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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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The Bridge Author Q&A [Last Updated 3/27] · 8:53pm Mar 20th, 2015


I figured I'd shift this stuff to a blog to avoid cluttering the chapters. Just drop any question(s) you'd get about the story or backstory and as long as they aren't huge spoilers, I will answer them.

Either post them in the comments below or PM me the question. For the latter option you can be anonymous if you choose to be. You can ask multiple questions, just please avoid questions that have already been asked or I've said I'll avoid


Dementia asks
Q: Will any of the kaiju in the story Die. Like any major or minor characters
A: Yes. There will be causalities on both sides, but I won't say who or when. I WILL say any major characters dying would be for a VERY good reason and it will be treated VERY seriously

Moongaze14 asks
Q: Will there be a romance between a kaiju or a pony? Cough...Godzilla...cough...Blade Dancer
A: I won't spoil anything in that regard. Truth be told I didn't plan on any actual romances in the story as I felt there were bigger things to worry about. However I intentionally kept the plot loose enough that I could nudge such matters in. If the fan response and demand stays high, I think I might put something in for yah :twilightsmile: Though do keep in mind if I want to devote alot of attention to a romance, it might need to be fully developed in the sequel I'm planning, but definitely will be hinted at/started in The Bridge
So far there has been two big pairings, Junior and Blade Dancer and Junior and Luna. Which team you guys on?

Cresent-Blade asks
Q: Will Xenilla beat the shit out of shining armor? If so then best story ever
A: I get the distinct feeling you don't like the crystal prince? (laughs hysterically)
Well I can't exactly spoil anything other than the two definitely will interact, will not like each other; and we'll see the start of said interaction in Chapter 11 once Xen arrives in the Crystal Empire

Metroid Predaking Prime asks
Q: Will any their be any mention or cameos of jaagers or M.U.T.O?
A: Aside from the scene featuring the male M.U.T.O. in the bonus chapter, nothing significant. I already had the major roster finalized before the 2014 movie came out, so I wasn't able to fit the M.U.T.O.'s into the plot. Mentions may definitely occur however, and if I manage any more scenes in the Kaiju'verse I do plan on a jaeger appearing. The main reason the jaegers, or the Mechas in general didn't get a big role is none of them aside from Kiryu and maybe Jet Jagaur are self conscious. In theory the pilots could make the journey, but the units themselves would be inert unless operated. And given the mass technology difference between Equestria and Terra, any damage they sustained would likely be near permanent; whereas the kaiju can heal and thus be reused if they survive.

Storm Chaser 93 asks
Q: Wait, You're planning a sequal? Bucking-A :pinkiehappy:
I have a question, will Zilla (the Amercian Godzilla) make an appearance or be mentioned?
A: Indeed, 'The Bridge' has it's main plot mapped out and I know the ending as well as the middle portion's main events; now it's just a matter of filling them in. When the sequel comes around, I plan on adding new kaiju that didn't make the cut in the 1st story.
As for you question, while the original creature from 1998 is indeed dead, the more powerful 'son', Zilla 'jr' from the cartoon show, is indeed alive in the Kaiju'verse and in good health. In the absence of Godzilla and Mothra, he's become one of the Terran Kaiju's higher-ups, second in command to Gamera. I do plan on him making an appearance of sorts, though him getting to Equestria may occur in the sequel.

Cresent-Blade asks
Q: Will Sombra make an appearance and will Xenilla kick his ass? I'm sorry I just want see Xenilla kick some ass
A: Ooooh if I told you the straight answer we'd all be spoiled. But yes, Sombra and several other MLP villains will be making appearances. Xenilla is going to find a unicorn to dislike lot more than he will Shining Armor. The Usurper to the Monster Throne and the Crystal Tyrant will throw down in a later chapter

Sparkfire asks
Q: 1. Will Godzilla 2014 (aka: Fatzillla) appear?
2. Will Godzilla Sr, Jrs' Father, appear?
3. What would happen to MechaG(Un MechaGodzilla) and Kiryu if they we're over brought to Equestria.
A: 1. Due to continuity issues, G'2014 either doesn't exist in this universe or hasn't appearance yet. This is due to Godzilla Junior basically replacing a majority of the post-1995 Godzilla incarnations such as Godzilla 2000
2. In a way he has (via Xenilla's dreams), but otherwise I'd have to spoil
3. Depends on if they had an Artificial Intelligence or not. The shift requires a conscious, so in theory if they were brought over they'd either
A. Be unchanged due to being in-animate (in case of no A.I.)
B. Be ponified like the rest with their A.I. developing into a full conscious

Kaiju and Pony fan asks
Q: Will you incorporate any elements from the IDW comics (both MLP and Godzilla) (ex: Nightmare Forces)?
A: On the MLP side, yes. And the MLP-IDW comics are canon in this timeline so things such as Nightmarity and the Mirror universe did happen

Rejigged asks
Q: Second, Will Equestria witness a fight between Junior and Xenilla?
A: Oh they'll see something fight alright

StormChaser93 asks
Q: One more question, have you considered of animating or doing an audio play of The Bridge or in favor of someone else doing one? Because that would be SWEET! :pinkiehappy:
A: Oh that would be a fantastic venture, and if any fan out there wants to do so they have my blessing as long as I have some word about it. Unfortunately neither I nor my co-creators are animators so making a fan animation is outside of our effort. While I do have an idea on how the character voices would sound, I'd need volunteers to be voice actors for any audio-plays

Sparkfire asks
Q: We saw Anguirus transform when he was near Rainbow Dash and she was in danger(So was the kid, but you put emphasis on Dashs' cutie mark). So the question is, is the main requirement for the Transformation is actually that the Kaiju needs to express the Concept of one of the Elements of Harmony and/or the Crystal Heart (in that instance, it was loyalty to life. yeah, I might be reaching), at least the good Kaiju and possibly Xenilla and Destroyah if either of those two actually tried to make friends?
A: The main requirement for the kaiju to return to their full form is a large burst of benign magic and for the kaiju to be in the right state of mind to receive it. This is because numerous types of benign magic in Equestria, such as love (though not necessarily romantic love) and friendship, are things from one being given to another. Now almost any source of benign magic would work. If Luna funneled her energy into a willing Godzilla via a burst of alicorn magic, we'd have a 350+ foot dinosaur in place of a plus sized unicorn. Another possibility would be, if a kaiju and pony had a strong friendship or a degree of love between them and it was a dire circumstances; a transformation could occur regardless of if the pony was an element or alicorn.

In the case of Rainbow Dash it was actually her expressing loyalty to refuse to stop defending Gentle Leaf that caused her element to activate. And because Anguirus was also expressing benevolence towards them (not necessarily loyalty alone, but it was there), he absorbed her elements power and reverted to his true form.
So while it's not necessary for the kaiju to be expressing that specific element themselves, as there are other sources of magic in Equestria. What IS required however is for the pony to be giving off a large amount of the proper magic, and for the kaiju to be in a benign state of mind to receive it. This is why Xenilla could sense Cadance and Shining Armor's magic, but couldn't feed off it. The link has to be willing on both output and input. Cadance and Shining weren't willingly giving away their energy and Xenilla was trying to absorb it out of greed.

Anonymous asks
Q: The chapter length seems to go up and down a bit, having nearly doubled since the original 3,000ish word early chapters. How big are they going to get?
A: Well I planned on the stock chapters being roughly the size they are now of being in the upper 4,000s to mid 6,000s range.... That said the next one is shaping up to be huge as an Xbox

FangDriver8 asks
Q: 1. Why is King Caesar sent in past Equestria?
2. Will King Caesar meet his allies in present Equestria?
3. Why does Godzilla have more allies than Xenilla? Seems a bit unfair
A: 1. Because someone (the being he spoke with that he misidentified as a Kirin) knew he was needed in the distant past, and sent him there.

