• Member Since 4th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 18th, 2022


Don't be afraid to PM me or leave a post. I always try to reply! I pray that my penchant for quirky action far outshines my clunky authorship. (I regularly purge personal/update blog posts.)

More Blog Posts17

  • 231 weeks
    What a mess of my work!

    Oh, I definitely didn't forget about anything. I still pop in and check on stuff. As usual, life comes at you fast. Distractions, depression, cosplay, my best friend's life falling apart overnight (that was nuts), holidays, yadda yadda...

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    2 comments · 538 views
  • 257 weeks
    Have a chapter 57!

    I gotta catch up on the show soon. People I follow keep posting screen caps, and I should probably get some more cool cartoons in my TV queue after I finish One Punch Man season 2.

    Pretty much just working and playing PoE semi-casually. Dragon Con is coming up, and my hype cannot be quantified for going again this year (in costume!), granted I'm a little tired as I type this. lol

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    0 comments · 462 views
  • 267 weeks
    Chpt. 56 escapes the void!

    "Is that a fucking update!?"

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    3 comments · 500 views
  • 303 weeks
    [Per.] New job, Dragon Con, and not dead, yet!

    Just a quickie:
    Started a new job not too long ago. Pays much better than previous one. 9~ hour days (rip). I don't work super late anymore (6 pm at the latest, instead of 10 pm).

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    0 comments · 414 views
  • 319 weeks
    Chapter 55; Rage post edition.

    A new chapter here, with the insurance of the usual accompanying blog post, so that it isn't missed.

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    0 comments · 501 views

199 Followers. How many of you are active? :3c · 8:52am Apr 8th, 2016

Wow... I don't pay attention to my follower count so much as the Favorites (which is mostly used as a "Read It Later" over the actual Read It Later function). Often times, TQP is favorited and followed simultaneously, but I never badger to know readers' intentions.

As I've said in the past, I actually check the profile page of everyone that favorites my stories (Iet's face it: it's just the one at this point), even if it's just a quick glance. So, thank you for you following me, favoriting my story(ies), or actually reading them (:D). This goes out to all the blank accounts, shy users that don't comment or do more than read (that's totally okay!), bigger and better authors, and interactive readers that have large fanbases, as well as to all the groups that add and promoted my story across the site. (For the record, I've never personally added TQP to any groups, so I leave that to anyone that wants to add it whichever ones they feel are appropriate.)

(Old Imgur Link: Here)
(Extra Note: WELL GOLLY, my little easter egg in the Photobucket version is barely visible due to how small it is. Check Imgur for full resolution.)

PS: MS Paint's JPEG function is pretty weak, but it's faster than firing up Photoshop for a better render. This was just something I thought I'd throw up quickly before I drop the next chapter before too long.

And to anyone that doubts their writing or is worried about starting out:

You're probably not going to be very good starting out, but you know what? Who cares? I was terrible, and I knew it, and I still had fun writing and imagining. There's lots of people and resources in the fandom to help you get better and tell the story you want to tell. I started with journal entries and a Ben 10 fanfic (I got like 2 pages in before becoming more fascinated with MLP at the time. lol), and now I've written quite a lot and grown in skill along the way. I'm still an amateur of course, but I'm super proud of where I'm at with casual learning and some passion. If I wasn't so lazy I'd probably be even better (or have at least have finished TQP by now. Who knows?).

PSS: I feel obligated to include this video with the above picture.

Comments ( 29 )

I am horrifically behind.

~Skeeter The Lurker

First of all: Imgur blocks Fimfiction for some reason so all the pictures come up as broken.

I use a "read it later, reading, have read" type of system. "Favourites" is reserved for just that: favourites. From my own non-scientific research I've come to the conclusion that most users still use "favourites" as a catch-all.

As someone who has not produced any fanfics myself I'm a bit curious about what kind of information and notifications authors get when someone adds a fic to a bookshelf. I've gotten the occasional message from an author thanking me for favouriting a fic when all I did was to move it from "read it later" to "reading".

I haven't read The Quiet Place yet and judging by it's position in the list it's been sitting in the "read it later" bookshelf for a while. Hopefully I'll get to it som day. I try to keep the list from growing too long. "Too long" in this case is over one hundred which is still an intimidating amount of horse words.

3856234 Tor being addictive there in? (recognise the warrior storyline fellow)

But yeah, though the story is in my read later is, large.

Read later list


Baras is a fucking beast. Plus a chess master. Which is also awesome.

~Skeeter The Lurker

3856381 And goes out whining like anakin in episode 2, which is a shame. I always loved the reversal for LS and your apprentice. So much fun to be a total arsehole, and twist the code like a knife. (I love the warrior storyline too.)

