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Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!

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I dun goofed · 7:06pm Nov 20th, 2015

Do you remember when I wrote the innocent, Everyone rated foalcon rape story and they made me use the Mature tag on it? It happened again!

When I opened my story today, I saw this:

This dragon is forgetful at times, but I think I'd remember if I wrote 'Obselescence' as a long description of a story.

I turned to the mod, who is, coinsidently, also named Obselescence.

I thought there had been something wrong with my beautiful description. It turned out that it was just an obscure bug that changes a description with the username of the one fiddling with the story. Thanks, knighty!

Anyways, my teen rated story Celestia Visits Nightmare Moon is not teen anymore, but mature. I guess describing how a bone brakes is going way into the mature territory.

Brace yourselves, everypony. This is a NSFW blog, and I’m about to post a very NSFW picture from the extremely NSFW show :pinkiegasp::

I've now fixed the description of the story. Luckily, I had it saved offsite.

The story is about Celestia, talking to Nightmare Moon. Not much of anything else happens in it. For those of you who read the story; do you really think it was that mature?

Comments ( 14 )

ermahgurd! ma eyes! teh bone is broken! i has been scared!! i now haz -insert untreatedable illness here-!!


That's happened to me before too!

I didn't find it that... Gorey, the decription of the bone(s) breaking. It might have to do with all the names. But it did not seem like it needed to be marked mature. Trust me, people are called worse in high school and I've read fics with more gore that are marked teen.

I wouldn't know, reading the description (not "Obselescence" but the full when you first published) disgusted me so much I just downvoted it on virtue of the description alone.

What in the world? Okay first off, obelescence. What the literal heck? I don't understand this at all, second. What kind of picture features a bone broken?

3556297 Swearing in the story only gets you as high as teen, not mature. So, I assume it was the few lines of gore that was the issue. It probably wasn't the sexual molestation in the beginning. I can't see why anypony would find that distasteful.

3556486 What disgusted you so much about my description? Was it so badly written?

Or was it that you didn't like the concept? Do you think even the best story in the world should be downvoted if it features a concept that you're not that fond of or a character that you don't like? In other words, it doesn't matter how good of an author you are, even if you utterly suck at writing, as long as you're producing some popular ships?

3557144 The NSFW picture is from the show.

3557531 That you wanted to shove a review down my throat in the description.

3557889 But some people prefer to see a review of the story before they read it. It's like when you see a commercial of a product and you can check what the actual users are saying. I've also marked it properly: 'What readers are saying about this story'.

I know many people that first read the comments of the story, before they read the story itself. I tried to ease their work, so they could have all relevant information in one place.

Do you not think somepony could have found the opinions of others helpful? I wish to understand your thought process that you had when you saw the story. Should I have warned for the possible spoilers? Would that make it better? I wanted to help the readers, not hurt them. I'm sad to hear that I managed to do so.

3557966 The first I have to metion is that I'm follwing you because.... let me see your stories... ???!!! would you believe me I don't remember why? Anyway, that means I got a message of your story in my feed when you published it. As normal, I may or may not read stories from there depending on the summary they give, no problem there.

You see, story reviews aren't shown when shown in the feed. That's what I mean when I feel you were trying to shove them by my throat. If I wanted to read more, or check reviews I'd have followed the link and get to the comments section proper, however with your play I got a double bad impression: first, you mentioned a commercial analogy, and I definitely dislike commercial spam when I don't want to watch them (I'm making a distinction between a description versus a commercial, even if both are trying to sell an idea or product); second, if you have to force a review then you are telling me you aren't sure about your own story. Why should I read it in the first place then?

3558143 I'm following you, also, so I guess we liked each other at some point. :trollestia:

Anyways, all authors wish to sell their stories. It's the reason why they published them. Like every other author, I have a stake in the matter, so I can't be trusted when I tell you that the story is awesome and you should read it. A comment or a review from a third person, however, can be somewhat trusted. It's the only thing in the description that is independent of me and my views. I thought potential readers would like that, not hate it.

Would it help if I pack it in some different way? Like giving it a spoiler tag or having the text blackened until you hover over it. I feel that opinion of readers are important to other readers. That's why that section exists.

I'm sorry if you feel that I tried to manipulate you or force an opinion on you. I merely tried to relay some extra information to you that I thought was very relevant to the story.

I’m sure that you’re not the only reader who feels this way, that’s why I’m trying to find a way that would satisfy all parties involved.

In what universe is that classified as NSFW? Surely not this one as its a cartoony image with little accuracy to logical bone structure. Meaning it's perfectly fine. In some way...so please refrain from using NSFW to describe a cartoon x-ray....

3558398 Why did my story have to be marked mature then? All I did was write a few sentences about how bones brake.

So to answer your question. In the universe where my story needs to be marked mature, the show My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic also needs to be marked mature.

If you don't see the need to label MLP images as mature then, perhaps, you also wouldn't see the need for my story to be marked as mature.

I think... I think the turning point for me was putting the reviews at lenght[1], when it changed in my eyes from "description" to "spam." If your fic was showcased in the Featured Box/EqD/RCL/etc. it's great, more visibility for you; the main difference in those cases it's they are usually a single line each, short and to the point.

[1] ok, maybe not at lenght because I never saw the full reviews, but still some dozens worth of words.

So... turning the quotes into links? I'm not really sure either.

3558935 Thank you so much for your feedback. I would have never even think about these aspects had you not told me about them.

I've changed the parts that irked you to:

If you’re still undecided about this story, have a look at what the readers are saying about it:

This story is great, I love how you depicted Celestia and Luna’s characters! The vague mystery strewn throughout the story is brilliant ~Plagueboy23

overall it is so well written and beautifully made. That it confuses me why it receives so many downvotes. ~Starlight Uplifting

You probably still feel this is spammy, and somepony else might feel the same way about it, but I hope it's at least not as irking as it was before.

I like your feedback. You can, if you ever want to, feel free to criticize any other stories of mine also. I don't mind bettering myself. :twilightsmile:

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