2. Sadly no, unless I bring him back for the sequel. He will however have his own story, which I am outlining now; that takes place during his run around in the past

3. It actually is balanced out on charge of how powerful each kaiju is. While Godzilla and Xenilla are near equal, the others vary wildly. Anguirus mabe even more durable than Godzilla, but has no special abilities on par with Godzilla or Xen. Rodan maybe significantly faster than Godzilla or Xenilla, but not as durable or able to inflict as much damage. Mothra may have firepower slightly exceeding Godzilla or Xenilla, but she is a glass cannon and can't take even as many hits as Rodan. Destroyah on the other hand is just as powerful as Godzilla or Xenilla, and actually is more durable, more mobile due to flight; and has just as devastating abilities. So on the Godzilla's side you have three powerful but flawed kaiju, and on Xenilla's you have one very powerful kaiju with no distinct short comings or vulnerabilities. I tried to show this in the castle fight, as where the trio could fight her, Destroyah was able to hold her own against all three of them and still come close to winning just as much as they were.

Q: If you going to turn Godzilla and other kaiju into pony, can you turn twilight and her friend into kaiju too?!
A Could, but won't. The change occurred because the kaiju collided with Equestria's magical barrier, and in the act of forcing themselves through, were shifted into native lifeforms before the barrier broke. In theory if Terra had similar shielding, the same could occur to any ponies sent there. However, this depends on Terra still having large amounts of ambient magic, which it hasn't had in nearly 100,000 years. If a change did occur, it would also be random chance if the ponies got turned into kaiju. Ponies are the most common sentient species in the area of Equestria the six kaiju landed on, hence why most of them turned ponies. For Twilight and company to be kaiju, they'd need be teleported to an exact spot where most sentients on Terra are kaiju, not humans or Mysterians. If they landed anywhere else they'd become humans (come to think it, that situation would be a lot like Equestria girls). So any pony to kaiju transitions would be reliant on astronomical chances.
In addition, a vast, vast majority of this story takes place on Equestria with no way to currently get back to Terra, the kaiju's home world. So even if it was physically possible for Fluttershy to turn into a 100 meter tall behemoth, the method to transfer her to a place such a change could happen doesn't exist yet. And even if it did, 99.9995% of the times she or any other pony 'jumped the bridge', they'd end up human.
So short answer, yes it could happen; but current circumstances make it impossible to astronomically improbable; and I do not plan on it occurring in-story

Q: If you needed to give Junior and Lea human sounding names, what would they be?
A for Junior; Dyrus or Darius, means "Good King" and I think sounds like a good fit. Taking a note from a friend, Lea would likely be ''Seong'' (pronounced 'Song', 'e' in some anglicized Korean words is silent), a Korean name for "Successor"; and I think it just sounds pretty

About 15+ people in the past Two Weeks ask
Q: Will Junior fall in love with Luna/Blade Dancer/Lea? (and some have asked) Please make it canon so the other shippers will stop.
A Let me make this absolutely clear. I did not set out to make any shippings in the characters and all fan pairings are a product of your own interpretation. I like keeping things loose both in plot so I can add hints in and loose in story telling with this regard so people can make the connections they please to fill in the gaps. I currently do not plan on ending The Bridge (yes I do know and outlined the ending) on a definitely "This is the canon shipping" note. I might leave some hints if my view sways to one team or another, but unless something comes around to really change my mind I'm hesitant to pull out the 'Canon Cannon' at any point. I'd much rather all groups and pairings have their fun and enjoy it. After Bridge is done I'm very open to fans writing any spin offs or inspired pieces they wish that continue the story, so why not leave the ending loose enough that a Lea, BD, and Luna shipper could all have their ending they pleased?
Least that's how I see it. As I said earlier I keep a loose plot and might add stuff in officially if I feel swayed to it. But for now this is my decision. I do not confirm nor deny any pairings, and any stories you all feel like writing are welcome.*

*VampyGirl asks
Q: Can we write spin off or sequel stories?
A Yes you can, but for the latter I'd wait until after The Bridge is done first. As for Spin Offs, you are very welcome too but know that if they take place in the future that they may not match up with Bridge's timeline and be non-canon. But if you want it for fun, have at it friends! If I can fit your story in, I'd gladly give it a featuring and shot out in Bridge if you wished. My only request is that for the sake of my younger readers, both for those who may find it themselves and for any who read any stories I feature or shout out to, please keep it PG-13. I can tolerate sex fics, but know that I cannot on a clear conscious endorse rape or torture stories. I can't stop you if you really want to do it, but that's just a wish I'd like to have.
Also if you use any of Faith-Wolff's artwork, please ask her first. She's not unapproachable guys, trust me!~

Azerik asks
Q: What can we expect in the next chapter? (Chapter 14). Also, will we get a Halloween/Nightmare Night chapter?
A Blade Dancer inspired hilarity, Kaiju rumbles, Pretty Purple Teleports, Luna inquiring about aerodynamics, and one very dramatic transformation. And yes there will be a Nightmare Night chapter, with an unexpected protagonist.

Anonymous 3 asks
Q: Is Junior stronger than his father? Just curious because Senior needed back up to take on Xenilla, but Junior can fight him evenly 1v1
A Indeed he is. Junior's extra strength comes from the fact he was mutating into his current state since he was inside his egg on that radioactive island. This meant his body had more time to get used to the changes and adapted to them for greater potential. This is oppose to Senior and the 1954 Godzilla, who mutated near instantly and when already in adulthood.

mjadino8823 asks
Q: Will Xenilla and Destroyah show some good traits during the story?
A: If I say no or yes to this it'll only lead to spoilers. I might be hinting to something, I might just be throwing everyone off track.

BestTitanosaurus asks
Q: Will Gigan 72 Appear? Like, if Gigan dies, can he be brought back as 72?
A: No, but I could easily imagine the early versions of the current Gigan looked like the '72 incarnation before he was upgraded further. One could think of the '72 look as Gigan's original cyborg design and the current look is the most recent version.

Anonymous asks
Q: What could seriously piss Godzilla Junior off?
A: Whatever you do, DO.NOT.THREATEN.OR.BE.A.THREAT.TO.HIS.MOTHER (Biologist Azusa Gojo, Junior imprinted on her after he hatched in her institute. He knows she's not his birth mother, but doesn't care). And now you can guess how this world's version of Trespasser died. They were still cleaning his charred remains out of San Francisco harbor for weeks.

Mustachioed_Xenilla asks
Q: Are Xenilla and King Sombra going to fight? If so, when?
A: There will definitely be cases of characters from one franchise fighting the other as oppose to MLP v MLP and Kaiju v Kaiju rumbles. This battle will be one of them

Vi47 asks
Q: If the kaiju converts or Equestrian royalty ever used a melee weapon, what would it be?
A: Well this is unexpected, but as a weapon nut I couldn't turn it down
Godzilla - Bearded Axe
Xenilla - Broadsword
Destroyah - Halberd
Mothra - Jian sword
Rodan - Tofa
Anguirus - Morning Star
King Caesar - Bo staff
Luna - War scythe
Celestia - Round shield and Gladius
Sombra - Dao sabre
Cadance - Rapier
Chrysalis - Naginata

VampyGirl43 asks
Q: Expanding on previous question, what would be some human-ish names the kaiju might have?
Godzilla - Darius
Xenilla - Damian
Mothra - Seong
Destroyah - Galya or Hilda
Anguirus - Garren
Rodan - Liam
Gigan - Kain
Megalon - Ahbel
Monster X - Merrick
Irys - either changed to Iris (IRL human name) or Ashnah

mjadino8823 asks
Q: If the six main kaiju dressed up for nightmare night, what would you see them cosplaying as?
Godzilla - Colonel Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood)
Xenilla - Alucard (Hellsing)
Mothra - Lady Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Destroyah - Terminator (namesake)
Anguirus - Captain America
Rodan - The Flash (DCAU)

A Random Tumblr anon asks
Q: Will ANY of the kaiju characters eventually pair up with an Equestrian character?
A: Yes...