I'm here!
Have been... not quite since the beginning, but for a very long time.

I'm not here. I no longer exist!

I use favorites as a "read it later" as well. I actually have not started it, it's on my list of "I'm interested but I will wait until it's finished" fics. I love nightmare moon and the cover art is what drew me to it.

Wow, I didn't expect that many to respond. lol

3856248 I don't have any bookshelves myself, since I read an odd story here and there. TQP's list of groups displays underneath in a compact menu, which is up to 24 now, and I don't receive any notifications for anything related to those. I get notifications for Read It Later, Bookshelf additions, Favorites, and Watches.

Also, I see the image fine. Right clicking on it and opening it in a new tab gives the full resolution. I can move its upload elsewhere, though.
Edit: I moved it to Photobucket and put the Imgur link underneath.

3856450 You're one of the longer running readers of the story for sure, along with Friend of Bronies and Xaldon Ajide that I can think of off the top of my head. :p I still wish I didn't accidentally deleted the first set of comments on the story when I uploaded the first revisions. The first actual comment was by someone named Darkhorse, but they never posted more than once.

3856682 That could still be a while still. I would say that the next chapter puts the story at somewhere around 75% complete, roughly.

3856813 There you are. :>

3856843 It is wonderful having you back and writing again.

That you actually remember who is and is not long-time readers is really surprising. But also makes me happy to know that You actually do remember me and others :>

3856859 I never left. :p I've been more active lately on account of being hit with night schedule and most of my friends doing other things. One of my best friends plays other games, 2 of them work way awkward schedules, and another moved to Germany about 2-3 months ago. I haven't really distracted myself as much as I used to with games, since I quit playing a bunch of them. Currently, I'm only occasionally playing Black Desert, and actively playing Heroes of the Storm again (yay rank 2 again).

Tbh, LoL was the reason I didn't write as much, while simultaneously the reason I wrote a lot, back in the day. I'd write between matches and waiting on friends, but back-to-back playing it in marathons kept me from doing the brunt of writing. xD Later, it was because I got back into hardcore raiding in WoW (which I stopped cause my work scheduling became terrible against my sleep and guild annoyances).

Dark Souls 3 is coming, and hopefully right around my vacation (which got postponed due to Easter).

3856877 I read all the comments cause I like to reply. You see pretty quick who regularly comments. :D

If you're reading my story, pm me and I'll share you the first three original chapters. Then you can see how terrible I was.

3856880 Dark souls 3 comes out on the 11th.
Gonna be awesome.

Hmm... that's true.
Sometimes you wish more people would comment, though, right? At least that's how I feel <.< Only 1 or 2 comments pr chapter makes me sad when I have a couple hundred readers :<

TQP has been on my "You might also like..." list for a little over two years now. Time sure does fly.

Ah hell, I didn't even know I wasn't following you! Lemme fix that.

Darnit, why wasn't I following you yet?!

3857038 Heh, sometimes. However, when I think about when I was reading ATFN I would typically only comment on where I left off reading for the night, before reaching current (at the time).

3857330 It sure does. I started jotting some rough ideas for this story down way back on August 31st, 2011 (the oldest date on its brainstorming file). I must've started writing it during that or shortly after, since the dates on the first three chapters are 8/1/2011 (with the next two only a day after each other).

3857587 3857792 I'm not terribly interesting, I swear! My own blog posts tend to be barren on account of periodic purges.

No worries. I've not updated any stories of mine since... this time last year? Other than my collab prompt one. I've got maybe half a dozen blog posts ever posted.

Believe me, I know how you feel.

Oh. I'm actually glad to have read this blog entry!

I'm quite new here, and I actually didn't even know you could get notifications when one of your stories is added on "Read it Later"!
It seems you are also notified when it is added on a "custom" bookshelf, and you can even browse it (just saw that a couple of minutes earlier).

I just use the 3 default bookshelves (Read it Later, Favourites, Tracking) as intended -- I put yours in "Read it Later" because the description really looks interesting, so I'm sorry I can't say I'm one of your followers (yet? :))
Also, I don't update the lists story by story -- I use a script to convert them to epub, read a bunch of them, then update the lists.

Thanks for the info!

3858347 No problem. One thing that bugs me is that custom bookshelves don't come with some kind of viewable note feature. Often times people will have peculiar names and there isn't a lot of similarities between the stories within.

I'm the kinda guy who usually only comments if I found something really worth pointing out. Like one awesomely hilarious section of a scene, or something similar.

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