Sombra stated plainly as he took out his AP chemistry homework.

"Sure Sombry, do your homework, and at dinner I'll tell you all about this "mare's curse". Azure promised as he took out his laptop.

"Excellent, I can't wait to send this curse back on Pinkie twice over!" Sombra exclaimed as he dug into his Chem. Work

Azure went on his computer and started typing an e-mail. (I need to tell Harmony about this, she'll go nuts!!:trollestia:)

Oh my gosh! This 2217878 and this 2217755 are the best ideas ever. Can you please, please, please do them?

2218062 I second that notion!:twilightsmile: Do it right after Meeting the Family!!

Harmony blinked in shock as she read over Azure's message once more. "Holy crap!"

"Harmony!" Pinkie exclaimed, "Language!"

"Sorry," Harmony muttered, then added, "I was just excited because of the email your Uncle Azure sent me."

"What'd he say?" Pinkie asked as she leered over Harmony's shoulder.

"Did ya know that Sombra lived with Azure?" Harmony grinned at Pinkie's shocked expression. "I'm guessing you didn't."

Pinkie gasped. "Do you think Azure can tell me if Sombra likes me back?!"

Harmony chuckled. "That's for you to find out on your own."

Pinkie groaned. "But I wanna knoooooooow!"

"Ya know, he's a couple houses down. Do ya wanna head on down and see him?"

Pinkie gasped. "Really?!"

"We might want to wait, though. Sombra's a bit... temperamental, if what Azure has to say is any consolation."

Pinkie nodded ecstatically. "Hooray for canon!"

Harmony sighed. "I really shouldn't have shown you those fanfics..."

2218094 this would be a really interesting fic! We could call it "How we helped make SombraPie cannon!"

1) Freak out.
2) Call my doctor and ask if this is a known side effect.
3) Call my therapist.
4) Notice that ponies are still there.

Can we stipulate first that they are the size of brushables or blind bags? Otherwise housing WILL be a problem. If my brushables came to life, I would have a whole herd of Pinkies, Twilight would be wondering where her wings went and why the HECK she has "Tara Strong" signed in Sharpie down her leg, and Rainbow Dash would be totally fangirling over Daring Do. (Daring and Babs Seed are my only customs.)

No villains allowed. Anyone who wants Queen Cheeselegs or Diamond Tiara can have 'em.

If they're blind bag sized, I'd rather wait for the next Wave, which is going to have Cheese Sandwich in it (and, ironically, Pokey Pierce.)

I guess I would find out what they eat, buy a whole lot of cupcakes, sneak Pinkie into my purse so she could see the world, get one of those gimundo sized doll houses, and go from there.

I figure that Cheese would probably show up if he knew Pinkie was there, but I wouldn't try to force them to kiss or anything like that. I'd intervene if there was any unpleasant fighting going on and that was it. I'd leave it up to them as to whether they wanted to be friends or whatever and ask them to keep the music down after 1 am, or I'd have to make them go out and get gainful employment.

2218298 Cheese would totally be able to find Pinkie! He'd just need to follow his Cheesy Sense.

If they all appeared as foals I would cuddle them so hard! Even the villains... No, especially the villains. All the cuddles!!!!!

What if we each took in one pony? We could start a trend like LoHAV, cross the stories over... Basically, your idea, but they appear in random households. Maybe all within one small town?

This could actually be really fun.

Dibs on Woona.

Edit: I'm blind and didn't see that someone already suggested this. I second that notion. And still call dibs on Woona.

2218094 Great, now I can't shake the idea of how awesome it would be to write a fic about teenage Sombra in the human world!

2217686 This could really be an awesome thing to start. I've certainly never heard of anything like it.

2220689 Neither have I. Where to start, though? I like 2217833 's idea of playdate-styled crosses. It does mean we'd have to work together to establish something approximating a set of rules and background info that's common across the lot of us, and I've not the foggiest how we'd go about doing that.

Edit: Azure, did you have a choice on who you wanted to bring? Apparently we're calling them now.

2220854 The Internets! In all seriousness, I like this idea, even if it has that vibe of TheSlorg's little project who's name escapes me.

Also, if this does pan out, I wish to get Chrysalis!

2221142 You should join the group we made.

Okay, to answer your questions in order: I would take them all, they're all in the basket and it would be rude to only take one or two and leave the rest.
Second, if more and more characters appeared and they all still had thier magical powers I would probably start a personal army and help the world (or take it over, whatever mood i'm in)
Finally, I wouldn't do my OTP, one because I don't have one (very flexible with shipping) and two, they should be allowed to live thier lives how they want and I shouldn't tell them who to love.

Well, first and foremost, I'd need to get a job so I could pay to take care of the seemingly endless stream of MLP characters arriving at my doorstep.

I would choose... none! Why? Cause I'm irresponsible and would make a horrible father (I'd also probably forget about them and they'd die a slow, agonizing death from starvation)...

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