Another Random Tumblr anon (same guy/gal?) asks
Q: With all this ships flying around, did you ever have a romance you thought about doing but didn't for whatever reason?
A: Actually I did. In the early stages of The Bridge, I was teasing the idea of pairing up Celestia and Junior. I thought their personalities meshed pretty well and could offer some perspective on siblings, given they had exact opposite experiences (one is an older sibling who had a villainous younger sibling with a resolved conflict, the other was a younger sibling who was still at war with an older sibling). And I figured the solar princess needed some love given how much she's had to go through over the decades. However upon reading the 'Reflections' arc in the comics, I was shown a canon love interest for Celestia in the form of the Mirror universe's Sombra. The two went together swimmingly and the fact it was forced to break off at the end via a heroic sacrifice, I kept Celestia ship-less in my story. Both out of respect for canon and if I ever wanted to explore the possibility of her being reunited with her beloved again.

Charedfirescale sets an ask record
1. When will the main Kaiju learn about Casear's adventure in the past?
2. It sounds like Tirek and his brother Scorpan were leaders of an army and planned to conquer Equestria. How exactly do you plan to portray this in your spinoff?
3. Will Biologist Azusa Gojo ever end up in Equestria? And if so what would she be a pony? Or a kirin do to her Asian roots?
4. Will Xenilla ever find love?
5. Will Anguirus be forced to be a baby sister for the foal Gentle Leaf (who appeared early on in the story) and her friends in order to make bits?
6. Will Rodan have some screen time soon?
7. Could you possibly give the antiverse kaiju some screen time and will the enemy kaiju ever get turned into equestrian forms?
8. Will Rodan bump into Gilda and what would happen?
9. Who is the demon behind the operation and what is he?
10. Will Red ever get back to Zenith?
11. Will Trixie appear in story?
12. How will Chrysalis react to learning there is another Queen Changeling out there?
13. Can Mothra's fairy orb companions turn into changeling drones?
14. Will Irysis ever gain the ability to have children and fix her unquenchable hunger?
15. Will Maneiac ever be reunited with her beloved Gigan?

1. Eventually~
2. Pretty sure they came alone, why would they want to split the magical spoils with anyone but themselves?
3. No she'll be staying (safe) on Terra. If she DID come through the portal, I'd think she'd either be a kirin or earth pony
4. Can't confirm or deny, spoilers and because I am a troll
5. Anguirus and Gentle Leaf WILL meet again. However one of said meetings, while they'd get along fine, won't be spurred by benign circumstances
6. Yes, soon as the Crystal Empire arc is done (2 more chapters at most); the Cloudsdale arc will begin with him as one of the protagonists
7. The PR kaiju will be involved in probably the biggest or 2nd biggest fight in the story
8. Might happen if she's around Cloudsdale. Can't exactly say what would happen, but he'd probably not take her smugness and pride too well
9. You'll find out soon enough~
10. Not likely during the story's run. I only asked permission from his creator for that one scene as a wink to fans
11. Likely, not quite sure when but likely. She'll definitely be in the sequel considering its setting...
12. She'd either jump at the chance to try and secure an ally, not knowing how benign Mothra is; or would be enraged about the possibility of competition
13. Not likely given the shobijin (name of the faeries) aren't in Equestria, Mothra can just reach them psychically because of the hole in the dimensional barrier (same reason she could contact Gamera). If they did get dragged through they'd probably be breezies
15. Unfortunately for Gigan, likely. Just not sure when.

Firestorm83 asks
Q: Will there be an arc in the bridge or the sequel in which either EQG or otherwise human kaiju are involved? If so would Aria and Monster X be almost rivals of a sort or would the sirens and "evil" kaiju work together to defeat a common enemy as more of a sensei/student?
A: While I will not spoil the sequel's plot, EG: Rainbow Rocks will be happening during it and Twilight won't be alone this time in going to the human world. Might not be ALL the heroes accompanying her, but she and Spike won't be the only ones jumping through a portal. On another note, just as Irys hasn't seen the last of Sunset; Monster X and Aria haven't crossed paths for the last time. That said, I will give credit that the sensei/student idea is interesting. Considering she remembers him as "Freaky monster-in-a-human suit who stalked her" and he remembers her as "witch who made me fail my master", they prooooobably won't get along. Very good thinking though my friend.

Brony Kaiju Soldier asks
Q: Will Cadence give some of her power over to Xen?
A: Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe not, Maaaaaaaaaybe so. I am a spoilers troll

Moongaze14 asks
1. Will Xenilla and Godzilla, the only two of the carnivorous Kaiju to be turned into ponies, be shown eating meat or fish in front of the ponies.
2. Do Kaiju have enormous appetites
3. Will Junior ever realized that BD is into him in the story or find out about her previous relationships with mares and stallions? Odds are with how clueless Junior is about sex he would be confused about themes like sexuality. Either that or do like Xenilla and not mind it at all. If this question offends, then I apologize.
4. will Discord meet the Kaiju cast?
1. I used a popular fan theory about kaiju biology in that they are basically walking power plants. In other words they have a 'core' that acts as an internal power source and don't eat physical food much anymore. This is why we never saw Senior eat anyone, and only say Junior eat (whales and plants) when he was younger and not fully mutated. Once Junior fully matured, his core took over and acts like a nuclear reactor giving him all the energy he'd need. So in full form they probably wouldn't eat. In their equine form however, given their digestive track changed just as much as their skeleton and muscular systems did; they'd be herbivores now. Like IRL horses they might still be able to eat some meat (horses and cows chew on bones for calcium), but it would taste awful.
2. Given they would eat physical food in their Equestrian forms, and many of said forms are larger than a normal Equestria; it would scale with their size. Destroyah for instance could probably eat three times as much as a normal mare, whereas Rodan would only eat a bit more than a normal gryphon.
3. No offense taken, but I'm throwing up spoiler block out to make it safe for my filly and colt readers. Long story short, Junior is fully aware of what sexual reproduction is and has a basic grasp of monogamous couples. That said he is clueless about romance through and through, and is more or less asexual with no interest in the stuff. He wouldn't be put off by BD's history, he just wouldn't really react or care about it one way or another.
4. Eventually. Admittedly I can't see him having a biiiig role, though to be fair his appearances were very sporadic in season 4; which is when The Bridge takes place.

Raidrik asks
Q: Does Junior, as something of the 'Big Good' of his home world; carry any baggage from being that role? What would he want most in life?
A: Junior is in a similar boat to historic Celestia (one of the reasons I wanted to pair them up at first) in that he's had to confront almost every single threat to the one's he protects for decades a time. Difference is he has no successor. He'd been fighting against the forces of 'evil' on Terra for nearly twenty years, longer and more often than any of his kaiju companions. The role of protector is something he's never asked for but at the same time, can never let go. Most of the numerous battles he's been a part of he could have completely avoided had he not cared about his protectorates. He is fully aware of how powerful he is, but he sees that as his responsibility to use that power to protect innocents less powerful than himself. Because he focuses so much on his power for the protection of others, he's effectively sacrificed his chance at a lasting own personal peace because he can't let go of his duties.
And what's his reward for this duty? He's going to constantly frighten others by the matter of merely being as monstrous as he is and having as much destructive potential as he does. He'll likely never want to fully open up to most anyone because all his remaining family is either a perceived mortal enemy (Xenilla), or someone he can't ever be around for their own safety (his 'mother' Dr. Gozo). It's probably why he only has one very close friend. Heck without Lea, I'd gander that with years of constantly fighting and globe trotting alone; Junior probably would be morbidly depressed or emotionally broken by now. Her aid and comradely is probably the biggest factor behind him being able to act 'normal' in calmer times, even if his selfless need to forgo himself for others is right below the surface.
So in a way, Junior's 'baggage' is being a deconstruction of the 'selfless hero' archetype. Because as noble, courageous, and selfless as he is; he's only reoccurring reward for his good deeds is to do it all again without any thanks, in an endless cycle. He's never had cheers, just more scars to remember. And worst part is? Because of his 'responsibility', he'll never stop putting everyone before himself unless something big happens to change him. I'd say the one thing Junior would want more than anything else in the world is ability to be at peace for more than week or so at a time, and without risking his life between intervals. Maybe then he'd get some lasting happiness or think for himself.

Tl;dr - Junior's Chronic Hero Syndrome makes him think he needs to constantly protect others, but it's cost him his personal happiness. He wants to be able to relax and enjoy life, but his duty gets in the way. It's a case of "I'm not allowed to enjoy myself, I have to act for others."

MoonGaze14 asks
Q: 1. Given that Xenilla was born from DNA of Godzilla Senior that was transported by Mothra's mom, wouldn't take mean that he has that Mothra's DNA as well and be related to Lea?
2. Will Godzilla ever be exposed to the puppy eyes face? Would it work on him?
1. No, Xenilla has no generic relation to Mothra or her daughter Lea. Xenilla was born from a few skin and blood cells that fell away from Mothra mid-flight with none of her genetic material attached. That's not to say something magic might not have been afoot. Something metaphysical did rub off on him, as we'll see in a coming chapter.
2. Given the traits of 'cuteness' (big eyes, small face, etc.) are common to almost all vertebrates, a 'Puppy Dog Eyes' would probably work just as well on a sentient dinosaur (Junior) as it would on a sentient mammal (you). Not sure if that will happen, but not saying it won't.

MoonGaze14 asks
Q: Who would win in a drinking competition? Xenilla or Blade Dancer?
A: Xenilla's larger body size means he'd have to consume a lot more alcohol to get drink an- yep, Blade Dancer would woop his tail

Tumblr Anon asks
Q: How do you and Faith Wolff know each other so well she makes you so much artwork? Did you pay her a lot for so many requests?
1. She does it on her own accord, not because I asked her too. I've repeatedly told her to work as she pleases, and she still likes drawing story art
2. She is a sweet, caring, kindly soul. And I have the honor of being her boyfriend :heart:

MoonGaze14 asks
Q: 1.How do you think Blade Dancer, Cadence, and Shining Armor would react if somebody referred to Xenilla as Space Godzilla?
2. How awkward/confusing would it be for the Equestrian protagonists (Mane 6, royalty, and the guards) if the entire Godzilla family reunited on Canterlot's castle?
3. What would you do when you finish the Bridge series?
4. Would Blade Dancer appear on other works?
5. Finally, if a Blade Dance is a Colonel then why does she takes order from Blueberry Frost?

1. Awkward for them, embarrassing for him. BD would never let him hear the end of it taunting wise.
2. Very awkward and a bit frightening given only three of said family are heroic, most are neutral and would likely just leave; and some are outright evil. Though I do not consider the 'Zillas' part of the actual Godzilla family, given different species. Raiga would be closer to Godzilla then them.
3. Oh I already got ideas for sequels and spin offs in my head if I ever get to them. Bridge isn't running out any time soon.
4. Given she's part of the canon in Bridge, she'd possibly show up in most spin offs of sequels that could involve her. And her use elsewhere is up to other writers given her creator Fiddlesticks put her up as a 'Free-to-Use' OC.
5. Because Equestrian Military ranks differ a bit from Earth's. From what I can tell the guards are more or less like the Equestrian version of the army similar to the US and Canadian Army, abet with a medieval touch. Basically, it seems that because Shining Armor was in charge of the entire guard, that 'Captain of the Guard' in Equestria is roughly equivalent to a General of Field Marshal. Equestrian ranking seems to be a bit different than Earth's, which will come into play if I ever get around to explaining my headcanon about why most female monarchs are princesses and not Queens/Empresses

BestTitanosaurus asks
Q: Well, we had melee weapons, so what ranged weapons would the Charachters use?
A: Well, assuming we're not operating under RWBY logic, I'll keep the modern firearms aside
Godzilla - Iron Crossbow
Xenilla - Iron Crossbow
Destroyah - Blunderbuss
Mothra - Wand and Short bow
Rodan - Atlatl
Anguirus - Hunting Boomerangs and bolas
King Caesar - Yumi Bow
Luna - Repeating Crossbow
Celestia - Sorcerer's Staff
Sombra - Musket
Cadance - Chakrams
Chrysalis - Maleficent's staff :rainbowlaugh:

Tumblr Anon asks
Q: What will the tone of the Valentine's special be? Will this tone carry into the story?
A: Long story short, the Valentine's Day special will be a spoof/joke chapter. While the events will be canon, it won't be required reading for anyone who wants to get through the story. The Bridge intends to honor all aspects of the Kaiju and MLP series, including the sillier moments just as much as the serious and darker moments. While the majority of the story won't be as intentionally comedic, I just wanted to take one chapter to cut loose and have some fun. Chapter following it goes right back to the Crystal Empire, and head fist into one hell of a brawl.

MoonGaze14 asks
Q: 1. Would Mrs. Peachbottom would flirt with Godzilla for being a "King" like she did with Shining Armor?
2. If Blade Dancer overcomes her phobia about Kaijus and regains her attraction to Junior, then how would she react to either meeting Mothra disguised as Junior or meeting Mothra/"Junior" and Junior at the same time?
3. Do you think the ponies would find it awkward when Junior reveals that he came from an egg?
4. Lastly, how do you think the Princesses and the ponies would react if they find out that Angirus and Rodan are 77000 year old while Jr. and Lea are on their early 20s?
1. Possibly, though might be a might more subdued given I'd think Shining Armor be a good deal more handsome by Equestrian standards than Junior is and she may or may not be on the side of the country that is frightened of giant monsters.
2. To an extent she has overcome that phobia a bit, given how she stood up to Xenilla. She's still uncomfortable around them, but she'd currently treat a kaiju convert less like an outright monster and more like a potentially dangerous individual. In this situation she'd be quite confused and bewildered, seeing a female Godzilla (Given Lea can't disguise as a stallion).
3. Quite, or at the very least it would raise a lot of eyebrows.
4. It certainly would be odd for them, given the number of individuals in Equestria as old or older than the Princesses can probably be counted in single digits. It be especially ironic, given that while Anguirus is on a physical and mental maturity of Shining Armor's age or slightly older; whilst Rodan is barely older than the mane 6 in those same regards.

Tumblr Anon asks
Q: Given how the kaiju in the story are full characters instead of vague beings in the movies, what are some of the characters or stories that influenced the some of the cast? Who was one of your favorite kaiju to write out for?
I honestly lost count on all the influences, as many are almost subconscious that I don't notice until after the deed is done.
Mothra Lea was always that magical element in the Kaiju series in light of more science based beings like Godzilla. And given how the Rebirth series emphasized the magical elements in their world, fleshing her out as the wise mage of the group was as natural as her role as a protector. So there were elements of characters like Lady Palutena and Leona. At the same time, she's a younger Mothra and would have an element of genius quirkiness to her. So in effect she's kinda like an older Twilight Sparkle.

Monster X was a very fun character to write for as there was so much vagueness to his character. For all intensive purposes, he's a video game boss in a movie. He shows up at the end of Godzilla: Final Wars (2004) to act as a wake up call fight to smack around a very powerful incarnation of Godzilla, who's curb stomped every fight he's been in so far. But despite his small and out of nowhere appearance, he gave some tantalizing bits to work with. He's got a unique, vaguely humanoid design, uses martial arts somehow, has some Ghidoran ties; and seems to be an absolute last resort WMD. But that vagueness gives a lot of questions to answer. Why would the Xiliens only bust him out as a last resort? Why is he usually sealed inside a meteor? How does he know martial arts? And in a universe that already has a King Ghidorah, what is his ties to that character? (given his creation by Toho was to be a stand in for that character)
And X has a fairly unique situation as a villain in that he's essentially two characters, Monster X and Kaiser Ghidorah that can transform into one another. Transformation that drastic in both appearance and behavior is very rare in that franchise, and there is the question of in the movie of "If X had this form that could very easily overpower his opponents, why didn't he bust it out to start with and was so dead set on fighting in his base form?". And once again, if we're going to have another Ghidorah; how does this character tie into King Ghidorah?
The more I worked to fill in the blanks and answer some of the questions, the more I had myself grinning like a kid at the candy store. There is some Zen-Aku, some Varus, Duskmon, and several other villains and anti-villains thrown in there at different moments.

KrazyFan1 asks
Q: 1. since you said that characters will die.... are you retconning their movie death's?
2. ...that scene...from Godzilla vs Hedorah.....you know what it was.... is that canon to this fic?
A: 1. To an extent. For instance Xenilla/Spacegodzilla's fate was changed to him fleeing the scene under the cover of an explosion just before he could be mortally wounded. Destroyah endured the same fate as her film, but survived the fight in the form of a single microbe stage; a fate that could have logically occurred off screen.
2. Nope. The fic largely follows the Heisei series with bits of the Millennium age. So, no, that scene never happened. The only time Hedorah fought Godzilla or the Terran defender kaiju was during Final Wars.

Charedfirescale asks
Q: 1. Can we hope to see Gilda make an appearance?
2. Will Destroyah ever gain more personality then bored, annoyed and destroy?
3. Will you show what's going on on the other side of the portal?
4. Can we hope to see more of Monster X, Gigan, Megalon, and Irys in non holiday chapters?
5. How are the other nations on Equss dealing with the monster sightings?
6. Will we get to see Xenilla, Godzilla, Blade Dancer, Luna and more of the cast in shippable situations?
A: 1. No promises, but I think I might be able to try something.
2. Yes, all the core 6 kaiju will have their character arcs
3. Possibly.
4. Yes, in fact they are closely tied to a certain villain arc.
5. Word may only recently have reached them, given how all, but Rodan ended up within Equestria's borders; and Rodan was quick to fly to the others.
6. Possibly. Some interpretation as to what is romantic or not might be up to you guys.

MrVoorheese101 asks
Q: This a question that I actually dreamt about last night. Will Jr. meet his BIRTH mother? What I mean is, will Jr. meet the female Godzillasaur that laid him as an egg.
A: Indeed, this is quite the imaginative question. Unfortunately the answer very likely be no, given Junior nor anyone living has memory of her. Both of Junior's biological parents are dead. Additionally, Junior may not have a large drive to know about her or his biological father, given he has little attachment to them despite knowing he's adopted. To Junior, it was those who raised him that made him who he is. Dr. Azusa Gozo is his mother and the 80s-90s Godzilla was his father.

SuperSayainGodzilla asks
Q: One More Question, will there be any Ultraman characters coming to "The Bridge" like the Strongest Ultraman Zero and the Strongest Evil Ultraman Belial? Because would make a Super Awesome Ally to the Kaiju and Ponies, while Belial would make a Super Sinister Ally to the Big Bad's team version of "The Legion of Doom".
A: Probably not. As with BUNCHES of other kaiju and toku properties, I can't add so many more characters to the story without clogging it. As it stands already I got a huge cast between both franchises and adding more would just cluster it up too much.

SuperSayainGodzilla asks
Q: 1.Will Monster X transform into Kaiser Ghidorah?
2. Will the "Big Bad" Villain stay alive until the sequel?
3. And why the Hell would you turn Destroyah into a female Kaiju on Xenilla's team? (that role would fit better for Biollante)
A: 1. I've left a hint to this answer in-story.
2. No spoilers.
3. I've already gone over this several times on several different places, but I'll say it hear to be easier to spot. Destroyah is female because given the traits in the movie, if had to address it with a gender pronoun it be a she and not a he. Toho left Des's gender ambiguous, so I just gave a more direct answer.
Destroyah can join together smaller microbial forms to act like cells to make up the final form as a multicellular organism. This means each microbial form is genetically identical, or else they'd reject each other for the same reason blood transfusions must have the right blood type. And to grow from a single microbe into the swarm to compose the final form, it had to have self replicated. There is a process for this found in nature called parthenogenesis, commonly found in crustaceans and reptiles (note, the two groups Des takes most after). In parthenogenesis, an organism self reproduces. And in advanced lifeforms, this is only found in nature with an unmated mother cloning herself to make daughters. This explains why the swarm could all be genetically identical to fuse. And IRL there are entire species that reproduce this way, due to their male sex going extinct; Des's species or individual being the same isn't unbelievable.
tl;dr - because Destroyah could self replicate, it's undergoing a process called parthenogenesis; which means it's a she.

As for Biollante, her personality wouldn't match at all being a destructive partner for Xenilla. Biollante has a human soul, so she wouldn't join a destructive faction like Xenilla's. She, out of most other kaiju, would very likely be neutral in the kaiju conflicts and try and stay neutral.

Nocturnis Comics asks
Q: Do you think cadence would feel sorry for Xenilla for being a bastard child
A: Possibly. Depends on if she thought Xen felt shame or guilt for being such or not.

Moongaze14 asks
Q: 1. how old are the Main 6 and some of the OCs in the story?
2. Is Junior strong enough to do this: http://godzilla.wikia.com/wiki/File:Godzilla_uproots_Biollante.JPG ?
3. If Asuza Goto were to cross into Equestria, do you think she'd mother Godzilla in front of Luna, the guards (Blade Dancer), and his fellow Kaiju?
4. If Godzilla 2014 were to appear, then how strong would he be when compared to Junior and Zenilla?
5. Who is, in your opinion, the strongest Kaiju in the Kaijuverse and how would he/she fare against Celestia or Discord?
A: 1. I'd put most of the Mane 6, given their EG counterparts, at between 17-19 given Equestrians seem to mature a bit faster than humans. Blade Dancer and Key Ring would both be probably 25-27, with Captain Frost being 27-30. Gentle Leaf is barely in double digits at the oldest.
2. Probably not without going all out. And it be very hard to do without tiring out.
3. :rainbowlaugh: Considering she always kept calling him "The/her baby", probably.
4. He'd probably be physically a bit stronger, but his energy based attacks aren't as powerful. He also seems to have a weaker healing factor. So in an up front fight between G'2014 against either Junior or Xenilla, G'2014 would probably lose but it wouldn't be an easy fight for either of the brothers. I don't want to sound like I'm ratting on the Legendary Picture's version, I love that movie. But larger size (to be fair, Xen or Jr are barely any smaller) doesn't necessarily mean outright more powerful. Junior is just as eager to fight up close and personal, but while he's smaller and lighter, he does have more powers to bring to a fight (like nuclear pulses and more powerful, faster to charge up beams). G'2014 is physically stronger, but I think the sheer force and number of powers Senior's sons have tips the scales back in their favor. G'2014 would beat someone like Anguirus or maybe Gamera, but would probably lose against someone like Destroyah.
5. Our main villain when at full power is second to none. Let that speak for him challenging Equestria's higher ups even if in a transformed form. There is one being who might give him pause however...

Brony Kaiju Soldier asks
Q: Will Jr and Xen have to put their differences aside to stop that creature that took over Red's dimension, and its kaiju army?

Tumblr Anon asks
Q: You mentioned in his profile that Anguirus has some powers locked away. Does this mean he's not at full power? Why is he stuck like that if so?
A: Yes, Anguirus is not at full strength. To put it bluntly, because he was woken up early to fight the spectral godzilla in 2001, when his creators intended him to wake up much later; he wasn't done 'cooking'. Anguirus was the alpha model of the First Civilization's prototype kaiju, meaning he was the first one made. This means he was built a bit differently than latter 'models' like Gamera or Rodan. Whereas they had all their power at the start, Anguirus was made to slowly grow to his full potential as he hibernated. He might still unlock that full might, but for now he's only about at 70% full capacity.

Moongaze14 asks
Q: Will Godzilla ever visit the EG girls world?
A: Possibly. I'm still working out the details of what's going to happen when it comes time for this story's version of Rainbow Rocks and other tales, so it's possible. Would more likely happen in a spin off or sequel however.

Kaizer KingzillaX asks
Q: One question...Godzilla PS3. Will you play it?
A: Once I get a PS3 or PS4, definately

Jacen asks
Q: 1. In view of how different his magic is, can Dischord power up a Kaiju?
2. Would a Kaiju powered by Dischord be bound by the same limits and rules?
3. Would Dischord do so, or would he find it easier/funnier just to transform them into something like their true form?
1. Energy is energy, and in Equestria the most potent and readily available energy is magic. So long as its got benign intent behind it, it'll work.
2. It be more or less the same. They'd be reverted to their true form for 30 minutes to hours at a time until they expend all their energy or timer runs out.
3. While I can't imagine Discord NOT wanting to do this for kicks and giggles, remember that one clause about transforming is the magic has to be benign in nature. If say the convert didn't want to change back at that moment or Discord changing them would cause devastation (such as Junior reverting when he's inside the Castle); it probably wouldn't work. This is the same reason Luna didn't cause Junior to change during their fight despite hitting him with magic blasts. You need benevolence for it to work.

Tumblr Anon asks
Q: Assign each of the ten core kaiju a TVtropes in honor of the tropers
A: With pleasure!
Godzilla Junior - Upbringing Makes the Hero
Xenilla - Genius Bruiser
Mothra Lea - Lady of War
Anguirus - Badass Normal
Rodan - Giant Flyer
Destroyah - The Juggernaut
Irys - Broken Bird
Monster X - Trauma Induced Amnesia
Gigan - The Straight Man
Megalon - Minion with an F in Evil

Moongaze14 asks
Q: How would Junior behave around Asuza if they were both capable of communicating with her as ponies? Also, how would he interact with the psychics/human heroes from the Kaiju movies?
A: Probably quite kind. He was very fond of his adoptive mother as a little one and still is. Granted if she started doing the standard 'mothering' things she did when she was taking care of him as a toddler (light hearted commanding/patronizing and rubbing him on the head), he may be a tad embarrassed. Regardless, Junior would still be very happy to be around family. Can't quite say how he'd be around psychics. He had plenty of experience with them as a youngster, but it be more based off how the individual is.

Tumblr Anon asks
Q: If Azusa Gozo ended up in Equestria, what would she be?
A: I'd imagine a short earth pony mare with a note pad cutie mark. Age wise Azusa would be middle aged by now, so a bit older than the Cakes I'd suppose, but still much younger than Granny Smith. Not sure about colors though.

Mjadino8823 asks
Q: Will Babs Seed make an appearance in the story?
A: Probably, I was planning some pretty big scenes in Manehattan. Not sure how big of a character she may be plot wise, but she will likely show up.

Moongaze14 asks
Q: Will there be a possibility for the Kaijus to enter into the Reflections mirror world? How Mirror Blade Dancer would behave compared with her counterpart or if she'd interact with Junior, Xenilla, or her mirror self? If the Kaijus do visit the Reflections world, will they also have opposite counterparts like an evil Mothra or a kind King Gidorah?
A: I can't spoil anything, but I have some plans in mind to use the alternate realms, Mirror World included in the sequel. A side note I'd like to make is that a Mirror Equestria has counterparts to all of the same 'subrealms' main Equestria does. So there is also a Mirror!EG universe and Mirror!PowerPonies realm.
Mirror!Blade Dancer would have some of the same traits. She'd probably still be a fighter, but would behave completely different. For one, she'd probably be evil guard (possibly under Mirror!Celestia or Luna before they turned good) or an unmoral mercenary. She'd also be very sexually and romantically prudent. Maybe not outright evil, but not a nice mare. Not quite sure however, you might have to ask Fiddlesticks, her creator.
As for Mirror kaiju, that would be a yes. Just as Equestria has a counterpart, so would Terra, the kaiju home world. Considering how Mirrored worlds work off "More good you are in main world, more evil you are in the mirror", I'd imagine something like Mirror!Junior being absolutely vicious and malign if his main world counterpart is a steadfast protector. Mirror!King Ghidorah would probably be his realm's Big Good. Heck for all I know, Mirror!Destroyah has Gamera's title of "Friend of all Children".

Tumblr Anon asks
Q: Will there be a timeline of Equestria for all us less MLP inclined like you did for the Amalgam Universe? If not, can you give an outline?
A: I'm actually working on it now, but I'll give you an outline anyways :twilightsmile:
Just keep in mind some events might be played around as I'm both trying to stick to canon best I can, and the expanded universe (Fiendship is Magic) might help out some.
-Primordial Equestria (Grogar, Anubis, Harmony, etc.)
-Hearth's Warming Eve, Equestria Founded
-Crystal Empire founded under Princess Amore
-Celestia and Luna discovered at toddler and infant age respectively, they are raised by the country and taught by its founders
-Magic accident results in Starswirl reversing his aging from elderly to younger adult years; Celestia and Luna earn their cutiemarks
-Tirek and Scorpan's invasion ensues and is repulsed
-Princess Amore goes missing (likely assassinated) before her Empress coronation and Sombra crowns himself king
-Sombra overpowered by Celestia and Luna, Crystal Empire disappears due to Sombra's curse
-Discord returns and wrecks havoc, alicorn sisters resorting to using Elements of Harmony to imprison him
-Celestia and Starswirl begin some of dimension hoping adventures
-Princess Luna grows in envy and wrath, causing eternal night
-When Celestia asks her to stop, Luna fuses with the Nightmare and becomes Nightmare Moon
-Celestia is forced to use Elements of Harmony on her sibling, imprisoning her, but is severed from the Elements afterwards as a result of using it by herself and against a fellow bearer
-Three sirens, brought to the surface by the Lunar disturbance; feed off the ensuing mayhem caused by Luna's departure as her loyalists attempt to rebel
-Celestia an emotional wreck after losing her sister, so Starswirl investigates the 'hate plague' and subsequently finds the sirens.
-Thanks to his portal experience, he banished them to the human world where lack of magic means they can conquer anything
-Celestia resumes leadership and her dimension hoping with Starswirl, encountering the Mirror world and falling for its version of Sombra
-Eventually Starswirl closes off the portal and passes away
-Celestia rules alone for about a millennium of relative peace, until a filly named Twilight Sparkle is born

Tumblr Anon asks
Q: Why is it Monster X is one of the more moral antagonists, but he remembers so much carnage? Was that city in his dream his home world?
A: Some actions are undertaken with the best intentions and selflessness, but can have terrible consequences.... Doesn't help if someone else is fighting for the driver's seat.

Mugen Kagemaru asks
Q: Please give Lady Harmony more screentime!
A: She'll show up sporadically in due time and I hope you approve of what I have planned for her. While they are a bit spaced out, there are two pretty big scenes I have planned for her that will have huge ramifications on the plot :raritywink:

Nocturnis Comics asks
Q: 1. Why do you keep teasing Xenila and Blade dancer shipping i actually ship it like fed ex but still why
2. How do you think the other will react that Xenilla was technically given birth by mothras mother
3. How do you think the others will react the Jr. And Xen have a sister whose a giant plant moster created by a scientist who tried to clone godzilla and his daughter and is technically the reincarnation of that little girl
4. Can we please have a scene of Biollante acting motherly/sisterly towards Xen msybe even baby him it be flipping adorable please
A: 1. Because I am a robot sent from the future Terminator style for the sole purpose of rustling the shipperbases' jimmies
2. Calling it 'birth' would be a big stretch, but knowing her mother played a role in creating Xenilla and thus worsening her best friend's already bad family situation is a big source of guilt for Lea.
3 & 4. Junior and Xenilla are aware of Biollante's existence (they can all sense members of the same or similar species even across great distances), she however keeps her distance from both. Biollante is a constantly mutating hybrid who is the soul of a young woman inside a monster. As such she keeps her distance from all kaiju, wanting just to be left alone in peace. Both of the brothers respect this wish. So while Bio being mothering (not too out of character considering how her human life as Erika was), probably not going to happen sadly :twilightsheepish:

Moongaze14 asks
Q: So, will Megalon travel to the EG universe next time and meet Sonata? Also, how did Cadence learned how to use a spear? Did she receive guard training along with the magic training of Celestia? Also what would happen if a Kaiju and a pony/Gryphon/Changeling have a foal? Would the foal have a Kaiju form or would it had just enhanced physical abilities?
A: I fear Megalon, Sonata, and Pinkie all being in the same realm at once. I don't think the fourth wall could possibly handle all three of them and they'd break out into real life :rainbowlaugh:
Weapon use with Cadance? She probably did get some training from both Celestia and her fiance/husband. Can't always rely on magic you know.
As for offspring, they'd have a normal admixture in their base form. When hit with enough energy however, they might assume for a form similar to their kaiju parents, abet maybe with a few color changes or differences in appearance. For instance if Anguirus had a child with Blade Dancer, the child's kaiju form would closely resemble Anguirus; but might have a more ivory color scheme with some red accents. And yes they would probably have the same enhanced physical abilities, and might keep a few of their parent's powers.

ThePMB-Brony asks
Q: If the Ultras were to appear in the Bridge Universe, would they be a potential ally or an unintentional competitive threat to the Earth Defenders?
A: Ally probably, given they seem perfectly willing to work alongside benign kaiju; such as their series' later incarnations of Gomora.

Tumblr Anon asks
Q: Why do you have the sirens rising up set so late into the timeline? Didn't they arise during the founding and fed off the three conflicting tribes?
A: Because in this picture we see unsegregated ponies, with all three races pretty well mixed together. And when we see Equestrians in conflict, the conflicting ponies are at odds with their own race as much as they are with others. So I think they came around long after Hearth's Warming Eve. Another reason I put them so late was also to tie them to NMM/Luna's actions. All that toying with the moon would have screwed around with the oceans some, and being marine creatures; the sirens might have been disturbed. This could have brought them closer to land and resulted in they exploiting the ensuing chaos that might have resulted after Celestia was forced to banish her sister. Any who supported Luna might have risen up and declared the elder alicorn a tyrant, possibly symbolized here by a pony with a lunar cutiemark shoving into a pony with a solar cutiemark; hate steaming off them and into the sirens. True this backstory is a bit iffy and might just be me taking playful pot shots at Equestria Civil War/NLR supporters; but I thought it was interesting. Until we get more official word, like Fiendship is Magic's issue on the sirens; it's the best heads or tails I can make of this situation.

Moongaze14 asks
Q: So, will Megalon travel to the EG universe next time and meet Sonata? Also, how did Cadence learned how to use a spear? Did she receive guard training along with the magic training of Celestia? Also what would happen if a Kaiju and a pony/Gryphon/Changeling have a foal? Would the foal have a Kaiju form or would it had just enhanced physical abilities?

Nocturnis Comics asks
Q: Do you think a godzilla based power rangers team could work and be awesome?
A: I think someone's tried that on DeviantArt, looks pretty good

Mjadino8823 Comics asks
Q: 1. Who would you envision as providing the voices of Bagan and Harmony if the bridge were to be animated and you could?
2. Which Kaiju did you find the toughest to come up with a personality for?
A: 1. Probably Michael Ironside (Darkseid in the DC Animated Universe) for Bagan. As for Harmony you might need to ask her creator, Heilos. Though I'd imagine she'd have a very calm, kind of motherly tone not far removed from Nicole Oliver's Celestia or Jayne Grand's Lapras.
2. Probably either Rodan or Monster X. The former actually came to be quickly, but it took me awhile to ponder if it be acceptable that a kaiju could be portrayed as laid back and happy-go-lucky and still be a force in a fight, without p***ing a bunch of people off. Monster X was difficult because their was both so much and so little to go on. I wanted to stick to canon as close as I could with him, so a lot of questions needed answers. Why is he only a last resort weapon? Why is he vaguely humanoid yet is a Ghidorah? How would he related to King Ghidorah if they now shared the same universe? Why does he only turn into Kaiser Ghidorah when he does and not from the start? A lot of explanations were needed and it took some fictional soul searching to find some characters I could emulate.

Sparkfire Comics asks
Q: Who is the most likely to be able deal with Discords' antics without letting him know that they are in fact a giant monster the size of large building: Mothra Lea or Godzilla Jr?
A: Can't answer your first question one way or another, I don't do spoilers. And it be Lea. Junior has less patience for annoyance.

CharedScaleFire Comics asks
Q: 1. Do they serve fish in Cloudsdale?
2. How long has Harmony been mentally active/guided beings from behind the scenes?
3. Will Junior ever learn how to do unicorn magic?
4. Will Xenilla learn how to teleport?
5. I discovered while looking through Wikizilla that Godzilla Senior had another son named Minilla, does he exist in this universe?
6. If Asuza Gojo ended up in Equestria, (I imagine she'd be a Kirin) what would she do?
7. Will we find out how Bagan went from benevolent guardian to, "I WILL DESTROY EVERYTHING!!!!" villain?
A: Cutting down questions due to sheer bulk.
1. No clue, maybe?
2. She's much older than even Celestia or Luna, though only became more active in times of extreme crisis.
3. Maybe.
4. Likely.
5. Nope. 'Senior' refers to the Heisei era Godzilla. Minilla in films was the adoptive son of the Showa Era Godzilla. In Bridge's timeline, the Showa era never happen. Junior and Xenilla are the 90s Godzilla's only 'sons'.
6. Actually she'd probably be an Earth pony if she came through the portal in Equestria. And likely resume her biologist work, after giving Junior a bit of mothering smothering.
7. You think I'd leave that out?

AuthorKnight90 Comics asks
Q: 1. If Nightmare play a role in this, how likely will we get a GMK Godzilla or Ghost Godzilla conflict?
2. How much part of the canon timeline will play into your story?
3. Is Iris (Gyoas) name only a tribute or is a hint of things to come?
4. Where we get to see a clash of Megaguirus and Queen Chrysalis in the sequel?
5. Will Minilla or Godzuki be made mention as a joke?
6. What could top Bagan in the sequel?
7. Will they any Original Kaiju or MLP villians in your Coming sequel?
1. I have an idea of sorts, but the exact 'Ghost Godzilla' we saw in GMK, whom Junior, Anguirus, and Gamera fought in Bridge's timeline probably isn't going to return.
2. I'm assuming you're meaning the MLP canon? If so, then I'm going to try and stick too it much as I can. Given the kaiju entered Equestria Pre-Season 4 finale, some events that occur afterwards (like Rainbow Rocks and Season 5) might be altered a bit.
3. Yes
4. Sequel has bare bones for an outline and still working out the full cast as I want to bring more kaiju in, but not quite finished who exactly and what they do.
5. Possibly, might make for a good idea if I fin an oppritunity
7. While TECHNICALLY all the kaiju are Canon/OC hybrids, given how much fleshing out I had to do at times; I will be avoiding completely original kaiju and MLP villains. I like my canon.

Comments ( 22 )

When will the Next Chapter come?


Chapter is being proofed and illustrated. Probably sometime next week will be the release date

Thanks for the updated answers. I'm always excited when you make a Q&A. I remember that one guy in deviantart made a comment about what would happen if Sonata and Megalon were to meet. So, will Megalon travel to the EG universe next time and meet Sonata? Also, how did Cadence learned how to use a spear? Did she receive guard training along with the magic training of Celestia?


I'll add this to the update later, but I fear Megalon, Sonata, and Pinkie all being in the same realm at once. I don't think the fourth wall could handle it and they'd break out into real life :rainbowlaugh:

As for Cadance, she probably did get some training from both Celestia and her fiance/husband. Can't always rely on magic you know

Ok here's four questions

1. Why do you keep teasing Xenila and Blade dancer shipping i actually ship it like fed ex but still why

2. How do you think the other will react that Xenilla was technically given birth by mothras mother (technically because she was the one who dragged the cells into space)

3. How do you think the others will react the Jr. And Xen have a sister whose a giant plant moster created by a scientist who tried to clone godzilla and his daughter and is technically the reincarnation of that little girl

4. Can we please have a scene of Biollante acting motherly/sisterly towards Xen msybe even baby him it be flipping adorable please

Forgot to ask something. What would happen if a Kaiju and a pony/Gryphon/Changeling have a foal? Would the foal have a Kaiju form or would it had just enhanced physical abilities?

2895061 ok here's question for any godzilla fan.

do you think a godzilla based power rangers team could work and be awesome

Who would you envision as providing the voices of Bagan and Harmony if the bridge were to be animated and you could choose the voice actors?

Here's a question for you: Will Godzilla Jr or any of the Good Kaiju [And Xenilla an Destroyah] gain a special form (as Will their Kaiju selves gain a special form) for the final battle of the current fic.

Also, who is the most likely to be able deal with Discords' antics without letting him know that they are in fact a giant monster the size of large building: Mothra Lea or Godzilla Jr?

Alright I've got a few questions.

Will we find out how Bagan went from benevolent guardian to, "I WILL DESTROY EVERYTHING!!!!" villain?
Do they serve fish in Cloudsdale?
How long has Harmony been mentally active/guided beings from behind the scenes?
Will the Diamond Dogs Rover, Fido and Spot make an appearance?
If the ten core Kaiju had pets, what would they be?
Will Junior ever learn how to do unicorn magic?
Will Angurious ask Kai Seong on date?
Do Angurious and Destroyah make anything while working on the farm and if they do how much?
Will Xenilla learn how to teleport?
I discovered while looking through Wikizilla that Godzilla Senior had another son named Minilla, does he exist in this universe?
If Asuza Gojo ended up in Equestria, (I imagine she'd be a Kirin) what would she do?

I been reading your story, loving it by the way. Anyway I been need to ask several questions just In case I'm might not get some answered.

1.If Nightmare play a role in this, how likely will we get a GMK Godzilla or Ghost Godzilla conflict?

2.How much part of the cannon timeline will play into your story?

3.Is Iris (Gyoas) name only a tribute or is a hint of things to come?

4. If King Ceasar does appear later in the story will you explain where he has been at so long? Will He return to Terra? If not, why isn't he in the present, since he suppose to be a living statue in the Azumi family?

5. Will junior have a Simbra and Mufasa moment with his father spirit coming to encourage him?

6.Where we get to see a clash of Megaguirus and Queen Chrysalis in the sequel?

7.Will Minilla or Godzuki be made mention as a joke?

8.What could top Bagan in the sequel?

9.Will they any Original Kaiju or MLP villians in your Coming sequel?

10.This could be the most important question in your story, You still with Me? are you sure? You really really sure? Are you Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Absolutely positively Super doper sure about it? Yes, O.K. here we go. In hail deep breath.......Who will gonna get the ticket for a date at the grand groping gala? Also what will do do with Flash Sentry x Twilight Sparkle?

What exactly did Xen see when Sombra introduced him to his greatest fear?

I have two more questions to add.
Will the 6 main Kaiju be exposed to Poison Joke at some point in the story? If so, what would be the effects it would have on each of the Kaiju?
The second question is about Bagan. You mentioned in some questions that Bagan is the most powerful Kaiju in the storyline, but he got sealed away by Mothra and Battra in the past. I want to ask how did those two managed to defeat Bagan? I mean the guy managed to overcome the evil Kaijus without using his full power and with telepathy to boot. Meanwhile, the original Mothra and Battra are weaker than their successors given that their kind gives birth to stronger Mothras and Battras, which would indicate that Lea could have probably beaten Bagan in the past, so I find it difficult to believe that they managed to overcome the guy. Does that mean that Battra became more powerful while he was trapped?

I wanted to say this after the last chapter. However, I forgot.

Congratulations on two years and running strong on this story dude. I wish I would have stumbled on this story two years ago. What I'm guessing from reading your blogs, if its not even half way through, hot damn this is the longest story I've read. Thumps up to you man.


I'll put this in the answers later, but the jist of it was that
1. Bagan is a bit stronger now than he was in the past
2. There was a BUNCH of Mothra and Battra at the time, I'm talking pretty much a whole swarm/flock of them. I'm talking bare minimum of a few dozen each. Even then he killed all but two of them before being sealed away.

Awww thank you :twilightsmile:
I'm glad to have entertain for almost two year straight now, always brings a huge smile to my face on how many people have had a good time reading my story.

Which Kaiju did you find the toughest to come up with a personality for?

Will there be something in a future chapter that will imply about King Ghidorah's origins if you've thought up an origin for him?

Do you plan on making a chapter that goes back to Jr's grandfather's time?

Do you watch just the dubbed versions of the movies, or the subtitled ones as well? I ask, because I recently got the Rebirth of Mothra trilogy on Blu-ray and saw the subtitled version for the first time. Unless I missed it, Mothra Leo was never refered to as male in the subtitled version, but rather with gender-neutral pronouns (it instead of he or she.) Personally, I suspect the whole "Male Mothra" bit comes entirely from the dub into english.

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